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Shaolin monks
What's next? Invisible ninjas?
What if I don’t want to go to China to learn martial arts?
@JF Doom on you
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Offensive body detected: how to make an 8 by 8 playable grid in python by LordMorgan on stackoverflow.com (@quartata)
tp- by MAR
@SmokeDetector What's up with insulting the fourth close voter? If anything, I'd insult the first or the commentator
You're out of luck! :p
tpu- by MAR
@Andy OK NOW it will work
@M.A.R. 4th close voter is also an editor on that post, which is probably why
OK, I might consume like a little bit of API quota testing this NG thing here
no you won't
API quotas are per-IP
test away
I.... did not know that
I thought they were per-key?
per key and per IP
Well, OK then
oh, and you're gonna wanna do another git pull, @quartata
Last commit was mine anyways so yeah definitely
Did you get my ping
Yeah. I've never gotten that error before; did you get it to work?
I don't know what it means since I don't know a lick of Swift
but I find it odd it occurs when linking
-Xswiftc -lwebsockets -Xswiftc -I/usr/local/opt/openssl/include -Xswiftc -I./libwebsockets/include -Xswiftc -L./libwebsockets/lib -Xlinker -lwebsockets -Xlinker -L./libwebsockets/lib
That should be right, right? It's just the same as how I'd do clang but with the appropriate -Xswiftc and -Xlinker for the different stages
If it matters at all this is pre_compile:
git clone --recursive github.com/warmcat/libwebsockets libwebsockets

cd libwebsockets
../cmake/bin/cmake .
And this is post_compile:
mkdir /app/.firealarm
cp filter.json /app/.firealarm/filter.json
Should I try again
I'll start a Travis build, you want to wait till that's done so we know if it works?
I don't need to pull anything presumably since that's a different package
@NobodyNada Eh, sure.
I don't see it on Travis so let me know when it finishes
All right, compiling slug
It'll take a while to upload to Heroku since I'm bundling cmake with it and that's ~100 MB
will ping you when it's done
also, if you don't copy blacklisted_users.json to the ~/.firealarm directory, the bot will crash because of too many errors when you start it. It shouldn't do that, but it happens
Well good thing you told me that now
I'll modify post_compile to copy that one over too
@quartata you also have to copy reports.json, sorry
I thought I fixed that
@NobodyNada when felix ran it last, it wasn't fixed. Don't know after that..
Anything else?
@quartata don't think so
location.txt and redunda_key.txt
ooh yes
Don't have a Redunda key yet but I'll copy location over
@Ashish I think we should change the location.txt format so it uses a slash as the delimiter instead of the space
Does that go into .firealarm?
you need the following format for location.txt:
@NobodyNada seems sensible
<stack exchange username no spaces><space><name of your device>
Yep did that already
ok, cool
@NobodyNada could you add quartata as a collaborator in Redunda?
Or, maybe we could have Redunda send the location name
@AshishAhuja let me see if it runs first
@AshishAhuja Once he logs in there
naa- by DavidPostill
@NobodyNada that's an interesting idea, though there still will be a file as I was implementing a pingonerror command felix requested, which I will complete after the refactor
What a coincidence I just thought yesterday to add pingonerror to NG
@AshishAhuja That would preferably be a part of the ChatUser though, not in a separate file
@NobodyNada so you mean I change the format from pingonerror <true|false> to pingonerror <user> <true|false>?
@AshishAhuja No; store the preference in the ChatUser
See the extension in Utilities.swift
all righty it's building
crosses fingers
@NobodyNada ahh, makes sense.
It compiled!
All right moment of truth
O.o strawberrynet gives away customer full name and address if you have the email address... no password.
Scaling dynos... !
 â–¸    Couldn't find that process type.
the heck?
That means I must have done my Procfile wrong
Should we hold out for more? https://t.co/KwwFWxQ0KQ
Oh woops I see the problem...
Well it's all good anyways
Since apparently during the deploy Heroku nuked .firealarm
I have to do it as part of the startup not post compile
no biggie
@NobodyNada btw, your RPi just went down
I've submitted a Redunda PR to include the location name in the response to the status ping
> Scaling dynos... done, now running worker at 1:Free
So let's see if this works
> 2017-04-29T16:09:18.252402+00:00 app[worker.1]: FireAlarm: error while loading shared libraries: libwebsockets.so.10: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
So I take it it's dynamically linked then
Because I didn't save the libwebsockets artifacts
No it's there
Just not in the library path
I have to go to bed now; see you tomorrow!
@ArtOfCode As it happens I'm very unlikely to shop for beauty products so I don't need an account there :)
@quartata Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the directory containing the .so
That's what I'm doing now
@ArtOfCode O_O
that's a nuisance
I think the buildpack is overwriting the LD_LIBRARY_PATH when the instance starts, so I'll set it in the Procfile instead of as an environmental variable in the config panel
@quartata btw, you may wanna use this script for running FireAlarm to reboot during crashes (which happen normally few times a day)
now really afk
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in answer: How to lock a Google Document? by mike on webapps.SE
tpu- by J F
@AshishAhuja Don't need it, Heroku will restart workers if they crash
But thanks
@QPaysTaxes cough rails
cough nails ;)
doesn't have database stuff yet, unfortunately
or I would have suggested it too :)
@QPaysTaxes I have no idea what those are :)
I'm guessing by "graph" you don't mean a pretty thing with neat lines and lots of data
In mathematics, and more specifically in graph theory, a graph is a structure amounting to a set of objects in which some pairs of the objects are in some sense "related". The objects correspond to mathematical abstractions called vertices (also called nodes or points) and each of the related pairs of vertices is called an edge (also called an arc or line). Typically, a graph is depicted in diagrammatic form as a set of dots for the vertices, joined by lines or curves for the edges. Graphs are one of the objects of study in discrete mathematics. The edges may be directed or undirected. For example...
oh that sort of graph
@Cerbrus Feel free to mark that issue as a "feature request", instead of as a "bug", it depends how you look to it, since its a "feature" of browsers to show a proper error message
well it'll be interesting to see how that works with the kind of project you're proposing... I'd've thought a relational database would work better, really
webhook and user models, plus whatever else is in it
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body, repeated URL at end of long post: all things considered debilitated from using Lumivol by Ocielaro on drupal.SE
tpu- by J F
@ArtOfCode I'm not getting redirected to HTTPS, when I use curl to verify the headers, I'm not getting any Location header that redirects me.
@Ferrybig HSTS is client-side. The browser is told to connect via HTTPS until the header expires.
I'm actually running it in the command line right now
But I will run it in Xcode
demo.ctn? I didn't get anything
tester_debug reports though:
Testing code_block...      42 succeeded.
Testing data_stack...      50 succeeded.
Testing method_map...      67 succeeded.
Testing object...          =================================================================
==17682==ERROR: AddressSanitizer: global-buffer-overflow on address 0x00010004b1e7 at pc 0x0001001772f8 bp 0x7fff5fbfef10 sp 0x7fff5fbfe6c0
READ of size 8 at 0x00010004b1e7 thread T0
    #0 0x1001772f7 in __asan_memcpy (libclang_rt.asan_osx_dynamic.dylib:x86_64h+0x4d2f7)
    #1 0x1000080b0 in ctno_literal object.c:13
What's wrong with it?
> READ of size 8 at 0x00010004b1e7
> 0x00010004b1e7 is located 0 bytes to the right of global variable [...] of size 7
I'm not sure I understand very well; how do you want it to present the information?
@Ferrybig yeah, you shouldn't get a Location header, just the Strict-Transport-Security headers
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body, repeated URL at end of long post: Smooth Lumivol Revive Lumivol Advanced Lumivol by Mustionown1953 on superuser.com
tpu- by DraconicPenguin
@QPaysTaxes SpiderMonkey :-D
You can run jQuery inside SpiderMonkey :-D
@ArtOfCode bug: when I visit charcoal-se.org, it stays there, even after ctrl+f5. Firefox
Bah, HSTS doesn't work like I thought it did.
@JanDvorak visit the HTTPS version once, and it'll record the HSTS header and send you there for future HTTP hits
It should redirect me even if I don't visit the HTTPS site
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Repeating words in body: [readcted\\$1[readcted\\$1[readcted\\$1 by Anon on math.SE
@JanDvorak that's not how HSTS works, apparently
It is...
No, it's how preloaded HSTS works, but we're not important or old enough to be on browsers' default preload lists.
tp- by DavidPostill
I guess you're supposed to just redirect then
non-preload HSTS leaves you open to first-request MITM, but that's better than anytime MITM without HSTS
no can do
Because you'd break stuff?
can't verify yourself for SSL certs if you have no HTTP
@ArtOfCode hm...
You can still use self-signed
@JanDvorak and nobody will trust you :)
They shouldn't even if I use HTTP
@quartata Good news and bad news
set up self-signed HTTPS -> get cert over self-signed HTTPS -> set up verified HTTPS
Good news! It works running daemon.py
Bad News...it runs twice:
H:\Development\SmokeDetector-ng\src>py daemon.py
Store password:
2017-04-29 12:49:49,340 -     INFO - smokey_logs  - Started via 'daemon.py'
2017-04-29 12:49:49,340 -     INFO - smokey_logs  - Started via 'daemon.py'
Store password:
2017-04-29 12:49:58,793 -    DEBUG - smokey_logs.chat - Loading rooms.json
2017-04-29 12:49:58,793 -    DEBUG - smokey_logs.chat - Loading rooms.json
2017-04-29 12:49:58,793 -    DEBUG - smokey_logs.chat -    Room loaded: {('stackexchange.com', '1')} => ['debug', 'commands']
However, it looks like it's getting rate limited, because it's only posting a single message to chat:
in Sandbox, 3 mins ago, by Zephyr
[ SmokeDetector-ng ] SmokeDetector-ng started at revision ebb64dd.
@QPaysTaxes package.json huh? pokes nails back into the potential-tech queue
Sorry for the drive by update, but I have other things to do this afternoon.
If you are interested, I'm still using my logging branch: github.com/AWegnerGitHub/SmokeDetector-ng/tree/Branch_logging
@QPaysTaxes it doesn't support any databases
but that means you can pick your own
@Andy what on earth
are you sure that's not a thing in your logging?
I can't think of a rational explanation for that
@ArtOfCode Do you still have the experimental DB stuff? If so, can you push it to a branch?
@JF fraid not
I never got anywhere useful with it
Task: Find out if sqlalchemy.ForeignKey supports column references as strings instead of ORM class field references.
Option 1: Look at documentation.
Option 2: Spend 10 minutes in a console hacking with sqlalchemy's internals via inspect and reflection using trial and error.
One guess which one I picked.
of course
@quartata I doubt logging it making it run twice. It doesn't do it via entry.py. So it's something in daemon.py that does it
Removing logging from daemon and entry doesn't change anything. Still runs twice
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer, blacklisted username, link at end of answer: Delete redundant {x,y} pairs by ALAT PEMBESAR PENIS on mathematica.SE
tpu- by MAR
@Andy norepro on current commit on master
Secret store not already open: started without daemon?
Store password:
chat.send_to_room: SmokeDetector-ng started at revision [cdff081](github.com/Charcoal-SE/SmokeDetector-ng/commit/…).
run daemon.py, that's when I get it twice
@Andy still norepro
how long between messages being sent are you seeing?
0, okay. Yeah, norepro.
I'm not concerned about that right now. I'm concerned that when I run it, the very first thing it does it print the log message twice
Just a second, I'm recloning master
Same thing with a fresh clone of master. It is asking for the store password twice:
H:\Development\SmokeDetector-ng-1\src>py daemon.py
Store password:
Store password:
@Andy definitely norepro. Have you got a process hanging on from a previous run? Kill everything Python from task manager and try again, maybe?
Brand new python process running this: gist.github.com/AWegnerGitHub/863bede611ff3ea134c2d915636f050b Notice the two new print statements, one before open_store and one as you enter __main__
This is the output
H:\Development\SmokeDetector-ng-1\src>py daemon.py
Running from daemon.
Store password:
In main...
Running from daemon.
Store password:
@Andy clearly, something's running that entire file twice
what's py?
python 3
more importantly, how is it different from regular python
python $@ & python $@?
Q: In CMD "python" starts Python 3.3, "py" starts Python 2.7, how do I change this?

TomhaBrand new Python, just getting things set up and installed before I start messing around with things. My understanding is that there are some notable differences/incompatibilities between Python 2.7 and Python 3.3, though both versions are well used, so I thought it best to install both (In their...

On my system, py is configured to start python 3.6.1
I get tired of typing python3
@Andy humour me and do it once, just to rule it out?
Do what?
python3 daemon.py
Not configured as a command
> 'python3' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
But, I could have told you that :)
H:\Python36\python.exe daemon.py then :P
Running from daemon.
Store password:
In main...
Running from daemon.
Store password:
Try putting import pdb; pdb.set_trace at the top of daemon.py and debugging.
okay... what's the output of H:\Python36\python.exe -m pip show python-daemon
@ArtOfCode Nothing
The only thing I can think of is a bug in Process.join
Actually not even that
secrets wouldn't reopen
...I have a hunch. @quartata what's python3 --version for you?
I usually run it with 3.5
But I'm pretty sure it works on 3.6, that's what Thomas uses
What exactly is your hunch
@Andy do you have 3.5 on your machine?
Store password:
Exception ignored in: <generator object _installed_safely.__exit__.<locals>.<genexpr> at 0x0000028AFD51EF68>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 307, in <genexpr>
SystemError: error return without exception set
Exception ignored in: <generator object _installed_safely.__exit__.<locals>.<genexpr> at 0x0000028AFD51EC50>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 307, in <genexpr>
SystemError: error return without exception set
@JF ^
@ArtOfCode No. :\
@Andy any 3 below 3.6, that is
@ArtOfCode oh ffs
Nope. I have 2.7.something and 3.6
@Andy Okay. Hunch: name collision with 3.6 secrets module. What happens if you rename src/secrets.py to src/ng_secrets.py, and s/import secrets/import ng_secrets as secrets/g?
I'm sorry. I have to run. Naptime seems to have ended early today. So...I have little people to entertain
Heh. Enjoy :P
Can someone else repro
might be able to if I was on WIndows with 3.6, but... I'm on Ubuntu with 3.5 at the moment, so no
Compromise: Ubuntu on 3.6?
don't have 3.6 available
and can't be bothered to figure out how to install it
Oh come on it's three commands and I'm on mobile
My curiosity will eat me alive
> As an exception, pure-Python modules for Python 3 will work, but any compiled extension modules won't.
that sounds like a kinda serious limitation there
That's compiled extensions in the repo i.e compiled against Ubuntu's Python
Not things from pip
yeah, I know
but given that the majority of software is gonna be compiled against an official version like the ubuntu version... yeah
It won't
pip compiles your own wheels
the majority of pre-compiled software
Every time you've installed say regex it's built it for you
I'm not worried about pip
I'm looking at official versions
Pip is the only place NG has dependencies
and I'm not worried about only NG, either
And this won't destroy your old install
if I'm installing an entirely new interpreter, I want it to work for things other than NG
Just use update-alternatives
I'm gonna see if I can get an official version.
Well unless it's from the Ubuntu repo it won't work
Not in the way you're describing that is
no, it's a source download from the Python site :P
Anything pre-compiled in the Ubuntu repos will be compiled against the latest Python Ubuntu provides
I'll look at it if this fails, but I'm not abandoning this now that I'm halfway through building it.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in link text in body: how to run hotstar live streaming on ubuntu 16.10 by user681799 on askubuntu.com (@ThomasWard)
I'm pretty sure that's spam, but I'm not gonna flag it
sd k
@Undo Hmm. He hasn't spammed SU (yet).

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