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@Tonepoet I have two thumbs and ten fingers.
Is that counting the thumbs or not? I ask that because some people don't count thumbs as fingers. XP
1 hour later…
@Tonepoet That is including the thumbs, lol.
Is this the right place to ask 1) why this answer was downvoted english.stackexchange.com/a/347284/194321 (not my answer) and 2) if I upvoted it would the "balance" out.
@paulzag it's currently at -1 so if you upvote, it goes to zero
But it's not much of an answer. It suggests a phrase but does nothing to explain or substantiate it.
1 hour later…
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Thanks for the answer. I guess it's minimalist, but it does answer the question. Oh well I'm learning
@paulzag I suppose you could ask here, or on Meta but be sure to read through the Help Center first, and you should keep in mind that only the anonymous voter knows for sure. My guess is that although the line is idiomatic, it's unsubstantiated and lacks explanation. In order to differentiate ourselves from other sites for our answers Stack Exchange answer need to be based upon verified fact, disclosed expertise or trustworthy reference material.
Even if the voter doesn't care about those things, he might distrust the answer without the provided if he has never heard of them before, if we suppose that it's a dialectical phrase for instance. He may also just dislike the phase, even if it's a valid answer (since we use a mostly secret ballot, people can vote upon a mostly arbitrary basis, so long as they're not serial-voting).
6 hours later…
I just posted a question on the word 'pussy'.
Yes. I've never heard it used as a term of endearment, presumably because of the other connotation.
I have seen it used in writing, but I've also never heard it.
I hope the controversial word will get my question many views, LOL.
It's time for dinner now.
@JasperLoy because you weren't here when I ate them!
@Mitch I don't think so.
3 hours later…
Is it, like, September already?
Not only already, but a week ago already.
We seem to have an entire term's worth of September posts today.
What's so special about September?
New academic year, presumably
@Tonepoet It has a history...Eternal September
Technically that's when September stopped being special.
wait...how can you tell it's September if it's always September
@MetaEd September is when traffic gets bad because everyone is back from vacation.
I remember before Eternal September. I was there.
That's like when before Skynet achieved consciousness
What was it like?
Did tomatoes taste sweet?
Could you see the sky?
@Tonepoet That's not how it works. MetaEd might.
OMG, I got 1000 views for my question posted a few hours ago!
Terdon's answer is interesting.
@Tonepoet I must thank you for recommending me the AHD!
Is that where you got the idea?
Yes, indeed, LOL.
I am very happy because I never got 13 votes for a question.
But considering there are 1000 views I really should get at least 40 votes.
Does it mean I can start calling people pussy now?
@JasperLoy It should get a badge for fastest views per unit time.
@JasperLoy No, it does not.
@JasperLoy You stand a good chance of doing that since your question is presently a hot question.
Or rather, it doesn't change anything.
@Tonepoet Actually, he owes me a Coke.
@Tonepoet I think this is a sign for me to now purchase the AHD, and this is a sign that I will make it to America!
@JasperLoy It's a shame that the American English - what is the best dictionary? question on meta got put on hold as Primarily Opinion Based. Aside from that for being an odd reason for closure on Meta, I'm sure you could've written an interesting answer given how much you've researched the contemporary dictionaries.
Also I sent you an email. One of the paragraphs is a little choppy because I forgot to finish it.
@Tonepoet If you meant the one sent a few hours ago, I have already replied to it.
Ah, I see.
When you flip a coin, do you assign heads and tails to things, or do you assign things to heads and tails? Which way does assign work?
@Færd I think you can look at it either way
I can assign work to you, or assign you to a task
For your first assignment, I'd like you to come weed my lawn.
@Tonepoet weird. The OP is pretty underspecified. Is this related to the recent question "which dictionary is best to buy?"
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Great. It always confused me.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 So we can say that the assignment is assigned to me, or I'm assigned to do it.
@Mitch I don't know which question that is, nor can I find it on Meta but judging from the fact that there's a comment from 2013, I doubt it. Eye kant reed.
@Færd I think so, yes
whoa, I just noticed that Mari-Lou A has been suspended for a year!
Last-seen Sept 2, but the suspension ends Sept 7, meaning she was suspended 5 days after whatever rule it was she broke.
Life has its forceful ways to detach you from old things and give you new occupations. Can be very constructive for some.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Very strange. Most of her activity stopped on August 24th, two weeks ago. Of course, activity since then may have been deleted.
Please don't discuss suspensions in chat.
@AndrewLeach really?
Isn't it instructive to know why users are suspended, so that their misbehavior can serve as a lesson to others?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Yeah. Experience has shown that it is generally a bad idea. The suspended user can't take part in the discussion. The mods can't share the reason for the suspension. Therefore, the discussion can only be speculation and is often taken badly by the person being discussed.
@terdon It seems odd to me that mods can't share reasons for suspension.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Suspension details are private. Mods can't explain them unless the suspended user gives explicit permission.
It's like if the police jailed you but couldn't tell anyone why
@terdon I see no reason why that is necessarily the case.
Well, no. Suspension means something bad was done by the user in question. You know the rules, you know what "bad behavior" is, there's no need to advertise exactly which of the various rules was broken.
@terdon not necessarily. I think I know the rules.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Well, them's the rules from on high. Suspensions are deemed private by SE. But I do agree with it. The idea behind suspensions is that someone can come back and no harm done as long as they behave themselves. Airing their dirty laundry in public would make that hard.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 You do, there's no seeecret rule you might run afoul of. Don't worry :)
@terdon If the rule breaking was done privately, then I'd agree. If the rule-breaking was done publicly, then I disagree. Besides, there's also the question of accountability. The police aren't always right.
@terdon But obviously, this isn't just about me. There are lots of users who know the rules less than I do.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Well, presumably it was private, otherwise we'd know what happened.
@terdon Absent any explanation whatsoever, I can't assume that.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Well, you could always ask one of the local mods but they are actually under orders not to tell you. Nothing specific, anyway.
When I try to figure out what happened, I'm told not to even talk about it.
I'm trying to find the relevant meta discussions but the best I've come up with is:
Q: Avoid the Streisand Effect - be clear about the reason when suspending an account

Shog9This sort of thing has happened a few times now... "Hey, did you see? User X was boxed!" "User X? Why?" "I donno... Maybe he... " (wild speculation ensues. waffles are blamed.) It's generally quite easy to notice when a user gets thrown in The Penalty Box. You see the tell-tale 1 when...

@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Yeah, that's the Mos Eisly effect, I think. The suspensions of certain users were discussed in chat and that led to a huge storm in a teacup.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 That's right. Speculation is not a good thing, because no-one who is in a position to confirm or deny anything is actually permitted to do that.
So: please don't discuss suspensions in chat.
Which, in turn, led to the general idea that such things are best left alone and are nobody's business but the suspended user's.
My pussy question has over 1600 views now.
I can use 21 more upvotes on it to reach rep cap.
@JasperLoy So, caps, huh? I prefer hats.
I did not know you cannoy buy alcohol in Russia after 11 PM. Wow, Russia is so conservative.
@JasperLoy won't that automatically raise a flag on your comment?
@NVZ No, because a pussy is a cat. But I don't know.
@JasperLoy yea, and the other words are Richard, rooster, etc. :/
@NVZ I do not think there are autoflags in chat.
That question sure surprised me.
Like a knee-jerk, I was about to flag it, but had to read it. Nice question, hey. :)
@AndrewLeach So mods can't say anything because TPTB don't want them to; there is no transparency; it's a police state; don't try to figure it out; cross your fingers that you don't run afoul of the rules. got it.
@NVZ Why would you flag it? Questions about offensive words are certainly on topic.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 exactly. "Stack Exchange is run by you", not in these matters, though. :)
@JasperLoy I didn't. I just told you that I had a sudden urge to flag. But I calmed down. :)
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Besides Mari-Lou A, Josh61 renamed to xxxxxx is also suspended, and both seem to be from Italy. We will not discuss the matter further, as the mods have told us not to.
I can understand some judicious use of "private" suspensions. But this some suspensions are a year-long thing, they must have been egregious.
@NVZ Then I must say you are very impulsive, even if you did not actually flag it.
@JasperLoy Maybe cuz I'm young? Hot-headed, cold-hearted. LOL
@NVZ We are all young. The oldest woman in the world lived till 120.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Yeah. Or a lot of minor offenses over a long period of time. It might not be a single thing. Either way, it really is something that only the user can choose to disclose.
I hope my mum lives till 120 and I live till 90, and then we can leave this world on the same night.
@terdon so, a lot of minor things over a period of time could lead to a sudden 1-year suspension?
wouldn't they lead to shorter suspensions instead?
Dunno, maybe?
I can imagine situations where this could happen. Say a mod discovered that a user has been consistently acting badly and hiding their tracks. The mod in question stumbles upon the hidden evidence and suspends for the entire set of actions at once.
Or, a user has been consistently ignoring mod advice and requests to modify their behavior. I really don't know what happened here, all I can say is that discussing such things rarely leads to anything good.
@JasperLoy My grandpa had made it to 96. Great man, he was. Raised a biiiig family. He got to see great grand children.
@NVZ Strange thing that the top 10 oldest people in the world are all women and not men.
@NVZ you're so modest, referring to yourself and your cousins/siblings as "great"
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 And also grand.
@JasperLoy that'd be NVZ's parent, then.
@JasperLoy men led wars, and to a decrease in their population
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Aren't we all children of our ancestors?
Even though I did many naughty things on SE, they never suspended me on the main sites.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 come on, let me be great. :)
Maybe each time they wanted to suspend me, I had already deleted my account.
@NVZ it reminds me of the time I explained to my son about his ancestors. The next day he said to my mom, "Grandmaman! We have so many grand-parents! Some of them are really great"
However, avoiding suspension is not the reason for my deleting accounts.
@JasperLoy Given that you make little effort to disguise your identity with each new account, I'm sure if someone wanted you suspended, you would be.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 What do you mean? He changes his profile picture every time. He just has the same skin color.
@JasperLoy you shed skins like a snake, or die and return like a phoenix.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 but how can you be so sure it's all the same person? Maybe Jasper Loy is my sockpuppy.
or puppet.
I have gotten many answers and comments on my pussy question. Now I will start reading them. I have not even started!
@JasperLoy stop mentioning that. It's strangely annoying.
Can whether be used to mean no matter whether?
> ? Whether I come with you or not, you should go.
> No matter whether I come with you or not, you should go.
Are there better ways to say that?
A: usage of "no matter...or"

jwpat7The phrase “no matter” is not correctly used in your example sentence. One can add the word whether and correctly say “no matter whether in study or in life”. However, that is somewhat clumsy, and phrasings like “whether in study or in life”, “both in study and in life”, and “in study and in ...

@NVZ Thanks.
Maybe it's better said like this... "It doesn't matter whether you're wrong or right, I win..."
@Færd but it's only my guess. I'm not a native speaker.
Based on that answer, provided much help for me whether in study or in life is possible. Mine is a bit different.
@terdon There is no need to thank me for the rep cap today.
@Færd Try asking @Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 or @FumbleFingers
@JasperLoy :)
@NVZ I shoot my questions and hope to get answers. I don't like pressuring people here by pinging them in my questions. :)
@NVZ That's a nice alternative.
@Færd I see. There's no pressure. We are all here to help each other learn.
Sometimes I have a special question that I have to ask a special person about it. That would be different.
Are we having fun yet?
@NVZ In the past few years there's been a famous punk band from Russia who've been in the news protesting the Russian government. And the English version (translation?) of their name involves that word. I think it was simply a ploy to get newscasters to say the word.
@MetaEd Not yet. I have a handful of old firecrackers but no lighter. No one smokes any more!
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 There are vanishingly few rules that you can break when you are already suspended.
Also, suspensions increase in a set fashion.
Hello @Kit! Did you see my pussy question?
I did.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Or there's a calendar anomaly coming up that is automatically rendered by the time-server calculations. Please let it happen on a Monday so that the next day is Saturday!
Woo hoo! 1 day work week!
@Mitch That would totally mess with Seventh-Day adventists
They should have a calendar store that sells different calendars beginning with all seven different days of the week.
I like mine to begin on Monday, but the ones here begin on Sunday, following the Americans.
@JasperLoy There's an internet startup that's already out of business for that.
I can set my computer calendar to start on Monday though.
Mentally, I have associated Monday with 1 and Sunday with 7, and it would be strange to mess up this order.
Similarly, I have associated January with 1 and December with 12.
@JasperLoy You're a real cock of the morning, aren't you.
@JasperLoy You should really go zero based. Monday = 0, Sunday = 6
I have actually heard cocks at 6 AM in the morning.
I have no idea where they come from, since I live in an urban area, not a farm.
But you're in good company because Java's Date class is mixed base
It might just be somebody's alarm clock with a cock sound.
@JasperLoy like the Chinese method.
@JasperLoy I've heard a cock at 3am (still dark)
But there are often small birds chirping outside my window around the clock.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I just noticed it, now that you mention it.
@JasperLoy Those aren't cocks
@JasperLoy lol, really?
@Mitch They are probably mynahs which are pretty common here.
@JasperLoy That's a load of cock and bull
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Yes. I know what they are called, but never observed the direct association.
You've really cocked that up.
I cock my hat at you, good sir!
@Mitch Not joking. A mynah is a bird. Did you know that?
@JasperLoy A mynah is no cock
Not only are cocks birds, but tits, bustards, and boobies are birds too. Did you know that?
It's pretty amazing, this English language.
@JasperLoy where are you going with this?
When roosters crow they say cock a doodle doo. What does doodle doo have to do with it?
@NVZ Nowhere. It is finished.
@NVZ He's cocking his taboo gun at you.
BUt you're trying to put a cock in it.
@Mitch do crows roost?
@NVZ That's a cock-a-mamie thing to say. Of course they do.
I think it is very strange that Collins publishes a new edition of its biggest English dictionary every three or four years.
Don't you think that is too frequent? Is there even any quality control?
2007, 2010, 2011, 2014 are the last 4 editions.
2010 was a special anniversary edition though.
They should have continuous deployment. Every edit approved should be published online immediately.
Ah...of course... they're publishing paper books to encourage rebuying.
@JasperLoy two possible reasons. Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like an apple.
In contrast, Oxford needs to publish its biggest single volume one more often. Last one is 2010, 6 years ago...
@NVZ Wrong, they prefer bananas.
@JasperLoy Or maybe the date pattern is an encoded signal to the aliens to invade. WHat's the next expected date of publication?
@Mitch I do want to rebuy, but 3 years is too frequent for me, which is why that would be one reason not to buy it at all and buy another one!
@NVZ I first heard this from my beloved math professor.
@Mitch by that trend, 2015.
@JasperLoy Really, all the good words have already been invented. All that's left is new cockings.
@NVZ What?
And yet there was none that year.
@Mitch I learnt 'manspreading' and 'dadbod' recently from watching a Collins video.
@Mitch 2007, 2010, 2011, 2014... So next I suppose should've been 2015
@JasperLoy OK there you go. a couple of words that will die good deaths by not being used by any body ever again.
mansplaining however is alive and well.
I could explain mansplaining to the women here but I'd cock it all up.
Also, I have been waiting for the 12th edition of MW Collegiate to be published. Last edition in 2003...
@JasperLoy That's obviously code to the Bejorans to warn them of the Cardassian invasion.
I think the MW editors are probably very busy trying to get W4 out, since W3 has not been revised heavily since 1961.
@JasperLoy I time travelled, I was your professor.
Alright. Tata
They started work on W4 in 2008.
W4 will be the biggest American dictionary ever produced.
It should go up to 3000 pages.
Robusto puts his W3 on a stand at home, which also functions as a shrine.
Wikipedia is continuously published.
They are losing editors slowly. At some point, there will be no editors and people will accept it as gospel.
No more new facts.
Wikipedia's English is quite bad these days.
Nothing is new under the sun.
Maybe I have been reading more from it lately.
Do you see lots of spelling and grammar errors?
Lots of comma splices and misspellings.
I would think they'd have an auto-check feature that puts any possible misspelling in front of an editor queue.
comma splices I'd think are impossible to check automatically (as of now).
Does the Microsoft grammar checker work? It seems to be very problematic.
@JohanLarsson hey!
You came in just as we finished a rooster/kitty fight.
@JasperLoy it's... OK (lots of false positives).
My hair has stopped dropping. Good news.
But also, you can't use it as a service.
But what has dropped is not growing back. Bad news.
I am going offline now, see you later.
@Mitch hej
@JasperLoy I can't think of one single m$ thing that is not broken.
But then again it is hard to think of anything in software that works.
@JohanLarsson so you can't blame MS that much.
when reading m$ sources it reeks of waterfall and meetings
meetings are slippery turds
Every time I hear a complaint about Excel, I feel like I have to defend MS.
Then I realize that they made their decisions on purpose.
@JohanLarsson Well, Skype for Business works. And even Lync worked.
At least on Windows.
whoa, skype s very broken
skype for business is lync, the exe is stil nemaed lync.exe
Well, it works. It does what it says on the tin (TM).
@AndrewLeach can't think of examples right now but now I have been annoyed with it :)
I dislike that it does not one box images but maybe there is a setting for that
also it inserts smileys when I paste code :D
The only bit which really doesn't work is Windows Mobile. But I blame the OS.
@Mitch working with charts in excel is awesome, zooming etc :D
I had a SfB chat on my phone yesterday morning which I can't even find on my phone, let alone anywhere else. The Mobile client is broken.
@JohanLarsson The UI seems...unfinished. Like there are all sorts of simple efficiencies and niceties that could be done (and are done in every other app) but are just not there. managemenat of contacts eg.
Contacts in Excel?
@JohanLarsson defaults on graphics are notoriously the wrong design decision, and difficult to rearrange to get right and stay right.
@AndrewLeach sorry... skype.
sorry...gotta run! later!
old messenger was a nice chat client
Yes, better integration with Office/Outlook would be nice. But that doesn't mean Skype for Business is broken.
Not there, anyway.
@AndrewLeach also skype for business does not allow fixing typos
more a missing feature than broken
Why am I defending Microsoft??!!
Investigating taboo language is fine. Wordplay is fine. Wordplay using taboo language is maybe a gray area. Vulgar or sexually suggestive attention to another user is going too far.
Guess what? My Yodel-delivered packaged arrived :-)
It's a bit lighter than that, almost green, but fits with the pieces I inherited.
@JohanLarsson Number achieved :-)
very nice work!
i answered a question today but got zero
probably two more years before I get 10k
Don't forget that figure is a total of all my accounts.
@MetaEd Why so cocky?
runs away
@AndrewLeach Rather, all accounts with at least 200 rep, I think.
Oh, if you say so. I never bothered counting. It's just a number (albeit a nice round number)
@MetaEd I see my message has been removed. Not a problem at all. But I wasn't being sexually suggestive to Kit Fox, who is my friend.
And also, I was not attempting any wordplay. Just a casual conversation. I am not good at playing with words in the first place.
@JasperLoy Worth note is that although Pussy has historical attestation as a term of endearment, it's more dialectical, rare and maybe even archaic than the derogatory sense so it's not going to have the effect you desire upon most people. The assessment of rareness is based upon the video you linked me yesterday, which notes that the A.H.D. prioritizes meanings based upon popular usage.
@Tonepoet Wait, is this message a direct reply to what you replied to, or just a ping?
It's mostly a ping but I also wanted @MetaEd the circumstance behind your rationale since I'm not sure if he saw your question already.
@Tonepoet Oh, I did not even mean it as a term of endearment. What I said is simple. I said 'too bad a pussy is a cat and not a fox'. It just means that if it meant a fox, the word 'pussy' under discussion would be related to her, since the cat and the fox are two different animals. That is all. As simple as that, lol.
@JasperLoy Since the comment was removed, it's probably a bad idea to repeat it. XD
@Tonepoet Hmm, did someone flag it? Was someone upset about it?
I don't know. What I do know is that I already regret saying the word "idea" like that...
I think only metaed was suspicious about it, but maybe I am wrong. If anyone wants to talk about it, feel free to tell me directly.
Anyway, I have already pinged metaed in the private room he set up with the above explanation as well.
As you can see, there is nothing suggestive or offensive or inappropriate or dark about what I said. QED.
I would be very disappointed if anyone thinks otherwise.
Anyway, the last time a moderator set up a room with me was when I cast delete votes on Mitch's answers.
Ah, I see. The problem is that it's a perverse word, in a manner similar to how the word perverse often has its meaning perverted.. If I had a button that could make everybody use old enough words as they were used in the 19th century, I'd probably press it.
I was trying to help him get rid of the negative rep, and then tchrist saw the votes in the delete queue and thought someone was trying to vandalise his posts, and then waiwai investigated and set up a room with me.
@Tonepoet I do realise by now (since I am an old man) that others often misunderstand me, because I often think in strange ways that are still perfectly logical to me.
Anyway, I hope Kit did not misunderstand, and if she did, she should contact me directly. So I am not going to worry about it!
@Tonepoet There are often many possible interpretations of a situation. Sometimes, we are more likely to view a situation in a certain way because of our unique, personal life experiences.
@JasperLoy That's odd given that forced deletion of negatively voted posts is a standardized part of the system. I wouldn't even begin to think of that as vandalism, so much as clean-up. Now edits to the post on the other hand might cause me some concern, but that's different. Also, why would somebody need help with that? It's easy to delete your own posts if you'd prefer the rep. to the publication. Was it harder back then?
@Tonepoet Well, I could cast votes and I liked to look at Mitch's posts, so I sort of thought I was just trying to be helpful to him. I did not think then that he would have preferred to have a whole bunch of minus voted answers.
Also, I was not sure whether I was suspended from chat just now, since I went offline, but even if I were, it's OK! I understand! No problem at all.
@JasperLoy Oh I see, so you got a whole flood of his posts put on the deletion queue.
@Tonepoet Yes, indeed.
Actually, just about five, only a handful, since a hand has five fingers.
@Tonepoet When I get into misunderstandings and try to explain myself, I know sometimes it seems that I am trying to cover up my tracks. But that's not the case. I don't lie about such things, even though others who are telling lies may appear to be doing things similar to what I am doing. I am also fully aware of that.
@JasperLoy Actually that'd depend more upon the size of the posts being deleted than the number of fingers on a hand. Five dictionaries wouldn't fit in a single hand, or maybe not even five pages of a dictionary (if crumpled to fit entirely in the hand). XP
@JasperLoy I suppose many other people do too. I do at least.
@Tonepoet Nah, I know you are a good boy. =P
My boss is trying to use the phrase "hereto unexplored" in a proposal. Is this okay? It sounds correct but doesn't show up on ngrams.
@JasperLoy The gender neutrality police called and insisted that I write you up a ticket for not saying "good kid."
If it is okay, do you think it's too archaic to use in a research proposal?
@ktm5124 Hetero- what?
@Tonepoet "hereto unexplored"
hereto as in the adverb. merriam-webster.com/dictionary/hereto
Oh, I misread, again.
@ktm5124 Yeah, it's rarely used in this sense these days but it does have a sense meaning something along the lines of "until now". I'm guessing it's along the lines of "We are going into the hereto unexplored caves." or something to that effect?
@ktm5124 Maybe heretofore is slightly better though.
@JasperLoy What is this new dictionary you were talking about?
@MetaEd Oh I talk about new dictionaries all the time so I am not sure what you refer to. But I am seriously thinking about getting the American Heritage Dictionary for myself, that is all.
@JasperLoy That might have been it.
I'm looking back and I think it was Merriam-Webster.
Oh, from W3 to W4? Maybe.
Merriam-Webster has been working on the fourth edition of the unabridged dictionary since 2008.
Only since 2008!
The third edition came out in the sixties! XD
Ah, unabridged. The only good kind.
@Tonepoet Yeah. I ended up abandoning the archaic expression altogether.
W3 has not been majorly revised since 1961.
@JasperLoy Online or on trees?
It has only been minorly revised and added upon with addenda.
@MetaEd On trees. It's already online at ahdictionary.com, a very beautiful website.
I will show you how beautiful the book is...
I'm sympathetic to having actual books except that I have to pay for a big enough place to live to keep all of them.
@JasperLoy It's also the first result on The Free Dictionary by Farlex.
Look at the four beautiful pictures there.
@Tonepoet Ah, I hate amalgamation sites.
Very colorful. Nice. Could be a coffee table book.
What is special about AHD is this: W3 is too big and the Collegiate is a little too small, but AHD being a small unabridged is just nice.
Wouldn't it be nice if it would update itself.
You only need to buy a new copy once every 10 years, so it is OK.
@JasperLoy How many words does it have?
@Tonepoet I have not been able to find out!
But the AH College Writer's D is really too small.
The print size?
Nope, the number of words, since it only has about 1000 pages.
I don't have the word count, so I am making guesses based on other properties.
How would you say your help is "unthankable", but using a real term?
@Turbo What would that mean?
@Turbo I cannot thank you enough.
@JasperLoy I cannot thank you enough :) Cheers!
@Turbo No words can express my gratitude.
Yes that's better :)
@JasperLoy Well my first edition copies of the American Heritage Dictionary are only comparable to the large print version of Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary 10th edition. Both have 1500~ pages.
Y'all have fun, I'm heading for a family thing.
@MetaEd Have fun.
@Tonepoet I think that MW Collegiate is very similar to Concise OED in terms of word count and page count. 225,000 and 240,000; 1664 and 1728.
@Tonepoet You and I, we should totally set up a dictionary store, LOL.
The fifth edition should be larger then since I also have the third edition which is thicker.
It is 2112 pages and about 3.6 kg.
Let me tell you how someone online ranked 5 dictionaries:
Shorter OED, MW Unabridged, AHD, NOAD, MW Collegiate.
That makes sense if we go by page count alone, lol.
So you see, if the first two are too BIG, then we get the AHD.
Also in the current state the first two are not sufficiently current, even though they are currently sufficient.
Being fair to the Shorter O.E.D., since it's two volumes, you only ever half to hold one at a time.
I replied to your email.
That was hours ago.
I saw.
AHD though looks like ADHD.
@Tonepoet I sometimes wonder whether I am autistic, since I often say and do things people interpret very differently.
Also, my obsession with dictionaries also suggests some kind of autism.
Asperger's syndrome you suppose?
I am not a self appointed expert in Asperger's so I cannot comment, though I am a self appointed expert in OCD. =P
I am going to bed, goodnight @Tonepoet and email me more!
@JasperLoy Alright.

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