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01:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

Shitty makes more sense there though.
It means to get the worse part of the situation.
@Færd Eh. It's easier to say "shit end" then "shitty end".
@KitZ.Fox Or to mistake an honest joke for an insult?
I heard it used in a situation like that, by a Brit.
@Færd Oh, no. That would be, um.
There's a different expression. The wrong side of...To get the...let me think a minute. It will come to me.
Usually it comes without thinking. Don't exert yourself. :)
@KitZ.Fox I've never heard the vulgar one before
Maybe I am thinking of "wrong end of the stick" and confusing it with "short end of the stick"?
Which would be ironic.
now I'm confused
Q: Origin of "the wrong end of the stick"

FumbleFingersIf someone has the wrong end of the stick it means they've misunderstood something. If they've got the shitty end of the stick it means they've got a bad deal in some bargain or share-out. This doesn't seem particularly close to the wrong end meaning - so unless someone convinces me different, I...

if you get the short end of the stick, well, the other person is just choking up too far on it.
So "shitty end" must be a BrE variant.
@Mitch You haven't heard "shit end" before?
> If someone has the wrong end of the stick it means they've misunderstood something.
Well, that question really needs to be cleaned up.
Maybe you Americans mean something else by it.
There is a big difference between "wrong end" (misunderstanding) and "shitty end" (bad deal).
@KitZ.Fox No. Makes total folketymology sense after reading.
I see it more often as "the short end of the stick," which wouldn't fit with the outhouse explanations. In fact, I can't figure out how a stick can have a long end or short end. — gmcgath Apr 6 '13 at 12:35
'wrong end' means bad deal to me. I don't know where 'misunderstanding' comes from.... in AmE (or in my personal idiolect)
@Mitch Apparently it's British usage. With Andrew, I have three Brits saying it denotes misunderstanding.
(I hope 'Brit' is not in the least insulting or offensive.)
@tchrist wait...how do you do that so easily? I have to go to an online IPA typing website.
While you're at it, can you tell me how to do emoji? My MiL can do them and I can't.
In articulatory phonetics, the place of articulation (also point of articulation) of a consonant is the point of contact where an obstruction occurs in the vocal tract between an articulatory gesture, an active articulator (typically some part of the tongue), and a passive location (typically some part of the roof of the mouth). Along with the manner of articulation and the phonation, it gives the consonant its distinctive sound. The terminology in this article has been developed for precisely describing all the consonants in all the world's spoken languages. No known language distinguishes all...
9 is the uvula, 11 the glottis (food goes past the uvula but not the glottis)
@Færd @AndrewLeach does 'wrong end of the stick' mean 'misunderstanding' to you?
11 mins ago, by Andrew Leach
There is a big difference between "wrong end" (misunderstanding) and "shitty end" (bad deal).
@Mitch With luck. And yes.
@Færd That doesn't imply that he agrees with with it.
It's too late at night for me to discuss subtle implications.
@AndrewLeach It took me forever to explore the maze of wiki to find that.
@Færd but that's what we've been doing!
We should have cake instead.
goes to have cake
Qu’ils mangent de la brioche
Qui rigole les rigoleurs?
Start with the custodians themselves.
tickles nearest mod
Who will eat the watchers?
I am back after eating a snickers.
Nougat and peanuts
I did not eat my sneakers.
can someone please tell me how to write a request letter
@tchrist Would you kindly tell me whether that was a correction of a mistake on my part?
If you find nougat in your sneakers, you should get new sneakers
@Færd Yes, I would.
Good. Was it?
No, it was not.
Hence the smilogram.
How to write a letter of request
to the manager of an icecrream factory
requesting him to visit his factory
> Dear Santa, Please send ice cream. Love, Abcd.
@tchrist Thanks.
Qui mange la glace?
That doesn't fit right.
@Abcd I didn't read it, but it may help: wikihow.com/Write-a-Letter-Requesting-a-Favor
You may be able to find lotsa free samples online.
@Abcd You have to write it yourself. Just say what you want, and then get someone to edit it after writing.
@Færd I don't think it's a good idea to even see free samples.
Just to get a hang of the general format of such letters.
Close your eyes?
I think writing letters should be descriptive and not prescriptive, lol.
I am going to change the format of all letters I will write in future, lol.
thanks @Færd and @JasperLoy
@JasperLoy You should do that.
Or rather... you will do that?
or, If you don't do that things won't be as good?
@Mitch It's kind of silly for people to follow all these 'rules'.
I can't seem to make that descriptive.
You shouldn't follow prescriptive rules
There are some nice rules we can stick to, but if one has a sufficient mastery of the language, one should write with his own, unique style.
Descriptive rules aren't as effective as prescriptive rules.
Good writing is informed by the rules but not contrained by them.
haha, that one makes sense.
That's why they're more like guidelines rather than strict rules.
But there are some things that people just don't say.
Styles are not separate from the language. People communicate with styles too. If you haven't mastered the styles, you haven't mastered the language.
Clarity, Concision, and Consistency.
grammar solecisms are much more grating than style.
style is vague, grammar rules not as much.
3 AM here.
3 AM there
That means it is 3 PM in NYC.
In antarctica you only have to drive a few miles to get a new time zone
@JasperLoy You just gave away your longitude.
@Færd Yes. But Antarctica has all of them, lol.
You know the riddle about the man hunting the bear?
a man is hunting a bear
(that's how it starts)
he follows the bear south for a mile.
I am quite near the south pole now. It's cold and wet here.
then he follows it east for a mile
(notice that this is in imperial units)
then he follows it north for a mile
and he finds he's back at the place he started.
What color is the bear?
The bear is white.
That's the traditional answer. Because there's a solution for starting at the north pole
@Mitch So, what is your favourite American dictionary?
But people don't realize that there are an infinite number of solutions around the south pole.
it's a math thing
and there the bear can be any color you want because you're obviously dying of hunger and are getting hallucinations that you're hunting an actual bear. There are no bears on the south pole.
@Mitch I actually have no idea about bears. I think I have not seen one in my life.
@JasperLoy They're like teddy bears. But bigger. and alive.
@JasperLoy You're not gonna like my answer.
maybe you will.
I don't know.
that is I don't know if you'll like my answer.
Just say it.
Not that 'I don't know' is my answer
Hmm, OK, LOL.
It kicks ass all other dictionaries. and tells you when it's american or not.
Did you get the 20 volumes?
many years ago I got the shrunk version, I cant remember the name, the one with the magnifying glass.
Compact Edition.
got it for a dollar as one of the perks for joining a book club.
I can't believe some people actually get the 20 volumes.
@JasperLoy only libraries get that
and then no one uses them.
@Mitch There are individuals who buy them too.
I also like the online OED. same content. somewhat searchable. easier to find mistakes (just a few, just enough to remind you that they're only humans)
@JasperLoy those individuals... must...
...must have very strong backs.
I think if they make the 20 volumes into say 4 volumes instead of one, then it can be read without magnifying.
I on the other hand have ruined my vision looking through the magnifying glass just to find out I'm still not sure if 'hello' and 'hail' are cognate.
Either you hit the South Pole while stalking the bear southward or not.
If you do, you cannot continue south anymore, so it cannot be the case that you do.
If you don't, after you traveled east for a mile, either you're at your previous place (before travelling east) or not.
If you're not, you won't get back to your starting point by travelling north.
If you are, you're at the latitude that's exactly 1 mile in circumference.
And that's it. Any starting point exactly one mile above that latitude works.
It should totally be online
Can't they make a huge PDF file and sell it? Afraid of piracy I guess...
then it's obvious it is a database, with all sotrts of tags on each word, and commentary and etc etc etc.
written by experts.
(because wiktionary is the worst)
Experts, like those on SE, lol.
@Færd Oh, that's not the infinity I was thinking of, but yes, that's one of the infinities.
That's an either-or way of tracking all the solutions. How can there be more solutions round the South Pole?
also a mile north of where it wraps around exactly twice
@Mitch I think Merriam Webster is overrated. Just looking at the circle logo makes me sad, because I prefer rectangles.
or three times
@Mitch True.
Nice riddle.
@JasperLoy But those criteria are easy to evaluate. Also easy to correct.
not easy to ensure that every one has the same criteria
@Færd or etc times
whichever one, the hunter is still in a starvation hallucination. Penguins don't go that far inland.
OK, I think I will stick to my guns and get the Oxford Dictionary of English. End of my deliberation.
You should write down all the things that are important about each one.
also the bad things.
then rank them by importance.
Also, I think I will delete my SE account again at the end of this month.
color of binding
stance on desert vs dessert
I often misspell millennium and Portuguese.
I used to spell millenium and Portugese.
like aluminum and Betelgeuse?
Well, here in Antarctica, I spell it as aluminium.
I am going to sleep, good night.
@Mitch 3 AM everywhere... ee ya ee ya yo
@JohanLarsson hello :)
What's the meaning of "I'm not crazy about something"?
It means "I don't like something so much" ..
Litotes, I think.
Emphasis by understatement.
In rhetoric, litotes (/ˈlaɪtətiːz/, US /ˈlɪtətiːz/ or /laɪˈtoʊtiːz/) is a figure of speech wherein understatement is used to emphasize a point by stating a negative to further affirm a positive, often incorporating double negatives for effect. For example, "She's not bad looking" could be used to express that someone is gorgeous. Or it could convey that she's not particularly ugly, but also isn't particularly attractive. The degree of emphasis depends on the context in which it is used. For instance, the commonly used phrase "not bad" could indicate that something was either average or excellent...
So, yes.
do you think you will ever get 100k @AndrewLeach?
Currently at 99915, it appears (tooltip on that score).
+215 today.
So, probably.
so there is a chance
I've just had a text from Parcelforce saying a parcel has been despatched and will be delivered tomorrow.
Which would be fine except my parcel should be delivered by Yodel.
Presumably they couldn't, so they've paid Parcelforce to do it instead.
Happy days. Yodel are one of the worst, in my experience.
never heard of either of them
If you haven't heard of Yodel, be thankful. One good reason for not living in the UK.
Parcelforce used to be part of Royal Mail.
Morris dancers, again?
Might just as well be for all the good they do with parcels.
Mine have all been late, or just left outside, or both.
@AndrewLeach they communicate via Parceltongue
01:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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