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@Maltysen a filter on an image
@Downgoat I was talking about deep dream, deep style looks new
@Maltysen You give a base image and a "style" image for it to extract the art style from. Results vary.
brb trying it out
ok i see where you're coming from
For example, Seuss with cherry tree lined road as style image:
oh god
@Downgoat yeah that bird coming out of the goat's ass
@Downgoat That would actually make an awesome profile pic
@Maltysen ok this is just weird
@Maltysen ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Ugh. zhitm doesn't have access to the breathing monster.
@mınxomaτ sent
    case ZT_BRST:
      return STICK_MAGIC;
With every keystroke I'm crying inside
I just have to keep telling myself it'll work
and that's good enough
@mods plz refresh
@quartata That's the best description of programming I've ever heard.
programming programming in java
This is particularly hideous. zhitm normally returns the amount of damage the zap does, and since it can't be negative I'm returning a negative value to tell buzz to stick the two monsters together and deal no damage.
I'm too lazy to change the function signature to zhitm
@Maltysen This is C.
@quartata i know
but since DJ was insulting programming in general, i directed his hate in a constructive direction
How DARE YOU redirect my HATE!
Also, buzz uses gotos.
It's really strange. Most of the rest of the code is fine, but zap.c is just particularly hideous.
It doesn't have to be either.
It could have been easily done by forking off into three functions: buzzm, buzzu and buzzfinish
Huh, what should a cave fisher's breath inside of a monster do? I guess nothing
> Me: I have been charged twice for this month on spotify, halp pls?
Spotify: Have you tried restarting or reinstalling the app?
Me: ಠ_ಠ
^ recent conversation with spotify support
It fixes everything!
there is a:
> All the best,


Spotify Customer Support
so I'm scared I'm talking to an actual person and this is the best support I'm gonna get
If you haven't tried it, you don't know it won't work...
I also hate
"Have you tried turning it off and on again?"
"Well let's try again just in case"
Oh shit, it's even worse than I thought. buzz doesn't have the breathing monster either.
On the bright side that does mean this'll probably be less hideous
@DJMcMayhem b a d t i m e
Have you played undertale?
That kind of looks like something that would be engraved in a pyramid or a cave.
It's sans + scream
Did you play/beat genocide?
No. Haven't worked up the courage.
It's a blast. Sans is by far the most fun boss I have ever played.
I did a regular Pacifist then did the trick where you go back to get the letter and did True Pacifist from there
It took me ages to finally beat him
Although the boss in the middle was strangely much harder, though less hyped.
(not gonna say the name cuz spoilers)
Is it a fish?
I think that music is my favorite in the game
The undying version of said fish.
Damn, I really can't believe that there are no spells in the game that required some form of modification to both monsters
buzz has absolutely no way of doing what I'm trying to do. I have to modify it completely.
And that sucks.
Maybe I should put aside this monster for now....
That album is probably one of my most listened to albums this year. >_>
There's literally a method in eat.c called Popeye()
And it has nothing to do with the actual in-game tins of spinach.
@quartata WAIT WAT TIN CANS WAT WHERE PLS tin cans you say?
Yeah. Nethack has this handy thing called a tinning kit
you just apply it to a corpse or piece of food and it tins it in a lovely can in a jiffy
After reading it it appears that Popeye() handles beneficial tins curing status effects
Like lizard meat curing stoning
There's a comment that says (Popeye eats tins of spinach to get out of trouble ;))
It's not much of a justification but I'll roll with it
Story behind this: MS gave the NT5 kernel source to some universities some time ago (a decade really). I finally managed to get my hand on a copy. Unfortunately, they only provide help and configs for x86, which is worth nothing. So after over a year or so of debugging, I managed to set up a build environment for a x64 kernel.
What you see above is the first working kernel, built from scratch, which runs WinXP x64 Pro (latest) without any issues. The debugger is tracing the kernel which is where the greeting comes from. Blog post(s) coming at some point.
3D PINBALL SPACE CADET! That's my childhood right there
No BSODs so far, too.
@DJMcMayhem they dropped it from windows 10 tho iirc ;_____;
They dropped it from 7. Or maybe even vista.
I don't remember
TL;DR: Code was fucked.
@DJMcMayhem i haven't used a windows computer since XP so i am not reliable source (yes i have used vista/7 for school etc.)
@mınxomaτ Very impressive.
@El'endiaStarman For a price. First off: I can't share any parts of the source, even the kernel extensions I've written. Second: I can't ever contribute anything to any NT-like FOSS project from now on (ReactOS, Wine etc.) because of the license's IP clause.
question: how to put emphasis on carrot
@DJMcMayhem :D is odd for emphasis so imo ^ is too
Damn, it has already been 13 hours since the previous challenge :(
@Adnan brb fixing
thank you dwongaot
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

DowngoatRandomly Misspell a Word code-golf string random Inspired by this CR question Spec The probabilities of misspelling a word are: 1/3 of the time don't change the output 1/3 of the time remove a random character 1/3 of the time duplicate a random character The chance for removing/duplicatin...

looks ready to post?
Yeah, looks clean and easy to read
okay cool:
Q: Randomly Misspell a Word

DowngoatInspired by this CR question (please don't kill me for browsing CR) Spec The probabilities of misspelling a word are: 1/3 of the time don't change the output 1/3 of the time remove a random character 1/3 of the time duplicate a random character The chance for removing/duplicating a given ch...

@NewMainPosts ಠ_ಠ idk what ur even talking about
how would you generate a map like this:
@Downgoat ¯\_(:D)_/¯
@NathanMerrill hexagons? You should be talking to Martin
@NathanMerrill Perhaps something like Perlin noise?
@Downgoat no, look at the shape. choke points, large blocks, enclosed lakes...
@NathanMerrill Jeez, this is making me want to play it...
@El'endiaStarman is perlin noise able to build large landmasses?
@NathanMerrill Well, the idea is that you generate some noise, then you pick some cutoff and make everything above the cutoff land and everything below water.
You could possibly also do the same for territory assignment.
right, but everything looks like it'll just be swirly. Or is that simply because the cutoff is too high?
wait, does the original game come with starting towers?
No, there are no towers at the start.
because that image looks like its from turn 2
there's very few large single-owner blocks
@NathanMerrill I did something once with a hex grid that made "rooms" connected by "hallways" that looked a lot like that.
@NathanMerrill Yeah, that's how it usually is. (Disclaimer, I've only ever played the one map in the demo.)
well, if it was similar to this: journal.stuffwithstuff.com/2014/12/21/rooms-and-mazes its not quite what I want
@El'endiaStarman whenever I play the game, its quite different
Let me see if I can find the thing I was working from...
@El'endiaStarman do you have android?
@NathanMerrill No, PC only.
no phone?
I will be getting a smartphone soon though! Within 2 weeks.
well, there's a port for android called Antiyoy
@NathanMerrill More like this: donjon.bin.sh/d20/dungeon
as far as I can tell, its exact
@Geobits yeah, that still not what I'm looking for. I don't really want hallways
If you tweak the hallways to be minimum length, they would serve as chokepoints though. It's customizable enough for a lot of different things, and the source is available.
although, for D&D, that is awesome
Anyway, just the first thing I thought of. I'm sure there are plenty of open generators out there.
I was using it for a roguelike that never got finished :/
Well, a heavily adapted version anyway.
@Rainbolt I've updated the JAR. hopefully it should work this time
Also, I plan on splitting the "compile" and "import class" steps
that way, you can just download the current set of classes, and run them
(that said, you'd still need a compiler for Java submissions)
@DJMcMayhem you can download it
from third party places
I even run it one wine
Mush, puppies!
@HelkaHomba minecraft, I assume?
@HelkaHomba for your challenge can I use localStorage?
@HelkaHomba o
@HelkaHomba won't people just make the filename as small as possible?
Hasn't this already been done?
@Downgoat Like in browser memory? No
@HelkaHomba :(
@Geobits i thought so too
@Maltysen Yes but that's ok
@HelkaHomba why is quine tag relevant?
@Geobits Maybe. I've been getting loads of deja vu about it but didn't see an obvious dupe
Hmm. I'm looking now. Not sure if it was exact or anything though.
@Downgoat It's related to outputting source code. Might be a stretch
Q: Write a program that outputs the number of times it has been run

Helka HombaIn a programming language of your choice, write a full program that, when run, prints a positive integer N and then modifies its own source file such that the next time it is run it will print N+1. For example, this (ungolfed) Python 3 program satisfies this behavior: N = 1 print(N) with open...

I found one that's not a dupe - added a comment
Oh wait, I was thinking of this one: Every 2^n times
It counts the number of runs, but is... different.
Oh hey, we found the same one :/
I thought there was a closer one but I can't find it - maybe it was just that one
@Geobits If you close mine as a dupe of that underspecified pop-con I'll never speak to you again Bitsy.
Look, I only remember it because I won, ok? That doesn't happen too often :P
For the record, I asked if this was a dupe the other day
2 days ago, by Helka Homba
Does anyone remember if I made a challenge about a program editing it's own source code? I'm sure I did...
ah here it is:
Q: Chaining Programs

DowngoatChallenge In this challenge, you will be writing the first program, p1, of an infinite sequence of programs, in which running pn outputs/generates program pn+1. When concatenating the first n >= 2 programs, the sequence should output n. Example Let's say the first 4 programs are: p1 p2 p3 p4 ...

its different
but still has the incrementing thing
You probably have done some sort of source-modification. Just not this.
@HelkaHomba You know you've written a lot of challenges when...
@trichoplax One of these days I bet I will write a dupe of one of my own challenges.
@HelkaHomba I remember a challenge about modifying the source code to delete the last few
@HelkaHomba just curious, why the one-program and not the zero one?
@Maltysen Because when you run the 1-program you will have (started to) run the program 1 times, not 0, satisfying the challenge title.
@HelkaHomba is there a maximum N for which this must work?
I'm guessing the python example will go further than most due to the arbitrary precision integers
@trichoplax It should only be limited by int maximum/memory constraints. I'd say 2^16 at the very least.
The example looks like it would only work up to 9.
@Doorknob I'm curious to hear your thoughts on the nutrition system I am currently implementing into qNetHack:
@feersum Why? It works fine for me for 9+
So at the start of the game you have 900 lifetime nutrition, with 300 in protein (corpses), 300 in carbs (food/cram rations), and 300 in fruits/vegetables
Oh @Nathan here's another way to do maps I've played around with. It's very simple to implement: roguebasin.com/…
[4:] takes everything from character 4 to the end of the line
Oh, f.read()
I thought it was overwriting in place.
@Geobits oooh, I like it
Every time you eat something its nutrition value is added to your lifetime nutrition and the nutrition count for the category
TIL wordpress needs more than 2.5GB ram
wordpress does? That's insane.
Just use Jekyll, it lets you just use static html files
Then, whenever you would level up and get x hp, you would instead get round(x * (3 * min(fruits, meats, carbs) / u.ulifetime))
If you would get 0 you instead get 1
@Quill thats good but there is no web interface
@NathanMerrill Roguebasin has a lot of interesting articles for stuff like this.
@Quill btw random question: do you use boomerangs?
Are you a cowboy? :P
Do you use a lasso?
> Resolving Git Accidents 101
> The grammar to end all grammars!
I can tell that these are motivated by personal experience...
And if min(fruits, meats, carbs) / lifetime dips below 5% you get You feel malnourished when you eat
@Downgoat What did you do with those Git illustrations?
cc @EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ @Lynn
@Quill yes
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΨΠʹ holiday ended so i have to work again ;_;
@Downgoat No, they were a hunting tool of the natives, and now they're simply the main seller in tourist shops
:| ok
everything i learned in history class has been a lie
brb writing strongly worded email to district history director
I'm glad I didn't go to goat school. Sounds like the curriculum is terrible.
@Geobits yes it is. in comp sci classes they make u use java... yuck
@Downgoat At least it's not Python
@Downgoat no unfortunately that happens in people high school also
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΨΠʹ ಠ_ಠ
@Downgoat java leads to yuck. yuck leads to anger. anger leads to hate. hate leads to java.
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΨΠʹ btw are you morlanful?
@Maltysen wat I thought u r clay dragon not people ._____.
@Downgoat shhhhh the people don't know yet
@Maltysen No, they're LegionMammal.
@quartata oh, cool
@Maltysen lol
Feb 2 at 4:27, by Thomas Kwa
@ӍѲꝆΛҐӍΛПҒЦꝆ can you please stop abusing three different alphabets to make your name look slightly prettier?
@quartata did you see the TF2 lagg circuit fix?
okay TNB is being distraction, gtg bai
Distraction? No way @Downgoat
@HelkaHomba If you think that's underspecified, you should see this one.
@Downgoat oops pinged the wrong person
On a more serious note, remind me to get Spotify premium soon. I need to pay these people if their customer support trolls people who include "halp pls" in their requests.
Superbly underspecified. — Thomas Eding Aug 24 '11 at 19:44
@Geobits bwahahaha
@Downgoat At least I only use one
And it's transliterated correctly
(Except for the 978, somehow did that wrong, but won't be able to change for the next 10 days)
@HelkaHomba Yeah, the one where you reverse the filename each time it's run.
I remember that cause it made me add the <C-r>z feature to V
@Geobits I was summarizing. Do u seriously think I'd say "halp pls" to spotify premium...
ಠ_ಠ i have a feeling the goat is not taken seriously in here ;_;
Can't imagine you saying anything else.
@Downgoat Maybe you change your display name to Cabrito.
Q: Given a list of circles, output the area of the smallest containing rectangle

TimYou will be given a list of radii, you must output the smallest rectangle which they will all fit in. For example, given the list [5,3,1.5] you would output 157.460. This is the image: The width is 15.7460 and the height is 10, so the area is 157.460 Rules: You get the list via stdin, out...

@Downgoat Indeed. Very hot even.
ok i think im done here for today
@mınxomaτ oh shit i sent you times in EST, not UTC
@Downgoat ... i'm the only yes voter
@Downgoat Weeeeeeeeeell.....

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