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@El'endiaStarman I figured out the level layout thing
Place the doors right next to each other. That way in order to see into any other doors you have to enter the room and turn around
That's certainly one solution.
Tried doing some raytracing with it on paper and it's pretty air-tight, but not very satisfactory
BTW you'll need to make sure you use areaportals so the doors cull appropriately
Are these portals you're using one-way?
What's the room in general like, and where are the doors?
I tried it with rectangular rooms like this:
|    |
Do you really need to worry about infinite lines of sight that much? Portal (for instance) just places a "recursion limit" of 8 of sorts
That doesn't seem particularly interesting. Are you thinking that there would be multiple rooms and that they'd be chained via these doors?
@El'endiaStarman Yes. I'm pretty sure it should work for any shape of room as long as the doors are right next to each other like that (I tried it with circular rooms as well)
I did it with 3 or 4 rooms connected together
That could actually be pretty interesting.
Another possibility is to elevate one of the doors. If there's a big platform blocking the view from the upper door to the lower door that should prevent infinite line of sights regardless of where the doors are
Oooh, yes, the lower door of one room could be connected to the upper door of the next room.
Yeah, exactly.
I think those two strategies combined could make for fairly interesting level design
Yeah. Now I just need to write a game engine. And figure out how to use Portal's rendering engine. :P
Enter...Pytek! Whenever I finish it, that is.
Too bad Source costs $25,000 for a Havok physics license
Well dang.
@El'endiaStarman how far are you on Pytek?
On the other hand, I don't expect to need the fullness of their physics engine...
@Upgoat I think I'm close to getting functions working, which is one of the huge pieces I need to progress much further.
cool. Do you have ternaryies yet?
It's built into Source is the problem. If you're making a free mod Valve will pull the strings for you not to pay that (it means people will need Source SDK Base or something) but if you're making a commercial game you need the Havok physics license
Potentially you could try to take that out of Source but it would be a massive pain in the ass
Source 2 is moving away from Havok which is something but for now I'm just telling all the bright-eyed little game developers on the Source SDK forums to use UE4 or something
@Upgoat No. Ternaries are an operator (well, two if you consider the ? and : to be distinct). I have the language feature implemented, but no specific operators besides addition.
is addition 1 \+ 2 or just 1 + 2? :P
Haha, it's just 1 + 2.
@Upgoat 1 + 2...
oh ok
Is this because 4 \/ 2 would be confusing?
No, it's because \ is for functions.
Functions and operators have distinctly different structures.
oh ok
will tehre be operator overlaodgn
I plan to do operator "overlaodgn" like Python does - define it in the class.
To personify +, it will ask its operands how to add them.
@El'endiaStarman hai numbr, im + haow shood i ad u togedr
@Upgoat You should stop drinking avocad juice
ಠ_ಠ avocad meme is very old
Or, in your langauge
Stap drinkin avoca juic
ಠ_ಠ cheddar-is-not-a-language-its-a-cheese puns are old
@Bálint do u hav hoves too, y is ur handwritng so bad
@Upgoat Let's stop here or we get a free portal to trash
My first attempt at video stabilization:
@flawr such stability very video, much attempt
A PPCG country for testing purposes
Golf is usually done at country clubs
@flawr You can technically create countries on unclaimed lands
@flawr It needs more pixels
There's a huge one on the antarctica
@flawr Very cool. My only gripe is that the rocket isn't vertical. You stabilized it on a rocket and didn't make it vertical!?
@El'endiaStarman I'm happy I'm not the only one noticing that
@flawr did SpaceX not release the original footage? or do you have to use the fotoage recorded off a TV from a potato
@Upgoat Do you mean "with a potato"?
@El'endiaStarman I didn't know yet how to do that.
Looks like early liquid oxygen depletion caused engine shutdown just above the deck https://t.co/Sa6uCkpknY
@Bálint Countries only really count if other countries recognize them as fellow countries
Should the existing catalog questions should be locked? New users are posting catalogs questions thinking they are on-topic
@Upgoat Yeah, my computer is not terribly fast, so for experimental purposes I just used a very low res.
@DanTheMan That's the hard part of it
@Upgoat Are catalog question off-topic?
@Upgoat Historical lock?
@flawr experimental porpoises? I hope they weren't harmed
@Bálint yeah
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan yes
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan Yes, they're, there's a meta post about it
@Upgoat Experimantal purr-goats.
@Bálint A perfect example is Sealand off the coast of Britain that is only really recognized by Germany because of a hostage situation if my memory is correct.
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan There were for a while, but it's not encourage to present them as such, because a lot of people were starting to use the word "catalog" as an excuse for poor questions
I knew that. ^ But I never heard that catalog questions are explicitly off-topic.
@DanTheMan There are 13 not recognized countries, there's Sealand of course, Liberland just between Serbia a Croatia
They're not explicitly off-topic, just... don't call it that :P
@Bálint If you don't know what those are, a historical lock is used for questions that were once a good fit for the site, but aren't anymore. They're good, but shouldn't be used as an example.
@Sp3000 Or simply as an excuse for the "I don't want to go back and mark one the answer"
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan they are not exactly off-topic but if you are dubbing your question a "catalog" it's 99% most definitely ready to be closed and heavily downvoted
Now we're trying to say everything is essentially a catalog question.
@El'endiaStarman I know
@Bálint It is always a matter of recognized by whom.
@Bálint That's not true - you can always have a normal question and just not mark an answer
@Bálint Alright, just wasn't sure from your question.
@Upgoat Why off topic? Dupe or "I couldn't think of something new" seem more likely.
@Bálint There are also some countries that are recognized by a lot of countries but not all, such as Kosovo
@flawr You need to be recognized by the 15 biggest countries in the world, USA, Russia, China, France, Germany, etc.
@Bálint Let's map those to the 15 top PPCG users
@HelkaHomba I'm saying they aren't off-topic. But if asked now, e.g. write a cat program. They would be very non-well-recieved. Sometimes new users ask basic questions "add two numbers", thinking they are OK because of existing catalogs.
@DanTheMan Uhm, Kosovo became a separate country some time ago iirc
That's because it's boring, not because it's a catalog.
@Bálint For what?
@Bálint Kosovo isn't recognized by Russia and many other former bloc countries
@flawr To be a real cointry
@DanTheMan Sorry, you need to be recognized by 10 out of 15 biggest countries
@HelkaHomba Sure: Sealand's not a country, the Vatican's not a country but Calka's backyard is a country
@Sp3000 Vatikan is a country
@Sp3000 s/yard/porch/. But ok
It's recognized by every country
See, that is just always a matter of perspecitve.
@Bálint Define *country*=)
My lawn chair is a throne
@Bálint (The joke was meant to be that if PPCG users get to decide, then I'm casting my votes thus :P)
It is probably just recognized by countries itself recognices as countries. So basically a circle jerk.
@flawr A country becomes a country, when it's recognized by at least 10 out of the 15 biggest countries in the world
I don't even know what you guys are talking about.
@Bálint But it still is not a country from the perspective of everyone else. What if all the other countries declare the 15 biggest countries as non-countries?
See, just a matter of perspective
I was wondering the other day, what do countries besides the US call their "liberal" and "conservative" political parties? I know it's not all Democrat and Republican.
(or other parties for that matter)
@HelkaHomba Many probably have more than two significant parties.
Smiizmar, and foochan
@HelkaHomba Well it depend on how may parties there are to start
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan foochan->fouchan->fourchan->4chan
And also more extreme parties such as communist parties are more common
I've noticed that Green parties are pretty common
@HelkaHomba Labor/Liberal, not sure which way around. (Note: yes that's "Labor", not "Labour", for whatever reason)
@flawr 15 biggest countries by economy. It's not about perspective, it's either in the international association of countries or not
@flawr wat is 4chan
Ask @flawr he's the one who brought it up.
@Bálint Nothing prevents any other countries to make another "true international association of countries"
@Upgoat 4chan.org the nemesis of reddit
@HelkaHomba If you put it that way, every country probably has the odd weird party. But those two are the major ones with any chance at having the Prime Minister (Greens are third, but nowhere close usually)
@flawr why?
@flawr oh god, Why'd you link to it?
@flawr flags
@Upgoat you asked.
@flawr No, 9gag is the nemesis of reddit
Reddit is in an uneasy relationship with 4chan, but they are definitely not enemies
@DanTheMan solution: use babel? :P
what about digg or voat?
The Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM) is the deity of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster or Pastafarianism (a portmanteau of pasta and Rastafarian), a social movement that promotes a light-hearted view of religion and opposes the teaching of intelligent design and creationism in public schools. According to adherents, Pastafarianism is a "real, legitimate religion, as much as any other." Pastafarianism is legally recognized as a religion in Poland, in The Netherlands, and in New Zealand – where Pastafarian representatives have been authorized to celebrate weddings and where the first legally...
> In June 2014, a New Zealand man obtained a driver's license with a photograph of himself wearing a blue spaghetti strainer on his head. This was granted under a law allowing the wearing of religious headgear in official photos.
Why did you just give us the link to the FSM wiki- oh
thanks New Zealand
cheddar> String.make
Uh, an error occured.
remind me later to make this throw an error, thanks
10/10 most descriptive errors
@Upgoat It's at least more readable than a java crashlog
what should be the syntax for a namespace/module e.g.
<something> Math {
     pi: 3.14
@Upgoat :
@Upgoat namespace
<something>:Math {
     pi: 3.14
: Math {
     pi: 3.14
Sorry I thought that was obvious
@quartata not module like ruby?
10/10 very ungolfy
@Upgoat no that's dumb
@Upgoat space?
Do NOT indent with space
@Upgoat huh no i meant
space: Math {
     pi: 3.14
What about
nah I'll just do quartatas suggestion I think
Use tabs
If Cheddar is written in JavaScript why isn't there an online repl yet
:namespace Math {
    pi: 3.1415Lookmait'sapi
@quartata ಠ_ಠ that's not how it works
what is wrong with awesome auto-installer script
@Upgoat yes it is
@Upgoat it doesn't work >_>
thats your fault
What's the point of writing it in JavaScript if it doesn't run in browsers
@quartata No, because he uses node
works for me on ubutu, rpi, centos, mac, and windows
@Bálint @Upgoat why?
@Bálint Node is a tiny thin layer over JavaScript
@quartata sure if you wanna browserify it you can, I too busy to make a REPL
@Maltysen What why?
If he designed it correctly it should be easy
@quartata hahahaha, sure, and python is a tiny thin layer over machine code
Node isn't that hard to move to browsers
@Bálint does he use node for everything?
he can probably move most of the js to browsers, keep native stuff in node
@quartata You're speaking about @Upgoat
@DanTheMan how do I port fs.writeFile to browser, pls tell
28 secs ago, by Maltysen
he can probably move most of the js to browsers, keep native stuff in node
@Maltysen okay, fine it's possible but I don't have time to do it
@Upgoat Uh, just disable it?
install cheddar from source
@Upgoat localStorage
do npm install -g browserify
then npm install
then browserify dist/cli/cheddar.js
idk how
@Upgoat it's on Github right? Just make a thing* for a browser version.
*I don't know the terminology
That's it
@Bálint Why would you just say "-"
his dog
oh wait no that's just Geobits
@DanTheMan Oh, it was accidental
I'm not really paying attention to chat
@Upgoat I have a cat
it was bad joke
halp how static propert in chedr
@Upgoat I vote to close this as "unclear what you're asking"
;-; y u haet gaots mesij
I wish I could make a modification to Steam so that it doesn't show any notifications that contain the words "now in-game Overwatch"
@Upgoat I don't hate the message, I hate goats
;-;-;-;;-;-;-;-;-;-; y u haet gaot
i haet laoding signs, and ur laoding sine, feelings muchual
@Upgoat You answered your question perfectly
@Upgoat I don't want to hear that from you
;-; balint doesnt liek to hear gaot
Holy shit, just found out about this:
Sunspring is a 2016 experimental science fiction short film entirely written by an artificial intelligence bot using neural networks. It was conceived by BAFTA-nominated filmmaker Oscar Sharp and NYU AI researcher Ross Goodwin. It stars Thomas Middleditch, Elisabeth Grey, and Humphrey Ker as three people, namely H, H2, and C, living in a future world and eventually connecting with each other through a love triangle. The script of the film was authored by a recurrent neural network called long short-term memory (LSTM) by an AI bot named Benjamin. Originally made for the Sci-Fi-London film festival...
Is there a universally recognized symbol for increment?
Or decrement?
symbol not symbols
Hey, I didn't make them.
> (Mathematics) maths a small positive or negative change in a variable or function. Symbol: Δ, as in Δx or Δf
+1 is a small change, isn't it?
@Bálint That's not what that really means
@quartata I know
I wouldn't trust free dictionary for anything math related
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan then no
It's change
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan unicode called the middle finger: "REVERSED HAND WITH MIDDLE FINGER EXTENDED". Since when has unicode ever been an accurate source for names?

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