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And, often times, funny. :)
But many would think it is wrong, after all, it is British.
Britain is the most traditional place in the Anglo-Saxon world, by far.
@LucasTizma Pish-posh, chap! Get your knickers out of a twist and hop in the lorry, we must go buy some pantaloons.
Its traditions are the oldest and strongest.
@Mahnax How very formal dost thou speak!
@Cerberus Do you mean How very formally thou dost speaketh?
I just can't get past how British English says things like, "Today, Sony have announced a new product." It kills me! :)
If I could get past that, maybe I could start writing in their style.
@Mahnax Almost!
@LucasTizma Yes, that is recommended in British.
@Cerberus Okay.
Of course nobody forces you to follow all those rules. Once you know them, you can use them as you like.
@LucasTizma I made a couple iOS apps.
I made a Darth Vader Soundboard (I'm cool like that), and a random colour generator.
Both actually work.
Simple things, but not bad for a 15 year old, if I do say so myself.
Not bad at all.
At least you made SOMETHING.
Yeah. I'm so pleased that they function.
But I took a bit of a break from iOS developing, then I got an Xcode update and everything changed.
Yup. :) It'll do that.
Fortunately, Xcode 4 should be around for a while, so it shouldn't change drastically any time soon.
Oh good.
NOOO!!!!! The Xcode update killed my soundboard's functionality!! :'(
iOS 5 has changed a lot of things.
For the better. :)
I have one error, but I have absolutely no idea what it means.
What is it?
ignoring file /Volumes/ℳ₯₳₱/iPhone Apps/Darth Vader Soundboard/AVFoundation.framework/AVFoundation, missing required architecture i386 in file

and something about this: "_OBJC_CLASS_$_AVAudioPlayer", referenced from:
objc-class-ref in Darth_Vader_SoundboardViewController.o
Q: Plurals and possessives of quoted words

zzzzBovAfter asking a number of questions on StackOverflow, I keep running into some of the same phrasing issues. Typically these issues stem from variable names. How do I correctly pluralize or possessivize* a word or phrase in quotes or code blocks? Are there any differences in grammatical structure...

Q: Pluralizing Keywords in Programming Languages

aaronasterlingIn the language that I'm currently working in one of the keywords is try. I'm writing an error message: No implementation for global level try statements. It's too long in my source and so I would very much like to reduce it to No implementation for global level try's. Anybody using my cod...

Your votes please.
The path in the first bit is where the .xcodeproj file is located, it's on my iPod at the moment.
@RegDwightѬſ道 To close? Or up/down?
@Daniil Hi there.
@Mahnax Somehow it's looking for AVFoundation in your project, which is odd/wrong. :-\
@LucasTizma Interesting...
@RegDwightѬſ道 Ah, first is a dupe of the second.
@Reg You are a mod, why do you not just close things yourself?
Because that's not my job.
My job is to intervene as little as possible.
Ideally, you should not even notice that mods exist.
Hmm, okay. You'd prefer it if the community would do all these things on its own.
May 9 '11 at 21:23, by RegDwight
We have almost fifty 3k users now. I can't be closing questions unilaterally. That trains the community to be lazy. But if you can't count on Super Reg to close everything, that's when the site starts really working as intended.
@RegDwightѬſ道 That makes sense. I vote to close often, I think.
I think there's a SEDE query, actually...
Lemme see...
Umm, @Reg, your comment, it's... wrong. A question cannot be a dupe of itself.
Haha wut? Stoopid copypasta strikes again?
Sure it does.
As Slim pointed out, your link links to the question you've posted it on.
Well, I fixed it. Then deleted it. (Because your comment says the same thing anyway.) Talk about inefficiency.
Dang, we've gone and made ourselves useless.
Hm. For what it's woth, that SEDE query sez that you have helped close 0 questions.
That can't be true.
It is a lie!
Yeah, it's a cake. And the cake is a lie.
Well, it only gets updated once a month, apparently.
@RegDwightѬſ道 ♫ This was a triumph... ♫
Sure, but arencha older than that?
I've only been 3k for a little while.
Okay. Then I am willing to move that the query is not cake. But it is still lie.
Definitely still a lie. I am trying to dig up a question that I have helped close.
Oh I remember seeing your handle on at least one occasion myself.
Me too. One question that I helped vote to close was reopened.
Grr. Sum != Count.
Stoopid coder.
(That's me, the coder.)
Hello @Kit.
Hello @Mahnax.
Meh. Easy to fix. Sum := Count.
Sum ::= Count
Take that!
Somehow I managed to mistype one half of a semicolon.
I love you so much @Reg.
I'm afraid I have no idea what any of that means.
I almost wish I knew you in real life.
Thank you, thank you. I'll be here all week. Also, in real life.
Well, I can guess what Sum and Count mean.
But I would still mail you an apple pie next fall.
Ze cake is a lie, but the pie ain't!
@RegDwightѬſ道 Huh, what? Where?
IF we can figure out how to get it to you in an edible or edibleable state.
@Cerberus Hurry up with the puzzle! I need to go home!
Oh! OK!
@robusto was talking some nonsense about a pipeline from his house to mine.
So I guess you just have to visit his place and shove the cake somewhere.
I mean the pie, sorry.
I see. But I don't know his Secret Identity.
And you don't have to. It's enough to know his Real ID.
And I am afraid if I run around Beantown shouting "Pie for RegDwight!" I might get arrested.
Well, you'd be surprised.
Just try it.
It's not New York.
Now you just don't make sense. It is always New York. Even in the rare corner cases that it isn't.
I once saw a woman carrying a live tarantula around in her clear plastic purse in NYC.
Also, sexual relations.
She was carrying sexual relations in a clear plastic purse???
@Kitḫ Eww.
No, having sexual relations in a clear plastic purse.
OK, not really.
I fibbed a bit just then.
@Kitḫ gasp Even worse!
For comedic effect.
Bah, we are 100 behind again. QQ
And I have to go AFK for a while me hearties.
I'll fire a shot.
I have to leave soon.
Bye Reg.
I'll squeeze off a few rounds while Cerb mulls this puzzle.
Ouch. Taking some bad losses.
Yeah it's not easy.
Hey, please reopen this, folks!
Q: -ness suffix etymology

Rita BarkerWhat is the etymology of the suffix '-ness'? I have come across it in OE texts but always assumed it was a later borrowing.

God I hate this.
I'm all for reopening that one.
Why do all websites always have to become to much about rules and inner crowds, instead of openness and being friendly to new users?
I don't know.
Blame it on the pandas.
sad faces
Hey, I'm black and white too.
No! That's not what racism is.
I have a different question: why is @matt's name not rendered correctly in the close reason message?
You're not using IE 4.0 again, are you?
I am using the same browser I have been using all the time.
My Safari 5 renders it well.
Chrome here.
So it's even the same engine.
My browser has this problem:
And note how the first letter is rendered. Just incorrectly.
That shouldn't be there.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Webkit, right?
@Cerberus Well, you cast your vote.
@Mahnax Yes.
@RegDwightѬſ道 That's what I thought.
It's probably a unicode/font problem.
Have you tried installing and using Code2000?
@Cerberus And in fact for you that's not a problem at all, because you have got your answer in, and can expand it at will.
Our beloved Vitaly once recommended it to me, and it solves nearly all of my problems.
@RegDwightѬſ道 It is not about me personally!
I just hate this.
I know. Now what?
You want me to ping Shog?
You know what he will say.
I would like you to do other things to him!
And to Jeff too.
I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that.
Oh come on.
Seriously, dude. Are you ten?
2001: A Space Odyssey is a 1968 epic science fiction film produced and directed by Stanley Kubrick, and co-written by Kubrick and Arthur C. Clarke, partially inspired by Clarke's short story The Sentinel. The story deals with a series of encounters between humans and mysterious black monoliths that are apparently affecting human destiny, and a space voyage to Jupiter tracing a signal emitted by one such monolith found on the moon. Keir Dullea and Gary Lockwood star as the two astronauts on this voyage, with Douglas Rain as the voice of the sentient computer HAL who "seems human" and has fu...
Hello Dave!! [Papalazarou voice]
Ah, the computer. I've never read the book or seen the film.
@RegDwightѬſ道 I don't get out much.
Or watch a lot of movies.
Jesus Christ. I am surrounded by incognoscenti.
I'm sorry, what would you like me to do about it? Is it my fault that I haven't seen this movie or ever heard a quote from it?
@Mahnax You don't have to have read Hamlet to have heard of "to be or not to be".
@Mahnax I don't want you to do anything. I am just expressing my astonishment.
@Mahnax Don't worry, he always does that to me, and my memory is far, far worse than yours in any case.
It's not about memory.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Half the people my age would look at you strangely if you said "to be, or not to be".
Perhaps. Still, I would express my astonishment.
@RegDwightѬſ道 In a manner that makes it seem as though it's my fault, or that there is something I could have done to prevent it.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Well, okay, about films and internet memes, then.
@Mahnax Hm. Well I apologize for the manner, then. Even though there is something you could have done to prevent it.
@RegDwightѬſ道 That being what?
I just take certain things for granted. Like people knowing who Gagarin was.
@Mahnax Seeing the movie.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Well, sure. But if I didn't know it existed, then how...?
I did take the initiative just now to go look it up, though.
That's an additional if. And the answer to that question is different.
But I was answering your original question.
Okay, but I didn't know it existed until the link about it was posted.
I always feel that way. I've learned to to shrug it off and live with it.
I find that astounding seeing how it's such an integral part of our culture.
Well, is it?
I think many of my friends wouldn't know it.
Of course! Everyone and his dog has paid his reverence to this movie by now.
Maybe your culture is different from mine. After all, there is an ocean between us.
Not everyone.
@Mahnax I am refering to your culture.
Do you know the Simpsons? South Park? Futurama? Family Guy?
They all have episodes that are parodies of 2001.
Didn't know the latter two before I came to this room.
I have only seen the former two a few times.
@RegDwightѬſ道 I've watched the Simpsons a lot, but the other three I always found stupid and inappropriate.
Sure, but that's beside the point.
My point is that that movie has been cited hundreds of thousands of times in other works.
In pop culture, yes.
I have heard it referenced a lot. And I know there is something about a big computer that turns evil.
Well, I'd never heard of it.
But that's all.
Hi @MartyIX.
@Mahnax hi!
@MartyIX I think I may have seen you here once before.
@Mahnax Yes, I'm here from time to time to ask a question :-)
@MartyIX Heh, alright.
I wonder why Jeff deleted this question: english.stackexchange.com/questions/13646/…
@Mahnax He deleted it after someone (well, me) commented on our meta how he only had one question and no answers. So that was his way of saying that he would be taking his ball and going home.
@RegDwightѬſ道 I see. Can you tell me what the votes were for it?
Probably +1 -2, but I can't be certain.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Whaaa? How does his rep work then?
@Mahnax There. I just did a recalc. Check again.
And nice mini-rant, monologue, soliloquy, whatever you feel like calling it.
Jeff Atwood ♦, El Cerrito, CA
69 1 2 12
@RegDwightѬſ道 Hm, that confuses me.
Jul 11 '11 at 12:54, by RegDwight
I am here to confuse.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Grand.
I think that if Jeff wants to edit things here, he should need to submit the edits for reviewing...
I didn't know he was that old.
@Mahnax Yay! I have 14k now.
@RegDwightѬſ道 referring
@RegDwightѬſ道 The browser cannot render the font in that particular size I think.
@RegDwightѬſ道 I wonder how he made that picture. Maybe I should try to ask him.
> It's an image from the Steve McConnell book Code Complete used to illustrate dangerous code samples
@JasperLoy Very nice.
@Mahnax Do you have work later?
@matt Why are you back? You should be sleeping.
@JasperLoy No, not today. However, I may be going to the mall with some friends shortly.
@JasperLoy I know. I'm restless
I was in here at 3 o'clock this morning.
@Mahnax Good good. Window shopping is one of my favourite pastimes.
@Mahnax Yes, I saw.
@MattЭллен Is something troubling you?
@JasperLoy I don't think I will buy much of anything, just dinner and a drink.
@Mahnax That's what I do, hence window.
@JasperLoy maybe. Or I could just be used to staying up later because of the holidays.
@JasperLoy Indeed. I think that I will have a good time if we do go.
@Mahnax Yes, somehow math and walking go together.
@MattЭллен Which are over.
they are, they are
@JasperLoy Are you saying that math is to be considered a good time?
@Mahnax No, I am saying that many people who like math like walking too, often for long distances by themselves.
@JasperLoy Yes, I like walking. I could walk for hours, just thinking.
@MattЭллен Reduplication like Matt 2.
@Mahnax Oh I called you Matt 2 and the other one is Matt 1 since I met him first.
@JasperLoy Heh, okay. Maybe we'll just stick with Mahnax then?
@Mahnax Yeah anything. It's just for fun.
@JasperLoy Good, good.
@Mahnax Do you know Pythagoras theorem?
@RegDwightѬſ道 Oh God oh God!
@JasperLoy The really easy one?
Is that really....
That is hilarious.
a² + b² = c²
@Mahnax Yeah. Just wanted to say there are a few hundred proofs, and I only know one or two.
@Cerberus What, exactly?
@JasperLoy What are the proofs that you know?
@Mahnax This is our Overlord:
@Cerberus Yes, I know.
It is a little humorous, I guess.
I had no idea.
This makes my day.
@Mahnax Well, the one where a square is surrounded by four triangles to make a bigger square. And one using some vectors and the scalar product. But the latter won't make sense to you now.
@Cerberus You know, he actually looks a bit like me from some angles at some points in my life.
I know the difference between vector and scalar quantities, but anyways. I'm off! Bye all.
@JasperLoy Nah. You're different races, for starters.
@Cerberus you are easily pleased :D
@MattЭллен I'm soooo easy.
@Cerberus Well, a man can look like a woman. Take siblings for example.
Similar does not mean identical.
@Cerberus I should have expected that. You've from Amsterdam afterall ;-)
In any case he does not look like you.
@MattЭллен nods
Then again, judging by your fellow countrymen here...
@Cerberus Hence a bit, some and some.
I don't see it at all, but suit yourself.
@Cerberus well, hmmm. I'd rather not be tarred with that brush
If you want to look like him, I won't stop you!
@Cerberus But of course I don't like that kind of spectacles.
@MattЭллен Hehe I had to do something to even the score. It may be below the belt, but, hey, I'm from Amsterdam.
@JasperLoy No comment!
@Cerberus Why do I think I have heard that the pickpockets in Amsterdam are the best in the world? Is it an urban legend?
@Cerberus even the score indeed! Yes, I'd wager our louts are loutier than your louts :D
@MattЭллен This sentence is hard to understand.
it's similar to the sentence "Our red apples are redder than your red apples" but I made up the word loutier
anyway, sleep beckons. Knight all

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