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@RoryAlsop Gotta turn safe search off man :d
@DavidFreitag it is off!
that's why it's a result when nothing naughty comes up :-)
@RoryAlsop Well then you sir need to spice up your search terms
@DavidFreitag pfffffft
surely that's what Bing is for
Actually I am genuinely surprised that nothing naughty came up
Does this disprove Rule 34?
@DavidFreitag you'd probably just need to scroll further
@DavidFreitag give it a moment, he just took his pill.
Yaaaay more chat drama. #DaysOfOurDMZ
@AviD Not that old yet...
@RoryAlsop yah you'll never be
bathing in the blood of virgins or something
@RoryAlsop die antword - reminds me of
@silverpenguin actually it's Eminemineminem
@RoryAlsop Knowing Eminem, it's probably his mom.
@Iszi ewwwww ;-P
@RoryAlsop C'mon, you know it's a valid point.
If the guy did metal, he'd be in Disturbed.
Blood is sticky; it makes for a poor bathing experience, and tends to clog the pipes.
@ThomasPornin heh - not going to ask
Fun fact of the day: octopus blood is blue, not red, because instead of hemoglobin (which uses iron), it transports oxygen with hemocyanin, that contains copper.
Hemocyanin works better than hemoglobin at low temperatures; but it still does not work really well, so octopi have difficulty maintaining prolonged physical efforts.
I am not sure the plural of octopus is really octopi, but by all rights it should.
@ThomasPornin I think its like fishes or fish ... both can be plural but only one can be singular
look at that group of octopus!
wow that is a nice group of octopi
You say an octopi when there is multiple octopus
Mmh... look at these octopos! This is a nice group of octoporum. These are lovely octopi.
@RoryAlsop No, he had Taco Bell for dinner
Dammit man why do I need someone else's SSN for a beneficiary
> The octopus (/ˈɒktəpʊs/ or /ˈɒktəpəs/; plural: octopuses, octopi, or octopodes; see below) is a cephalopod mollusc of the order Octopoda.
@DavidFreitag So they can positively identify them.
@Xander Yeah but c'mon man I don't know me family's SSN's by heart
@ThomasPornin always liked the term octopodes (which is similarly not quite right)
@DavidFreitag As a matter of fact, you shouldn't know anybody else's SSN.
@DavidFreitag I never said it wasn't a hassle. :-)
So now I need to visit my sister so she can fill this shit out
@DavidFreitag Does she not have a phone? Does she live in the deep woods, in a small cave?
@Xander Pls I don't want to know her SSN, I might forget mine
@Xander Talking on phone is worse than meeting with someone face to face.
I hate to talk on the phone.
Pesky phones.
What about you, @Tophandour, do you like to talk on the phone?
hate it so much
I hate talking on the phone.
for some reason it gives me anxiety
Two reasonable men.
Are "How did <Security Vulnerability or Virus> get its name?" questions on-topic on Information Security? I haven't seen that they are specifically permitted and I haven't found any examples so I'm not sure
@Simon that'd be four then.
Someone dropped the bomb in the bathroom. Oh man. Hiroshitma
@MarkBuffalo Battle shits
@Tophandour I don't think so. While it may be of historical interest, it isn't really an infosec question. IMO.
@Tophandour I would doubt it
@Xander where'd that fit then?
it's the sort of thing you could ask the team that discovered it, but it has nothing to do with security
seems like this could be the best match.
@SmokeDispenser nowhere
Yeah, I don't suppose there is a place for it, then
@RoryAlsop fair point.
fair enough
@SmokeDispenser definitely not a good reason to have a question like that in here. It's not about security
Google Fi is freaking awesome.
@DavidFreitag ?
@Tophandour You have a vulnerability in specific that you're interested in?
@RoryAlsop Do you not know what Google Fi is?
@DavidFreitag nope - just going to google it now
never heard of it
@RoryAlsop It's Google's cell service
@Xander not really, I just tend to wonder how things get named
They hijack AT&T, T-Mobile, and Sprint cell towers
@DavidFreitag oh - when I last looked it wasn't called this, and as it doesn't appear to have UK in a useful timeline I ignored from then onwards
But most importantly, it's also a voip service so I can send/receive texts/calls on wifi
@DavidFreitag Still only available for the US, booo.
Fi is awesome, however, the Nexus 5X is shit.
Is it?
total shit
How come?
Because it has an awesome fingerprint scanner, yet the cost needed to remain at $350 to keep it's place in the market, so the fingerprint sensor is fantastic but the rest of the phone is made out of bits of paper and recycled tires
I don't think there is a single bit of metal in the phone
Seriously, the Oneplus One was the same price and it was MILES better than this heap of crap.
Well the Nexus 5 is pretty flimsy too.
It's plastic everywhere.
This makes the Nexus 5 look like the best phone in existence
Oh well.
@Tophandour Mmh... I recall a "rump session" talk by Eli Biham that tried to explain how cryptographic algorithms were named -- basically, Biham was doing bad puns on names that were already bad puns.
I really haven't been very impressed with the Nexus phones.
I guess I'm not upgrading any time soon.
@Simon Trust me I know, I've had a Nexus 5
Mine still works like a charm.
@Xander The 6P is a fantastic phone. If you have $700 to drop.
@DavidFreitag It's still not as nice (hardware-wise, at least) as a Samsung S7.
And it's too big.
The reason I loved the Oneplus One is because it was just a phone. It didn't have any idiotic gimmick features
And ugly.
I'm looking forward to seeing what the do with the new Nexus 7 though.
this is also just a phone :P
@TildalWave They make bluetooth ones of those
@DavidFreitag smart devices are not "just phones"
@kalina Ok it was a phone that had a camera, but that's it
@DavidFreitag and more processing power than used to land on the moon
And a pretty decent camera at that
@kalina pls @Simon's left nut has more processing power than was used to land on the moon
let's not talk about that subject
aw yuh
Comparing modern tech to 60's tech is just not fair.
stating that a smartphone running a derivative of Android is "just a phone" is also "just not fair".
Just because you can get to the moon with a box of popsicle sticks and a roll of duct tape
I think the only redeeming feature of the 5X is the USB C plug, and even that is bittersweet. Even though it's way better than USB Micro B it sucks because if your phone is dying you're pretty much fucked
Unless you carry a cord literally everywhere
@DavidFreitag that just removes all the charm from it, the whole point was that they were wired... if you wanted "mobile" you just added longer cord to it
@TildalWave Fogey.
@TildalWave Just superglue a bungee cord to it
Damn I'm starving
Gonna start gnawing on a PCB soon
Wow when did I get pinned twice, you'd think you'd be able to feel that.
I've ran out of things to say about anything to anyone
Feeling derp
@kalina mods cannot do that
@JourneymanGeek They can't merge users?
haven't been for quite a while
official advice mods give is that the users use the contact us link...
@JourneymanGeek well I'm not around enough for changes that happen "a while ago" register in my brain
@kalina yeaaaars ago actually
I have been a user for years
in fact it might be "my fault" you can't merge users anymore
since I kicked up a fuss about a moderator (no names... cough) merging my account with two other accounts he claimed were sock puppets when in fact it was a voting ring
@RoryAlsop ...
@kalina well you were quicker than me
especially since the merge process gave both of them access to my account because it didn't invalidate the session
@kalina yeek
and at the time I had an identifiable email address on my account, thus was a massive breach of the data protection directive
but don't mind me, my hatred of stack exchange is completely unfounded.
kinda brings safe harbor into focus when an American company is so nonchalant with a European's personal information
@kalina wow that's a fail for the ages
@kalina guess what, that process is still just as epic as it ever was
it only got worse, erm, packed with more features
@TildalWave well, not quite, in that mods don't get to do it at all :-/
@RoryAlsop I meant that if your session is stolen (and SE makes it extremely easy), and account abused ... as per Shog9 ... tough luck
it's pretty much when I realized it's a joke, and I don't believe they have a single half-decent programmer among the lot of them
@TildalWave They have some pretty good programmers.
But I guess account merging was quickly hacked together.
Does it end up being a new ID or the first ID is kept?
SE as a platform is a mess, and whose fault is it? let me guess ... it's us isn't it?
at least that's the attitude
I blame bad priorities.
I don't care that they can recite fucking Microsoft manuals ... as developers they're as crap as they come
@TildalWave No, I think it's specifically you they blame. It's a novel method of blaming a named person for easier shouting
I wouldn't hire not one of them
@CodesInChaos I think this is probably the case - the occasional times we have visibility of their change schedule, there are a million activities, requests, mandatory updates etc - every time there will be a prioritisation decision
I bet they're good at ping pong tho
@TildalWave I'm actually very impressed with a lot of the technical capability, and the functionality that has been developed on a very lightweight platform.
@kalina well, that ship is sailing fast with the fbi requesting access to everything.
@RoryAlsop like what? that there's no session invalidation after years of being pointed out as a big effin problem? that SSL/TLS works so great across the site? that each time they change sing-on process they introduce more problems than they solved? that they test new features on production servers? what exactly is impressive?
I mean, yes, sure, it is impressive what a massive cock-up it is
and their cocky stance about it
@TildalWave So, the person you're talking to is full of it. But you actually have inside information on this, and you're still being dishonest. Knock it off.
Oh look
@TildalWave They make money. Which was, basically, the point, regardless of what they may claim; businesses gotta be businesses.
about what @Shog9?
@TildalWave merging.
I am reasonably impressed at their business abilities.
whenever I wanted to point any of these problems out the response I got was basically "we don't care" wrapped in a "we don't give a toss" wrapper
please @Shog9
why are you here if I'm talking BS?
@TildalWave uh... Because you're talking BS?
and you're attracted to it?
Because I don't appreciate folks spreading misinformation about how crap works, especially when they know better?
In fact...
o lawd
It looks like this chat doesn't need kalinuh or I to generate drama.
"This user has been temporarily suspended by a moderator and cannot chat for 6 days."
soz tildol
like, even the big, shog9y drama.
now look what you've done
I hope you're happy with yourselves
I see there are some frustrations
@kalina :op who's "yourselves" in this context...?
@kalina did you start the merge request and somehow the shoggy appearence?;)
@RоryMcCune well shog is in the room and @TildalWave is banned
@Simon Where is that written?
Woah chat drama again
@ThomasPornin On his profile
Good thing I prepared some popcorn.
@Simon no, it looks like we're surplus to requirements in that department
@ThomasPornin @TildalWave's profile
@kalina this is true, we'd best keep a low profile
so how's about the Information security stufff
it has been 0 days since the last meltdown
interesting isn't it
@RоryMcCune I have a low profile anyway. I'm only short
@Shog9 if I apologize for my negativity and promise to STFU will you unban @TildalWave please?
@Matthew why did I think you were a tall Matthew?
So, because this is fairly important... Let's set the record straight:
> Merging accounts is not available to moderators and hasn't been for years.
> Triggering an automated merge requires you to have access to both accounts (including any personal information contained in them).
> A manual merge also requires you to possess significant non-public information regarding both accounts.
> Any concerns or suggestions for improvement to this process can be raised on meta and we'll do our best to address them.
@kalina I don't think Tildal being banned was because of you
@RoryAlsop I started the conversation
@RoryAlsop Well, am 5 foot 11, but surrounded by giants, so feel quite low usually
and thus take full responsibility for @TildalWave's contributions to said conversation
@silverpenguin no-one outside of the UK will get that...
Wait Tildal got banned?!?!?!
@RоryMcCune but atleast you get it
I'm gonna take this opportunity to point out that one of the top users on this site has an incredibly insecure set of credentials, easily guessed, and in response we patched the system to make it harder for accounts like that to be taken over.
Suspended for 6 days in the chat.
@kalina you didn't do that;)
@Matthew hey hey hey that's not short that's the correct height!
Tidal, by the way, knows all of this as he was until recently a moderator and had access to the tooling and documentation for it.
@Matthew i'm 5'4" so shut your mouth son
@DavidFreitag if you read from here you'll see why: chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/28651901#28651901
@Matthew 'bout the same as me
@Shog9 The password is "P@$$w0rd" ?
@Shog9 err I'm kind of hoping you're not saying that 'cause you can see the passwords of users ....
@RоryMcCune I know, that sounds like SE store passwords in plaintext or some other reversible form
@RоryMcCune You don't need a password if you can get full access to their email by knowing their account name.
@Shog9 phew - it's not me then :-)
@Shog9 Uhm, WHAT?
Yeah, talk about irony, right?
wat indeed
wat seconded
@Shog9 yes, it would be rather ironic that somebody on a security site such as this fail in such an epic way
@Shog9 eh? how could you know that if you've not tested it. I'm guessing your implication is that their username matches their password
My confusion level is 99.
now that is bad practice for sure
@RоryMcCune which, if the password is correctly stored, would only be confirmed by logging into said account
@Simon >9000
@RоryMcCune kinda don't have to when someone sets up a bot and you watch it crawling through accounts across the network.
surely that's against some law
@Simon basically he said that she said that i said that she said that mittons said that he said that i said that they said that she said something about passwords
@Shog9 so automated attack bot hits accounts with username/password-equals-username and you're watching it looking for successful logins
what a great day for sec.se today seems to be. wonder, what else is in store.
@silverpenguin thanks for the clarification
and it succeeds on a Sec.SE user
@Shog9 Ouch.
@Shog9 Would that "someone" be SE staff?
@RоryMcCune that's the only one I could think of
ahh and the user in question has their login tied to an e-mail account
which is how you know that the e-mail account was accessible
I see
@DavidFreitag uh, no. If they had been, they wouldn't still be.
@kalina can you whip me up a TLDR?
@Shog9 Yeah I was going to say...
@DavidFreitag I think my idea matches stated info... I may be wrong of course :)
it's the only explanation that occurs that doesn't require SE staff to have viewed the password in the clear and/or have tried to access a mail account with that password
Nice diversion, though. Smoothly done.
@ThomasPornin Hehehe, indeed.
@RоryMcCune It's just that "if you can get full access to their email" makes me think someone brute forced a Sec.SE user's email info
@ThomasPornin security people love a puzzle, it's like catnip
@kalina @Shog9 Ironic, but sadly not surprising, nor unusual. See HBGary Federal.
Anyway, point is the system is far from perfect but we do take it seriously and if you identify a problem please bring it up on meta or send us a private email instead of whining about it in a chat room. Stuff doesn't tend to get fixed unless it gets reported.
Look at pornu even joining the drama, it's such a lovely day.
@DavidFreitag nah remember SE accounts can be tied to e-mail accounts
@ThomasPornin Is your password "Thomas Pornin"?
@Shog9, isn't that much information (top user, all the rest) publicly disclosed a reason to... inform the user in question? It's now obvious that there is a security breach lurking.
@RоryMcCune What, like "log in with google" ?
@DavidFreitag so if someone gets into the SE account you can derive that they can get into the mail account
@DavidFreitag yea
That's how my account is set up, can't be bothered to make another password
@SmokeDispenser Shog said they had fixed it
@Matthew Confirming or denying that assertion would mechanically leak a tiny bit of information on my password.
@Shog9 bitching about it is my preferred methodology
@DavidFreitag I don't like tying anything to google that I don't have to , so I have a separate account
@RоryMcCune catnip? man i was in a train station trying to burn a cross word puzzle on a spoon. they are more than catnip
@SmokeDispenser It was clearly intentional, and we've patched around the obvious ways to exploit it.
@RoryAlsop ... by making it harder to spot those accounts automatically
@Shog9 I see
@Shog9 I'd love to have seen that being watched and then understood, and then patched - can you tell us what the timeframe was
@RоryMcCune Ditto
@RоryMcCune Right, I see, if you can authorize sending an OpenID from Google you must be logged into that account...
@DavidFreitag think so, but it's kind of reverse engineered conjecture
@RoryAlsop search TL for a message from me containing the phrase "account recovery"
@RоryMcCune No it makes sense. Definitely more sense than SE bruteforcing people's accounts
@ThomasPornin He's hoping you're an oracle, and with enough million queries he can determine your password and take over your rep by giving himself bounties on your behalf.
So @Shog9 how long is @TildalWave banned for?
And yes I'm being unintentionally vague here because the person responsible was a known troll and there's no sense in feeding him.
@DavidFreitag 7 days
It would be an appropriate time for the Big Reveal that the breach account was really @TildalWave's and that the banning was really the exclusion of the fake.
@Shog9 thanks
That'd be quite a turn of event for the 100th episode of The DMZ.
@Shog9 Ah, ok, sensible smack. Thanks.
@Shog9 and you're not unwilling it unban him?
@Simon #DaysOfOurDMZ
I'm not budging on that, btw. Talk shit about me all you want, but at the point you're telling a room full of Sec.SE people not to bother reporting problems 'cause we don't care... That's creating a big problem for everyone.
We probably ought to add to the room description at this rate
@Shog9 Yeah, I do have to admit this is not the first time I have heard him speak in such a way about you, or SE as an organization, in fact.
@Matthew [tag:drama]
@Shog9 shame that's the experience that has been received in several instances.
Why can I never remember the tag code...
@Matthew [ tag : tagname ]
no spaces
@Matthew sec.se might be closed down by the weekend by this drama growth rate.
@SmokeDispenser Shut it down? No way! #DaysOfOurDMZ has never had so many active viewers.
@Shog9 I just have to ask to clarify? exactly why is @TildalWave banned? maybe I missread something but I dont see him doing anything directly wrong. I know im sticking my nose in but ....well just but really lol
2 mins ago, by Shog9
I'm not budging on that, btw. Talk shit about me all you want, but at the point you're telling a room full of Sec.SE people not to bother reporting problems 'cause we don't care... That's creating a big problem for everyone.
12 mins ago, by Rory Alsop
@DavidFreitag if you read from here you'll see why: http://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/28651901#28651901
@DavidFreitag again, don't care. You can think we're all a bunch of schmucks if you want, but please, please, please report security issues if you find them. We very much do care, and people will get hurt if you don't.
@Shog9 I'm not saying I share his opinion. From my experience you (and SE for that matter) are pretty awesome.
@Shog9 of course we will. that's the only ethical thing to do.
Is there an actual statement on the site that protects the average joe testing for vulnerabilities?
I don't want to depart from comfortable cowardly neutrality, but I want to state that @TildalWave is generally helpful and a positive force to the "SE community" and it would be a shame if a week-ban drove him to rage-quit, as he has an unfortunate tendency to do.
@Shog9 ooh that reminds me , on that topic, do you guys have a formal bug policy
@Shog9 i.e. what's acceptable/unacceptable to do in terms of finding security bugs to report?
So pentesting on SE is allowed?
@Shog9 yah saw that but it doesn't really cover acceptable/unacceptable activities in terms of finding the bugs...
@Simon no
some sites will ban you for changing an integer ID, others allow full blown testing of specific sites
@RоryMcCune I always assume the worst - Computer Misuse Act or similar
@ThomasPornin I wouldn't call it rage quitting when you've been forcibly excluded
@RoryAlsop me too, won't touch a site without a clear bug bounty policy
@kalina Yeah but he was asking for it.
@RoryAlsop That makes literally no sense.
@RоryMcCune Exactly.
@kalina I mean, he might not come back. Space.SE would suffer.
@RоryMcCune yeah... Ideally, don't hurt anyone. You can test as much as you want, but if you find something that's gonna cause harm stop before it hurts anyone other than yourself.
@kalina he means: @TildalWave may not come back after the 7 days
@Simon it's the only useful answer at this point.
@ThomasPornin it already suffers without him as a mod
@Shog9 Would be good to have a set of definitions like hackerone.com/twitter even without the rewards part
@Shog9 it would be super-cool if that was up somewhere official... like t'other Rory says professional testers who might be inclined to help out get very jumpy about potential legal issues
@Shog9 And if, say, something goes wrong? For instance (non-maliciously) one of the sites goes down as a result of testing?
@Shog9 could you make that official?
@RоryMcCune post a request on MSE? I'm not a lawyer; I can tell you what we allow/discourage in practice, but that's different from wanting legal protection.
sorry im not really helping
@DavidFreitag having negative opinions about a company is not grounds for exclusion, especially if you're a frequent contributor to said company and that company's worth is largely carried by the value of the content contributed freely by its contributors.
@Shog9 hokey I'll put something up there...
that's like having your cake and eating it.
@kalina He wasn't banned for negative opinions
@RоryMcCune You're missing a "c" somewhere in there.
@kalina well what the hell else are you meant to do with cake?
He was banned for saying things that were (apparently) completely false.
pls the cake is a lie and everybody knows it
@Simon ccake is a thing?
@RоryMcCune pls
@DavidFreitag false, or so true that it's embarrassing?
@RоryMcCune let me know if you need any help. I'm interested, too :)
@SmokeDispenser well if I draft a thing, we can comment/modify/improve
@kalina Since it's private mod-only information the only people that can confirm are other mods or SE, and since @RoryAlsop isn't up in arms to save @TildalWave...
@RоryMcCune aye
@RоryMcCune Google Docs it with public rights to modify, I'm sure it'll end up nicely.
@DavidFreitag he was banned for suggesting to not report security problems.
@Simon o pls.
@DavidFreitag it's already established that @RoryAlsop is loyal to SE
When you get banned from a chat, does it mean that chat in particular or is it the whole of chat? Or are you completely banned from the site entirely?
@kalina If you don't think @RoryAlsop wouldn't fight for someone that was wrongfully banned for a week you're nuts
@DavidFreitag he might be fine on chat.SO, as that is different.
@SmokeDispenser ban the FBI :)
Oh wait... they did not suggested it, they only did it right.
@M'vy let's ask @MarkBuffalo before;)
@RоryMcCune can i put in a clause about manatees?
Wow, Xamarin is being open-sourced.
@DavidFreitag I think we're past the stage where people realize I'm nuts
@SmokeDispenser ins't he NSA ?
@Xander ooh
@M'vy they cooperate, don't they?;)
@Xander Yup, free for everyone with VS Community Edition
@SmokeDispenser I thought they were suing each other...
@DavidFreitag exactly this. Thanks.
@kalina I'm just saying, if there wasn't a valid reason to ban him, everyone in here would be up in arms
I'll be the first person to say it's a shitty situation
@kalina the personality you choose to show us is a little non-standard, but I'd put good money on you not being nuts at all IRL
LUNCH (almost)
@DavidFreitag And the number of stars on @Thomas' comment also says a bunch
@RoryAlsop Also @TildalWave's "location" on his Sec.SE profile currently reads "Shog9" which kinda indicates that there is still some ongoing action out of public scrutiny.
@ThomasPornin which I hope gets sorted as amicably as possible
I often say that on StackExchange, we, the "community", are really the product (and I am totally OK with that), so the core business of SE really is a massive shepherding effort which must be exhausting.
And I think I tend to use the word "really" way too often.
ah, lunch time. Please pause the drama.
Hehe, of course even pornu would enjoy the drama.
@RоryMcCune you must have had that URL cued up
We're all guilty to some extent.

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