Fun fact of the day: octopus blood is blue, not red, because instead of hemoglobin (which uses iron), it transports oxygen with hemocyanin, that contains copper.
Hemocyanin works better than hemoglobin at low temperatures; but it still does not work really well, so octopi have difficulty maintaining prolonged physical efforts.
I am not sure the plural of octopus is really octopi, but by all rights it should.
Are "How did <Security Vulnerability or Virus> get its name?" questions on-topic on Information Security? I haven't seen that they are specifically permitted and I haven't found any examples so I'm not sure
Because it has an awesome fingerprint scanner, yet the cost needed to remain at $350 to keep it's place in the market, so the fingerprint sensor is fantastic but the rest of the phone is made out of bits of paper and recycled tires
@Tophandour Mmh... I recall a "rump session" talk by Eli Biham that tried to explain how cryptographic algorithms were named -- basically, Biham was doing bad puns on names that were already bad puns.
Just because you can get to the moon with a box of popsicle sticks and a roll of duct tape
I think the only redeeming feature of the 5X is the USB C plug, and even that is bittersweet. Even though it's way better than USB Micro B it sucks because if your phone is dying you're pretty much fucked
@DavidFreitag that just removes all the charm from it, the whole point was that they were wired... if you wanted "mobile" you just added longer cord to it
in fact it might be "my fault" you can't merge users anymore
since I kicked up a fuss about a moderator (no names... cough) merging my account with two other accounts he claimed were sock puppets when in fact it was a voting ring
@CodesInChaos I think this is probably the case - the occasional times we have visibility of their change schedule, there are a million activities, requests, mandatory updates etc - every time there will be a prioritisation decision
@TildalWave I'm actually very impressed with a lot of the technical capability, and the functionality that has been developed on a very lightweight platform.
@RoryAlsop like what? that there's no session invalidation after years of being pointed out as a big effin problem? that SSL/TLS works so great across the site? that each time they change sing-on process they introduce more problems than they solved? that they test new features on production servers? what exactly is impressive?
I mean, yes, sure, it is impressive what a massive cock-up it is
@TildalWave So, the person you're talking to is full of it. But you actually have inside information on this, and you're still being dishonest. Knock it off.
So, because this is fairly important... Let's set the record straight:
> Merging accounts is not available to moderators and hasn't been for years. > Triggering an automated merge requires you to have access to both accounts (including any personal information contained in them). > A manual merge also requires you to possess significant non-public information regarding both accounts. > Any concerns or suggestions for improvement to this process can be raised on meta and we'll do our best to address them.
I'm gonna take this opportunity to point out that one of the top users on this site has an incredibly insecure set of credentials, easily guessed, and in response we patched the system to make it harder for accounts like that to be taken over.
@Simon basically he said that she said that i said that she said that mittons said that he said that i said that they said that she said something about passwords
@DavidFreitag I think my idea matches stated info... I may be wrong of course :)
it's the only explanation that occurs that doesn't require SE staff to have viewed the password in the clear and/or have tried to access a mail account with that password
Anyway, point is the system is far from perfect but we do take it seriously and if you identify a problem please bring it up on meta or send us a private email instead of whining about it in a chat room. Stuff doesn't tend to get fixed unless it gets reported.
@Shog9, isn't that much information (top user, all the rest) publicly disclosed a reason to... inform the user in question? It's now obvious that there is a security breach lurking.
@ThomasPornin He's hoping you're an oracle, and with enough million queries he can determine your password and take over your rep by giving himself bounties on your behalf.
It would be an appropriate time for the Big Reveal that the breach account was really @TildalWave's and that the banning was really the exclusion of the fake.
I'm not budging on that, btw. Talk shit about me all you want, but at the point you're telling a room full of Sec.SE people not to bother reporting problems 'cause we don't care... That's creating a big problem for everyone.
@Shog9 I just have to ask to clarify? exactly why is @TildalWave banned? maybe I missread something but I dont see him doing anything directly wrong. I know im sticking my nose in but ....well just but really lol
I'm not budging on that, btw. Talk shit about me all you want, but at the point you're telling a room full of Sec.SE people not to bother reporting problems 'cause we don't care... That's creating a big problem for everyone.
@DavidFreitag again, don't care. You can think we're all a bunch of schmucks if you want, but please, please, please report security issues if you find them. We very much do care, and people will get hurt if you don't.
I don't want to depart from comfortable cowardly neutrality, but I want to state that @TildalWave is generally helpful and a positive force to the "SE community" and it would be a shame if a week-ban drove him to rage-quit, as he has an unfortunate tendency to do.
@RоryMcCune yeah... Ideally, don't hurt anyone. You can test as much as you want, but if you find something that's gonna cause harm stop before it hurts anyone other than yourself.
@Shog9 it would be super-cool if that was up somewhere official... like t'other Rory says professional testers who might be inclined to help out get very jumpy about potential legal issues
@RоryMcCune post a request on MSE? I'm not a lawyer; I can tell you what we allow/discourage in practice, but that's different from wanting legal protection.
@DavidFreitag having negative opinions about a company is not grounds for exclusion, especially if you're a frequent contributor to said company and that company's worth is largely carried by the value of the content contributed freely by its contributors.
@kalina Since it's private mod-only information the only people that can confirm are other mods or SE, and since @RoryAlsop isn't up in arms to save @TildalWave...
@RoryAlsop Also @TildalWave's "location" on his Sec.SE profile currently reads "Shog9" which kinda indicates that there is still some ongoing action out of public scrutiny.
I often say that on StackExchange, we, the "community", are really the product (and I am totally OK with that), so the core business of SE really is a massive shepherding effort which must be exhausting.
And I think I tend to use the word "really" way too often.