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More popular questions get higher voted answers; quality is by far secondary. Want rep? You don't focus on quality first.
@JonGalloway They can be merged; that seems like it mostly covers it
I miss @AarthiDevanathan. She was nice to me.
That is a big challenge.
I'm genuinely surprised they haven't mentioned me yet, since they're talking about usefulness vs. entertainment in questions.
@GnomeSlice I don't think she's capable of being mean. We're working on it though
Yes :P
Q: Techniques for Playing Wrench Tennis Effectively?

GnomeSliceSo, I noticed that in the Medical Pavilion stage of Bioshock, there is one hallway you can enter that has a quaint little machine in it. If you hit a button at the other end of the hallway, this machine starts shooting out tennis balls. There are various trophies lined up along the wall, and v...

@MichaelMrozek You ruiner.
@Abby I agree with @JeffFerland. To J&J: what can be done to encourage quality vs just gaining rep? Is there anything that can be done?
I don't know if any of you have played Bioshock, but I basically made up that entire question.
Security is taking over the room...
Hello @AarthiDevanathan :D
lol hey
did the mascot appear? i was cycling through the backscroll
Yeah, he came by.
Also, I don't know what you just said.
I <3 my two sentence questions... =[
i was reading the messages that had popped up before i came back.
Q: What Does 'Exit' Mean?

GnomeSliceI've noticed a small square button hiding in the top right corner of my Die2Nite screen. It simply bears a red X and the ominous intonation, "EXIT" I fear greatly what would transpire if ever I clicked upon it. What severe fate awaits all ye who depress the button (What does it do)?

This is why they don't like me.
Did your question take less than 3 minutes to type? This is not a typing speed question, but rather a metric of whether you have provided enough background about what you've done.
@JeffFerland N... no... but I did add an arrow, that took some time.
@GnomeSlice Well, the top-voted answer is a joke, so that is a little sad
1 min ago, by GnomeSlice
This is why they don't like me.
man this office got warm. :(
@GnomeSlice why do you keep quoting yourself?
or maybe it's just the sheer force of joel's personality?
I think your reputation system is broken, unless we're the 'edges of the system'.
@MichaelMrozek We've got worse examples if you want ♪
As you can see.
@GraceNote It's a small step from that to PSE, where half the examples are jokes, and then to Reddit, where every vim-related post has a comment with 4000 upvotes that says "LOL VIM SUCKS"
The quality vs' entertainment thing isn't very well defined, in my opinion.
Thanks Joel. We feel special
What do you think, @gracenote?
@GnomeSlice Of?
1 min ago, by GnomeSlice
The quality vs' entertainment thing isn't very well defined, in my opinion.
I'm not sure what you mean, but it's not like quality and entertainment are competing goals of an SE site. The purpose is to be helpful; being entertaining isn't even on the list of goals
2 mins ago, by GnomeSlice
user image
What about it, specifically? General is rather... overly broad to ask me, wouldn't you say?
@MichaelMrozek Not competing goals? ...Welll.. as I said, they aren't well defined in my opinion.
@GnomeSlice, if you want me to talk about your specific contributions, don't make me bring up the Porkchop answer.
@GraceNote Hey, they made it community wiki...
how about getting bonus rep points for each up-vote on a question which you edited and also gave an answer
And then @badp deleted it. ಠ_ಠ
@GnomeSlice You posted it in the first place, which is more the problem in the first place.
@GraceNote I thought it was generally understood to be incorrect.
It's like the Ghostbusters answer on Stack Overflow
We get a Facebook version of SO and suddenly Joel feels we should add social networking features. I'm suspicious
It's not like it generated a lot of rep for me.
@GnomeSlice The reputation isn't the point
@GraceNote I know, which is my point. The guys talking are only talking about helpfulness vs rep, not helpfulness vs entertainment.
Which is, rather to point, why community wiki wasn't (and never was, never is, and never will be!) relevant to this kind of scenario anyway.
@sheegaon That actually seems like a decent idea, but getting rep for edits seems to not go over well
@GnomeSlice You just asked me about quality versus entertainment
@MichaelMrozek at least it's correct
@GraceNote Yes, not quality vs reps.
I'm answering your question, not their viewpoint
Nope. No follower crap
unlike some other joke answer somebody might be talking about
Agreed... Security StackExchange is my focus because the chat room has given us a community. @Mvy, @Ninefingers for example... I know them, they have a reputation because of that.
@GraceNote I must have forgotten what either my question or my viewpoint was then. Sorry. =[
Usually, I use twitter to tweet question. Rarely answers.
It'd be nice to have a bling version of this for blogs: stackapps.com/questions/518/…
I sometime actually feel like wanting to pay money to get a good answer on my questions. I think that's because bounties (at least the lower ones) don't seem too much of an incentive in my experience.
@MichaelMrozek Ever seen this guy?
But honestly, my highest rated questions are, for the most part, just plain silly.
That's cool and all... but...
@JorgeCastro There's a modified wordpress plugin for it
@GraceNote You gotta get a +1 for that!!!
Q: Why isn't a newly purchased domain showing up in Google searches?

Jeff AtwoodThe domain ... http://trello.com ... was purchased a few months ago and is now live as of a week or so ago -- and has been linked from several prominent places on the web -- but searching for the word trello produces absolutely no results from http://trello.com in Google whatsoever. Is it beca...

How come only three of these people are talking?
@MarcoCeppi right but it would be nice to have like, more options and tools, like "check out my last 5 answers on Ask Ubuntu" thingies to put on my blog or whatever.
@GnomeSlice The third person is talking right now
He's talking about the hardcore SO users. Or the unimportant people, as Joel would put it
Alright then, but there are more than three people here.
@MichaelMrozek And while you weren't actually asking me, now I think you probably comprehend my stance on entertainment vs. quality.
@GnomeSlice There's only three people in the podcast. Jeff, Joel, and the guest
@MichaelMrozek Why are those other guys wearing headsets then?
There are other employees in the room, yes, but they're not part of the podcast. Alex speaks occasionally I guess
@GnomeSlice They're listening to music or something
@GnomeSlice they're usually used as headphones
as, well, they're headphones
unless the mic is down
and we're on a call
@AarthiDevanathanΨ Oh, I thought you were the only one not in the podcast.
@GnomeSlice Listening to stuff is a common thing to do while in the office. Either for work or to supplement work
And the other guys were just submissive or something, I don't know.
@GnomeSlice brett (orange shirt) is listening in and working the tech stuff, sam (gray shirt) is listening to music.
@AarthiDevanathanΨ Ask him what he's listening to. =]
Wait, which one is 'Abby'?
i'm not on the screen
Oh. How do you relay our questions then?
i listen in another room so i can take notes - because the time delay on the stream makes listening to it both live and from the stream veeeery annoying
Why would you need to know who is answering? Just show that n people are answering
@GnomeSlice Sam says: Kavinsky, but he's not that into it.
and since Jeff and our guests are off site, i have to listen to the stream instead of the live version
@AbbyΨ seriously the five-second delay is totally killer
@Abby Big deal issue: every time I see "We're hiring" and see a position I like, I get Resumator instead of Careers 2.0. I want to see you guys eat your own dog food on that one. :)
@AarthiDevanathanΨ I don't mind kavinsky.
@AarthiDevanathan Tell him to check out this.
@GnomeSlice you can email sam and tell him yourself. #Bitchy.
@AarthiDevanathanΨ Sick.
Oh shit, I'm ruining the Podcast chat.
"Some users". We wouldn't want to blame a certain social networking site for having inept users or anything
I don't really understand the point of facebook.se
It makes it easier for Facebook users. Too easy, apparently
@AarthiDevanathan 85 viewers.
@GnomeSlice yeah i'm leaving soon.
Boom! Scope explosion!
@joel these topics don't really apply to most of the other SE sites though.
> Sam: i just want to be like ryan gosling in Drive
> he listens to Kavinsky
> or the audience does
> you can quote me on that
Your staff is so awesome.
@Abby Actually, I want to pass that thought of mine along as a question... why don't you use Careers 2.0 for your own postings?
there, i have fulfilled the role for which i signed on, inadvertently.
@Aarthi You guys should be doing the podcasts instead.
@JeffFerland I dropped your original message into the pot - we'll see if they pick it up
i would actually LOVE to do a podcast where CHAOS was the guest. but i do not decide such things.
we could never do a podcast with all 8 of us
it would be... well, chaotic
there is that, too
@Abby what about the helpfulness vs entertainment issue I brought up?
I mean... I guess everyone else pretty much said it was... you know... dumb.
sorry, I missed it - could you resend?
I will for sure drop it in. I'm not quality controlling, just copying and pasting...
17 mins ago, by GnomeSlice
2 mins ago, by GnomeSlice
user image
They were talking about some users just being in it for the rep, but rep and helpfulness/accuracy aren't the only two things people get out of SE.
... I thought of that every time I saw your SysAdmin postings... guess I'll just apply the challenging way of writing it all out.
Oh, that was sarcasm?
@GnomeSlice You're saying those two things like they're mutually exclusive. Some people are absolutely in it for the rep, and some aren't
@GnomeSlice That was a declaration to make sure that the transcript captures the sarcasm.
We are working on the idea I believe - the "why didn't we think of that??" was, I think, the sarcastic part
@MichaelMrozek No, they're not; just in the context of the discussion.
83 viewers.
Why are you telling us the viewer count?
I dunno, @AarthiDevanathan Said she'd do something if the count dropped below 80.
'Halo' effect?
@GnomeSlice except i'm prepping to leaaaaaave
=[ But you're my favourite.
that's sweet, but i'm tired.
Does anyone know where the term 'halo effect' came from?
As in who coined it?
Or what it's referring to, and why it's called that.
english.se might :)
The halo effect is a cognitive bias whereby the perception of one trait (i.e. a characteristic of a person or object) is influenced by the perception of another trait (or several traits) of that person or object. An example would be judging a good-looking person as more intelligent. Edward Thorndike was the first to support the halo effect with empirical research. In a psychology study published in 1920, Thorndike asked commanding officers to rate their soldiers; he found high cross-correlation between all positive and all negative traits. People seem not to think of other individuals ...
@AarthiDevanathan going home?
@Mvy yes. well....yes. i was going to go to SoHo, but I haven't been sleeping well lately.
also: i need to start remembering that Tuesdays are clutch days to Look Pretteh
@AarthiDevanathanΨ ...You need to schedule a day of the week for that?
@GnomeSlice no i mean, i'll be On Camera.
no Z
@GnomeSlice it's podcast day :P
ergo: gotta give a little effort
Hah, I get it.
I always look pretty. Just in case
Wait, today is tuesday?
I suppose it is.
@GnomeSlice depending on where you live
gonna be wednesday in 15 mins
What a click fade-to-black.
We can't wrap up our shows that fast :P.
/me stares in @KyleCronin's general direction. ಠ_ಠ
I should probably not come back next week, heh.
I prefer to wait until the show resolves itself
which, admittedly, can take a while
Much of the reason why in recent memory is, of course, guests.
I think I scared a lot of the people off.
@GnomeSlice no offense, but most of your stuff was a bit distracting, with you triple-quoting yourself all the time
There was much more chat on the feed's page this week.
yeah, people didn't get the message
@KyleCronin Most of those were just me using the same post to reply to another message.
@KyleCronin That or I annoyed them.
I enjoy listening to the podcasts, but they seem to like talking about things that only apply to the programming sites of SE. I mean, I know that's how it all started but still.
it's kind of annoying that sometimes they beg for questions and never use them
@KyleCronin I think they actually already have their topics planned out.
@GnomeSlice if they do, then it's just mean asking for questions they never intend to use
@KyleCronin I don't know, maybe the use one week's questions for the next podcast.
I didn't once hear them mention any of the viewers.
I highly doubt they're that organized though
they did address a few of the questions that were brought up in the chat
@AbbyΨ I didn't notice.
namely, what's with not using Careers 2.0 for internal hiring, and I believe @Ninefingers's "what can be done to encourage quality vs just gaining rep?"
Must have been the ones I didn't understand to begin with.
@GnomeSlice It was somewhere in between all your self-quotes (since I can't downvote them to express my displeasure, I will be snarky with explanation and let you know I'm siding with a few others here on that)
there were a few others that didn't get answered, and they probably won't get answered next week unless they're asked again next week
since this week's podcast did not encounter any shortage of material - getting Joel and Jeff talking about SO policy will fill minutes like nobody's business
plus a Mac v Windows discussion on top of that - it's no wonder we went over time
@JeffFerland My self quotes were just my way of using something I'd already posted to answer something else.
I actually feel like they shortchanged Siracusa - there was a section in the beginning/middle where he didn't talk for 20 minutes
Yep, I got my question addressed - it kinda was the topic of the moment as well, and also a hard problem. I was also going to ask about internationalization, but there was enough being talked about and I didn't want to change the topic abruptly (plus, I was/still am writing a post for security.blogoverflow.com)
@KyleCronin personally, I agree with you
but it's demonstrative of the whole plan of the podcasts. they don't really have a Plan For The Show, it's just an extended conversation that we all get to listen to. sometimes it sticks on topic, sometimes it doesn't, but it's always interesting (hopefully).
Was Siracusa the guest today?
@GraceNote he was, when he got a word in edgewise!
Huh. I missed the announcement, I guess
@GnomeSlice They were ineffective in that many of us didn't realize that without your explanation, and many of them were large, so they were distracting from other conversation. Also, they were frequent. Those collectively gathered are a sin.
@GraceNote guests are also always posted in the room description off to the right ;)
@JeffFerland This is why I probably shouldn't come back to chat for the podcast next week, hah.
@LauraΨ I wonder who next week will bring
@GraceNote David Fullerton
@AbbyΨ definitely interesting, but I think this episode proves that you really can't merge a podcast about Stack Exchange and a guest show
he has to commute 20 entire feet to join in
@AbbyΨ Ooh, intrigue
Security.SE guys! Security.SE guys! We want to self-promote to the rest of the community!
@GraceNote We should get a community member as a guest one week.
@KyleCronin agreed - i don't think that was the plan - i think it just... happened
@GnomeSlice That's been done... twice, I think? Once for DIY, once for GIS?
@AbbyΨ as long as there are guests on every single week I fear it will continue to happen
@GraceNote Who did they pick?
I think for the AD podcast we're going to go with an every other show guest schedule
DIY was Shirlock Holmes and was one of the best podcasts.
@KyleCronin This show is like meetings... they should have structure, planning, timelines beforehand. That makes them more effective and keeps them captivating for the audience because you don't get rabbit holes.
@KyleCronin What would the non-guest shows be aboot?
@GraceNote the site, Apple stuff, etc
basically, what our shows before our guests were about
basically, trying to strike a balance between the two
Sounds like a viable strategy
I hope so
also, I don't want to exhaust our pool of potential guests too quickly
I don't think @Jeff actually likes most of the users.

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