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I happened to be in London at the time of the Royal Jubilee. In fact, I was in a gay bar in Soho, watching the celebrations on TV with a massive crowd. My Irish upbringing and my English ancestry are both very big parts of who I am, but standing in London watching a royal celebration, I have never felt less English!
Haha why?
@Cerberus The whole royalty thing just seemed quite alien to me.
Everyone loves his monarchy!
Except when the monarch still has power, hehe.
I know the British royals are in the news over here just as much as they are in the UK itself, and are treated pretty much like celebrities (when someone in Ireland talks about "the queen", there's no question of which queen they mean), but still, they're not our royalty.
I have a very large English component to my makeup, but I'm still fundamentally Irish.
I was born here; and I've lived here all my life.
You could decide to feel English enough to sympathise with Lizzy.
@Cerberus I don't, I regard them as welfare superstars. I don't hate them either but would not miss them.
@Cerberus Sympathise with, perhaps; identify with, nah.
@JohanLarsson !
They represent unity, tradition, and beauty.
She doesn't represent me in any way. Arguably, she doesn't represent her own citizens in any meaningful way either; but she doesn't represent me in any way at all.
But you're partly English.
Because, y'know, I'm not her citizen.
gives up
@Cerberus I'm party English, and I was brought up on BBC Radio 4, yes. (I'm also party Polish; and partly Greek Cypriot.)
They represent old times and perhaps not so great traditions. But now we are getting similar traditions again, think the average CEO salary in Sweden has increased from 9x average salary to 47x
@JohanLarsson Still nothing like as bad as the USA.
@MattЭллен Good night! And good luck.
@TRiG probably not
Hiya @KitFox.
@TRiG It would be interesting to calculate how bad it was when there was slavery, probably hard to do and back then it was not just money it was more life and death.
We're discussing the archaic relics of an outmoded governmental system. ;)
Hiya. How's tricks?
@TRiG What aren't you?
@JohanLarsson Yeah that's bad.
@JohanLarsson It's very tricky to do comparative economics over history, because the relative values of so many things have changed. Particularly food.
@Cerberus are you a monarchist, no irony?
@Cerberus Well, I'm not aware that I have any Irish ancestry. ;)
@JohanLarsson Everyone here is a monarchist!
Or at least 3/4 of the people.
Also, the part of Poland my family came from is now in Ukraine, so that's another country to throw into the mix.
@TRiG Haha.
I'm an anarchist if anything, not very interested in politics though
@KitFox Hiya, foxy kitty.
@Cerberus Are you counting yourself as three people, there? Because I think that's cheating.
Really, the monarchy is very popular here.
perhaps you can count dog years also?
3*7 = 21
@Cerberus Guten abent.
Did you know that the German President, who does next to nothing, is twice as expensive as our King?
@Cerberus The monarchy does seem to be quite popular in most countries which have a monarchy, which is perhaps a point in its favour.
So in Dutch that'd be guuude abeent?
German, guten Abend; Dutch, goedenavond.
Oh Abend. I remembered it wrong.
Hey @Mr.Shiny.
just finished the third stage of Heretic.
I think to beat the current you have to run
Damn, you're quick.
@TRiG Monarchies are nice things to have, at least better than other semi-ceremonial heads of state, provided that you don't give them much power.
Oh. You mean 1-3.
Our own president doesn't do much either. But he is, as Tim Minchin described him when he was doing a concert in Galway shortly after the election, a short academic poet. So that's a good thing.
you were asking about the current near this one secret area
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 You too?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I would believe it.
I have it set to "always run"
@TRiG Haha, that's nice.
@Cerberus Kit got me started
I beat Heretic ages ago
Now I'm afraid to go thither!
but once more into the breach, or something.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Me too, for the record.
Although I don't remember it much.
@Cerberus He has a background in academia, the Labour party, and human rights campaigns. And he's basically an elder statesman loved by all.
@KitFox yeah I'd forgotten much of it
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Good idea.
@KitFox it's much less tedious that way
@TRiG About the same as our queen was.
the main character runs FAST and he never, ever gets tired
Did you listen to the ASMR recording I did from @JSB's script?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 It's great to play games that were made before fatigue concepts became popular.
these asmr things don't do it for me.
Oh. This was for humor.
@Cerberus Yeah. The BBC website said she was an academic of some sort. I hadn't known that.
Or part of the Intelligentsia. Or the Illuminati. Or something. ;)
@KitFox ah. Well, I was wondering what my wife would think if she overheard me listening to it :)
Hmm, good point.
I've already made several specific disclaimers for her.
She might start doubting my sincerity.
@TRiG Must be the Freemasons, or at least the vampires.
I'm trying to decide if I should play HL2 tonight.
we should play a multiplayer game
I'm by myself (with the kids abed) and we just got to Ravenshome.
I don't have that.
oh, that'll be fun. make sure you have the sound on loud enough
@KitFox DM is Deathmatch, you don't have that?
@KitFox Ravenholme is the creepy level
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Nope. Just the Orange Box.
so for best creeping you need sound. works best if the stereo or surround is accurate.
I was looking into buying HL Source today, so we could alternate playing.
I thought it would be the ultimate in nerdy if we traded the laptop and the controller back and forth periodically.
But creepy...I don't know. On the one hand, my husband doesn't much like creepy, so he wouldn't mind missing it.
I wish to complain that loading EL&U Chat takes ... more than "just a second".
On the other hand, it's creepy.
duly notes complaint
@KitFox don't get HL:source. there's a better thing called "Black Mesa", it's basically a remake of HL using the HL2 codebase, and it's a much bigger improvement. and free.
/due diligence
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Oh. It's the same thing as HL?
Oh, crap. I shouldn't have flagged today. I went to nine bits.
I meant to stop at 255.
I was going to decline all your flags too. I forgot.
@KitFox You are so good to me.
@KitFox So HL is the original Half-life. HL:source is Valve's half-assed attempt at a remake in the source engine. It was widely panned. Black Mesa is a fan-made remake. I think it is incomplete... maybe only goes up to the penultimate stage? But it's very good. I've played it.
I haven't reached the "end" though.
Oh, I thought Source was considered good. I should read more closely I guess.
Oh well. Bring it on, Nortonn. I have 256 more flags.
@KitFox I dunno. it might be acceptable. But I think fans were expecting more. I already had HL and never got around to buying HL:S so I can't say for sure. But the original HL is still pretty playable. If you're enjoying Heretic, you should be able to enjoy HL.
Hmm, OK.
And there's one thing everyone agrees on, it's that the original HL was good.
so... whatever.
games are fun.
Yeah, that's why I was going to buy it.
I have all the HL games except HL:Source.
There's something about this game. I should hate it, but I don't.
why should you hate it?
I think I should take some benadryl.
I should hate it because it is not my kind of game at all.
It's linear, there's no experience gain, no weapons upgrade, no collecting things to unlock secrets.
It's a FPS.
the experience gain is in you
Well, you know what I mean.
and the weapons upgrade... well, you do get more weapons as time goes on
more powerful weapons, etc.
do you have the rocket launcher yet?
Not yet. Just the SMG with the RPG launcher.
We only just got the gravity gun last night.
That's right before Ravensholme.
yeah, that was my favourite weapon in HL. in HL2 I liked it less.
I like the pistol.
@KitFox yeah I recall you s aying that. but I forget the order the story is told, except that I know you'll pick something up in Raven*
There are a lot of weapons.
@JohanLarsson The title gives it away.
But it does make me want to play Doom again.
pistol, magnum, smg, combine gun, shotgun, gravity gun, rocket launcher, and I think one more. plus the trip mines, grenades, etc.
yeah I guess, I still like it though. I stopped playing after Doom, played some Duke Nukem but nothing serious and a brief episode of unreal and then nothing
I am pleased that I worry less about playing.
@JohanLarsson ooh, unreal. forgot about that game.
The first time I played those games, I was very concerned with not getting killed and starting the level over again.
Bioshock is good about that. if you die, you just reincarnate somewhere else.
it's not very annoying.
Most games are like that now, with checkpoints and stuff so you don't have to start all over.
except I like to play a theoretically perfect game. if I die, I want to go back and re-do that part.
Played cs online one night but focused mostly on being an asshole and killing the guys in my team
I guess it worked out my kinks.
I mean, I was paranoid about it. You'd think my career depended on not fucking up a level.
Duke Nukem 3D was another favourite of mine back in the day. Lots of fun weapons.
@KitFox heheh
Of course, I had an asshole boyfriend. He probably told me that he'd dump me if I lost.
@KitFox That'd be pretty lame. Where else would he find a girlfriend who would even play those games? I never found one.
Well, more likely he just mocked me every time I did poorly.
My wife gets literally sick when playing an FPS.
also, she goes into the water to get the Quad Damage and then can't get out.
And probably because he was threatened by how easy it was for me to find secrets.
that is threatening. Because maybe you would have uncovered all his real-life secrets and then he'd be nothing.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Yeah, I certainly understand that. The perspective makes me feel kind of ill sometimes.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I wish you were farther from the truth.
@KitFox yeah I long ago came to realize that she wasn't just making it up to get out of playing. She also gets dizzy or carsick in other situations.
@KitFox oops I should have written "then he'd be nothing"
Whatcha doin' there, @Johan?
@KitFox don't want to spam you chat with a huge pic
I bet that would have been great for drawing dendritic trees.
@JohanLarsson How responsive are they? how many axes? how fast can you turn around and snipe someone in the head while jumping through mid-air?
@JohanLarsson I've seen bigger.
@JohanLarsson we can cope. Sometimes there are two conversations going at the same time in this room and we still find a way to be incomprehensible.
Mr.Shiny knows all the important questions to ask.
I'm not gaming tonight. I'm going to take some drugs. Or have some alcohol.
But which? Which?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 They are pretty responsive I'd say, they are also analogue so pretty nice feeling. 6 dof manipulation
I had a friend once who had carpal tunnel problems so he couldn't game with a keyboard. Instead he gamed with a mouse and joystick. That was interesting. He got pretty good at it.
@KitFox Oh, I'm doing beer and gaming.
This isn't gaming.
@JohanLarsson hm, maybe they're just relatively unknown? or too expensive?
@KitFox I stepped out of the game to come tell you about the current
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I like when people post pics for a few seconds and the collapse to a link
I should show them to the guys in the VR lab.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Oh right.
I could play that game.
I could race you.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 not that expensive, 200$ buys you one
we could try a multiplayer game
@JohanLarsson wowzers
Except I can only play it for about fifteen minutes a day.
@KitFox it takes me about 20 mins/level because I like to kill every monster and find every secret.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I don't think I'm up for multiplayer tonight. I don't have my trackball at home.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Yeah. I play one level at lunchtime at work.
After I eat.
Eating. Hungry. Will one of you please get me some cheese curls?
I can't leave the house.
I wonder if this game will retain my interest all the way to the end.
poof cheezy poofs
Um. Thanks.
I like the generic Hannaford brand best. They are salty and crunchy.
no problem. and now I'm off to fight d'sparil
Good evening.
The frequent mass of the Wall Robots?
Hullo @Mahnax. I'm trying to guess what that Swedish word is.
Think it is some Viking stuff, nice pagan rite, people light big fires everywhere and sing around them to celebrate spring
@KitFox Oh boy! May I try?
Oh, like Beltane.
Or Eostre.
I never left the computer though
Oooh. Excuse for a bonfire?
Does a cooking fire count?
Oh my god, it's May Day. Already.
I suck.
There's asparagus on it, but I could move it, really.
That's Worker's Memorial Day, and I'm a union woman.
@MετάEd I had grilled asparagus tonight.
@MετάEd excuse for getting drunk for most Swedes, kind of the only tradition we really have :D
@KitFox Uh oh.
@KitFox are you going to sing that song? dunno what it is called in English
@KitFox We're having same, also grilled squash, mushrooms, and chik-n.
We had steak and home fries.
@JohanLarsson Probably not. Ring around the rosy?
@KitFox Woah, so did we.
Well, I didn't eat the steak. But the home fries were lovely.
Did you also have grilled asparagus?
No, alas. We had roasted peppers and mushrooms.
Was Uncle Dick visiting?
we had moussaka
@JohanLarsson No, there's a different one we usually sing, Solidarity Forever, to the tune of the Battle Hymn of the Republic.
@KitFox Eh?
Uncle Dick is in town for a couple of days. It would be a big coincidence if your Uncle Dick were also visiting you.
I never understood how anyone could name their child Dick. Dick is a name and not just short for Richard right?
Ah. I do have an Uncle Dick of sorts, but he is not here. The rest of his family will be here for a couple days this weekend though…
@JohanLarsson In this case, no. His name is Richard.
but Dick is a name?
It is his nickname.
I don't know how many people would use Dick as a proper name.
@JohanLarsson All I'll say is Dick Cheney is called that for a reason…
ok good, it would be pretty major derp to name a child Dick without knowing :D
Dick Cheney is a Richard as well though.
I think most everyone would assume his proper name was Richard.
do you know if he presents himself as Dick? or a dick maybe?
I'll stop being rude to people I don't know though.
Well, he is kind of a Dick.
I don't think there is any question there.
@KitFox he could be an ass?
Anyone can be an ass. Just ask Puck.
Well, I'm off, I think. Good evening, folks.
So my husband is on his way home.
If I am playing when he gets here, we will probably play together for a little while.
But then I would have to get out of bed and fire it up.
Or I could just stay here and be cozy.
Decisions, decisions.
Fire what up? The Dick Cheney game? That doesn't sound like fun.
No, Half Life 2.
Oh. Yeah, been meaning to get back to that someday.
I'd go for doing nothing, usually do I think of i like this:
Last weekend I did nothing but did not finish it.
so I just completed E1M4
@JohanLarsson Meta-slacker.
@Robusto Kit and I are playing Heretic
@Robusto over my head
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I don't know it.
Shit. I'n going to have to play for like, forty minutes to catch up tomorrow.
@Robusto it's from 1993
or maybe 94
Oh god, really?
Oh, you must be right. I played it in college.
Shadow of the Serpent Riders |genre=First-person shooter |modes=Single-player, multiplayer deathmatch and co-op |ratings=BBFC: PGRSAC: V3: Blood and goreUSK: 18 |platforms=MS-DOS, Mac OS |media=Floppy disk, CD-ROM |requirements= |input=Keyboard, mouse |license=GNU General Public License }} Heretic is a dark fantasy first-person shooter video game created by Raven Software, published by id Software, and distributed by GT Interactive in 1994. It was made available on Steam on August 3, 2007. Using a modified Doom engine, Heretic was one of the first first-person games to feature inventory ...
@JohanLarsson A slacker is someone who doesn't complete assignments he should. A meta-slacker (a term I just coined) is someone who doesn't even finish the nothing (as you said) that was assigned.
ok applies then in a way
but the nothing is also an active nothing, I try to plan so that it can happen, the end goal.
That's it. I'm just going to play Heretic all day tomorrow. Fuck the rebuild. Fuck rewriting the permissions. Heretic. All. Day.
Marathon is a first-person shooter video game developed and published by Bungie, and released in December 1994 for the Apple Macintosh. The game was Bungie's second foray into the emerging genre of games with a first-person perspective, the first being Pathways into Darkness, which was released in 1993. Marathon was released at a time when other early first-person shooters such as Doom were enjoying popularity among PC users, and it was widely seen as a Macintosh counterpart to Doom, which would not be ported to the Macintosh platform until 1995. The game takes place several centuries int...
@KitFox Attagirl.
@Robusto We used to play that in the language lab in the middle of the night.
It was the largest networked cluster on campus.
Something like fifteen Macs strung together with UTP.
It was lots of fun to play networked. I played it with my sons. In fact, it was my primary motivation for making our first home network.
"Hey, he killed Bob!"
Remember the tiny Bobs?
No. It all mushes into Doom.
Aug 14 '12 at 21:40, by Robusto
They killed Bob!
I was really good at sniping.
I remember there was one passageway that had an alcove that people used to always run right by without looking.
Marathon was a fast, run-and-gun free-for-all. And you could create your own maps and physics and weapons.
I fragged so many opponents that way...
Oh. My husband is home now. See you tomorrow!
That Marathon games looks impressive. I've never heard of it.
but I have to go flip the laundry. bye
Q: What is the title of this 80's song I am trying to remember

rubiesI'm trying to remember a song. The song has a violin intro, something like. violin intro sounds like: ten-, tin, tin, ten-, tin, tin, tin, ten- ten-, tin, tin, ten-, tin, ten, tin, ten- then the intro lyrics sounds like: 'we must, until the end of time' 'we must, until the end of time' then...

Music has their own pineapples, apparently.
@KitFox where's my fucking basket?
@WendiKidd @Cerb do you want to hear my radio commercial?
It lacks a closing jingle at the moment.
can a person be very well informed while living under a rock?
Only about the dirt under their feet.
that "rocks" I guess. jajaja!
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 What now? curious
1 hour later…
@Robusto Probably you should worm the cats before they worm you.
Hello. Any ideas what the word could be?
Oh, never mind. That must be bubbles.
hmm, you already got it
You mad US ambassador?
5 hours later…
oh for fuck's sake.
I find new reasons to hate "UX experts" every day
now Google thinks it's a cool idea to make the Gmail composition window like an IM window. Because they want you to use e-mail for what IM should be used for. Fucking retards, to put it politely.
I'm gonna have to remember to get a proper webmail interface installed on my server
Guess I should thank them for cajoling me into that
freaking UX people. frea. king.
if I ever hire a UX expert, fire me
it's like a trail of murdered interfaces. Firefox, toolbars, Visual Studio, Google Groups, Gmail
lol x5 (lol in a nice way)
many times
5x lol would probably be the ISO way to write it
they really really piss me off.
same here, UX people pisses me off too
I have started to think a little about ux for the first time in my life this week
they literally think they know what the user wants better than the user. they don't. they really fucking don't.
overengineering a small control at the moment
but I think I'm gonna bloat it :)
if they'd asked "do you want a crappy little IM window for writing your e-mails" you know what the users would've said? No, that sounds like a really crappy idea.
and it is.
I'm gonna get used to it about as much as I got used to ribbons, monochrome icons, no browser buttons, and no start menu.
I like ribbons at least in Inventor, CAD program, nice context sensitive implementation giving the tools I need when I want them
Inventor has many annoying dialogs instead, are you sure you are sure style
what about that hideous monstrosity?
that's what the UX people confidently predicted developers needed. a piece of shit.
Do UX people seriously get paid for thinking about things like "where to place tagline" and "the facebook button is too big"?
they should pay me for hurting my productivity.
@Reg: Happy May Day. I hope all is well in your socialist paradise, and that you will enjoy your (small) contribution to today's compulsory merriment!
@Jez you hate vs? (I LOVE vs)
I hate VS 2012.
unless it has a VS 2010 skin
Do you think creating a PHP webserver for an assignment in my uni is going to rock lecturer and students' socks off?
it'd be better if you improved an existing one like Cherokee :-)
I prefer 2012 over 2010 prefer dark over light but either is perfect
erm, it's not dark over light
it's using our colour vision vs. pretending we have only rods and no cones
I got used to it pretty quick and vs is the best program I ever used for anything
yeah, i'm using VS 2010 right now. that's why I hate that they fucked up the interface
anyone good at mysql workbench?
how do you query a table without actually specifying database name inside query? like FROM memeDB.shitbrix?
if it's anything like SQL Server management studio there will be some context box that has a default DB for the query
good morning!
Happy May Day!
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Nice. Here's your damn basket.
@TemporaryNickName I think it's use memeDB; at the top of your script.
Or on the command line.
I think I have that workbench. Let me look.
There's a dropdown to select the default on the lefthand side above the database list.
Or you can use the use statement to switch contexts. Both work.
Oh. You asked that about an hour and a half ago. You've probably figured it out by now.
@KitFox thanks for your help.
Sure thing.
I hope it was useful.

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