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@Cerberus Hahaha awesome!!!
@Cerberus that was the unit size.
So, NPR just had a segment on how last Sunday night’s premiere of Game of Thrones had broken the record for the most illicitly downloaded episode ever, at over a million BitTorrent downloaders. I don’t know whether that includes other networks like dDonkey or Kaz.
In the whole decade-ish that it has been possible and feasible for a decent number of consumers.
Well, that’s what it says. I don’t know precisely what numbers they are using; it may be from BitTorrent trackers only.
I think they meant the most in a short time; last year it average 4.3 million who grabbed each episode, but over time.
I wasn't scoffing at you.
This was over a million that same night, apparently. And mostly Americans, curiously enough.
Although you are the only other person in here. You and all those identical cats.
I wonder how many people would have illegally downloaded the series finale of M*A*S*H.
Their DVD sales of the second series have already brought them in $30 million, apparently. A lot of those are from people who downloaded it.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 None — at the time of airing. :)
@tchrist what if it hadn't been on network TV?
I keep dropping question marks.
I met a new kitty today. He was very nice. Looked like that one, but whiter on the bottom and thinner/younger.
There's a neighbor cat I like to pet. It's really soft.
Just saw it today, in fact.
I should check its undercarriage
No one could have downloaded it in 1983. Few of us were on the Internet then, and even if we were, we didn’t have the media formats to my recollection. I do remember alt.binaries stuff on USENET that people used really mostly for porn, but I thought that was just stills.
@tchrist Yeah, the smaller parties will come around eventually (those who do not benefit from protectionism and monopolising an sich).
Here you can help science but doing DNA puzzles.
@Cerberus That #! line amuses me.
It does.
It it the 16-bit magic number expressed as two ASCII bytes that tells the Unix kernel that this executable file is indirectly executed via an interpreter.
I still say your name that way in my head.
looks for Manic Street Preachers aka Manics
Did you find Richey?
@tchrist Some sites have that.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 I don't know how to pronounce it.
For example, all shell scripts begin #!/bin/sh and all Perl programs (tend to) begin #!/usr/bin/perl. The kernel runs that path as the real interpreter and points its stdin to the currently open inode.
@Mahnax wait, I thought you said it was like the Muppets song. muh-nah, muh-nah
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Maybe. I don't remember, haha.
That's where the Mahna part came from.
But how to pronounce it as a whole? Beats me.
Nov 23 '11 at 4:34, by Mahnax
@JasperLoy Why? Well, the Muppets did a thing called "Mahna mahna" in the eighties or nineties, but just "Mahna" was too popular. So I threw an x on the end, and voila.
Oh, well, okay.
@tchrist I wrote a lot of (tiny, lame) shell scripts. I want to write more.
He’s off to write more shell scripts. :)
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Yep.
How many pictures do you think there were on Facebook last year?
More than ten million?
I know the answer; I'm just having you people guess.
Yes or no?
@Cerberus Easily more.
I'm guessing.
OK. More than 100 million?
I don’t do Facebook; I have no idea, as I never look at it.
Hm, yes.
More than a billion?
I don't have facebook. I'm going to say no, no more than a billion. I might be wrong though.
Actually, you know what, yes. More than a billion.
More than 300 million?
Oh OK.
More than 3 billion?
Uh, no?
I'm not even sure anymore.
OK, so 1–3 billion?
Just ask for the number of digits in base-10.
And now, the answer?
What would you say is a reasonable margin?
One or two digits.
You seem to want us to say 10 digits.
Actually, with the number of people on Facebook, 1-3 billion still doesn't feel like enough.
I mean, as in, "if they say 10 million, I'll eat my hat; but anything over 10 million I'll believe".
Not all people are me and post 0 photos.
So...more than 10 billion?
I guess.
More than 100 billion?
No, I don't think so.
I’ve heard that it’s remarkable how many people unknowingly post pictures with embedded geotags.
More than 30?
Too hard.
I'll go ahead and guess 80 billion.
10 digits ± 1–2 digits.
And what would be a reasonable margin for yourself?
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 That is...oddly specific?
@Cerberus I was trying to be the closest without going over.
Oh haha. So your guess is 500?
No, her guess is 498 billion. Are you even listening? You've got six ears…
8 ≤ length(log₁₀(N)) ≤ 12
What he said.
I must congratulate both of you for being within within one log10 step thingy: it was 220 billion.
I would never have guessed that many.
$ perl -le 'print length(220 * 1e6)'
Notice how the average of the two of you was extremely close: 289.
I am impressed.
I was thinking there are probably about 1 billion people on FB, each having perhaps between 5 and 50 photos on average, so I would have said 25 billion.
Of course there is no way to know for us except from FB itself.
@Cerberus I have seen people with literally thousands of photos on Facebook.
I no longer have Facebook, but when I did, that is.
Thousands... that is a lot.
I have maybe 10.
I suppose if you have all pictures automatically uploaded from your phone, and you are one of those people who takes pictures all the time...
Then Zuckerbeast loves you.
pokes chat
@Jubobs: I would be inclined to call it elision (or possibly syncope), because the /t/ sound doesn't so much change into something else, as it just disappears: the /n/ sound stays the same, after all. — Cerberus 1 min ago
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 No doubt!
kyrie elision.
Phew! Thought I killed it again.
lies dead
also dead
@Mahnax You should get that checked. :)
@tchrist Kids these days, making glandular gags. Who do you think you are?!
wipes prints, leaves scene
@Mahnax Not Galandriel.
Apr 5 at 0:54, by tchrist
Join the Campus Crusade for Cthulhu! Remember, Cthulhu Cthaves: he might be hungry later.
@Mahnax Are you “allowed” to watch Game of Thrones?
> — Apple finds something about a game based on sweatshops to be unfit for their customers' iDevices, which is an interesting stance for a company that has been accused of making those same devices in sweatshops themselves. Sweatshops: good enough to build your electronics, but not a fit subject for a game to play on them?
@tchrist I literally watch whatever I feel inclined to watch, so sure.
But no, I'm not "allowed".
k k.
I didn’t know you had to get the angle right. :)
@tchrist 112˚.
Do you watch on a Zenith?
A wot?
I am no celestial object.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Ah.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 I tried Nadir and even Azimuth, but got nuthin’.
@tchrist were you aiming at southern skies?
I need a pencil sharpener.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Wow!
How novel!
I wouldn't be suprised if that old thing still works ;p
And a modern, wooden television set too!
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Year?
@Cerberus Naw, then you just have to use that shmelly furniture politch.
"Absolutely harmless to humans!"
That might be a bit early for a simulated wood cabinet.
I can see I’m already starting to slur my speech. Fatigue toxins.
That kind.
I like Old Gold. Pledge and Endust can suck it.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Aye.
Well, unless we’re talking about fraternity hazings. :)
animal house, house, house / nobody ever went to class / and we saw Donald Sutherland's ass
endust is still around?
granted, these days I prefer screenwipes and cyberclean
Endust sounds like something that adds, not subtracts, dust.
They seem to have a horizontal thingy going. endust.com/products
I used to use it back in the day when I had a 486 I think
@tchrist naw, see, it ends dust.
hmm, this isn't what I was thinking of
it was a dust replellent foamy spray for cleaning electronics
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Oh my god, all these years and I never put that together.
@KitFox I'm just assuming.
It makes perfect sense.
Gravatar requires a Wordpress login? Is that legit? Seems phishy to me.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 I shall endeavor to enduringly encompass if not endorse that endearing and likely endemic daffynishin.
@KitFox Mm, smells a bit.
@tchrist Thufferin' thuccotath.
I have a new guessing game for you.
Dustplus is better for--yay!
How much do you think the world's largest patent troll has raked in over the years from victims?
I think maybe I won't change my gravatar just now.
5 million? 1000 billion?
3.4 trillion.
Haha not that much.
And no, I only count non-practising entities, that is, companies that don't produce anything.
Microsoft’s patent trollery is worth billions from its victims.
1000 billion is a trillion.
> Overall, Intellectual Ventures admits that it has brought in over $2 billion dollars directly from licensing and another $5 billion in "investments" -- some of which came from companies "buying in."
It may very well be more than they admit.
flies to Studio City and sits in The Price is Right audience
Google and Apple already spend more on patent litigation than on R&D, although of course patent litigation includes fighting companies like Apple, which are normally not called "patent trolls" because they actually produce stuff.
@KitFox good plan. Protip: don't change it to that picture of Gravatar Matt.
Well, I think I got that bug knocked.
We fixed you, didn't we?
Yes! Have some corncake!
@Cerberus can you give me more of this?
I had popcorn tonight.
I should go to bed.
You must floss!
OK, I'm out of here, folks. Bye-bye!
Like this?
Too late, I already took all my sleepy meds.
Bye, bed-goers!
> Google has received 2,700 patents since 2000, according to the patent analysis firm M-CAM. Microsoft has received 21,000. [Apple] has received more than 4,100 patents since 2000, according to M-CAM. source: New York Times
Now, who you calling a troll?
@Cerberus yes, thank you.
@tchrist We both know the naming conventions when it comes to patent trolls.
Microsoft: 21k, Apple: 4.1k, Google: 2.7k.
Microsoft wins.
Aren’t you proud?
Microsoft may patent-troll, but it is usually not called a patent troll, because it still produces something.
It produces patents.
So don’t bitch at Google and Apple, because they are small potatoes in this game.
It produces more than patents.
> In a [1991] memo to his senior executives, Bill Gates wrote, "If people had understood how patents would be granted when most of today's ideas were invented, and had taken out patents, the industry would be at a complete standstill today." Mr. Gates worried that "some large company will patent some obvious thing" and use the patent to "take as much of our profits as they want."
It produces Clippy.
The Clippy Unicorn was the best thing ever.
That was last year's April's Fool on SE, wasn't it?
> Apple collects more than $1 billion a week in iPhone and related sales. “I am skeptical whether patents are needed in the software industry to provide adequate incentives,” Judge Posner wrote in an e-mail
Of course.
> “Think of the billions of dollars being flushed down the toilet,” said Ms. Heinen, the former Apple general counsel, who left the company and paid $2.2 million in connection with a federal investigation of stock option backdating. “When patent lawyers become rock stars, it’s a bad sign for where an industry is heading,” she said, adding that she had no issue with the lawyers themselves.
Time for team fortressing.
Kit, I changed my spray to your adorbs zombie cat picture.
Yeah, I have read about all that bad stuff.
It's really terrible.
Your spray?
Yeah, you can paint a picture on the wall or floor of a map you're playing.
And I'm flattered, even though I don't know what that means.
Oh. Like a tag?
> The application, for a voice- and text-based search engine, was “an obvious variation” on existing ideas, a patent examiner named Raheem Hoffler wrote. Over the next five years, Apple modified and resubmitted the application eight times — and each time it was rejected by the patent office. Until last year. On its 10th attempt, Apple got patent 8,086,604 approved.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Yeah, I see. Cool.
If at first you don’t succeed. . . .
Good night!
It’s a long article.
@tchrist Yeah, I wonder how long this will last. It seems to be getting worse every year.
What article?
This isn't from the article I posted?
Ah OK.
One option is judicial activism. This year, Judge Posner, in an Illinois federal court, tossed out patent arguments made by both Apple and Motorola Mobility in a 38-page opinion that dismissed a lawsuit between the two companies. Cleaning up the patent mess, Judge Posner said in an interview, might also require reducing the duration of patents on digital technologies, which can be as long as 20 years.
“That would make a big difference,” he said. “After five years, these patents are mainly traps for the unwary.”
> But to really make a difference, such ideas require the participation of large technology companies, and the incentives to cooperate are small.
That seems unlikely.
I have posted something on the Swype forum about Nuance (their owner) being a troll.
Surprisingly, it wasn't taken down.
I maye have read the same article—at least I know the story.
Nov 9 '12 at 17:52, by Cerberus
They were bought by a patent troll, Nuance.
Wow, this month's $5 mp3 album selection from amazon blows goats.
nuance owns dragon as well
they do use their patents for actual products unlike most trolls
Yeah but they're still trolling.
And who uses Dragon?
I hate that key.
They force it upon us in Swype. Never use it.
lol, I tend to use the hacker's keyboard
which rocks
It has many keys...
But Swype really has the best swiping and text correction.
You could use Tasker to automatically switch keyboards depending on the application you're in.
7 hours later…
Q: What is the term for "a" and "an"?

Greg BWhat is the technical term for the words "a" and "an" as in: a Banana an Elephant and does the rule for using "an" in front of words that begin with a vowel have a name?

In English, is it possible to write a music (rhythm) in texts and when someone reads that text make the person remind of what music it is?
@TemporaryNickName You need some kind of musical notation for that.
Can't you write it in gibberish?
in Game of Throne, characters who are going to become naked in front of camera always wear sexy outfits so it is very easy to predict what's going to happen soon
@RegDwighт I can't find "muh" in the dictionary. Are you sure that's the right answer?
@TemporaryNickName By "characters" I'm sure you mean "female characters."

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