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I begin to have a premonition that our vociferous antrostomus might be coming due for a little vacation.
The Eastern Whip-poor-will, (Antrostomus vociferus), is a medium-sized (22–27 cm) nightjar bird from North and Central America. The whip-poor-will is commonly heard within its range, but less often seen because of its superior camouflage. It is named onomatopoeically after its song. Description These medium-sized nightjars measure in length, span across the wings and weigh . Among standard measurements, the wing chord is , the tail is , the bill is and the tarsus is . Adults have mottled plumage: the upperparts are grey, black and brown; the lower parts are grey and black....
She hasn’t been doing so well, and that doesn’t count the deleted ones.
@Cerberus Yeah.
Before the renamed its genus, it used to be called Caprimulgus vociferus.
Goatsuckers, you see.
Or chupacabras. :)
Kinda funny lookin’.
Sound is super-distinctive, and will drive a man mad:
@tchrist Cuuuute!
@WendiKidd Oh, I can do cuter — or at least, cooler — than that. . . .
Cute and odd.
Whippoorwills are funny birds.
@tchrist Haha, awesome!
The whippoorwill’s close cousin, the nighthawk, shares many of his characteristics, but not the call:
I know people who own both cats and dogs, but this is seriously evening out the odds.
Yesterday morning early my neighbor saw a lion carrying off a deer like 100 yards away from my house.
Gee, this was hard. Apparently it took 52 not 50:
No idea why.
But that’s enough for me; I was merely epicurious; I’ll leave @Rob to his own legerdemain.
@tchrist yikes.
Cat diplomacy: The art of saying nice doggy and carry a really, really big tooth.
@tchrist that's a very pretty kitty.
Isn’t it, though?
I hope her name is Sandy.
Big kitty too.
Cuz she looks like Olivia Newton-John.
Cuz she's sandy-colored.
I must be going. Time to peruse a Dumpster and get some tasty food.
Dogs are just too high-strung for kitties.
Too much come-on come-on come-on let’s play play play play play play play.
Note: I will not be eating out of said Dumpster.
Cat’s like, chill dude.
@tchrist yes, I dislike that about them.
I can’t believe the dog was humping the cat.
There outta be a law.
Dogs have needs.
I can't believe I bought 500 #10 envelopes.
BBL for reals.
Yeah, why only 500?
It’s funny how big cats still act just like cats.
Even catnip:
What animal holds the Guinness record for the animal with the highest number of names (more than 40 just in English), and which is also the animal with the greatest range of any large wild terrestrial mammal in the Western Hemisphere?
The east is so “civili(an)zed”, it might as well be Europe.
Puma concolor
A: What exactly does this "play a country song backwards" joke mean?

I'm so smartok listen its that easy. in country songs they sing about losing your family, losing your house, losing your girl... so you play it backwards and you get all that stuff back! No need to thank me.

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