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"I read your paper
@Cerberus My take on it is she 1. was right, 2. is over-sensitive, 3. over-reacted, and posting that photo was out of line. She should have just spoken to them, like she's advocated doing on her own blog. And that guy's boss probably shouldn't have fired him unless his job is supposed to be a perfectly shiny company face, i.e. he must, as part of his job, avoid any semblance of impropriety. My guess is that's not the case, so WTF they fired him, who knows. They overreacted too.
now at this point
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 But she is still wrong for two things she did: 1.) taking offence at some silly joke that really she should have ignored. It wasn't directed at her. Okay, if they were really loud, she could have told them to knock it off; 2.) taking a picture of them and trying to shame them for something that is in no way a serious problem.
Then HER bosses overreacted to her overreaction.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Okay, my numbers don't match up with yours.
But I think I agree with your numbers except 1.
if I want to place a comma like:
"I read your paper,

and still want to continue, do I use "I read your paper," she quipped
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I don't know, I find her offence rather more serious.
@Cerberus I'm not going to get into the whole question of taking offense at sexist jokes. I know you don't care about jokes no matter how offensive. Some people do, because they perceive it as a larger problem of (whatever the offensive subject is)
@Cerberus Yes, but to fire her? Seriously, I'd just tell her to publicly apologize and to knock it off.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Yeah, and you have no idea how angry that Whorfian notion makes me. It is oppressive and misguided.
I bet they fired her because of the misogynist troll war that is DDoS'ing their business.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Guys, this chick is STOOOOPID
@Cerberus Not getting into it except to say that 1. It isn't necessarily Whorfian, and 2. I disagree with you.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Perhaps. You know, I feel there is more to it. That we don't know all the details. For example, how loud were these guys, what did they say exactly, and what reasons were given for firing him, and her?
I'll show you what I mean about her after this
@Cerberus They claim to have fired her because of the photo.
@skopp This is correct, yes.
I've read elsewhere that she has a history of overreacting, or reacting badly, to things like this.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I must say I'm not sure I would want to work with such a person, to be honest. So I don't know.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Yeah, that figures.
@Cerberus Yeah it's possible she was annoying at work and this put her over the top. If what I've read is true, she is like Seinfeld's uncle, who takes everything that goes wrong against him as a sign of antisemitism.
Which isn't to say that she isn't right sometimes.
I feel that tolerance is extremely important. As long as people don't do something to harm you personally, you need very good reasons to restrict their freedom.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 That is hilarious.
@Cerberus ok. Next: "I read your paper," she purred [what possibilities are ther to put here to bring in the following?] "_continuation of purring person's speech"
"I read your paper," she purred, ?
"I read your paper," she purred... ?
@skopp You mean, like this? "I've read your paper," she purred, stroking her fingers along the top of the desk. "I found your conclusions... exciting."
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 how do you know about that
who are you
Or "I've read your paper," she purred, "and I'd like to hear more about your ... conclusions."
@skopp I am who I am. Mr. Shiny & New.
You can find me on the internet, being opinionated.
that seems legit... "I've read your paper," she purred, "and I'd like to hear more about your ... conclusions."
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I'll bet my hat you got nothing on me
@skopp you mean in terms of opinionation?
Yes... but a specific brand of it
Wilde would be commenting on my articles like daily
what brand would that be
sorry about being all vain and stuff, but I am a masterdebater
> "I read your paper," she purred, "and it was very good."
you'll fit right in around here then
This is only possible if the second quotation is a true continuation of the sentence in the first one.
[slightly nsfw: language]
@Cerberus assume it is
as I said, ignore the content
I see Mr Shiny agrees.
bit thanks for that anyway. Good to know
I love english
So do we.
Why is it a proper noun though
It's a thing
We're not referring to THE English
Words derived from the name of a country/people are normally capitalized.
Bah nvm
Capitalization is never entirely regular, it doesn't always make sense.
I like how you word your sentences
"...normally capitalized"
Thank you.
Cerb's favourite example of capitalization is "iPhone"
most people would say "ARE capitalized"
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Stop that!
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 that's Camelcase
@skopp *CamelCase
@skopp Well, there are exceptions.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 you fell for it
@Cerberus I know.
even in politics
Whoda thunk a black cat whould b the precedent iof US and a
Somehow, Nazism has lost popularity over the past couple of decades.
A cat?
@skopp half-black ;)
@Cerberus you sound... upset about it
On the contrary.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 moslem
@Cerberus ;p
@skopp You're treading on dangerous ground here. If we weren't sure you were joking...
@skopp lol. The US needs a Muslim president. I think that would be pretty funny.
It would!
It will never happen
A Muslim woman please, thank you.
The closest they will ever come will be an atheist ex-muslim.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Muslims == funny?
@skopp yes, hilarious. But I mean it would be hilarious to see a muslim president sending the religious right into fits of apoplexy.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 We have had Muslim ministers. But never a female PM.
@Cerberus we've had both. But our female PM was not elected, she was a sitting MP that won the party leadership.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Perhaps then they will at last declare independence and stop holding the entire country back.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Are your PMs normally directly elected?
@skopp Such refreshing language.
@Cerberus It's necessary... think of it as an actual newspaper
@Cerberus well, not exactly. they are, technically, just MPs like the rest. They get elected in their own riding, or else they can't sit in parliament. But everyone recognizes that the PM is an important post, and the party stands or falls by its PM, usually. In her case, the party fell: from a majority to 2 seats.
What makes, say, Time any different than the BS in my news journal (top notch french vocab included)
And that, my friends, is my macroscopic point
and brand of opionated writing
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Haha how is that possible?
Was it a new party?
Our parties don't usually shrink that fast.
@Cerberus There was strong dissatisfaction with the incumbent party and she campaigned poorly. Despite having an approval rating of 51% before the campaign started (a record high for any PM).
@skopp I don't know what journal you mean?
@Cerberus The Daily Pimple
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 How many parties do you have again?
@skopp I didn't see any French...
That, combined with a relatively new party in the West and the Bloc Quebecois in Quebec, meant that the conservative vote was split, and the Liberal party won everything.
I deduce you guys are Canadian
@Cerberus Effectively... 4, I guess. 5 now, I suppose, the Green Party has a single seat.
one of you
At the time, we had 5 in parliament: Liberal, Bloc, Reform, NDP, PC.
Okay, that sounds like a fairly healthy number.
You know what's strange?
The Bloc had 54 seats, making it the official opposition, and the Reform party 52. It was the most hilarious parliament ever.
Somehow I think more parties means you can come up with new laws and policies faster.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Why do you have an "official" opposition?
@skopp He's Canadian, I'm Dutch. You?
Since then, the Reform Party renamed itself to the "Canadian Conservative-Reform Aliance Party", or "CCRAP". Then they IMMEDIATELY renamed themselves to the "Canadian Alliance Party"; that party gained enough power to displace the old Progressive Conservative party, until they eventually merged into the Conservative Party of Canada
South African
@Cerberus We just do. That party gets some extra perks. They form a shadow cabinet and try to hassle the governing party, to keep them honest.
hoe gaan dit meneer
is jy lekker?
@Cerberus In Canada that has not been the case. Most of our governments are formed by majorities. So the only way "more" parties helps is if those parties split the vote and don't get elected.
Because of course we have first-past-the-post voting.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 FPTP is rather silly, actually.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Nooo you can't be serious. Brilliant.
@skopp Ja, lekker! Jij ook?
@TRiG of course it is. It's merely the easiest to understand an implement.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 How do you pick which party is "the opposition"?
@Cerberus the one with the second-most seats.
@Cerberus Baie. Ek wou se ek is boks dronk, maar die ander woord vir boks, jy ken? MAar ek is nie dronk nie. So, laat ons maar los dit uit.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 You mean multi-party governing coalitions were not effective?
Which is why in '93 the Bloc upset everyone so much. Their stated goal was to get Quebec out of the country. They had one platform item: Separation. They were totally useless at everything else. But by beating the Reform party by two seats, they were the official opposition, despite not running any candidates outside of Quebec.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Okay. Weird.
@skopp Haha. Boks = heel/erg?
@Cerberus Federally, we rarely have multi-party coalitions. Actually, never. Or as good as. Maybe one or two times, tops. We typically prefer minority governments in those situations.
nee... doos
@Cerberus are you GTranslate-using?
Dronk = "dronken"?
that thing lies
No, just reading you.
In time
Yeah OK, dronken = drunk.
A couple years ago there was a minority Conservative government that was pissing everyone off. The Liberals decided to form a coalition with the NDP and the Bloc and take over. In response the gov't prorogued parliament to prevent that from happening, then spent 6 weeks attacking the idea of a coalition with the Bloc. Surprisingly, that worked for them, and the Liberal party hasn't recovered from the bad publicity.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I heard that of all the possible characteristics that a president could have, the one (that was polled about at least) that was the least popular was...
So what does "box drunk" mean?
I would join in on this political talk too, but I honestly don't know much about Canadian politics
@skopp me neither
It's actually doos dronk
doos = "box"
you know, "box"
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Yeah that happens. Populist parties. We usually take them up in a coalition, bleed them dry, then spit out their empty shells. (Despite Hitler...)
shouldn't juxtapose those words
@skopp Ohh dat soort "doos".
@Cerberus yebo!
daai* soort
Yebo? What is that? "Yes"?
for yes
My Zulu is rusty.
We have a sort of Tsotsi Taal here
It is surprising how easy it is for me to read you.
All mixed up and stuff
Want me to go hardcore mode?
@Cerberus Well, 20 years later they are still around, but they were trounced last election by the NDP, which is our "socialist" party. Sadly because the right-wing parties have consolidated into one party, the left-wing vote is split among 2 big parties and one or two small parties, and so things look grim for the near future, unless ... WTF are those birds doing on my back porch?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Prorogue Parliament? How does that work?
@Cerberus He made a request to the governor general, and she agreed to shut down parliament.
@skopp Noo this was just about right. Make it much harder and I won't be able to understand.
If I waai lidat mybra, I'll slat ENGLISH words and you still will not know fokol of wat I choon gazi
While shut down, the other parties couldn't form a coalition.
Or, if they did, it'd be meaningless.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 And does the right-wing party normally get an absolute majority?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 How is that even possible??
public opinion wasn't on the side of a coalition with the Bloc, despite earlier public opinion not being on the side of the gov't.
@Cerberus beats me. It is.
@skopp Haha, now I can guess based on sentence structure and what I am expecting you to say, but I must admit I don't know many of those words.
My kitchen neighbour's ballie swings past like a mamoo with a new cab ekse. So I choon: "JY! Kyk virrie hond in die fokke straat!". All the ouens crashed.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 It's time Lizzy brought order to the Empire. Because that is really insane.
@Cerberus that's it. The key words are masked
@Cerberus Hard to say, long term, what will happen. Since ... 2005 or 2006 they've been getting minority governments but now they are a majority. However, the Liberal party was recently decimated and the NDP party kicked major ass so maybe the left wing vote has swung a little lefter (the Liberal party is more left-of-centre than left).
@Cerberus well, she's the one who authorized it, through her (Conservative government-chosen) appointed representative.
Kinda like Cockney Slang... those flies are mustard
@skopp doesn't stop most people canadian or not
@Mitch hmm? :|
stop em from what
@Cerberus My Zulu is at the shop.
@Mitch are you going to reveal the least popular attribute? Is it "Atheism"?
@skopp stop them from joining in political talk.
You left your Zulu at the shop?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 oh!! ha ha...I totally forgot.
That is bad
forgot to answer.
No shop left
@skopp Yeah... my kitchen neighbour's ball swings past like a [very fast object] with a new [something]. So I go ("say"): "You! Watch out for your dog in the fucking(?) street!". All the [somethings—cars?] crashed.
oh. are you still waiting for me to answer?
Yeah...totally. It's atheist.
I have no idea what "kitchen neighbour" would be.
@Mitch Give it time.
Which I think is hilarious because...really.. big deal...presidents don't have time go to go to church.
@Cerberus nice try. My kitchen neighbour (I'll explain this now) ... like a BOSS with a new car - you had it right before editing
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 What regions are the more liberal ones?
The rest is correct except for the end
@Mitch Because clearly if an invisible sky-father isn't threatening you with eternal torment, what basis do you have at all for moral behaviour?
@Cerberus Cities
I wouldn't want them wasting time talking to some priest after church about the bake sale...they should be worrying about how to cover up all the people they've ordered killed.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 She should sack the Governor-General and finally attend to her duties in person. England is beyond repair anyway.
All the ouens (ouens = guys, but like "homies"). All the guys around me burst out laughing
or killed by their own hand (I hear that's becoming more popular among leaders...sort of lead by example)
A kitchen neighbour is the type that borrows sugar
and eggs
and flour
And, well... your entire pantry
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 All over the country?
@Cerberus it's in the shop with my Zulu.
@skopp Oh haha.
@skopp Ohh like "ouwe"!
We use that!
Context of it?
As in, "hey, ouwe, what's up?".
It just means "dude".
@Cerberus I think so. But, eg, the west... well, excluding the greater Vancouver area, is pretty conservative. But I get a strong sense of correlation to city size. bigger towns are more liberal.
It sounds like it's derived from Afrikaans
It really means "old one", but it isn't used like that.
I'm not too surprised... the world is getting smaller
@skopp That is very well possible!
I have no idea how old ouwe is in Dutch.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 exactly..well, unless it is an invisible sulfurous-inferno-pit dweller who actually provides that torment. The sky god just shots lighting bolts and rainbows and shit.
In fact - and this is NOT racist - do you know the origin of thwe word kaffir?
= disbeliever
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Yeah, that is always the case, probably the best predictor, city size; but this east-west difference is more interesting.
@skopp Yeah, I remember.
@Cerberus it's a BIG country.
The Dutch were in the Cape around the time as Arabs, and heard em calling the blacks kaafirs
@skopp are you asking or telling?
@Mitch oh... right. rhetoric, mitch. rhetoric
We have kaffer. It is very old fashioned. But the verb, "uitkafferen" = "to inveigh against, to curse at" is still in use.
Actually, not rhetoric. It's like how people like to say like
But kaffer is not used for black people, at least it hasn't been for...centuries?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 So...
@Cerberus where?
@Cerberus so regional distinctions are pretty common. The people in Alberta may as well be in another country sometimes.
We have huge political differences within our tiny country, that is, party-wise. Although most parties would seem much alike to most foreigners. The Catholic south votes Christian Democrat, Populist, and hard-core socialist. The north votes both soft-core and hard-core populist. The Bible-belt (which is tiny) votes Christian Democrat and orthodox Protestant. Rotterdam votes populist.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 how about north to south?
@skopp In Dutch.
People often misunderstand me. Like somewhere I'll see someone say something about feminists ...xyz, whatever. And I'll ask, "why don't "dentists get treated the same way?" or some snide, stupid thing... And get downboated to oblivion
It really has no black connotation for me at all, kaffer. But then it just isn't used at all any more.
@Mitch Most of the population is along the southern borders, just about everywhere, except in those places where there is nothing for miles and miles and miles.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 yeah I kinda figured. so the north south difference is north = (no data), south = mixed
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 So the eastern provinces around Ottawa and Montréal are more liberal than the western half, right? That is interesting. Although Montréalites(?) probably vote for their Québecois party.
isn't the far east also more conservative?
@skopp Some people are over-sensitive...
@Cerberus yeah..those goddamn dentists.
@Mitch China is fairly conservative, yes.
What happened w the Amero thing
@Cerberus !! no man, communism is just leftism taken real far!
@Cerberus Well, I don't fully know how Quebec goes. But Ontario, Quebec, and the maritimes are typically very centrist. which is why the old days of the PCs and the Liberals was okay, because they were right-of-center and left-of-center, respectively.
But now the Conservative party is much more right-wing.
@Cerberus but really I mean the far east of canada, like newfoundland, nova scotia.
communism and "democracy" are on the same coin
@Cerberus Also Montreal is typically a bastion of Liberal support. Lots of anglophones there.
but MRS just answered.
Mrs who?
Married women here?
@skopp @Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 is who
oh wait I forgot I was in the en room
@skopp There are sometimes
@skopp some of us are married and women and somtimes both yes at the same time.
It figures
kinda weird I know.
I'm a married women sometimes
@skopp in the old days you could ping my in chat by typing @mrs but that doesn't work anymore. you need the dot.
so its cool
@skopp what room do you usually talk in? and what is their culture?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Ah OK. And it is of course a city.
Linguistic distance from standard Dutch.
@skopp Notice how Afrikaans is not so very different!
So what is a "populist" party?
how is that distance?
I'm newish to SO, but depends. Mostly Javascript - because there's always at least two people online
On SE... the Comms room
who codes/designs/related here?
Again, linguistic difference.
coool.... blue and silver
@skopp I'm a coder
So Afrikaans is easier for me to understand than, say, the dialect they speak 200 km from here.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Prove it. You have 2 seconds to give me the sqroot(65536)
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 How did that happen?
@Cerberus how hard is it to understand Niedersachsisch (if that's a thing) from Dutch (or the nearby Plattdeutsch dialekt)?
@Mitch But that's still in the west.
@Cerberus did I just aska question after its answer again?
Huh. My ex- spoke plattdeutsch.
He is still calculating
give him a few hours
@Mitch Hard. I can pick up some words. In writing, it is somewhat easier, but still a lot harder than German.
@KitFox is he OK?
But that is only because I know German.
@Cerberus Oh. yeah, it's hard to 'unknow' things.
@KitFox I am truley sorry for your lots
@Cerberus They were decimated in 1993 and spent the next 12 years building up support, but meanwhile the Reform party stole their votes and support, and they eventually merged with the Reform party('s descendant party). However, the elite in the new Conservative party are not from the old Progressive-Conservative party, but from the old Reform party. They are typically based in Alberta and they are much more conservative than their predecessors.
Just as English is much easier than Afrikaans for me; however, I can understand some Afrikaans without ever having learned any Afrikaans, which would be next to impossible for English.
@Mitch Hmm not really!
"...which would be next to impossible for GOOD English." - FTFY
@Mitch Hmm how do you mean? As in, I keep trying to find German words in the Plattdeutsch? Kind of, but that's not really the main problem.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 What is this Reform party about? Why is it called that?
It sounds progressive.
@skopp For any kind of English!
No I mean when you hear someone speaking, what you already have learned is so automatic that it's hard to separate what you've learnied in class from what is natural without that book-learning.
@Cerberus They claimed to be "populist". In reality they just wanted to be more right-wing than the dominant PC party at the time. We used to call them the Re-farm party, because they were all about farming.
@skopp Hoe moeilijk is het voor jou om Nederlands te lezen?
@Cerberus Do not talk about your mother like that!
@skopp I'm not.
It's also pretty hard to read that.
@Mitch Umm that is possible...but I was never taught Plattdeutsch.
moeilik - beautiful
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Haha, nice. God, I hate farmer's lobbies. So bad for the world.
@Mitch Oh, you know her?
@Cerberus their foyers are impeccable though
@skopp Really? That's funny. Moeilijk = difficult.
Moeite = effort, difficulty. Mooi = beautiful.
@Mitch They have foyers, really? Are you sure you don't mean stables?
@Cerberus Well, there was more to it than that. Anyway there's no more Reform Party.
@Mitch I know you're impressionable, but a foyer is not quite the same thing as a pig sty.
@Cerberus you know, it just comes out...I was going to say barn, then den, then kitchen, but foyer just forced itself out.
@Cerberus hint lobby -> foyer
I know, I know.
sorry, you're right. Mooi in Afr. is beautiful too. Moeilik doesn't exist to my knowledge. But difficult would be gevaarlik
@Cerberus well, it's funny cuz it's the same thing as a lobby.
Although technically they are different rooms.
@skopp Ahh haha that is great! Gevaarlijk = dangerous.
Gevaar = danger.
@skopp I'm late to the game...are you a native Afrikaans speaker? Is that what we're talking about here?
@Mitch I know, nothing to be ashamed of.
It was funny. Foyer won.
@Mitch Yes.
@skopp So could you read what I wrote? Or was that too hard?
@Cerberus actually, it is moeilik. Gevaarlik - dangerous. Sorry, wife just got home. And she was talking while I was typing
By the way, baie can also mean very, can't it?
"While I was typing" ha. So superfluous.
@KitFox I know..right?
@skopp Ah OK.
@Cerberus dit kannie te moeilik wees want die twee is amper die selfde
catch you peoples later.
Dat is heel gemakkelijk.
@KitFox So I'm back on the bandwagon! I've posted two blog posts lately
Only "amper" means "hardly" in Dutch, but you're apparently using it as "almost".
@Cerberus vals freund
Valse vriend, klopt!
don't call me a dummy, dummy!
I wasn't!
Oh..ha! I thought klopt meant dummy!
Hi @KitFox
Being idle at all the times might became monotonous.
Is it right?
> Being idle all the time might become monotonous.

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