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@Cerberus That’s exactly what Felipe IIº said to your countrymen round about the 1570s or so.
He wanted to tax us more, among other things.
Of course he did.
So you shouldn't always judge the ehm overdog.
I wonder. Is website complexity subject to the inverse-square law?
We had the same gripe about Georgie el Loco.
You tell us!
@Robusto No.
There is nothing that spreads out at a rate proportionate to the square of the distance.
No physical medium here.
@Robusto My favourite place here is a shopping centre, it's true.
A better question, which occurred to me at lunch today, might be: did Claude Lorrain actually suffer form a form of colorblindness?
@tchrist I'm probably thinking of O(n^2) complexity.
Ah, what a wonderful feeling, to be Enlightened * 85. It's as though I know everything.
No, because every page does not have a link to every other page.
I'm thinking of CSS complexity regarding markup. Every style rule has to be examined with respect to every bit of markup, if only to discount it.
Sorry, not following. But I kinda don’t "know" CSS much.
In particular, I do not understand how what’s everywhere on every page can apply to any given one.
Or are you talking about length of page not number of pages?
If so, well, ok maybe.
Is N the size of the page or the number of pages on a site?
I took it as number of pages.
As for the other, I don’t know because I’ve never gotten my head all the way up CSS’s bunghole enough to think about it like that.
OFFS it is her again.
1 hour later…
You know, the make-vs-do question is one of those eminently closable questions for which an undeniably scintillating answer could indeed be crafted — provided that one were sufficiently motivated and informed, and gifted with the time to throw (away) at it.
@tchrist I'm talking about all the crap that gets jammed into a page, since that very issue I have to deal with every day. I analyzed some of our pages and found that 90% of the CSS was not getting used on any given page, yet the entire cascade had to be applied to every element on the page before everything could be properly rendered.
1 hour later…
She made me laugh, but this isn’t really what I would call an answer:
A: What's the action of banging two beers together called?

Cynthia HartwigAn alternate definition for insanity. Why spill a drop?

Or am I being too harsh?

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