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@KitFox And this.
@Cerberus: Good luck. Bye!
in the test the students have to choose between past simple and present perfect
@KitFox:You tell?
@Sudhir Tell what?
What should come in my sentence?
Is it right?
I will ask on the main page then
@Monica: You're student?
Thanks, Kit
No, I am not
@Sudhir That should probably be "you're a student"
@Sudhir What do you mean? How did Topper do? is fine.
@simchona: Thanks.
@KitFox It should be does?
@Sudhir No.
@Sudhir No, it shouldn't.
Could you please elucidate it further?
Which part isn't making sense?
"How did Topper do?" is perfectly fine.
I think topper is one person so does should come. Please clear my doubt.
Topper did very well on the exam.
How did he do? He did well.
This is in the past -- "did" not "does"
So you would have "Topper does well on exams" if he takes exams, in general, and does well
You would say "How does he do?"
But on this exam, perhaps, if you want to ask how he did
"How did Topper do [on that math exam yesterday]?"
So that's where you would put the does if you changed the tense of the sentence.
"How does Topper do in math tests?"
@simchona: i'm talking about last do.
@Sudhir It would never be does
It's not conjugated.
How does he jump? How does he skip?
How does he like his eggs in the morning?
@simchona: * How did Topper does* ?
That might be a do-support thing.
@Sudhir No, never.
How did Topper do?
How did those girls do?
How did the country of Japan do?
The final do stays as do, no matter the subject
In the grammar of English, the term do-support (or do-insertion) refers to the use of the auxiliary verb do, including its inflected forms does and did, to produce negated clauses and questions, as well as other constructions in which subject–auxiliary inversion is required. The verb do can be used as an auxiliary even in simple declarative sentences, where it usually serves to add emphasis, as in "I did shut the fridge." However in the negated and inverted clauses referred to above, it is used because the rules of English syntax permit these constructions only when an auxiliary is presen...
do is not acting as verb as here, I guess.
Yeah, I think so. That's probably why you are confused.
We stick a do in there, and that gets conjugated. The ending verb doesn't.
To compare, you could also say "How will you do [on the exam]?"
So you would have "How does Topper do?"
It's because in that case you are inverting the subject and the verb to make a question.
Okay I got it
Thanks @simchona @KitFox.
I hope they won't close my new post
But in that tense, you are essentially asking about the generic case.
@KitFox: I've more doubts.
You have more questions?
@Sudhir You're missing a verb
Where do we use has had ?
Hmm. He has had a tough time.
She has had dogs ever since she was a girl.
She has had a cold for two weeks
Can it be (had has)?
It's the have auxiliary + have as a verb.
@Sudhir I can't think of any.
@KitFox Could you take a look at this?
@simchona Sure. You have a concern?
@KitFox Can we disambiguate it a little?
I think it's a bit confusing as to the actual question, but that could also just be me
I'm a bit jet lagged, and my English is lagging too
Let me think.
I'm almost out of battery. I need to switch devices. I think her question is about the correct tense given that a time point has been specified.
@simchona: Where did you done your graduation?
Is it correct?
"Where did you have your graduation?"
Who usually closes the posts?
or Where did you do your graduation?
do or have is the infinitive form.
@Mitch: Please explain
You wouldn't really "do" graduation
Where did you eat your lunch?
Where did you graduate? is what I'd say.
Where does he sleep at night?
The second verb isn't conjugated but the first is
French is similar
the italicized words are infinitives. they are not supposed to agree with anything.
@simchona: I didn't get the semantics of conjugated what you explained.
"He need to have a snack then take a nap."
same thing.
Bye all
I think. He thinks That's about all the conjugation there is in English. But whatever littel there is there, you don't even do that with the infinitive.
He does work on Drupal Vs He works on Drupal?
Which is right?
Ummmmmmm. Yes?
Depends on what you mean
In the first, work is a noun. In the second, work is the verb.
Q: More than one adjective modifying more than one noun

ZodiakI have difficulty when there is more than adjective trying to modify more than one noun. What is the meaning of this sentence? - "We have new and pre-owned cars and trucks" Also, where can I obtain practice exercises so I become good at this task? Thanks

This is egregious.
Q: Two adjectives for two nouns

crasicI saw this on a billboard recently We have new and pre-owned cars and trucks Clearly the intention is to modify "cars and trucks" with the two adjectives "used and preowned" and although the construction does make sense intuitively (and colloquially), I was wondering if there are any spec...

A thousand pardons.
I was not listening.
Stupid cookies. Stupid iPad.
@Jez And even that is missing some. “Today I say that I will eat there soon. Yesterday I said that I would eat there soon.” There is no future-in-the-past listing.
@kit can you take over this
In previous question you said you do not have any special method to find it and I know you can't unless in claim and guess like me so my question is valid and I do not know why you down voted it! — user37324 3 mins ago
@simchona:You remember my question.
Where did you do your graduation?
this one?
Yes, I remember.
Is this correct?
It's correct, but it doesn't sound right.
So grammar-wise it's fine, but the phrase "do your graduation" isn't really idiomatic
Q: Correct usage in this sentence?

SudhirWhile talking to my friend, I came to know that this sentence is wrong. Where did you done your graduation? Please explain why it is wrong. Also, what should come here?

Ok, what about this. I agree with the closing.
The third season of the popular television show will ends on a ground note with celebrating dancing and making fun. What's wrong with it?
I think ends is incorrect.
Yup, should be "will end"
Or just "ends"
"Making fun" doesn't sound right either
It's usually that you "make fun of someone" or "make fun of something"
@simchona: I was recounting my experience where an auto driver made me [to] wait and also demanded ₹400.
Is to wrong here?
Without to, the sentence is grammatical
Ok, I don't have time to explain the why of everything
no pbm
Rose growers is followed by The?
@Sudhir This question makes no sense.
ok leave it
Scientists have tried to grow new stems in the ear that get damage with age.
What's incorrect?
What the hell is ear doing there
Are we talking about an actual person's ear?
Are you referring to stem cells?
Then you need to say that
Stems != stem cells
get is right here?
Yes, but it must be damaged
but the ans is gets damaged
I think its wrong.
I just said it had to be damaged
The answer is right
it should be get damaged.
I'm talking about get.
You're right, get sounds better
Except it matters whether the ear gets damaged, or the stems do
So if you're referring to the ear, it should still be gets
So the answer is still right, after all
for ear it should be gets
Your English knowledge is very good.
I highly appreciate it.
You're welcome
I'm Indian trying hard to master it.
Hindi being my native language.
What you do?
What do you do
I'm a student
I thought you to be a programmer.
I program, but it isn't my job
So where you're studying?
I mean which course?
Where are you studying
We Indians usually speak wrong eng
You're still learning! Even native speakers make mistakes
no one interrupts us.
Nothing wrong.
@simchona: I need to practice/practise?
@Sudhir Practice, in American English.
I'm not sure how British English treats that
What's your age?
I'd rather not say
I wonder you being smaller than me.
knows more than me.
I think you might mean "I wonder if you are younger than me"
"Smaller" refers to physical size
Hats off to you.
Yes you're right.
One of the best speaker.
This is . . . I dunno, inappropriate? Dangerous baiting trying to make you reveal things that shouldn’t be revealed?
When you cannot prove you have such thing you cannot ask such irrational requests. I say request. Kitfox said a different thing in the other topic. Anyway please send your ideas as an answer not in comment. I think you know better than me that comments are to improve questions not arguments. — user37324 29 mins ago
Not a good idea.
I'm pretty sure explaining the mod tools renders them useless.
As long as you trust that we have them, just know that we have them
I don’t know about useless, but I very much approve of the current situation, and disagree with the request.
I would ask you to speak up, but I think she'll just explode at you
She's misreading everything
I am very good at getting girls to explode, you know. Boys too, ’soften as not.
Oh, you feisty thing you
Some people are determined to take everything wrong. There is no help for them, since telling them that would ipso facto be taken wrong.
Wise words
If only there weren't just one downvote, so she couldn't be like "IT WAS YOU!!!!!", even if it weren't
I’ve answered.
My hero.
That wasn't meant to sound sarcastic, by the way
I am too quick to downvote things I am annoyed by.
I hate when people accuse others of voting down
Whether or not it's true
Wasn’t even my downvote.
Sanctus sanctus sanctus
Dona eis requiem
Holy priceless collection of Etruscan snoods?
@tchrist That suit looks nice. Let's put it on.
Hi everyone, I have a really quick question. I am looking for the specific word that describes the type of irony currently being experienced in Holland. They walled off the sea and are now having a drought. Any ideas?
cosmic irony came to my mind, but someone here is convinced there is a more succint term for it
That would be Dutch aqueous irony.
@JonathanDickinson Umm what?
There is no drought.
What you are thinking of is probably dramatic irony, though.
Aqueous irony or ironic water?
In one of the towns there, apparently. Speaking to someone who lives there right now.
He probably means draft, not drought, hehe.
I can assure you, there is no drought.
We do suffer from terrible drafts in winter, though.
@JonathanDickinson Which town?
@Cerberus Surely you mean draughts.
@JonathanDickinson I really don't believe it, haha sorry.
You are talking about Foehn winds? We have that in South Africa as well (Berg Winds)
Still any ideas regarding that irony, whether or not it is the case
@JonathanDickinson No I was joking, I meant drafts inside the house.
Sounds like he is going to be living off that for a while :)
The only "drought" I can find is when there was less rain than usual near Leeuwarden in 2011...
It might be a pipe blockage, I came in half-way through the conversation and they were trying to figure out what the word to describe the situation is
Oh haha.
That sounds more likely.
@Cerberus Why do you insist on using the non-British spelling? That is so non-Anglopohile of you.
@Robusto Oh, hmm, I knew there was something. Those words always confuse me.
Because I don't think the army thing is draught in British?
@Cerberus No, they’re checkered.
Yet you leap in anyway, tongue and tail wagging, fastening your teeth around the wrong spelling for your particular predilections.
6 ÷ 2(1+2) = ?
What answer do you get for that?
@Robusto You spelled peculiar wrong.
Get where?
Multiplication should go before division...
@Cerberus Why? They have the same precedence.
@Cerberus "If an arithmetical or algebraical term contains ÷ and ×, there is at present no agreement as to which sign shall be used first."
I was taught multiplication goes first.
That is not right.
You were also taught that order of operations proceeds left to right, ne?
Moreover, it does not matter.
Mijnheer Van Dalen Wacht Op Antwoord.
according to the mnemonic (BODMAS) division comes first
That's weird.
a*b/c = a*(b/c) = (a*b)/c
Multiplication comes first in our mnemonic.
@Robusto Someone asked that a few hours ago.
Seems to be a popular facebook question...
@Robusto So my answer would definitely be 1, but Jonathan's would be 9.
For things of the same precedence, isn't it left to right?
@simchona Iff they’re left-associating operators.
doesn't really matter though, multiplication and division are commutative
a**b**c is a**(b**c)
Because exponentiation is right-associating.
If you do division first, you get 9.
Multiplication, 1.
@JonathanDickinson I already said that. :)
Uh oh.
This is not going to be pretty.
that's breaking the rules cerberus, brackets (*B*ODMAS) come first
The point is, you shouldn't be using the division sight at all.
You should always use horizontal bars.
@JonathanDickinson PEMDAS.
And it doesn’t matter.
@JonathanDickinson No, no, then you get 6 / 2*3.
same problem.
It's not even a math problem, just a notation problem.
I don't even know what BODMAS or PEMDAS say, LOL.
The brackets are immaterial in this example, because the same problem appears if you just take 6 / 2 * 3.
the multiplication sign is implicit between the 2 and the parenthesis
it's short-hand, syntactic sugar
Anyway, why are we discussing this? Oh, because it is the single room with every possible discussion.
% bc -l
bc 1.06
Copyright 1991-1994, 1997, 1998, 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
For details type `warranty'.
6 / 2 * 3
@JonathanDickinson Hence 6 / 2 * 3.
The Javascript console on this page yields this result:
macbook# perl -le 'print 6/2*3'
macbook# perl -le 'print 6*2/3'
@Robusto What, your shell broken? :)
You should always write it like this.
@Cerberus Cute!
Your dot is in the wrong place.
Is that your handwriting?
Because anything under or above the fraction line automatically gets "brackets".
@tchrist Yep. And the yolk's on you.
@JasperLoy Yes. Although it is too basic to call it handwriting!
I always add plenty of brackets when forced to use "/" as the divisor.
@Cerberus Why are you using the variables C and D? 6/2*C2+D?
@Robusto Oh, aesthetic reasons.
> But there really are a lot of problems with this process. First off, because multiplication and division are inverses (they undo one another), it’s perfectly legal to divide before you multiply. Same thing goes for addition and subtraction. That means that PEDMAS, PEDMSA and PEMDSA are also acceptable acronyms. (Not so black and white any more, eh?)
Surely it does not distract from the issue?
Why are you right-handed?
@sim That was weird; I guess they fixed that.
It used to work.
@tchrist no no not that, you meant "Why, are you not right-handed?"
I can't recall who is a leftie in this room...
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Do you think Australia and Argentina should flip the months?
So our January becomes their July?
@JasperLoy By their handwriting shalt thou know them.
@tchrist Anyway, I am a leftie, yay!
Province my ass.
@Robusto What are you trying to tell us?
That this website was itself hacked by Chinese hackers?
@Cerberus Taiwan is a province of China? I did not know that!
@JasperLoy It's not.
@Cerberus Nah. The Russians got there first. China had to settle for sloppy seconds.
That's why I posted that.
I am totally for Taiwanese independence.
The Chinese consider it a province.
You understand why, right?
@Robusto You mean the Republic of China, commonly known as Taiwan, not the People's Republic.
They’ve been hacked by the Chinese. Of course.
@JasperLoy Taiwan is independent.
I mean not Formosa.
@Cerberus Not to China.
That is, Taiwan officially claims China, and China claims Taiwan.
@Robusto Awwww
You cannot deny that Formosa was a prettier name than Taiwan.
@Cerberus Yeah, I know that theory, haha.
The Chinese government fled Peking during the Communist uprising, and they ended up on Taiwan.
Careful, or I'll bring up Quimoy and Matsu. Or however they're transliterated.
@tchrist Of course.
So officially, the Kuomintang hold, or used to hold, that the government located in Taipei was the government of all of China.
Q: 6/2*(1+2) is 1 or 9?

Tural Teyyuboglu Aliyev Possible Duplicate: What is 48÷2(9+3)? Please, look at the picture? Which calculator shows true result and how to prove achieved result?

The Commies, on the other hand, claim their revolution owns all the territories of pre-Communist China.
@tchrist In fact, its name in Portuguese (Ilha Formosa) literally means "Beautiful Island."
I think Taiwan and China should just let each other be independent.
It is interesting to note that, recently, the Kuomintang has become friendlier towards China than the other main party in Taiwan.
@Robusto You’re doing it again.
@JasperLoy Yeah, well, that's what's happening de facto.
@tchrist Doing what again?
Explaining my own jokes to me. Which I already knew. Which is why I said it.
But some people in Taiwan are open to some sort of political union with China.
@tchrist Then ya shoulda said beautiful instead of pretty.
@Cerberus Amazing how some people just want to control others.
That’s ok, Jasper appreciates it.
This world is full of stupidity and evil.
Like, who in this room is most likely to know what a Portuguese word means, eh there now?
@JasperLoy Also beauty and intelligence and goodness.
@tchrist Pas moi.
Eggs. Grandma. Suck. Teach. Don’t.
@Robusto Yes, like Robusto.
@JasperLoy Yeah...on the other hand, what would you do if a major shopping street in Singapore declared independence?
@Cerberus Left or right?
And began levying tolls?
@Cerberus Well, that would not happen, of course.
@tchrist ?
@JasperLoy But what if it did?
I wondered if it were split down the median.
@Cerberus Singapore is nothing but a major shopping street. That's all it has. Do you think it could declare indepedence from itself?
Wouldn't you think they were ridiculous? Wouldn't it be annoying if you couldn't tax this expensibe shopping street?
@Cerberus Well, I don't speculate on such things.
Hm, pedology.
@Robusto Where there's a will, there's a street.
@JasperLoy I was trying to make you see the nationalist standpoint against independence.
It is always easy to root for the underdog, "let those people be free!".
@Cerberus I see it, but a shopping street is different...
Why is it different?
I don't compare a human to an ant.
Singaporean revolutions are like GET requests. They're always idempotent.
All those Singaporean revolutions.
It never stops.

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