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I'm not doing digital video, so it should be plenty for a loooong time.
@Cerberus A lot. My C drive is a 512 MB SSD Samsung 830 series, and it is blazingly fast.
I'm only using 107 GB of it so far. The nonessential stuff I store in my 1.5 TB backup.
@AndrewLeach There are a lot of artists, particularly photographers, who are all about the TIFF. I realize there are plenty of formats out there. But TIFF is very common and by no means obsolete.
The most common and versatile format nowadays is the PNG. JPGs are too lossy and create hideous artifacts unless you run them at a lossless 100%. GIFs are obsolete except for animated gifs.
Q: Which sentence is correct

IGIFTK IGIFTKThe ending was one of the most exciting moments in sports. or The ending was one of the most exciting moment in sports.

"Which sentence is correct?" titles should be banned outright.
@Robusto It started as "with sentence is correct"
Those should be banned too.
@Robusto Animated gifs are awful. JPG is great for web pages, what you might call "newspaper quality". After all most screens are low resolution. But certainly no good for archival purposes, or for most print purposes.
@MετάEd Not obsolete, but designed for printing rather than the web.
@MετάEd Mostly I agree, but there isn't another format that allows simple animations without coding. Sometimes they're useful, but like everything else on the Webtubes, most of it is sheer crap.
There's APNG, isn't there?
@AndrewLeach I haven't heard of that. Is that the replacement for GIF animation? Because it's high time.
You mean 32-bit PNG? Yes.
The Animated Portable Network Graphics (APNG) file format is a non-standard extension to the Portable Network Graphics (PNG) specification. It allows for animated PNG files that work similarly to animated GIF files, while supporting 24-bit images and 8-bit transparency not available for GIFs. It also retains backward compatibility with non-animated PNG files. The first frame of an APNG file is stored as a normal PNG stream, so most standard PNG decoders are able to display the first frame of an APNG file. The frame speed data and extra animation frames are stored in extra chunks (as pro...
It seems to be non-standard.
Ah, thought the A stood for alpha channel.
I haven't encountered the APNG format, and I doubt it will catch on.
Not while animated GIFs are cheap and easy.
And well-supported.
I don't know if that image is an APNG image, but Chrome doesn't animate it.
Looks like this is pretty well supported by browsers:
Animation of Scalable Vector Graphics, an open XML-based standard vector graphics format, is possible through various means: *Scripting: ECMAScript is a primary means of creating animations and interactive user interfaces within SVG. *Styling: Since 2008, the development of CSS Animations as a feature in WebKit has made possible stylesheet-driven implicit animation of SVG files from within the Document Object Model (DOM). *SMIL: Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language, a recommended means of animating SVG-based hypermedia is currently supported by the Safari, Opera, Mozilla Firef...
@AndrewLeach Firefox doesn't have a problem.
Yes, I'm torn. But Firefox's memory management is not as good.
But I tend not to use formats that are unsupported by a sizable portion of the browser community.
Right, I'm off to bed. It's been a long day (see above).
OK, so is it:
Qui = /kwi:/
Cuius = /kujus/
Cui = /kui:/
Quem = /kwem/
Quo = /kwo:/
if so, it is a weird sound change that gave 'kooo-eeee' instead of 'kweeee'
@tchrist it's touches like that (both III and IV) that really make it special.
1 hour later…
@Robusto It takes 7 seconds.
But I imagine your drive must be speedy, being half a GB and all.
@Mitch Correct!
3 hours later…
@Robusto Right. Because content is king.
As a quick google for "difference between "reduced to control of" and "reduced to controlling"" will demonstrate, this is a possible theft of content:
Q: "Reduced to control of" vs. "reduced to controlling"

user39113I need some help with the phrase "to be reduced to": quote 1 From this point onwards, the Kuomintang was reduced to control of Taiwan, Kinmen, Matsu Islands, and two major islands of Dongsha Islands and Nansha Islands. quote 2 The end of the Hundred Years War saw the loss of Saxo...

3 hours later…
@MετάEd That's a Nortonn question. If it's closed it can be deleted.
3 hours later…
Aw come on, guys:
Q: usage of whose reffering to inanimate object

user1386579I was baffled while using this sentence "i went into some blog site whose sole purpose .." my doubt is about 'whose' ,is it correct to use it there . Please help me

Where is everybody this morning?
@KitFox I am here!
It seems that this room is getting more tense lately, or maybe it is just my imagination.
I'm feeling more tense lately. House stuff, particularly.
Speaking of, I should get to work. bbl
I’m very just barely stifling a flying fuck-you at Bill fucking Franke for prolixly calling me pompous and pretentious. That shit does not belong on a public forum.
Flag it?
I did.
I am also embarrassed to have just found that it is a dupe. D’oh!
Sorry. I didn’t know the other question.
I am now conflicted about close-voting, since I already answered. So I only posted a comment that it is a probable dupe.
Oh. I just came back and I'm dealing with something else. Let me look at the queue.
I’m sure what you are dealing with is more important. Honest.
I feel bad for answering a dupe. But I just did not realize.
Well, near-dupe. Daniel’s answer certainly addresses this, though, even if the question seems a bit different.
Oh, did you answer it and then mark it as a duplicate?
I thought that would be unkosher.
That's not so bad. It is when the close vote is for something like "off-topic" that it gets problematic.
I posted a comment that it was a probable dupe, but only long after I had answered.
OK. I'll look at it in a little while.
If 3 others vote it a dupe, I will add mine, but I do not wish to appear self-serving.
My hammer shipped. I should have my piano back in a few days.
Good. Was it costly?
And good that you can fix it yourself, too.
I bought several replacements, and with shipping it came to about $90. Expensive for a few pieces of plastic and metal, but cheaper than a service call.
Plus I'm covered for the next few that break.
Agreed re the service call. I haven’t had to have a hammer replaced, but just evening out the regulation can be a pretty penny.
Man, people on SO are really doctrinaire prigs.
Did you watch the TED talk I posted for you?
@Robusto Eh?
A: time delay between 2 lines of code in javascript, not settimeout

RobustoThe following is clunky and ugly, but it should work for what you want. // time arg is in milliseconds function delay(time) { var d1 = new Date(); var d2 = new Date(); while (d2.valueOf() < d1.valueOf() + time) { d2 = new Date(); } }

I wrote this as a proof of concept, not a solution. I state that it is clunky and ugly. But it gets as many down votes as up votes. While the person who advised the OP to use settimeout, which he stipulated he could not do in that situation, gets nine upvotes.
> 1530 Palsgr. 633/1 - What preest was it that maryed them togyther: quel prestre fut ce qui les marya ensemble?
@Robusto Heh. :)
I'm not sure about the oblique insult, @tchrist. Can you explain for me?
Q: How do I get tomorrow’s date? A: sleep(86_400); $now = date();
@KitFox Sure.
@Mitch Certainly I would use sillily — and have. Haven’t you? And I’m not talking about potted plants, either. — tchrist 45 mins ago
Oh, oh, I see. That's under your answer. I didn't see it. Let me read through the whole thing.
He’s always calling me those things he’s “obliquely” calling me there. I assure you that it is me he’s referring to. And he is always chattier than a chickadee, but then again, some of my best friends are chickadees, so perhaps that’s neither here nor there.
Still, at least you're not a Stalinist douche.
@Robusto People cannot take a joke, not about programming of course, because programming is a SERIOUS SUBJECT, doncha know?
There. Fixed.
It's not even a joke. It's a demonstration that something is possible, not that it is advisable.
@Kit Thanks and good. I agree about the whole chain, too.
So I add a boldfaced disclaimer
A: time delay between 2 lines of code in javascript, not settimeout

RobustoThe following is clunky and ugly and I would never do it in my own code and I DO NOT RECOMMEND IT AT ALL, but it shows that such a thing is possible. // time arg is in milliseconds function delay(time) { var d1 = new Date(); var d2 = new Date(); while (d2.valueOf() < d1.valueOf() + time...

Geezis. Even that isn't likely to work.
@tchrist I am aware of his dislike for you. Just flag it.
@tchrist We talking about Kris?
No, Kris doesn't like any of us.
@Robusto No, everybody’s favorite BF.
Bill specifically dislikes tchrist.
Where BF has multiple possible meanings, not excluding one alluding to buggery.
Frankely, my dear, you shouldn't give a damn.
@tchrist thinks
Disliking is one thing; ranting in public is another.
Oh. I get it.
Lucky you! :)
Need some help filling the blanks. `I (drink) _____ _____ _____ six cups of water today.` And yes, that's three blanks to fill, and it's gotta be present tence.
I'm out of the picture now. It's nice not feeling obliged to answer any questions.
@01100001 at least thirty
have not drunk
Oh that's what's (drink) means
can drink up
am going to drink. Oh. That doesn't work.
They seem to be seeking some complex VP, but I don’t quite see how.
will drink about
will hafta drink
@KitFox I don't think you can use words like "about"
have been drinking would be wrong.
@tchrist yes
Why do they give such stupid examples? How is that remotely helpful?
I have no idea. I have to deal with this everyday. :-/
am drinking up
ESL is often like that, that’s why. Bad materials, not even written by native speakers at times.
feel like drinking
am gonna drink
If you call that present tense. :)
@KitFox Funny that drinking something up and drinking it down mean pretty much the same thing.
I never thought about that before.
That's why we go over this stuff.
I have wondered about "up" though.
It's like Goldilocks's lament: "Someone's been eating my porridge, too. And he ate it all up."
I am thinking of more up–down flip-flops.
Note the unconscious sexism displayed by Goldilocks. She couldn't have known that the bears were male or female. She just assumed.
Goldilocks is pretty presumptuous.
Just in general.
She's a bitch.
Also, every high maintenance.
What do you expect from a blonde?
Oi, watch your tongue.
She has brunette roots. She's only faking blondeness.
Hi there
i wanna ask that when an auto update of app occurs, the old data is deleted... Is there any way to save it?
Question for the day regarding Goldilocks: does the carpet really match the drapes?
Oooh. Fairy tales.
@Noman I don't know.
I (drink) _____ _____ _____ six cups of water today. So, the question itself is wrong?
We have the second proof copy coming of a book of collected fairy tale poems.
@Noman But out of curiosity, why are you asking in here?
@01100001 I can't figure out an answer.
The OED has all these as terms that admit both XXX up and XXX down variants: beat, break, bring, call, cast, close, come, cry, cut, die, dig, do, draw, fetch, get, give, go, hold, keep, kick, knock, lay, leave, let, lie, look, make, one, phase, piece, play, pull, put, putter, run, send, set, sit, spin, stand, step, stick, strike, take, throw, tie, touch, turn, wind, wring, write.
@KitFox.. my boss gona fix me... so m doin R&D for it ;-P
I haven’t checked that all are of the same class, though (both nouns or both verbs, for example).
need to drink
@KitFox I meant a peroxide blonde.
@MετάEd Bing bing bing bing.
@Noman I see. But we are the English Language and Usage room. We don't do "apps" here.
Oh. I thought he was asking about English.
@MετάEd I don't think I can use own words like "need", but if I can, I'd go with have to drink
what do you think?
@tchrist Was he? Is saving app data English?
I misread. I thought he was looking for a synonym.
@01100001 Why is have allowed and need forbidden?
They mean the same thing in this instance.
Not quite: have to could indicate an external compulsion with need to an internal compulsion.
Have to, or get beaten; need to, or die.
@tchrist I believe be, have forms can be used when appropriate. But stuff like "up", "down", "need", etc. I don't know.
Hmm. Perhaps they are the same.
have to be
@AndrewLeach No. For example, say it's my new resolution.
@tchrist Aww, relax. He is just a stranger on the internet, think that way.
Must. Get. Up. And clean stove.
Get up, get down.
Because screw drinking. It's not good for you. Water, anyway. Stick to the water of life.
Of course, I agree that BF's comments are often too strongly worded.
@JasperLoy You didn’t read it.
I had some comment exchanges with him a couple of times.
@JasperLoy There's room in here for a joke about BFF, but I'm not touching it.
@tchrist Yeah, I was not trivialising your feelings, just wanted to say something helpful.
@MετάEd I don't know what that stands for, quite bad at these abbreviations. I know the multiple meanings of FB though.
@MετάEd We’ve already trodden the buggery path this morning on that one.
Commute. Laters.
@JasperLoy "Best Friends Forever"
@MετάEd Oh, not sure what that means either!
Any set of B and F together, in either direction, leads to something with fuck in it.
@JasperLoy Aww.
No BFFs for Jasper?
That makes me sad panda.
No, I have never had a girlfriend.
I probably will remain single this life, which is fine.
What? That hasn't anything to do with it.
@KitFox 🐼⃠
BFFs are even more important if you are single.
Oh, so BFF is self service, lol.
Or maybe it is FB, lol.
hies him to India
Dude, you really don't know what a friend is? Someone who is there for you and supports you and stuff?
I think I now need to research on the meaning of BFF.
Probably UD has listed 9000 definitions.
Someone who will bail you out of jail and help you hide a body?
Come on. Everybody knows something about having a friend.
Oh, so it literally means best friends, hmm.
Um. Yeah.

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