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@psmears Of course, you could stop saying "of course", but (of course) is just a matter of style; you would be (of course) still welcome, and (of course) you would still be our friend.
@MrHen I understood what your new gravatar means: your passion for parentheses.
OK, I said my silliness of the day. I actually said all of them.
If anybody has suggestions about more silly things I could say, phone me on lunch time.
2 hours later…
1 hour later…
When I was walking home, a woman called and said: "I know this is a bit of a cheeky thing to ask, but you don't happen to have any condoms on you, do you?".
I thought it was a rather funny thing to ask.
She was British.
@Cerberus, so what did you answer then ?
I didn't manage to install this emoji font on Ubuntu 10.10 - probably no support for colour fonts. Will ask on Ubuntu.SE !
@Cerberus, a friend of mine once posed a very similar question... to his mother. :D
@Alain: I smiled and confessed that I didn't have any! I am not very promiscuous.
@Martha: Either your friend or his mother is crazy!
Possibly in a good way.
2 hours later…
@MrHen What @psmears said. Or what I said here:
Mar 7 at 14:58, by RegDwight
@Robusto Yeah, I will normally leave a comment first, and give the OP some reasonable amount of time to improve.
I don't want to alienate anyone, least of all community members in good standing. Stan has an impressive record of rather awesome answers.
And it's not like I have never been wrong. Always treat others yada-yada.
A: How to respond to dictionary/“general reference” questions?

Jeff AtwoodThere is now a new experimental close reason, as previously discussed: general reference This question is too basic; it can be definitively and permanently answered by a single link to a standard internet reference source designed specifically to find that type of information. Give tha...

Hey @Martha, welcome to the Bronze Usage Club. Enjoy your stay, it won't last long.
1 hour later…
@RegDwight, I'm already committed thx.
Yeah, see my comment there.
I don't think we need more promotion on EL&U.)))
I just thought I'd mention it here before anyone complains.
Billare and a few others are already actively drumming up support !
What about that: I though some of you would be interested: bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-13049700
That should go directly into @JSBangs' inbox.
Can't do these one-boxing stuff you all master !
Inlining doesn't work for BBC links, sorry.
See the help link in the lower right corner: it only works for Wikipedia, SE questions, SE blog, Amazon products, YouTube videos, and some other stuff.
thx. knowing one thing or two about HTML, I was amazed. If they need someone to write the plugin. There might be legal issues as well actually.
Also, you can edit your stuff here @Alain, rather than posting it three times in a row. (^_^)
But you have to be quick. Two minutes, then it's locked in.
@Cerberus @psmears @kiamlaluno : see here:
Q: Colour font installation (emoji) in Maverick Meerkat

Alain PannetierI've tried to install this Apple Emoji TTF font but even the Font Viewer doesn't render them correctly. Does anyone have an idea about whether this kind of font is supported in 10.10/Gnome 2.32 ?

No Mac, no colour font !
@AlainPannetier I guessed as much...
Hence not even trying :)
I've always been yawning at hackintoshs... There might be other B&W fonts covering the unicode range though. Not that I'm particularly eager to change this chat room in a fish tank though !
Waaaahh! My reputation has been reduced!
It was too good to be real, if I were the first to reach 3K.
You mean on DA?
Now Berdir is ahead of you.
@RegDwight Yep!
Why does the system react so slowly?
Which system?
@RegDwight SE system.
I'm not noticing any decrease in performance.
I had the surprise when I woke up today.
Perhaps you have too much unicodes installed!
@RegDwight Uh! Don't they count as one? After all they are Uni-codes. :-)
Ha! That's what they'd have you believe!
It's a conspiracy!
It's all propaganda!
It's not uni-code, it's un-icode. It's the opposite of iCode, a secret Apple product that sucks.
(Wonderfully, English uses the same word as Italian.)
Well, Apple is a proper name.
I knew it! That is why Apple pushed Emoji in Unicode!
@RegDwight I was referring to "propaganda."
Emoji so makes no sense.
The whole point of the exercise is to construct cool stuff, not to have it right from the onset.
You can still construct cool stuff: you put a hook close to a fish.
Um. Okay, I guess point taken.
But it's meta stuff.
What is the result? Two characters to say "I am going to fish."
Isn't that cool?
That's reinventing language, which has much more precise means of saying "I am going to fish."
OK, it could also mean "if you touch my fish, I will hook you."
Or "that hooker smells like fish".
Once again, it's not Uni-code anymore!
Right on.
Could it be "the fish smells like a hooker"?
(We are talking of the sailboat, aren't we?)
@RegDwight: What was the other book you recommended again? I'm too lazy to look it up, but I want to check if it's on Kindle.
Um, The Discovery of Heaven? Harry Mulisch.
I think I will re-read it myself now that my wife's outta house for a while.
Every single time I recommend it to someone, I want to read it again myself.
"The discovery of Unicode."
I'm not interested in reading it per se, you understand, but you did say that would get you to retire. So I just want to help you on your path of discovery.
Yeah, I figured as much.
And I'm looking forward to retiring.
Original language?
Dutch, methinks?
De ontdekking van de hemel?
Whoa, my memory is so good.
Oh, and don't click on the English article, it gives away too much too early. In fact, so does the Dutch article. I'm replacing it with a link to Amazon.
Kindle only has The Assault and Siegfried by Harry Mulisch. Stupid Amazon.
Haven't read either.
But The Discovery of Heaven is most certainly his magnum opus.
Reading the description of Discovery of Heaven on Amazon, I take it the character of Onno Quist appealed to you very much.
He died just a few months ago, I remember seeing it on the news.
@Robusto Um. I wouldn't say that, actually.
In fact, I don't think I was into any of the characters anywhere as much as I was into the book as a whole.
I mean, I don't really remember any of the characters in Foucault's Pendulum, either. But the book I do remember very well.
Hmm ... I renenber Diotallevi and Casaubon. Oh, and of course Belbo.
Novels are about characters. Sometimes I don't remember the names of the characters, but I do remember who they are.
By the way, I was thinking that the translation of The Club Dumas was much superior to the one of The Flanders Panel. That may have accounted for at least some of the difference in impression the books made on me.
WTF? My SE score is given as 10.8K now? It was 40K just yesterday.
Might be. Then again, remember that I read them in a different language but second your opinion.
@Robusto I'm seeing 40.8.
You have problems with unicodes, too?
I refreshed the page and it changed.
Now reads 41K. Weird.
It's a conspiracy, d'oh.
Just because you're paranoid doesn't somebody isn't after you.
You accidentally the whole.
I'm trying to verb your adverb but I'm still getting nothing ...
Paranoia is a popular theme in this chat. Too popular, if you ask me.
Mar 3 at 14:49, by Kosmonaut
Yes yes, and just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not after you.
Feb 19 at 21:05, by FX_
like they say, “because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they're not out there to get me” :)
2 mins ago, by Robusto
Just because you're paranoid doesn't somebody isn't after you.
@RegDwight — You're accusing me of plagiarism?
No. At least not this time.
At the most I'm guilty of falling back on cliché.
I'm pointing out that the wisdom of the crowd suggests that we are not paranoid.
There are too many of us.
It must be a conspiracy.
I think the crowd can be extremely unwise.
But not our crowd!
Our crowd gets it wrong frequently.
But not this time!
All crowds do. This "We are smarter than me" garbage is a lot of B.S.
But not in this particular case!
It could be true in this case as well.
Feb 10 at 12:45, by Robusto
It's a conspiracy.
Mar 17 at 11:44, by Robusto
A-ha! It's a conspiracy!
Mar 4 at 16:27, by Robusto
So it is a conspiracy.
Actually, I'm not paranoid, even though I am sure people are after me. You, for example, have threatened the violent overthrow of my back yard.
Violent? When? Where?
And threatened? It was a promise!
A very friendly one!
@RegDwight — That just demonstrates laziness or haste on my part. If not for those I would have thought of something more clever to say.
Of course you would say that now.
Q: Help write a book review, please

Pete WilsonAbout a book that I admire, I wrote in an SE computer-programming group: "The material seems old -- well, it is old -- because it's been around for long and, while by no means trivial, is well understood. A solution you can lift is published in W. Richard Stevens's superb and unparalleled book ...

Whoa, did you see that? We now have a "migrate to Writers" option!
@RegDwight — I know you Stalinists. You talk friendly, but then it's all brutal repression and stuff.
@RegDwight — Yes, I was impressed.
It's like having a second flush lever on your toilet!
@Robusto Yeah, kind of like you Americans are the most friendly people to walk on the face of this planet, but then you vote for Dubyas who go to wars.
@RegDwight — I assure you I had nothing to do with that.
I do believe you, though
4 mins ago, by RegDwight
Of course you would say that now.
7 mins ago, by RegDwight
But not in this particular case!
Lol. You win 9000+ Internets.
That is teh bomb.
And it's not like it's your first time or something.
I'm not a virgin? What gave it away?
Feb 17 at 21:26, by RegDwight
You win over 9000 Internets.
You won 9000+ Internets twice. That's a dead giveaway that you don't spend any time with chicks.
Hey, them 18,000+ internetz make me a freakin' chick magnet ...
Despite what you've heard, size does matter.
I was just going to ask, is 9000+ + 9000+ still 9000+, or can we upgrade it or something?
Shopping is hard, let's go shopping.
Well, 9000 is a threshold number. It is like the Planck length: so small it doesn't make any sense to talk about anything smaller.
That's one way to look at it. Out of 9000+ possible ones.
Each of the Internetz is a universe unto itself, so 9,000 is just obsessive redundancy.
God, I will so have 9000+ reps on Writers in less than 9000+ time!
You will so fear me. I so can't wait.
12 mins ago, by RegDwight
Mar 4 at 16:27, by Robusto
So it is a conspiracy.
Don't make me go ABBA, etcpp.
In related news, I must be going rather soon.
Anyway, speaking of conspiracy theories reminds me of Foucault's Pendulum, oddly enough. Remember "The Plan"?
Sure I do.
How could you remember anything about the book without remembering The Plan?
What a great novel that is. Talking about it makes me want to read it again.
Déjà lu all over again.
Well, you didn't remember the characters. I wondered if that mental lapse had extended to other things about the book.
36 mins ago, by RegDwight
Every single time I recommend it to someone, I want to read it again myself.
You were talking about a different book.
@Robusto Nonono, hold on a sec. I was trying to make a different point.
Precisely that The Plan made a more lasting impression on me than any of the characters.
Well, but it was the three characters who hatched The Plan.
Yes. But them could have been Tick, Trick und Track, for all intents and purposes.
But my wife is stirring. I sense breakfast in my immediate future.
@RegDwight — But did you forget the characters or just their names?
Names first and foremost. But lots of the rest is actually tied to the names.
When you mentioned the names, I immediately remembered a few things I wouldn't have remembered otherwise.
I tend to remember the characters very vividly. I may lose the names over time, but the characters, if well written, stay with me.
But those things I remembered were secondary to the plot, even if not secondary to the characters themselves.
They are the agents of the plot, and it is a human plot.
But ... gotta go! TTYL.
Yes, you absolutely have a point. No great novel w/o great characters.
So do I, gonna run. CU.
How nice: on DA I see a box reporting a question on EL&U. :-)
It seems to tell me "why are you wasting your time here?"
@kiamlaluno Actually that one does take an infinitive...
... just to be awkward :)
Yeah, I guess it should be "it seems to."
I must be careful with the verbs that needs a to, after them.
Yeah... it's not easy...
It is not easy if you are kiamlaluno. ;-)
Before I die, I will have learned all the cases where an infinitive is requested.
I see that is possible to close a question as "general reference," now.
Q: What is a spouse?

khanWhat does the word spouse mean?

my serial downvoter from yesterday? he's back. he must have run out of votes yesterday, and now he's come back to continue his campaign of annoyance
@RegDwight to notice this and do whatever he can about it
i notice that all of the downvotes from yesterday have already been cleaned up
Q: What characterizes English words that are conjugated in the past tense to end in "-n"? Why have things changed in favor of ending in "-ed"?

BillareThere are many words that in English are conjugated in the past tense to end in "-n": grow goes to grown, sew goes to sown, throw goes to thrown, etc.. I'm guessing it was probably the regular ending in English in some long past time. But as every growing child knows, the more common form has...

no, it's specifically about english
great question IMHO
someone with time should write a very long answer that traces the history of ablaut all the way back to PIE and explain the multiple waves of regularization that have affected it in the millenia since then
Yeah. I like the question, but don't have time to think about it at work. :)
me, neither. in fact, i'll be mostly absent today
i have tons to do
I hate when RL intrudes on fun. It's so rude.
Oh happy day; I just voted my first "general reference" close.
@MrHen — I think you mean "frabjous" day. It had me callooing and callaying, I don't see why you should be any different.
@JSBangs If the down votes are done in few time, the system detect them, and remove them. It is what happens with the up votes too.
what?! I already hit the vote cap for the day?
@JSBangs I guess you will now get bored. ;-)
If you want a site where to vote, I can suggest you one. ;-)
@JSBangs — How many votes do we get each day?
@Robusto not enough, evidently
@Robusto We have 30 votes per site.
OK, this one definitely looks like Linguistics.SE:
Q: Alternative standards to IPA

Ankur BanerjeeAre there any alternative standards to the IPA for phonetic transcription without the use of special characters? For instance, in this chart of ICAO phonetic alphabet, phonetic pronunciations are listed without the use of any special characters. Is there a standard for mapping IPA to such phonet...

@Robusto Yep.
It is not specific to English.
@RegDwight I thought badges were permanent, but maybe tag-badges are different? I remember already having two tag badges, but now I only see meaning & usage. :/
@Martha — I still have both my bronze and silver usage badges.
I still have my tag badges too.
Do you still have tag badges for tags that no longer exist, though?
Maybe the tag for which you got the badge doesn't exist anymore.
Jinx. Of sorts.
Is it a Semi-jinx?
I hope that doesn't mean semifreddo.
Q: What happens to a tag badge when a tag is merged with another one, or it is deleted?

kiamlalunoWhat happens to the tag badges assigned to users, when the relative tag is deleted, or it is merged with another one? Do the users keep the badge even if the tag doesn't exist anymore?

@JSBangs I have suspended the user for two days to allow for things to cool down.
@Martha I think (I think!) tag-specific badges can be removed upon a system-wide super-mega-recalc or something.
Hm. So was there such a system-wide super-mega-recalc recently?
@kiamlaluno Voted up, but obviously I don't know the answer, so can't post anything useful. :)
@Martha I guess so. I mean, I don't think I'm imagining badges being retracted. I think I read it somewhere.
Then again, what do I know.
@RegDwight — Wow, so people really do that kind of thing?
I'll look it up on MSO as time permits.
@Robusto Suspending? Yes! Respect my authority!
That comes under the "get a life" category.
No, I mean serial downvoting.
But your authority comes under the "get a life" category as well, so don't feel left out.
@Robusto I know. It's that thing called joke etc. In my case always unfunny etc.
A: What happens to a tag badge when a tag is merged with another one, or it is deleted?

Grace NoteTag badges are the only systematically revokeable badges. They will be removed if you disqualify for the requirements, and the ensured non-existence of the tag is indeed a way to lose the badge. The same applies to vote undoing if you're right on the threshold, you would temporarily lose the badg...

10 mins ago, by kiamlaluno
Q: What happens to a tag badge when a tag is merged with another one, or it is deleted?

kiamlalunoWhat happens to the tag badges assigned to users, when the relative tag is deleted, or it is merged with another one? Do the users keep the badge even if the tag doesn't exist anymore?

@Robusto I knew you would say that etc.
@Martha That should answer to your question.
See, I don't have to do anything. People will run round this site moving the furniture out of my way so I can enjoy my authority being respected.
@RegDwight ...
Mar 7 at 19:42, by RegDwight
@Robusto I knew you would say that.
Whoa! You too?
Jinx or what?
@RegDwight — Lies!!! I've seen you working away till all hours, moderating the hell out of our little site.
@kiamlaluno Danke schön!
You are so lying, Robusto. Like, I can't put it into words how much you are.
@RegDwight — The first sign of an NNS is not being able to put things into words.
@Martha Bitte schön!
Hey, I'm only in for the gin. I'm only here for the beer.
(I really hope I guessed the word.)
So don't judge me. Just respect me. But don't judge.
What is about "respectful judgment"?
Meh. I don't want to be respected or judged by Drupal people.
Certainly not respectfully judged.
Okay, any related news? No? I'll be off then.
@RegDwight I am not Drupal people; that would be dries, webchick, @chx, @greggles, drumm, dww, killes, etc.
Oh, and @Robusto, check out Your Song by the most formidable Sir Elton John. He puts things down in words.
Is it nap time now?
I mean, I made it to the office, turned all the computers on, checked the email... can I go back to bed now?
(I was forgetting the responsible of the infrastructures.)
@Martha If you wish to go, I can give you the permission.
@Martha — I think he has Friday Meeting to go to.
I will talk to your boss, if that is not you.
These Drupal people are such proselytizers. Worse than the scientologists.
I am not one of them, so I cannot judge.
No, not my own boss. I wish. If I were my own boss, I'd never do anything before 11 a.m.
I'm with @JSBangs on the Drupal question: what is this drupal, please?
The question is "a general reference": it can be answered with a link. ;-)
the linguistics.se proposal has a commit graph that can be fitted very well to a simple linear regression

Proposed Q&A site for professional linguists working in academia, industry, or the field, students of linguistics at the university level, and others with an interest in linguistic research and theory.

Currently in commitment.

extrapolating from the linear regression suggests that we'll actually launch in early 2012
launch into beta, that is
@JSBangs I thought we were already past beta.
@kiamlaluno "we" = committers to linguistics.se
@JSBangs Oh, them linguistics.
Wow, somebody on italian.stackexchange.com understood what I meant with "clitics."
Well, it still is a proposal.
@kiamlaluno — Huhuh ... he said "clitics" ...
Italian Language and Usage

Proposed Q&A site for students, teachers and lovers of the Italian language, and for madrelingua Italians

Currently in definition.

They copied the title!
i've always been a little confused by the <language>.se sites that aren't English -- will they have Q's in English or in <language>? Or both?
i would actually support having the content be in <language>, but i'm not sure if that's actually the policy
@Robusto I mean clitics, as in vediamoci.
@JSBangs I would think they should have questions only in English, but it seems somebody thinks differently.
There is also a proposal for SO in Italian.
@kiamlaluno — I mean funny, as in j-o-k-e.
Stack Overflow in Italian

Proposed Q&A site for exactly the same as Stack Overflow but the Q&A would be in Italian only. This is because many Italian programmers are not confident enough with English to post questions/discuss them on Stack Overflow.

Currently in definition.

I cannot lift my arm.
Hey @Martha, when are you leaving? So we can wish you a nice flight and all.
@JSBangs I don't have any commitments left ATM. Once I commit to Linguistics, I will push it up at least 2-3% all by myself.
Q: Should we do anything about the huge language mess on Area51?

Borror0There's a long list of languages proposal on Area51, varying from an all encompassing language site to a focus one language site like the successful English Language & Usage. When I say they vary, I do mean that. As I just said, there's a site to contain all the languages question, whether...

Back to lurking mode.
@RegDwight Sunday afternoonish, I think. I suppose I ought to look that up, because we need to log onto British Airways as close as possible to 24 hours beforehand, so we can reserve seats.
(These modern airlines find every way they can to squeeze more money out of you. BA charges extra for reserving seats ahead of time, for example. Dunno how that makes life any easier for them.)
@Martha Where are you off to?
Hungary. Gotta show off the niece.
Nice... have a great time :)
Q: Do native speakers understand all the words in songs

Dmitry LobanovI'm wondering if native speakers understand all the words in songs? For me it is very very difficult, I can understand only 30% of words and phrases in songs usually. While listening to people conversations (e.g. podcasts) I understand much more, perhaps about 80%. This was the first part of th...

Interesting question, but I'm wondering if it's subjective.
@RegDwight It doesn't seem to me to be especially specific to English...
@Martha Thanks. I think it's on behalf of the entire community that I can say a) you will be sorely missed and b) have a nice time!
Oh, and is the sis staying with us?
(Not that I'm looking for someone to fill the void, but still.)
What, is @Martha going to Hungary?
For how long?
Don't they have computers there? Who is going to keep @Robusto under control, then?
@RegDwight Nope, sis is actually going for longer than I am. I'll only be gone for two weeks, she's going for three.
@Cerberus I'll probably be able to check my email, but StackExchange doesn't make it easy to log in & out on a stranger's (or worse, public) computer, so I doubt I'll be able to show up here.
Q: Do native speakers understand all the words in songs?

Dmitry LobanovI'm wondering if native speakers understand all the words in songs? For me it is very very difficult, as I can understand only 30% of words and phrases in songs usually. While listening to people's conversations (e.g. podcasts) I understand much more, perhaps about 80%. This was the first part ...

Not a real question, I would say.
@Martha: Perhaps it would be a good idea to forge a subsidiary hammer in a cruder metal, for temporary assistant vice-thwackers of the third class, if such should be appointed? Not that I should aspire to such a lofty position.
Voted to close.
I didn't know you could close chat lines?
@Cerberus In my experience, thwacking is actually better done with something with a bit of "swish" to it. A cork-backed metal ruler is ideal, but a simple wooden yardstick can work almost as well, and a bamboo back-scratcher will do nicely in a pinch.
So if you can acquire any of those implements, you are welcome to act as vice-thwacker while I am AFK.
@Martha: Ah! This is exactly why you will be missed. I was thinking of hammers and swords in my brutish way. Would your elegance be charmed by the use of a rolled-up newspaper? Or are those only for low-degree, unintentional puns?
@Cerberus We are not playing to "Nuke 'em all."
@Kiam: I was thinking of a thwack with the flat of the sword.
@Cerberus And the hammer?
@Kiam: Ehh... you got me there.
@Cerberus Now you are going to tell me the hammer is for the nuts, aren't you?
I mean, hazelnuts, almonds, etc.
@Kiam: No comment.
@Cerberus Actually, you would need two hammers, but that is another story.
@Kiam: Still no comment...
@Cerberus Just another question: would you use the sword before the hammer, or vice versa?
@Kiam: I'd use one or the other depending on my mood...
... and the severity of the offence.
Q: US Route 101 — "The 101"

boochIn my part of the world, we refer to highways without any article. So we drive on "Highway 64", or "Interstate 64", or "I-64". But when I go to California, they say "The 101". Is there any explanation for this difference?

How is this possibly on topic?
Interesting new avatar!
@Cerberus Thank you.
(I think.)
I don't see why it isn't on topic? It asks whether to use the article with the names of highways...
I don't know what I see; it might be either funny or sweet or obscene. I like that.
@Cerberus Oh, okay. Wow, I completely misunderstood the question being asked. Thanks
@Cerberus ;)
Yeah I get those moments too.
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