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Nobody has mentioned the alpha lemming yet for that one.
Down to 81 again.
Q: Better criteria for the hot questions list

Mad ScientistThe list of hot questions is shown on stackexchange.com and the MultiCollider (the dropdown in the top left). The idea behind it is, as far as I understand it, to present interesting questions across the whole network. I often find interesting posts that I wouldn't have seen otherwise when browsi...

Is that Evan Carroll?
> The current criteria are prone to select problematic questions. They value a high number of answers, which you find for example in list questions.
@KitFox Now look what you’ve done!
I'm on my tablet. I have a hard time hearing.
You spake ᴇᴠᴀɴ ᴄᴀʀʀᴏʟʟ.
Well, I wanted to know and I can't actually check.
@tchrist that's how I took it: sabotage. Someone created a sock puppet account just to post rubbish that gets downvoted to pull the question down with it.
> I still think that no question should be able to stay in the hot questions list for a whole week.
Holy crap, that happens?
MC = not closed, number of answers, total votes on Q+A, view count, ag(e)ing factor
But I don’t know how that combines.
Two days are not unusual, or actually more like one and a half, but a week?
@Shog9 Is the exact formula for the Multicollider score publicly available somewhere? Just curious.
If it's really hot.
@tchrist It isn't, of course.
I have never noticed something there for more than a few days. Even that is unusual, and tends to happen like over Christmas.
How hot? Like, um, fails to think of someone hot
@RegDwighт But there is enough known that you think people would try to game the system?
There's a reason why the official wording is "randomly awarded hotness points".
@KitFox Hey, I know that word!
I had a question on for several days before it finally slipped off the bottom.
@tchrist of course you can game the system. Upvote the question, upvote every competing answer. Keep bumping it so it gets more views, and possibly more votes and hopefully more answers.
Why do they publish the score?
Repeat ad hominem.
Gotta commute. Later.
The trendsetter question was at the bottom of the second page when the OP accepted. There were three hotter questions from ELU on the MC, too. It was about to die, with my answer at 6 upvotes.
Hi guys, quick question. Which of the following two version is grammatically/idiomatically correct?
1. What started with one man locked in a room full of raw hardware is enabling over 200 researchers to go beyond the hitherto inaccessible frontiers of scientific computing **today**.
2. What started with one man locked in a room full of raw hardware, **today** is enabling over 200 researchers to go beyond the hitherto inaccessible frontiers of scientific computing.
Then it got just a couple more views and just a couple more votes, and hit the first page of the MC. And from there it was an upwards spiral.
or maybe both versions are wrong, can you please suggest the correct usage? (intended audience is admission committee in USA)
@Sudhi I would go with neither, but with "is today".
@RegDwighт can you please tell me in the sentence?
@KitFox Psalm 149?
@Sudhi There is only one instance of "is" in the entire sentence.)))
> What started with one man locked in a room full of raw hardware, is today enabling...
hehe. OK. So following is the correct usage? :
What started with one man locked in a room full of raw hardware is today enabling over 200 researchers to go beyond the hitherto inaccessible frontiers of scientific computing.
Cantate Domino canticum novum; laus ejus in ecclesia sanctorum.
Lætetur Israël in eo qui fecit eum, et filii Sion exsultent in rege suo.
Laudent nomen ejus in choro; in tympano et psalterio psallant ei.
Quia beneplacitum est Domino in populo suo, et exaltabit mansuetos in salutem.
Exsultabunt sancti in gloria; lætabuntur in cubilibus suis.
Exaltationes Dei in gutture eorum, et gladii ancipites in manibus eorum:
ohh, I missed the comma. Thanks @RegDwighт . Going through my SOP's final draft. MS-Word grammar isn't really helpful in this context
It's a bit pompous but I guess that's desired.
Hm, lots of laetetur and laetabuntur but no laetitia.
indeed; though MS-Word still suggest dropping the comma after hardware:
What started with one man locked in a room full of raw hardware today is enabling ...
I looked it up because the muscle memory of my mind kept repeating in lege suo, and I knew that had to be wrong since lex is feminine.
So I did a lege/rege swap. Weird.
Exulting in the Law is awfully letter-of-the-law-ish compared with exulting in the King. But hey, these were OT peeps.
@RegDwighт : can you please take another look at the sentence? I am not sure if the comma is required or not. According to MS-Word, there shouldn't be any comma or there should be two commas e.g.:
...full of raw hardware, today, is enabling...
Curious that a -2 answer became -4 to the MC score.
@Sudhi no comma, and certainly not two.
We have joyful saints in their cubicles, and exaltations in the gutter. How I do love Dog Latin!
@RegDwighт thank you
ponders the idea of @Cerberus singing Three-Dog Night as a Dog Latin trio
@tchrist answer deleted, up to 83 again.
Ah, that settles that question. So to speak.
Though yet another answer got posted in the mean time.
And upvoted.
Except I’m sure it is both score and answer count, and maybe newness.
Too many variables.
@tchrist newness is a factor.
And there's a penalty if another post from the same site is ahead of it.
A higher penalty still if there are two posts.
Higher still if there's three.
So hard to exactly determine position and velocity simultaneously.
Not from one question anyway.
I don’t imagine faving counts, but maybe.
Does it even have favs?
That's simultaneously not much at all and way too many.
84 now.
I could go and upvote all competing answers. But I'd have to edit all of them to be able to retract the upvote again. Not kosher.
That, and too much work.
So by the time you were done, other factors would have diddled the score, spoiling the experiment and wasting your effort.
I had to edit several answers anyway. And will have to edit pretty much all the rest, too. Nobody abides by the formatting.
That’s cause they’re drive-bys.
I think the question is actually, "So should vice versa be pronounced true to the original?" — Kris 2 mins ago
Kris, why do you always give me weird comments?
The question of “How should an English-speaker pronounce. . . .” is fundamentally unanswerable. All you can ask is how English-speakers do pronounce something or other. — tchrist 42 secs ago
Luckily, Kris did not do a minus one on me this time.
@RegDwighт What “Italian” pronunciation? Church Latin with its affricated ch-sound?
Actually I am almost tempted to edit @tchrist's answer as well. That horizontal rule breaks the flow.
Are you married to the footnote? You could use parentheses, you know.
@tchrist the original read "Italian pronunciation" and "VEE-chay". He fixed it within the 5-minute grace period.
I dislike using footnotes.
I also dislike using Latin abbreviations.
@RegDwighт No, I’m not married to it. I just think footnotes merit horizontal rules. I found with my publisher about this. They merged numbered lists and numbered footnotes, and you couldn’t tell which was which.
@RegDwighт Oh.
Kris is making me laugh again at his new comment.
He is now going to pollute my post with more nonsense.
Laugh? Because he is so dumb?
And misread it entirely?
Especially Tim’s.
@tchrist I'm not disputing the combo. In fact it's precisely because I am not disputing it that I wonder if it can't just be a parenthetical.
It was parenthetical at the start. I footnoted is within the grace period.
We can't style HRs. Have to go with the default.
Feel free to return it to what it was if you’d like.
What is the HR doing badly?
Let me look.
Haha. Then I will have edited every answer on that page indeed.
Meaning I could have really carried out my experiment had I thought of it earlier.
Was Evan Carroll in this chat? What is he doing here?
@tchrist it's the same as between answers. Just a bit shorter.
No it is not.
Plus I kind of like my footnotes on pages, not one-sentence paragraphs.
Dottedness varies.
But that's just me.
Not that anybody can see it.
I don’t care whether you change it.
@tchrist oh lucky you.
Actually I was wrong. For me the color is different.
Not shorter.
There are three kinds of HR.
The solid colored long one between answers.
We're talking about the ones between answers
That one is solid.
HR overkill.
The short dotted one signalling comments.
@tchrist I see four.
when they fire 5 people when 1 would do the trick
1 through 4 are all different for me.
And the user HR, which is undotted.
What is the 4th?
I have no idea.
But it's there.
Oh I see.
Click to magnify.
The preview swallows it.
Oh, these SE designers and their subtleties!
Haha, another answer has appeared in the mean time. 88 now.
And we forgot to tally the views.
Too much trouble, really.
I was just about to make a keyboard comment.
After looking at several keyboards, I figured mine is US English.
The timeline isn't granular enough.
@JasonBourne NOT that kind of keyboard. The kind with 88 keys, of course.
We have a flag-bearer; can a standard-bearer be far behind?
But yeah, what it does show is that it had an accepted answer within 34 minutes.
@KitFox Hey there!
do they keep the standard bear in France, next to the standard kilogram?
Today is a very exciting day for me. Today I start a scripted installation on production. First time I've ever done it.
@MattЭллен I see you read the Economist.
@KitFox woohoo! how's it going?
@tchrist :D I don't but it sounds fun
I did it in the testing server last night. Installing takes about one minute (!) and uninstalling takes about 30 seconds.
@KitFox I have never written a script in my life.
I showed my husband. He tried to look suitably impressed, but of course, he lacks context.
One answer, 6 upvotes, probably two dozen views, dead as a doornail. 25 hours later, 2200 views, 14 answers, approaching 200 upvotes combined, and no end in sight.
@JasonBourne that's because you write scripts in files, not lifes
looks impressed
He could tell I was excited. Installation usually takes hours.
Because I did it all by hand.
@MattЭллен Life is a script waiting to unfold.
Now I'm scripting everything in sight. I started scripting out how to load test data, but then stopped. I've got to focus on the expansion.
Noah's answer didn't take off. Down to 84 again.
Should I post an answer?
@KitFox Do you have one in mind?
I'll have to read through them all first.
I'll go build my LEGO helicopter some more.
Well, not mine, but still.
@KitFox you could start posting anagrams.
Rats live on no evil star.
Wait. That's a palindrome.
@Erbil Hi, welcome to this chat.
That's a palindrome.
Nurses run.
But as Jasper will be quick to point out, palindromes are really just anagrams of themselves.
Also, not palindromes.
nudes sedun
@Erbil What brings you here today?
Oh noes.
oh,actually I was checking the answers from math.se then I see that exist this website.
@Erbil I see. There are many SE sites.
I haven't any coke.
@Erbil We even have a mathematics tag.
macbook# wc -l divert/palindromes
572 divert/palindromes

macbook# maxlen divert/palindromes
127 222

macbook# randline divert/palindromes
Unremarkable was I ere I saw Elba Kramer, nu?

macbook# randline divert/palindromes
Dog, as a devil deified, lived as a god.

macbook# randline divert/palindromes
I, zani Nazi.

macbook# sortbylen divert/palindromes | head -1
Do good? I? No! Evil anon I deliver. I maim nine more hero-men in Saginaw, sanitary sword a-tuck, Carol, I ? lo! ? rack, cut a drowsy rat in Aswan. I gas nine more hero-men in Miami. Reviled, I (Nona) live on. I do, O God!
So that will have to suffice.
Which is one of the images for "Laetitia Casta and Coca-Cola"
@KitFox Hmm, not my type, but that will suffice too.
Is it for all math. or just for algebra?
@Erbil Math SE is for all math. Algebra also means many different things.
Rings. Fields.
And Groups.
Of these are Algebra made.
I knew@,jason I thought this website has also a math section :)
@tchrist It is certainly not made of the bra.
Here is like a modern irc? =)
Well, we usually discuss topic X in room X and any other things we like to as well, as long as you don't say things to hurt others.
Except here.
I take acception to that remark
@Jason, you're wrote it for me? Am I right?
My rep now has digits 0,2,4,6,8.
@Erbil Yes, that was an answer to your question about chat.
Ok.I like it.I will come here again :) see you soon.
@JasonBourne My rep on math has digits 1,2,3,4.
@JasonBourne Really?
@tchrist I noticed.
Someone is playing with my rep...
As long as they are not paying with it...
They are still playing with it.
Hey @Matt, did you do the exercise for today?
I surely did. let me find the link
@Jason: I definitely need to learn how to write those kind of answers. They are so creative. X_X
@DumbCow What answer, about chat?
@JasonBourne No, the answers you write on both Math.SE and ELU.SE.
My answer about chat above is very nice. I said three things in it all at once.
@JasonBourne Yes, you do say stuff very clearly.
@DumbCow Your colour reminds me of Ubuntu.
@JasonBourne OK, 12.04 LTS?
This shade is close to the default color of 12.04 LTS dash.
@DumbCow They change the colour slightly in new versions.
But the dash is a pretty cool thing; its color represents the wallpaper.
@JasonBourne You can change the color of the dash by changing the wallpaper...
@DumbCow Probably because of the translucency of the dash.
@JasonBourne No. If the wallpaper is supported, then the dash is the mean color of all the colors found.
@DumbCow Amazing.
So if you ever take a picture of the view you get from the skyride (know what the luge and skyride is right?), you are likely to get green.
BTW, @JasonBourne Jungle Trail vs. Dragon Trail.
@MattЭллен That looks a little like me...
@JasonBourne it's The Dash
I thought just "Dash."
@JasonBourne No, actually it's Dash from The Incredibles.
He is a kid so he's probably more like me.
I look just like Invisigirl.
@KitFox Reminds me of the question "Spiderman or The Spiderman", LOL.
You get the Mr. Incredible.
@KitFox well, yes, but that doesn't fit in with the previous conversation
@KitFox I thought you are Frigg.
@JasonBourne Yeah, where you thought Storm was a dude.
@JasonBourne That too.
@JasonBourne Reminds me of the stupid parents who can't differentiate between "Facebook" or "The Facebook", LOL.
@DumbCow Ah, I am not on Facebook.
@JasonBourne That is good.
@DumbCow I see no point in it. If I want to keep in touch with people, email is the best way.
@JasonBourne That is good again.
It's good for those who like to share their pics with many though.
1 more commit needed for ELL. Who will be the last?
Robert Cartaino!
Just a suggestion.
David Wallace!
The Evan Carroll!
Okay. Then An Evan Carroll.
I will not open the site up to communist cult leaders
And what kind of cult leader are you who "opens up" sites?
the best kind
I know who it should be.
Jeff Atwood!
Jesus H. Christ.
@JasonBourne WOO!
I don't think ELL will have enough room to accomodate GMAT scores that large.
SE might need to buy a new server.
Actually, I still don't know what GMAT is.
Never looked it up.
Who. Not what.
wha not whot
General Manager of Affairs Transatlantiques.
@RegDwighт You are far more worse... lol
No. Not far. A mere seven.
I wonder if I can melt steel with my mind...
I have a pencil torch if you need it.
@DumbCow Far worse or much worse, not more worse.
Huh. That probably has a completely different meaning across the pond.
@JasonBourne Thanks, I need ELL.
@DumbCow Worse is already a comparative, and far/much refers to the degree of the difference.
a torch the size of a pencil. I suppose you don't mean torch as in torch, but torch as an instrument for concentrating fire
@JasonBourne Thank you.
@MattЭллен Butane torch, yes.
@KitFox yes, it's a drink that goes well with spotted dick.
Can I add a question to the example questions list of ELL now? I don't seem to find such an option.
You can't. We're past that phase.
But soon you'll be able to add your question to the site proper.
No, it is not my question.
And get reputation and badges.
and vodka and hookers
I rather get X, Y and Z. I shan't specify what they are.
@KitFox ah, that's right, we call them blow torches
@MattЭллен only for as long as you're not caught in the act of engaging in sportsmanship.
We'll get special badgers.
For being part of the proposal.
woohoo! I mean, oh man, what a harsh punishment
Mushroom! Mushroom!
I hope I get a honey badger. They are awesome.
No money, no honey.
Question 2: Fair to add a question in the example questions list which has been asked on another site just to show that the question which was asked is much more suitable for the proposal?
football football
covers mouth
Did you know that the S in snake looks exactly like a steelyard-balance hook?
look of surprise
Think about it!
All the possibilities!
And the children!
That night, two hot girls approached me and asked "Do you have any money? We need to take a cab!"
I said "No!"
"Get into my car!"
I should have said "I have no money, but I can give you my honey!"
@RegDwighт uh... what are you doing with children?
@MattЭллен the video is not meant as a response to that.
This is a trick many Caucasian girls here use to get money. They approach strangers and say they need to take a cab.
That's a trick? You have to be Caucasian?
Or a girl?
I thought that was a recognized profession worldwide.
So next time they do that, I shall use my trick on them!
the easiest way to get a cab is to already be in one
You should get in cabs more often.
You can use my line above, no need to pay me royalties.
To already be in a cab is the easiest way to be just one thing: robbed.
one day, honey will be the worldwide currency, and your line will not work
Not if the bees continue to die out.
Happy now?
Perhaps they really wanted my honey but were afraid to say so.
We have found a video that you can watch but I can't!
@Cerberus I see you are thinking I am YouTube. Hint: I am not YouTube.
@Cerberus oh I can't watch it.
Then the world is no longer upside-down. Just the regular lopsided tumble.
And I don't get your three colored condoms, either.
Excuse me?
The thing David is prefixed with in your shot.
Oh, that.
That is some Youtube downloader.
Better safe than sorry.
The "möglicherweise" is such endlessly retarded weasel wording. It allows you to slap that notice on every video.
I wonder why they just don't do that by default.
Then again, they sort of do.
Muddy licking-wise?
My German is pretty rusty.
mog == cat
cat licking-wise? Oh.
pussy licking wise
"This video is not available in Germany because it could include music for which the appropriate rights have not been granted by the German arm of RIAA."
As I said, that is true of every video ever, online or otherwise.
It's like they are too tired to even try.
@RegDwighт Just say "Hitler grants me rights!"
Frig. I am stuck with lay v. laid again. Which is the right one here? "She ___ on her side." Laid?
@RegDwighт Extremely poor choice of words.
@KitFox had a tattoo.
Möglicherweise = may-like-wise.
@RegDwighт That's not one of the choices, but I'll think about it.
@KitFox Lay.
Translates to "possibly".
@KitFox Lie, lay, lain. Lie, lied, lied. Lay, laid, laid.
18 hours ago, by RegDwighт
Why is it I lied and not I lide? English is stupid.
I think I should ask that on ELL.
What do you think?
sounds explosive
I have no idea how hot 180 degrees Centigrade is.
One of the better ways to get rid of your bread-maker.
@KitFox hotter than tomato.
I would think you ought to take it out of the container first.
356 °F.
@KitFox probably around 375 degrees farinheight
oh, so eyah
@Cerberus I have no idea how hot 356 degrees Fahrenheit is.
@KitFox But that's impossible, it is totally stick to the inside...
@MattЭллен Fahrenheit.
Then it might work. If it weren't in a container.
@MattЭллен farine height.
@JasonBourne Jasper Loy
@RegDwighт Neither do I, except that it's 180 °C.
@MattЭллен Matthew Ellen.

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