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Two words: fuck winter. Says it all.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Exactly. Wait...entertaining? The point of the midwest is in its total lack of entertainingabilitiness.
@Mitch What I learned is one more way to send tchrist into a dizzying rage: accuse him of being somehow connected to the southern states.
@Robusto put a coat on.
and go back inside.
keep the coat on though, it's fucking winter out there.
Dec 24 at 13:41, by RegDwighт
Don't know about you, but here it's +10°C and the sky is steel blue. I walked to the greengrocer's in jeans and t-shirt.
@JohanLarsson One thing I learned after my knee replacement is that all those drugs they give you don't do shit in the face of acute pain.
@Mitch Is the coat supposed to clear my driveway magically?
If it's long enough, yes.
Das ist Unsinn.
@Robusto What? No. It gives the crew something to hold on to when they swing your frozen lifeless body into the hopper.
And that's not even a coat.
It's worth the price not to have to live in a red state.
The price being that you have to call your fries French.
Have got back pain. Anybody knows why?
Apr 24 at 13:59, by Robusto
I thank God that he made me an atheist.
@RegDwighт the poor model on the left, lost two arms at the elbow.
That is the right.
@RegDwighт oh...stop with all your facts and shit.
The poor model on the left they made look like a hideous bimbo with no talent.
@RegDwighт handicaps all around.
I'd rather lose two arms than look like Rihanna.
I guess some folks are colorblind, and the color is black.
confused in Sweden now
Contrary to what they teach you at KKK, black is not a color.
@RegDwighт but it is a pigment.
@RegDwighт CMYK begs to differ with you. It is referred to as "four-color process."
That's just putting ment on a pig.
@JohanLarsson suggests that Sweden is the problem not the solution
@Robusto K stands for "key". Not "black".
I can choose K to be gold, then what?
@RegDwighт s/p/f/g
I realize in the Cyrllic alphabet CMYK means something like fuck or knish or sputnik, but here it refers to colors.
Chuck Norris invented black. In fact, Chuck Norris invented all the colors. Except pink; Tom cruise invented pink.
@RegDwighт K is always the black plate. QED.
Oh, right, you don't know anything about print.
Yeah I only worked on a printing press for a couple years.
@Robusto mmm...CMYK...best russian breakfast...ever.
Looks like black to me.
@Mitch That sounds, or smells, or tastes, obscene.
> The "K" in CMYK stands for key since in four-color printing cyan, magenta, and yellow printing plates are carefully keyed or aligned with the key of the black key plate. Some sources suggest that the "K" in CMYK comes from the last letter in "black" and was chosen because B already means blue.[1][2] However, this explanation, although useful as a mnemonic, is incorrect.
@Noah So, if you've followed so far, we're pretty close to a solution, right?
@Robusto looks like you can look at images at Wikipedia but not read text.
> the key of the black key plate.
@RegDwighт now who's not reading? :)
@RegDwighт Who gives a fuck what Wikipedia says, or even what the origin is, the point is, K is associated with black and is, in fact, the black plate in four-color process printing.
so @reg my wife bought me this:
Sorry, I'm too busy looking for the quote where you, @Mr.ShinyandNew安宇, said that black was not a color.
@RegDwighт haha but I was joking when I said that.
As if I needed that.
> This printing technique is referred to as CMYK (the "K" stands for Key, a traditional word for the black printing plate).
What is a color?
So K is a euphemism for black.
@Robusto yeah and that printing plate takes any paint you feed it.
How is K a good-word for black?
Color or colour (see spelling differences) is the visual perceptual property corresponding in humans to the categories called red, blue, yellow, green and others. Color derives from the spectrum of light (distribution of light power versus wavelength) interacting in the eye with the spectral sensitivities of the light receptors. Color categories and physical specifications of color are also associated with objects, materials, light sources, etc., based on their physical properties such as light absorption, reflection, or emission spectra. By defining a color space, colors can be iden...
@RegDwighт And when it has black "paint" (a/k/a ink) it's called the black plate or the key.
@Robusto no it is called the key no matter what.
Kolsvart means really black in Swedish :)
2 mins ago, by Robusto
> This printing technique is referred to as CMYK (the "K" stands for Key, a traditional word for the black printing plate).
Someone just called it a plate.
How rude.
Yeah, it was you.
I only ever call it Schätzchen.
Look, I know you are never wrong and all that, but sometimes you just ain't right.
So you go on the record as saying that black is a color? That's fine with me.
I know you are, but what am I?
@RegDwighт that totally depends on how you define "colour" and you know that and you know that rob knows that
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Of course I did not forget it, but Mitch's reference was ambiguous.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Bup bup bup ... he redefines reality to suit his point-du-jour.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Of course I do. But if you are keen to have a serious discussion about what was supposed to be a half-assed comment, you will get that serious discussion.
Pfah, when did you ever not launch into a serious diatribe?
@RegDwighт Well, I wasn't having a serious conversation.
@Robusto when people played along and made stupid jokes themselves rather than speculating about my previous profession.
So did you have a merry Christmas or a rational secular gathering, respectively?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I knew that.
@Cerberus Both?
@Cerberus I had a merry secular christmas gathering.
@Mitch Hmm so a busy couple of days.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Unpossible!
Haven't you considered boxes?
@Cerberus considered them? Yesterday was Boxing Day!
@RegDwighт I never speculated about your previous profession. For the record, though, my previous profession was as a creative director who had to look at galleys almost every single day. The term "black plate" was used what you might call indiscriminately. Different languages, different countries, different nomenclature.
@Cerberus at the same time!
I meant the boxes that it is hard to confine you to in this manner.
@Mitch mind explodes
@Cerberus I know :) But I thought around here we used sacs.
@Mitch You don't understand. You have to be either in one box, or in the other.
@Robusto fair enough.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 holy crap...is it already Thursday? I have a shitload to catch up on from my resolutions -last- year.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 As long as they are rigid and made of good-quality leather, that's fine.
And your previous profession had been on the record already.
Actually my brother, parents, and daughter went to mass on christmas eve. But I stayed home with my son. and my wife was at work.
@Mitch Haha don't we all1
@RegDwighт So you gave me absolutely no credit for it? Interesting.
@Robusto I gave you credit for it in thinking you were joking along. Or trolling.
@Cerberus Really? Nobody really goes to church anymore. We had a thing because that was the only day this week we knew people would be available.
Which is all we do here most of the time.
The line gets blurred. We can fix it, but it would involve a black-plate change.
As I said, I like gold more.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I see. And your parents were able to overcome their disappointment?
Zwart Piet will not give you gold.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 !! oh.
Unless it has an "ie Hawn's daugher" attached to it.
@RegDwighт best xmas ever!
@Mitch I was trying to be a doctrinary bureaucrat, but it doesn't appear to be working as planned.
@RegDwighт took a long time to get well-done...with the apple in her mouth.
@Cerberus apparently. More disappointing to them was the fact that my brother didn't come back to my place (where Christmas was being held) that day or the next.
@Robusto Sure he will. He gives children chocolate money, which is chocolate coins in gold and silver-coloured foil.
@Mitch no, the most annoying Xmas ever. Goldie Hawn managed to define "annoying" and then to give birth to a thing that redefined it all over again.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Oh hmm. Why didn't he?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 they didn't appreciate you but worried about the prodigal son?
my neighbour's daughter, who is nominally muslim, got gold chocolate coins for christmas and she calls them "Christmas Gelt"
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I find it annoying when Indians celebrate xmas. Is that even allowed? You mean you can... just... celebrate... whatever? Not fair.
Only Catholics should be allowed to.
@Mitch I wouldn't say they didn't appreciate me. My mom doesn't make a big deal out of me not going to church anymore. This isn't the first Christmas that I've skipped the mass. And I let her bring my daughter (who just up and decided that she wants to go on her own), so there is no conflict. But my brother didn't come at all, besides mass, and that is an issue.
@Cerberus I mean the element gold known by its symbol Au.
Or possibly only druids, since the tree and the apples/balls and much of the symbolology is heathen.
@Robusto Au means outch in Dutch, so wha'evs.
Well I have to run.
@Mitch heheh yeah they're a rather laid-back "muslim" family. Like, the mother is "muslim" but nearly agnostic, and the father is a "converted" atheist who had to declare islam in order to appease her family who wouldn't let her marry a non-muslim, because if a muslim woman marries a non-muslim she burns in hell. So. Their daughter is somewhere in between. And they have a Christmas tree in their house.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Perhaps it is a German-Dutch tradition.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Nice.
@Cerberus No, she's conflating Hannukah gelt, which she learned about in school, with Christmas.
@Cerberus I thought Au meant EU in Europa.
Oh, so Jews give their children chocolate coins at Hannukah? It's still probably the same tradition, I should think.
@Robusto Huh why?
In what silly language?
@Mitch Bullshit!
Hanukkah gelt ( '; ', both meaning literally "Hanukkah money") refers to money as well as chocolate coins given to Jewish children on the festival of Hanukkah. History Money Rabbi A. P. Bloch has written that "The tradition of giving money (Chanukah gelt) to children is of long standing. The custom had its origin in the seventeenth-century practice of Polish Jewry to give money to their small children for distribution to their teachers. In time, as children demanded their due, money was also given to children to keep for themselves. Teenage boys soon came in for their share. Accordin...
@Cerberus Because joke joke joke.
@Robusto See, but I didn't get it.
Joke on who?
Q: Grammar nuances of the following sentence

Louis Shraga"My lovely idea" Does this sentence express belonging of the idea to me or just the fact that I love the idea ( which is not necessary mine ) I think this exact phrasing and grammar only expresses me pointing to an idea which is very loved by me. I think if someone would want to emphasize tha...

Where, O where is ELL?
My lovely idea.
@Cerberus Well, of course you don't.
Thank you for explaining it so eloquently.
These aren't nuances. — Robusto 9 secs ago
I chanced upon this discussion titled "boycot Sinterklaas en Zwarte Piet!".
Turns out they want to boycott Zwarte Piet because he probably didn't get a work permit and they are against illegal immigration.
A joke, of course.
I'm glad it wasn't this PC silliness.
@Cerberus OK, because EU stands for European Union, which is all about a financial arrangement between the various members, and finance has its roots in currency, of which gold (Au) use to be top dog. Feel better now?
Uhh and I was supposed to infer all that?
But thank you.
The EU is not all about money to me btw.
No, you were supposed to recognize it immediately.
The EMU is.
@Cerberus It wouldn't have come about but for money.
I wouldn't say that...
It started with the EGKS.
ECCS, it will be in English.
European Community for Coals and Steel.
Me, I’m trying to figure out how to win the video game of chasing the snowflakes with your mouse. Your mouse imposes a bit of anti-gravity/repulsion on a vector straight up from it, which sends the snowflakes up up and away. — tchrist yesterday
@tchrist Control is important. — Krazer 5 mins ago
That is intriguing!
@Cerberus European Community for Cerberus and Starlet.
The European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) was a six-nation international organisation serving to unify democratic countries of Europe during the Cold War and create the foundation for the modern-day developments of the European Union. The ECSC was the first organisation to be based on the principles of supranationalism. The ECSC was first proposed by French foreign minister Robert Schuman on 9 May 1950 as a way to prevent further war between France and Germany. He declared his aim was to "make war not only unthinkable but materially impossible." The means to do so, Europe's first sup...
Who is Starlet?
Well, once again the doggy bitched it. He said ECCS when he meant ECSC.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 but what's the big deal? other than it's as boring as hell^H^H^H^Hwatching someone watch a TV show of paint drying.
Some parents freak out if you don't believe, others freak out if you don't play along.
Also, the police.
@Mitch More like watching a still photo of someone watching a show about paint drying.
I'm EU too, when I hear EU I think about suits and bureaucracy, essentially the same thing.
@Robusto and out of focus!
In black and white!
@JohanLarsson I am EU!
Eeeeeeuuuuuuuu ....
wait, no I'm not.
@Mitch I mangled that too?
> Amazon has headed off DRM concerns by making a Kindle book reading application for pretty much every platform imaginable. That way, you can download a Kindle book and read it on your Android, your iPad, or whatever else just as easily as you would on a bona fide Kindle reader.
@Mitch It's boring and I disagree with much of the message. And it's a waste of time. Actually the Christmas mass is probably the least boring. I like the songs. Some of the hymns have nice chords but the lyrics are dodgy.
@JohanLarsson Are you concerned about grammar? Then you are definitely in the wrong place.
Why, o, why must people use expressions they don't understand?
@Mitch why is this the wrong place?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 What...there's a message? It's an effing boring message.
@Cerberus What's wrong with this one?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Gah...the songs! They've been ruined by ... by being played over and over every effing xmas since time began. even in church.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Explain to me how a Kindle device is bona fide as opposed to having the Kindle application on your Android device.
A person or an action can be bona fide.
And in this case there isn't even any person or action that could conceivably be mala fide.
@Cerberus Because they are using an english word and not a latin word
@Robusto You commented... I blame you for the downvote!
They use the expression the wrong way.
@Cerberus we have a couple of guys at work who misuse idioms and expressions all the time, hubris is very frequently misused I think the general consensus is that it means anxiety :)
@JohanLarsson wrong place? It's the right place for discussing it and asking about it. Don't worry about it though.
bo·na fide
/ˈbōnə ˌfīd/
Genuine; real.
@Mitch I haven't downvoted in days.
I downvoted a few hours ago. Just didnt like the answer and clicked on the down vote button. I was trying to do it like a hundred times but it didnt work.
@JohanLarsson "I'm EU too!" sounds like you were synecdocheically identifying yourself as a member of the EU, but might have been more likely to have been said as "I'm from the EU too!"
@Mitch ok, I need some abuse, that will hopefully make me learn, slowly
@JohanLarsson Ahhh noooo...
@Robusto and therefore the misplaced blame on you for it.
@Mitch yes, trudat. And I thank you for it.
@JohanLarsson "I am really hubris over how people will like my presents. I got everybody socks that match their personality. How do you think that will go?"
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 That's BS.
There is no C.
@Noah I plan to downvote in five minutes. Just once. I'm not greedy.
@Cerberus And yet, that's how it is used in the quote you presented. I submit your dictionary is incomplete. Why don't you do a corpus search to see how it is used and get back to me?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 No, it's just wrong.
@Mitch don't understand
@Cerberus Well, while you're in the OED, look up "bona fides" and then explain to me how the OED definition proves anything.
It doesn't prove anything.
I just wanted to neutralise your reference.
@Cerberus It proves that someone put ink on paper — on a black plate, to be specific — once upon a time.
I have never downvoted nor flagged, that makes me clean as a christian conscience?
@Robusto Indeed.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 re dodgy - what? emanuelle? Israel? The worst I can think of is the blood of the lamb stuff. I mean this ain't a slaughterhouse.
@JohanLarsson If christian consciences are so clean, why are they always calling themselves sinners?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 It sounds illiterate and ugly. Surely you will agree?
@Mitch It's a Tim Minchin quote
If you want to say real, then say it.
@Mitch O come, O come, Immanuelle ... yeah, takes on a whole new meaning.
@Cerberus No. Actually most of the use of "bona fide" that I am familiar with is to mean "genuine" or "authentic".

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