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@Cerberus That is not the point. The point is that a widely installed program had a known flaw and a patch available, but people like you who say "it's too inconvenient" get infected.
I feel that the primary source of malware is the gates, and I choose to fortify those well. Once it's in, then it can do what it wants—but nothing ever does get in.
@Cerberus bill gates?
yes. it's owned by Oracle and they use it to surreptitiously install an Oracle DB onto your computer then sue you for copyright infringement
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Not at all. I didn't get infected.
@RegDwighт Haha. I suppose.
@RegDwighт Ding ding ding ding. Give that man a prize, ladies and gentleman.
But no, I meant the Internet.
@Cerberus You're just lucky that this was a relatively unsophisticated attack, and that they didn't, eg, first compromise the newspaper website through sql injection so that a trusted script was delivering the attack instead of an untrusted one. It happens all the time.
Noscript protects against XSS and a host of such tricks...
@MattЭллен I am pretty sure somewhere in Oracle's binary is a string of bits that converted to MIDI plays a note from a copyrighted song. I'm not afraid.
And Adblock blocks known malware domains.
@Cerberus It doesn't have to be XSS.
And I have Java disabled.
That's not the point
And I have Java [long pause] disabled.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 If I have been lucky for 10 years without anti-virus software installed and without regular updates, then that's fine. Call it what you will, I like it.
You just refuse to see the utility in having up-to-date software, no matter how many times it's shown that people with out-of-date software get infected.
@Cerberus yes. lucky. that's all.
@RegDwighт Your paws are especially long today. Have you considered getting a pedicure?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 You are generalising and considering my situation.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Then being lucky apparently works for me, so I'll stick to that.
@tchrist pedicure is for pedobears.
@Cerberus You are trying to tell people not to update their software. That is categorically bad advice.
@RegDwighт I thought you had talons
I'm just telling them to reconsider it, if the cure is worse than the disease.
@MattЭллен I used to, but I only have taloffs now.
damnit, I step away for a glass of water and come back to have my pun stolen by tchrist.
And I don't think it's that important anyway, even if it is a good thing for many people.
@MattЭллен welcome to the world of tomorrow!
I hate it! I want to go back to yesterday!
But, @ChairOTP, as Mr Shiny says, it may be good for you to keep updating Windows, depending on how you use your computer.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 By the way, my father does all the common things, like updating stuff and running a live anti-virus program, and yet he still gets viruses.
And it's no big deal, but still annoying.
@Cerberus I do update it, but it's annoying sometimes, when it's really late and I have to go to bed, and it says "don't turn off your computer..." or whatever it says.
@Cerberus That isn’t true: it only takes a single update to Windows to fix it forever. We call it wiping the disk and installing Unix.
So it doesn't help that much for everyone.
@tchrist Yay! If only everything were compatible with Linux, I would switch this instant.
@Cerberus Is he downloading random files of dubious origin? Clicking on attachments in emails?
@Cerberus even Linux is not compatible with Linux.
But I want to use software on my PC, so I want it to be compatible.
@RegDwighт No?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Absolutely.
Like most people.
Everything is broken, and it takes seven sysadmins and five hours to tell me that it can't be fixed.
This is also like the old puzzle of how often to defrag a SysV filesystem. The answer is just once, by reformatting as BSD.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Human engineering or just people installing random stuff is like 99 % of all malware, I believe.
@Cerberus Yes, but that doesn't mean that malware doesn't also spread through other means. like drive-by downloads.
Or licking the touch screen
@MattЭллен wth?
I do also install random software, but I check out its background first, and I always run at least a hask check of everything through Virus Total, with an automated hash-checker/uploader.
@Cerberus Company directive. I can't turn them off.
Nov 9 at 16:37, by Cerberus
Which is done by licking my touch screen very intently.
@ChairOTP If that bothers you, just set it to download updates but not install, then install them the next day when you turn on the machine. or when it's convenient, but at least sometime.
This one made me run chkdisk
@Robusto And update did that?
I had like 30 updates today, no chkdsks
Maybe your hdd is failing
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 It happens to be that I'm not really good at that, or maybe I'm just ignorant, so I don't know how to do that.
It found a few problems, nothing major.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Indeed not, but if my father is still exposed to, let's say, 10 percentage points through his own stupidity, then all the annoyance incurred by reducing it by another .5 p.p. may not be worth it. It's hard to say, and it may depend on the user.
@Robusto Poor you! But on a work computer, I can understand.
@ChairOTP Start->control panel->Windows Updates->Change Settings->"Download updates but let me choose when to install them"
@MattЭллен Yeah, that's why I always have a cold.
@Robusto It shouldn't find any problems
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Good.
I'd do a backup if I were you
@Cerberus Awwww. Doggy sneezes are funny :D
@Cerberus But the point is to actually install them.
Not defer them forever.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 It's a laptop. What do I back up to?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 But deferring them already reduces the nuisance level by at least 60 %!
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Oh thanks, I usually don't mess with anything that i don't know, once I ended up screwing up a computer I have no idea how.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Don't you feel that people in this day and age focus too much on the benefits of increased security, and less on the down-side?
@Robusto I dunno. burn a DVD? fill up a Dropbox acct?
@Cerberus Cerb: the so-called "downside" you keep referring to is one or two reboots per month.
I am not at all exaggerating.
I am talking about airport scanners, fathers no longer allowed on the playground, terrorist witch hunts, paedophile witch hunts...
Cameras everywhere...
@Cerberus Yes, those are all a different story though.
Internet records...
upskirt photographs
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 All part of the same Zeitgeist.
@MattЭллен Yay!
luckily, I'm not wearing a skirt
By the way, is it weird that I downloaded a mod that makes the main female character in Dragon Age better looking?
She's really hot now.
@Cerberus Not at all part of the "your software is known to be vulnerable to automated attacks" zeitgeist. There is measurable benefit to having up-to-date software. There is no measurable benefit to making airport users take off their shoes.
@MattЭллен Let me guess: it's called a kilt?
@Cerberus seems OK to me
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I don't understand your first sentence.
@MattЭллен Phew.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 oh, no, I'm carrying a sidearm. You know the rules...
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 It's a work computer. I back up my important stuff to a thumb drive, but other than that ... not my problem.
Semiannual reboots are an execrable failure of your power grid. Anything more frequent is a sign that someone needs to consider an assisted-living situation, since life is clearly too hard for them on their own.
@MattЭллен All arms are sidearms. Otherwise they would be frontarms or backarms, which would look weird.
@tchrist Que?
se muda
@Cerberus You are equating an emphasis on computer security with the hysteria over terrorism or pedophiles. They are in completely different leagues.
I used to reboot about once every so many weeks, but it turned out I could save about € 18 monthly by turning my computer off when I'm not using it...
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I see them as part of the same Zeitgeist.
People cannot accept risks.
@Cerberus What is your computer powered by? Diesel?
If only! That would be much cheaper.
@Robusto ARM9 is not a sidearm.
My computer uses about 120W.
@Cerberus But they are totally different! updating your software costs nothing and protects you from real risks. Airport security costs millions and doesn't protect you from anything. How is that at all comparable?
That's 24 * 0.120 kWh per day.
Times 30 for a month.
An armature is a spool for winding up long arms when you're not using them.
@Cerberus turn the damn thing off for a change.
Times € 0.25 per kWh.
@RegDwighт I do now.
@Cerberus if that doesn't teach you anything, nothing will. So what's your complaint? That you're too rich?
So 24 * 0.120 * 30 * 0.25 = € 21.60 monthly.
That's what it costs to have my PC always on, with the monitor switched off.
At least it keeps you warm.
So I try to turn it off whenever I'm not using it.
So considering that you already reboot your machine frequently, I don't see how installing updates could possibly inconvenience you further.
@RegDwighт Yeah, I may get a tiny amount back through less heating. But it's very inefficient heating, and gas is much cheaper.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 What if the update decided to replace some kind of system driver that I once replaced? Or notepad.exe?
I have had an update cause some minor inconvenience once, and it was very hard to track down.
@Cerberus You're not supposed to replace notepad.exe or system drivers. 99.999% of users never do that. Those updates would repair their broken computers in those cases.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Updating software costs time and annoyance. And airport security might deter bomb makers, who knows?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I don't care. I don't want an update screwing up my set up.
I had to replace notepad.exe, because it was the only way to reliably get all my text-editing commands to open files in Notepad++.
@Cerberus It doesn't. That is to say, x-raying packages and metal detectors do deter people to some degree. But forcing people to take off shoes, or to submit to invasive pat-downs or nude-body scans does nothing to help security.
You can't be sure that it doesn't.
@Cerberus Actually, I can. I've seen demonstrations in weaknesses in airport security which prove it.
And nude body scans provide added benefits to security guards.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Of course it's weak.
Doesn't mean it has no effect at all.
Is it ok to ask questions about how to translate stuff to English here? On reading the description I guess it is not but asking your opinion any way
Well, of course. They're all peeping toms
@JohanLarsson Hmm probably not, but you can always ask in chat?
@JohanLarsson direct translation is off topic.
oh, yes you can ask here, but not there
@Cerberus does cost/benefit ratio mean anything to you? Please don't try to argue that nude body scans are beneficial on the basis of a mentally-disabled terrorist will no longer be able to get a non-functional home-made bomb on the plane.
@Cerberus Yes that is true, problem is all urls with chat in them are blocked at work
> does cost/benefit ratio mean anything to you?
Apr 3 at 14:53, by RegDwight Ѭſ道
If you describe the phrase you are looking for in English, and then ask for a shorter/idiomatic way to say that, that's a . After you do that, you can still mention the exact equivalent in another language, but the key is that the question must still work with that bit removed.
@JohanLarsson Hmm use a VPN?
I sometimes have to write manuals for technical stuff and it can be quite agonizing trying to word it correctly in English
it means the ratio of cost to benefit. you want a low cost benefit ratio, or a high benefit/cost ratio
@MattЭллен I know what it means, thank you.
@Cerberus oh, well then. my work here is done.
@Cerberus Yeah, or I can bring my laptop and use my phone as modem. Glad to hear that asking in chat is considered ok!
@MattЭллен I see a dirty spot over there.
@Cerberus spits and shines
@JohanLarsson It is! As long as it's not incessant, hehe. And there might not always be someone here who's in the mood.
@MattЭллен Better.
googling incessant
Latin cessare = to cease. In- = un-.
Yes of course I understand and respect that, have nothing to translate at the moment
@JohanLarsson oxforddictionaries.com <- pretty good and fewer obtrusive ads than dictionary.com
@MattЭллен Bookmarked, ty
no probs :)
@JohanLarsson Too bad!
Are you Swedish?
Ah, Swedish.
I can't really tell the languages apart...
Could Johan Larsson be a Norwegian name, on the face of it?
probably. isn't Norwegian like Swedish with a sock in your mouth?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Let's just agree to disagree. You encourage inexperienced users to enable all updates and anti-virus software, and I'm fine with that.
@MattЭллен That is also my impression.
But then there are Nynorsk and Bokmål...
@Cerberus It could be but it is a very common name in Sweden whilst if it was Norwegian I would suspect it was due to immigration in the past
Ahh OK.
@JohanLarsson What would be the normal Norwegian equivalent?
@Cerberus Don't put words in my mouth! I don't usually recommend anti-virus programs.
But Swedish and Norwegian are very similar, it is easier to understand many Norwegian dialects than many Swedish
All right.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Why not, actually?
@MattЭллен That is Danish
@Cerberus Because they cost too much, impact performance too much, and do too little.
@JohanLarsson Hmm funny. I do find standard German easier to understand than many Dutch dialects, but most German dialects are harder.
The only one I would tentatively recommend is the free one MS gives away. At least it's free.
@JohanLarsson oh! My mistake. I'm just poorly recalling satwcomic.com
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Hmm. I see.
@Cerberus I think they would spell it Johann
But most people use free ones.
@JohanLarsson Hmm the German way?
Top 10 common Norwegian male names:
1. Jonas <-- Same in Swedish
2. Mathias (Matias) <-- Same in Swedish, there are variants
3. Alexander (Aleksander) <-- Same in Swedish
4. Andreas <-- Same in Swedish
5. Elias <-- Same in Swedish
6. Kristian <-- Same in Swedish
7. Sebastian <-- Same in Swedish
8. Markus (Marcus)
9. Sander <-- Never heard of a Swede named that
10. Tobias <-- Same in Swedish
Do you also have a Swedish top 10 for us?
Common Swedish names (In Swedish, but probably parsable for language xperts)
@JohanLarsson And are those the names of all living Nowegians, or only names given last year?
@JohanLarsson Funny, those lists are quite different.
I wonder whether we have such a list for Dutch names.
Source Norwegian names looks like it names given 2006
@JohanLarsson Are those including middle names?
@Cerberus I think so
Because those numbers seem a bit high for first names...
@Cerberus lol, I'm gonna be late for work :) lemme check
The top two ones in Germany are Alexander and Maximillian. Have been for decades.
Baby names or existing names?
Freshly handed out names.
From what I could extract out of the Wikipedia article it is given names
On funny aside about Sweden and names, there is this feminist party that has ~3% of the votes that want to make all names gender neutral. So that you can name a girl Harry for example
1 Jack
2 Lewis
3 James
4 Logan
5 Ethan
6 Daniel
7 Ryan
8 Alexander
9 Harry
10 Aaron
@JohanLarsson you can't do that already?
What a backwards country.
@RegDwighт joke?
@RegDwighт What father would like to name his daughter 'Harry' or any other male name?
That is irrelevant.
I was thinking the same thing. There are name-regulating laws?
The relevant bit is that there should be no legistlation forbidding him. He is the father. Not the lawmaker.
I think social services in the UK stopped parents calling their son Adolf, not so long ago.
@RegDwighт hey what about third party?
I don't understand the question.
We have some laws for names, but you still can name your child as you please with some exceptions.
oh, it was "Adolf Hitler"
May 8 '11 at 1:09, by RegDwight
Some crazy Russkies in the 70s insisted on calling their children Спутник (Sputnik) if it was a boy, and Ракета (Rocket) if it was a girl.
@MattЭллен There was a case here where the parents were suing a bakery for refusing to put "Happy Birthday, Adolf" on the kid's birthday cake or something.
"The relevant bit is that there should be no legistlation forbidding him. He is the father. Not the lawmaker." It should not be entirely up to him, what about the child?
@KitFox my mistake, it wasn't the UK, it was the US
@JohanLarsson the child is allowed to change his name.
@JohanLarsson I agree with you, I dislike my name, and I'm changing it.
@MattЭллен That's not so bad. But Alfie??
Say someone someone want to name thier child Adolf Hitler the Pedophile?
@MattЭллен Well, they still named their kid that. The other kids had equally disturbing names.
Nobody forbids you to change your name from Johan to Adolf. If they do, you live in a nazi state.
@JohanLarsson Haha silly.
@Cerberus what why?
@RegDwighт It is illegal here as well.
@JohanLarsson Wanting to name your daughter Harry, I mean.
And when can the child realistically change its name, at the age of x?
@Cerberus ok
I mean, I would never name my child Harry, either. It sounds like vomit, and do you even realize hom many murderers by that name there have been?
You can always call her Harry if she is called Harriet, of course.
@Cerberus Harry is short for Harriet
I have a friend often called Harry, whose real name is Harriët or something.
@Cerberus that's the thing. People will name girls "Sasha" and nobody seems to object, and in fact it doesn't prevent them from becoming porn starts.
@RegDwighт I didn't know a name could be stereotyped
In the UK Harry is shirt for Henry.
@RegDwighт That is a different thing imo, and I fully agree with you on this one. Still feel it is ok with regulation of what name you give someone else
@RegDwighт I understand that that must be painful for you.
so Henrietta could also be called Harry
@MattЭллен It is normally a male name here, Harry.
I'm so confused. There are really laws that govern what you can name your child?
@KitFox Yes
What if your kid has a sex change operation? Do they get fined?
Thrown in jail?
You can change your name.
@KitFox not sure about the UK. I've not tested it.
But you need to go to court, and need to have a good reason.
What a stupid, stupid rule.
@KitFox It is stated that the name has nothing to do with the gender of the person as well.
@KitFox I am pretty certain you can't name your child "fridge", not even in Africa where names such as "goodluck" are rather common.
But you can't name a girl "Harry"?
It is done to prevent parents from calling their children Pieceofshit or something.
I think Harry for a girl would be allowed here.
Uh. Well, I guess we can do that here.
Not sure.
@Cerberus Fortunately not here, you can change your name before you are 18 with a permission from your parents, or after you're 18 on your own.
Moon Unit and Apple and Espn and all.
Haha yes, Moon Unit.
Sailor Moon Unit.
I like.
Someone once made me believe his name was indeed Moon Unit.
Said he had hippie parents.
@Cerberus You know there is a Moon Unit, right?
Aug 6 at 14:32, by RegDwight АΑA
@tchrist so that one time, I met one Aaron Marshall, who was with Microsoft, and he gave me his email, and it was [email protected]. Little did he know that "am Arsch" is German for "my ass".
And let's not forget: Kit's a boy's name
I remember this year some parents called her daughter "Santafecita" after the soccer team Santafé won.
@KitFox I do now, but I didn't know at the time.
@MattЭллен Nuh-uh.
@ChairOTP speechless
@KitFox I know no girls called Kit and more than one boy.
Well, present company excepted, of course

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