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@HippoSawrUs oh..
.. I think I need to talk to my mom
@Lambie What is the matter with what? I have some problems with my brain, so I did not get any graduation
@HippoSawrUs I'm having a hard time understanding some phrases there. "Especially with bicycles"?
Google's voice recognition transcribes his speech perfectly, even though he produces 'form' as 'foam', etc
@CowperKettle with Hipposaurus, you have to read between the lines, the read between those lines and then maybe one more level deeper, then forget everything you've read, drink some tea, maybe a second cup, take a run around the house without thinking of an elephant, maybe go on a pilgrimage to The Ganges, come back a changed man, open a used bookstore, live a long productive life, outliving many generations of bookstore cats...
....and on your deathbed confession whisper into the priests ear that you finally, finally get it now,...
the bicycle was a gift to help assuage somebody from somebody or something. Or something like that.
Then the priest says "you're actually looking quite good, are you sure you're in your way out?"
And then you say "well I either I go or this wallpaper does" so you throw off the bedsheets and waltz right out of the room
You're probably wondering why a priest was there. I'm wondering that myself. Who let him in?
Apparently someone has started a far-left protest movement called RACCOON
I am not affiliated
How disgraceful that such an organization should have no representation from actual raccoons
It seems appropriative
French idiom of the moment: Avoir un petit vélo dans la tête (lit. to have a small bicycle in the head) — to have a slightly deranged brain.
== Français == === Étymologie === Composé de avoir, petit, vélo et tête. === Locution verbale === avoir un petit vélo dans la tête \a.vwa.ʁ‿œ̃ pə.ti ve.lo dɑ̃ la tɛt\ (se conjugue → voir la conjugaison de avoir) (Familier) (Sens figuré) Être fou, avoir le cerveau légèrement dérangé. On connaît l’expression : avoir une araignée dans le plafond ; ce qui revient à dire : avoir un petit vélo dans la tête. — (Le nouvel observateur, Numéros 1243 à 1260 ; Volume 1, 1988) ==== Variantes ==== avoir un petit vélo dans la cafetière ==== Synonymes ==== → voir ne pas avoir toute sa tête ===...
> A pushchair has wheels, but that does not make it a wheelchair. You can push a wheelchair, but that does not make it a pushchair.
Today's words of wisdom from H&P.
Interesting fact: the adjective cheugy has no etymology. Someone just made the word up from whole cloth in 2013; it isn't based on anything.
2 hours later…
The Sun makes up for about 99.86 % of the total mass of the solar system.
> Betteridge's law of headlines is an adage that states: "Any headline that ends in a question mark can be answered by the word no."
2 hours later…
Dancing is more efficient for depression than cognitive behavior therapy
So, the optimal regimen is jogging to a dancing studio, and go dancing with your CBT therapist
But browsing the twitter, this meta-analysis is criticised for being poorly done
2 hours later…
Would you guys say that this short excerpt from a Wikipedia article is written well? I'm especially concerned with the phrasing of "thought to be related but different enough to be separate languages". Not sure if this could be properly understood at all.

In most classifications, Hellenic consists of Greek alone, but some linguists use the term Hellenic to refer to a group consisting of Greek proper and other varieties thought to be related but different enough to be separate languages, either among ancient neighboring languages or among modern varieties of Greek.
> A difference smaller than seven points may not even be detectable by clinicians. Interestingly, a Cochrane review of Dance and Movement Therapy rejected the therapy as not having clinical significance because it only reduced depression scores by slightly over seven points above (psychological) placebo, which was less than 25% of baseline in the relevant studies.
> By this standard, since HAM-D scores in the antidepressant trials were generally in the mid-to-high 20s, at least 6 or 7 points would be necessary to achieve clinical significance.
And in a meta-analysis, antidepressants are only 2 points above placebo, which is 5 points short of even hoping to be seen as efficient.
@MichaelRybkin Looks fine to me. Varieties are thought to be related = linguists think that they are related, those language varieties. But still, despite being related, they are different, and this difference is large enough, so they are really different languages.
Phrase of the day: eligibility creep (in clinical trials) - falsely elevated severity assessment at the point of patient inclusion in a study, which leads to a false treatment efficacy result
> "Psoriasis severity assessments for clinical trial entry may be unintentionally overestimated, especially if trial eligibility is chiefly dependent on rating of disease severity. When this results in patients with less severe phenotypes joining clinical trials it is referred to as eligibility creep."
Naval saying of the day: "We'll squander all our ships for booze, but won't disgrace the fleet".
"Все пропьем но флот не опозорим" in the original Russian.
The sentence is absurd hence funny.
In a drinking song by Aquarium, the sailor says "I will sell my battleship for booze, but won't disgrace the fleet".
> When Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is up against pill placebo, the effect size, according to the most recent meta-analysis I could find, is a mere .22 when using the HAM-D. When using the self-report Beck Depression Inventory, the result is indistinguishable from zero and non-significant. As meager as the results for antidepressants are, the results for CBT are even worse. carcinisation.com/2022/09/07/the-limits-of-help
I wonder if this is true.
@CowperKettle There's nothing the matter with that. It is just not very clear. And it's hard to be understanding. That's all... assume that would be a logical response to your comment, wouldn't it?
@Lambie Yes
If critics are to be believed, psychiatric prescribing for depression is purely random for the sheer lack of markers for stratifying different "depressions" by mechanisms.
@MichaelRybkin The sentence is grammatically correct, but to me it sounds awful in terms of style. The sentence is unnecessarily complicated and hard to interpret.
@CowperKettle Thank you. I would think that rewriting that part as follows is what they should be saying: "thought to be related but different enough to be included in the same language group". It sounds like they are saying the opposite.
@alphabet Thank you.
@CowperKettle Human beings (combined together) makes up for about .00000000000000000027 % of the total mass of the solar system.
@CowperKettle Curious indeed!
In the first place, it seems passing strange to me that such a question should have been posed to the French people already in May of 1945. Who does that and why? It's not like they didn't have other things on their minds then.
This got very messy overnight:
Q: Use of "animal" as a synonym for non-human animal

libraryImportant Note This post is intended to discuss word usage, rather than taxonomy, philosophy, and theology views, which it knows. When indicating something involving animals and humans, it's common to use "animals and humans" rather than simply using 'animals'. That is, commonly, when using the ...

But honestly, posts aren't supposed to discuss anything. The asker's post should ask a question; the answerers' posts should answer it. We are not a discussion forum at SE.
Q: Site maintenance - Saturday, February 24th, 2024, 14:00 - 22:00 UTC (9 AM - 5 PM EST)

DalmarusWe have planned maintenance that will impact Stack Overflow and Stack Exchange sites. The ​​window is scheduled for Saturday, February 24th, 2024, 14:00 - 22:00 UTC (9 AM - 5 PM EST). During the maintenance window, Stack Overflow and Stack Exchange sites (including chat and SEDE) may go into read...

@MichaelRybkin I think what they're trying to say is: "Some linguists use the term 'Hellenic' to refer to a group containing both Greek proper and other related varieties, ancient or modern, that they see as constituting separate languages."
They just chose an incredibly awkward and confusing way of phrasing it.
Resumptive of the day: "That esoteric text was a book published after her death, which some of it was attributed to her by a person claiming to have been her protege."
@alphabet TIL that 'cheugy' is autologous
@Mitch Apparently the noun "cheug" has already been created through back-formation. You can even find a couple of attestations of "cheugily."
The noun "cheuginess" is also attested.
@CowperKettle nothing is 'true' just more or less likely
@alphabet I want to go back to the universe where I am unaware of that word
I can count in the thousands (out of bajillions) the neurons whose activation has been modified to maintain what I know about that word
Is the second consonant in the word an affricarte or a stop?
@Mitch The latter; I believe the typical pronunciation is /ˈtʃuwg.ij/
@CowperKettle 1) CBT by itself is supposedly not very effective, but with counseling/mentoring it supposedly does OK (and more than any other talk therapy)
2) I'm surprised at the SSRI result, I would have thought it would have a larger effect
But I'm not surprised at that graph's numbers for exercise/movement
@alphabet so the 'g' is a stop? That's the natural way I would say it, but I still would feel stupid saying it either way.
The ambiguity is in the way the article writes 'chew-gee'
Grade        oz/dzn  oz/egg egg/cup white/cup yolk/cup
Jumbo          30      2½       4       6       11
Extra Large    27      2¼       4       6       12
Large          24      2        5       7       14
Medium         21      1¾       5       8       16
Small          18      1½       6       9       18
Peewee         15      1¼       7      11       22
@Mitch The problem here is the use of "effect size" for antidepressant efficacy, and arbitrarily deciding that 0.5 is the line between "clinically important" and not. The HAM-D is a very imprecise and subjective measure of one's level of depression. Curiously, if you just ask people "How depressed are you?", SSRIs show higher efficacy than they do if you use a scale like HAM-D.
Transatlantically egg sizes work just like shoe sizes, in that those are American sizes but in Britain the size rankings are a step removed. So an American XL egg is only a British L.
For instance: if you have preexisting insomnia unrelated to your depression, antidepressants will show up as "less efficacious" for you since your position on that part of the scale won't change. Meanwhile, if a treatment resolves your insomnia but doesn't affect your mood at all, it will show up as "more efficacious" despite not actually helping your main problem.
While an effect size of "0.5" might be a reasonable cutoff for treatments of other illnesses, it doesn't make any sense to apply it to HAM-D scores.
    US    UK   OZ
     6    5    6
     7    6    7
     7½   6½   7½
     8    7    8
     8½   7½   8½
     9    8    9
    11½  10½  11½
    12   11   12
    13   12   13
    14   13   14
This proves that the Ozzies have sold their soles to America.
Otherwise they'd be making their shoes in UK sole-sizes.
@tchrist now do sizes of laundry detergent
'giant' is the middle size
And this is why you never keep all your eggs in one basket.
Blue. Emu lay blue eggs.
But then so too can chickens.
Wordle 980 6/6

Also: robins.
But not the same blue.
@alphabet aren't all depression score questionnaires self-reports? HAM-D is probably better than PHQ-9 because it has a lot more and varied questions.
@tchrist that's hard to do with an ostrich egg because all you need is one egg for a full course meal for 12. How do keep 1 ostrich egg in more than one basket?
This isn't the pigeonhole problem it's the eggs in baskets problem
I think we need to review basic relationships, Mitch. You know, the one-to-many VS many-to-one VS many-to-many relationships.
If you use Easter baskets, then you tie many of them together to carry your ostrich egg in.
@tchrist oh. I was using a plastic jackolantern from Halloween
> Emu eggs are not only gorgeous in color, but also in texture. These flightless birds from Australia lay eggs that come in at a whopping five inches long and two pounds in weight. Emu eggs are a greenish-blue with a texture that has been likened to that of Damascus steel.
give me a big enough basket and I will egg the world
@MetaEd Archimedes at his frat house prank party
Which would need no egg celerent.
You could pitch 'em slow like.
@tchrist that's egg celent. Pass the celery 'cause I'm a celeriac
Glory's in the egg shells.
@alphabet Oh, I see now. Thank you.
With alacrity
Be nice to the kitties.
@tchrist Oh, we like sheep.
They're furry and delightful.
(have gone astray-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay)
And turds in every one to his own bray.
That librettist has been banned in Wales and New Zealand.
the wales complained.
pretty sad, he had a good handel on it
What do the Welsh call a sheep tied to a fence post?
2 hours later…
@tchrist I was surprised especially as I didn't thought the IFOP already existed but the poll is legit. See this page. I guess at that time, people were more aware than today about the millions of USSR soldiers death on the east front. Anyway, their hope was directed toward the US.
@jlliagre Thank you for the paper. I had harbored the same doubts and suspicions myself.
The Institut français d'opinion publique (IFOP; English: French Institute of Public Opinion) is an international polling and market research firm, whose motto is "Connection creates value". It was founded on 1 December 1938 by Jean Stoetzel, former Sorbonne professor, after he met George Gallup in the United States. Its CEO was Laurence Parisot from 1990 until 2016, who was nicknamed "boss of the bosses", when she was the leader of the Mouvement des Entreprises de France, the French employers' trade union. The IFOP sells polls to firms and political parties. IFOP is also a source of data in France...
Oh right, poll is the word in English. Somehow when reading through this earlier I could think only of sondage.
Which conjured allusions of samplings and surveys.
You are quite right: un sondage IFOP is an IFOP poll or survey.
But they didn't seem to hope for much help from Russia in France's postwar reconstruction. That's not completely surprising to me, given the unthinkable levels of destruction and tragedy wrought across Russia herself.
> Pour autant, en dépit de la reconnaissance par les Parisiens interrogés en 1944 du rôle majeur de l’Armée Rouge dans la défaite de l’Allemagne nazie, plus des deux tiers des personnes interrogées (69%) estiment que ce sont les Etats-Unis qui contribueront le plus au relèvement de la France après la Guerre. 13.8% citent l’Angleterre et seulement 6.2% mentionnent l’Union Soviétique.
I've always liked the Romance-ordered URSS "siglas" because it called bears to the mind.
Well, the women are ahead of us in the US. They were surveyed for their opinion on whether one should be able to file a complaint re husbands not helping with household chores.//I dunno, URSS has the U Anglos have trouble with whereas OURS doesn't . But I know what you mean.
I was thinking of the two constellations' Latin names, Ursa Major and Ursa Minor.
> Il est un homme en no ville,
qui de sa femme est jaloux.
Il n’est pas jaloux sans cause,
mais il est cocu du tout.

Il n’est pas jaloux sans cause,
mais il est cocu du tout.
Il l’aprête, et s’il la mène
au marché, s’en va a tout.
@tchrist Yes, some people pronounce l'URSS /lyʁs/ instead of /ly.ɛʁ.ɛs.ɛs/.
@jlliagre I had thought so.
Wordle 980 4/6

@CowperKettle nah
Daily Octordle #761
Score: 73
2 hours later…
Second resumptive of the day: "I'm about to say some things that I don't know what they mean." (From the same YouTuber as above.)
> There is a difference among the flowers of this Valerian, for some are seminiferous, more compactly united, like the heads of Scabiosa.
As opposed to those that are oviparous, which should not be confused with ovoviviparous, which doesn't apply to flora.
I'm not sure oviparous is the normal botanical term here, but I'm spacing on the right one if so.
My gut tells me that oviparous only works with fauna.
> Each carpel in Ranunculus species is an achene that produces one ovule,[4] which when fertilized becomes a seed. If the carpel contains more than one seed, as in Eranthis hyemalis, it is called a follicle. Two or more carpels may be fused together to varying degrees and the entire structure, including the fused styles and stigmas may be called a pistil. The lower part of the pistil, where the ovules are produced, is called the ovary.
The little-froggy flower is a buttercup.
> Gynoecious: having only female flowers (the female of a dioecious population); producing seed but not pollen.
I suppose that will have to do.
> In bryophytes and ferns, the gametophytes are independent, free-living plants, while in seed plants, each female megagametophyte, and the megaspore that gives rise to it, is hidden within the sporophyte and is entirely dependent on it for nutrition.
> As in all vascular plants, the sporophyte is the dominant phase or generation in the life cycle. The gametophytes of ferns, however, are very different from those of seed plants. They are free-living and resemble liverworts, whereas those of seed plants develop within the spore wall and are dependent on the parent sporophyte for their nutrition.
Oh that's right, ferns are bizarre.
It's like there's a mandatory hidden generation nobody sees or thinks about.
A prothallus, or prothallium, (from Latin pro = forwards and Greek θαλλος (thallos) = twig) is usually the gametophyte stage in the life of a fern or other pteridophyte. Occasionally the term is also used to describe the young gametophyte of a liverwort or peat moss as well. In lichens it refers to the region of the thallus that is free of algae. The prothallus develops from a germinating spore. It is a short-lived and inconspicuous heart-shaped structure typically 2–5 millimeters wide, with a number of rhizoids (root-like hairs) growing underneath, and the sex organs: archegonium (female) and...
> Spore-bearing plants, like all plants, go through a life-cycle of alternation of generations. The fully grown sporophyte, what is commonly referred to as the fern, produces genetically unique spores in the sori by meiosis. The haploid spores fall from the sporophyte and germinate by mitosis, given the right conditions, into the gametophyte stage, the prothallus.
> The prothallus develops independently for several weeks; it grows sex organs that produce ova (archegonia) and flagellated sperm (antheridia). The sperm are able to swim to the ova for fertilization to form a diploid zygote which divides by mitosis to form a multicellular sporophyte.
> In the early stages of growth, the sporophyte grows out of the prothallus, depending on it for water supply and nutrition, but develops into a new independent fern, which will produce new spores that will grow into new prothallia etc., thus completing the life cycle of the organism.
> It has been argued that there is an important evolutionary advantages to the alternation of generations plant life-cycle.[1] By forming a multicellular haploid gametophyte rather than limiting the haploid stage to gametes, there is often only one allele for any genetic trait. Thus, alleles are not masked by a dominant counterpart (there is no counterpart).

One benefit of this is that a mutation that causes a lethal, or harmful, trait expression will cause the gametophyte to die; thus, the trait cannot be passed on to future generations, preserving the strength of the gene pool.[1] Furthe
Alternation of generations (also known as metagenesis or heterogenesis) is the predominant type of life cycle in plants and algae. In plants both phases are multicellular: the haploid sexual phase – the gametophyte – alternates with a diploid asexual phase – the sporophyte. A mature sporophyte produces haploid spores by meiosis, a process which reduces the number of chromosomes to half, from two sets to one. The resulting haploid spores germinate and grow into multicellular haploid gametophytes. At maturity, a gametophyte produces gametes by mitosis, the normal process of cell division in eukaryotes...
> Animals develop differently. They directly produce haploid gametes. No haploid spores capable of dividing are produced, so generally there is no multicellular haploid phase. Some insects have a sex-determining system whereby haploid males are produced from unfertilized eggs; however females produced from fertilized eggs are diploid.
> Life cycles of plants and algae with alternating haploid and diploid multicellular stages are referred to as diplohaplontic. The equivalent terms haplodiplontic, diplobiontic and dibiontic are also in use, as is describing such an organism as having a diphasic ontogeny.[5] Life cycles of animals, in which there is only a diploid multicellular stage, are referred to as diplontic. Life cycles in which there is only a haploid multicellular stage are referred to as haplontic.
So many words!
> Spores are produced by bacteria, fungi, algae, and plants.
Space seed.
I think they left out some of the protists or protozoa.
Slime molds.
In biology, a spore is a unit of sexual (in fungi) or asexual reproduction that may be adapted for dispersal and for survival, often for extended periods of time, in unfavourable conditions. Spores form part of the life cycles of many plants, algae, fungi and protozoa.Bacterial spores are not part of a sexual cycle, but are resistant structures used for survival under unfavourable conditions. Myxozoan spores release amoeboid infectious germs ("amoebulae") into their hosts for parasitic infection, but also reproduce within the hosts through the pairing of two nuclei within the plasmodium, which...
> Myxozoan spores release amoeboid infectious germs ("amoebulae") into their hosts for parasitic infection...
> The term spore derives from the ancient Greek word σπορά spora, meaning "seed, sowing", related to σπόρος sporos, "sowing", and σπείρειν speirein, "to sow".
I do so hate Verdana's Greeks.
See how much more pleasing to the eye those Greeks are than these?
That's one of Robert Slimbach's typefaces: Minion-Pro.
@M.A.R. You think the analysis is wrong, and CBT is strongly effective?
I know a woman who's been through CBT therapies, and they did nothing for her.
Then she bought a book for doctors in Russian on resistant depression, and one drug from there helped her a little. She went through the whole book
@Mitch The "exercise is effective" study is heavily criticized for being based on extremely poorly done studies
@alphabet Eiko Fried, a researcher of metrics in psychiatry, believes that the current tools for assessing depression are.. quite.. polythetic and there should be an effort launched to make some proper measurement tools
He has an interesting Twitter feed
> He returned to clinical psychology in 2018, as Assistant Professor at Leiden University, and was promoted to Associate Professor in 2021. He works at the intersection of clinical psychology, psychiatry, epidemiology, methodology, and complexity science, and enjoys dabbling in philosophy of science. His interests are how to best understand, measure, model, and classify mental health problems
> With their technology, the investigators showed that it’s possible to reliably determine the speech sounds that individuals will utter before they articulate them. In other words, scientists can predict what combination of consonants and vowels will be produced before the words are actually spoken. neurosciencenews.com/word-formation-neuroscience-25658

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