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I think I'm going senile and I don't know what all passive entails anymore.
That's fine, but they should warn young people about these things before they waste so much time.
Oh, linguists again.
You know, linguists study usage; users don't study linguists.
@HippoSawrUs "Passive" is a misunderstood boogieman.
Many things are wrongly called "passive".
You got that right.
I'm about to have dessert or start a linguistics boycott, JSYK.
Maybe pineapple…
2 hours later…
@HippoSawrUs Wiktionary defines passive as "(psychology) Being inactive and submissive in a relationship, especially in a sexual one."
Different camer angles make a difference
Seeing the first photo, I thought "this is too machu for my picchu"
Bird of the day: wren
> From Middle English wrenne, wranne, from Old English wrenna, wrænna, werna, wærna, wrenne (“wren”), from Proto-West Germanic *wrandijō, from Proto-Germanic *wrandijô (“wren”). Cognate with Old Saxon wrendilo (“wren”), Old High German rento, rentilo (“wren”), Danish rindel (“wren”), Icelandic rindill (“wren”).
rindill sounds Tolkienian
Oligemia? Small number of something, perhaps
@CowperKettle Because Ringil was Fingolfin's sword that dealt so grievous a wound to Morgoth's foot that he went ever halt following that injury.
> The condition of having a low quantity of blood.
@tchrist Ah! Yes, now I remember
@CowperKettle And the OED thinks I've four hundred years out of date. I'm ok with that.
Oh that's the noun. The adjective is better esteemed.
I'm feeling anxiety and desorientation, but going through Anki's list of words helps a bit
> For thus it chanced one morn when all the court,
Green-suited, but with plumes that mock’d the may,
Had been, their wont, a-maying and return’d,
That Modred still in green, all ear and eye,
Climb’d to the high top of the garden-wall
To spy some secret scandal if he might,
And saw the Queen who sat betwixt her best
Enid, and lissome Vivien, of her court
The wiliest and the worst; and more than this
He saw not, for Sir Lancelot passing by
Spied where he couch’d, and as the gardener’s hand
Picks from the colewort a green caterpillar,
@CowperKettle Read Tennyson. It may help.
> Perplext in faith, but pure in deeds,
At last he beat his music out.
There lives more faith in honest doubt,
Believe me, than in half the creeds.
I stashed this quote a long ago
The poem "In Memoriam A.H.H." (1850) by Alfred, Lord Tennyson, is an elegy for his Cambridge friend Arthur Henry Hallam, who died of cerebral haemorrhage at the age of twenty-two years, in Vienna in 1833. As a sustained exercise in tetrametric lyrical verse, Tennyson's poetical reflections extend beyond the meaning of the death of Hallam, thus, "In Memoriam" also explores the random cruelty of Nature seen from the conflicting perspectives of materialist science and declining Christian faith in the Victorian Era (1837–1901), the poem thus is an elegy, a requiem, and a dirge for a friend, a time...
goatee is espaniolka in Russian, much more refined and pleasant-sounding
@DannyuNDos Congrats!
@DannyuNDos Congratulations!
I wish there were a drug to make my brain work again, to be able to study and obtain some graduation document too.
I'm hardly able to answer questions on ELL SE.
The reelection campaign is really going great
> A reporter in the press pool with Biden said 20 to 30 protesters marched through the lobby of the hotel, chanting: “Biden Biden you can’t hide, we charge you with genocide.”
> Other chants included “cease fire now” and “Biden, Biden, what do you say. How many kids did you kill today.”
> Biden has faced widespread protests of his handling of the war in Gaza, including being interrupted during speeches and events.
> It says right there in the Constitution
It's really A-OK to have a revolution
When the leaders that you choose
Really don't fit their shoes
(Burns, 1794)
@DannyuNDos Congrats too! TIL that embed can also be imbed.
It's a "little pear" in Spanish: pera + illa = perilla
I don't think this is the same:

barbas de chivo

1. m. coloq. Hombre que tiene barba larga en el mentón.
> perilla
Del dim. de pera.

1. f. Porción de pelo que se deja crecer en la punta de la barba.

chiva, candado, pera.
@Vikas squirrrrel
@CowperKettle I was just saying the same thing.
@tchrist Thanks
11 hours later…
@alphabet One man's passive is another man's mistress. But that was the mid '70s, I suppose, or the early '60s; it's always the quiet ones. I don't think Wiktionary would know…
@HippoSawrUs Wiktionary is crap.
Which is to say the primary denotation of 'passive' (in the version that Wiktionary is alluding to, the non-grammatical one) is just 'letting things happen', nothing specific about sex is even connotated by it. Correlation in the entry writer's experience does not mean connotation.
It's like if the wiktionary entry for 'home' said 'place of residence with warm feelings, especially in a nuclear family'. The especially part is not even a connotation for 'passive'.
But I don't think the 60's and 70's was the 'great age of infidelity'.
Though the NGram of 'mistress' vs 'side piece' shows a trade-off.
2 hours later…
Could you please tell me if this sounds like fine English?

They are all disgusting, nasty rats. Let them all die like the vermin they are!
@MetaEd The tiger seems to be named Esperancita. I heard him calling the leopard Cíngara (gypsy). I wonder if it's derogatory or just her name.
@MichaelRybkin Yep, it's fine. Consider: They are all funny, lovely people. Let them live like the comedians they are! [We don't generally say: Does this sound like "fine English". We'd say good or idiomatic there. Cheers]
@CowperKettle graduation document meaning diploma? What is the matter? Want to tell us?
> The older I get, the more convinced I am that few people know how to listen to others.
@Mitch I've definitely seen this specific use of the word "passive" before, though it's very old-fashioned.
@tchrist I'll pass on that job thank you
@alphabet You're sublime, you're a turkey dinner, you're the time of a Derby winner. I'm a toy balloon that's fated soon to pop. But if, baby, I'm the bottom, you're the top!
Wordle 979 4/6

sigh, brute force solution
@user85795 Yes, thanks, that's mine from my profile. What's your point? ell.stackexchange.com/users/33113/lambie?tab=profile This is the second time you post that to me.
"Let my words be sweet and tender, for tomorrow I may have to eat them."
@Lambie Oh -snap- your avatar is of a cat.
@MetaEd I've always wondered like that about eating crow
@MetaEd Well, there you go. 'vanilla' as an adjective should definitely have a 'principally sexual' entry.
But 'a summer night in Spain'? maybe fall or spring but summer?
also, 'cellophane'? Maybe I'm jaded but i think you can do better than that.
@Mitch What about the worms in the garden?
@Lambie Hard pass. I don't know where those worms have been.
@Lambie Thank you very much for your reply.
@Lambie oops, the truth never gets old
Wordle 979 4/6

Daily Octordle #760
Score: 61
Daily Sequence Octordle #760
Score: 61
@Mitch Oh yeah, before DNA testing, you could just give your kids a half-brother and a shaggy dog and all was well, given Salisbury steak and mashed potatoes. Don't rock the boat. Dad just wants to read the news and then watch it later. He had a baby brother with red hair too; it's fine, especially with bicycles.

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