> When you open a bank account, find out if there is a way for you to indicate beneficiaries. This is often referred to as “payable on death” or “transferable on death.” When you die, your money is automatically available to the person you designate. This can make things easier for those remaining.
@tchrist What does it have to do with disparagement? And, again, "very near" is different from "very into", because the latter is clearly a preposition, while the former is more complicated.
@Robusto And the time before that. And the time before that time...
@Cerberus despite Rob's more authoritative historical reference, 'fresh' (as in impudent) sounds like 'fresh' as in new, so my folk imterpretation is that it is like calling a bad person 'likeable enough' (by saying that avoiding being mean oneself, but belittling anything positive as much as possible)
This was a rather poorly defined question to begin with, but I let it be. In hindsight I shouldn't have, because the accepted answer makes it weird at best, and misleading at worst. If passing an exam makes you feel smart and failing the exam makes you feel like an idiot, you are not a flip-flopper, indecisive, vaccillating or a fair-weather fan. Neither are you compliant, open-minded, or most other things suggested on this page. This is a train wreck, and I'm closing it as such. Everybody should remind themselves of this meta post. — RegDwighт10 secs ago
@Cerberus you don't count. Because you never close anything, and you never call anything a NARQ. You call everything "extremely on-topic and very useful to the humanity at large".
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Never seen that. We mostly went to the most popular restaurants, which were mainly French/Mediterranean cuisine. The one time we went to a very traditional restaurant, the food was meh. Never seen this boiled meat—or perhaps just skipped it.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 It's wrong! Although, sure, frying does involve fat. But it doesn't taste nearly as fatty as those Kaiserschmarren!