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Why don't the committees that mandate American and British English grammar, vocabulary, and spelling just get together and force the Canadian committee to choose? Then we can throw away all those books on Canadian English.
And why hasn't the American committee acknowledged receipt of my application for membership?
The boors!
@Cerberus Hey, did I mention that I have a GN now? Go through all those tariffs and nonsense alone!
@Gigili Oh, congrats!
What do you mean by "Go through all those tariffs and nonsense alone!"?
A what?
Did you just buy it locally? How much did you pay?
Galaxy Nexus.
One of those
I still can't buy one on play. I can only buy a Nexus 7
I agreed to get one and ship it to Gigi. It involved all sorts of difficulties.
@Cerberus It was one of my birthday gifts, from umm my ex-boyfriend or whatever sh!t it is called.
@Cerberus like what?
@Cerberus You're awesome like that.
@MattЭллен For one thing, we hadn't found a way for her to wire me the money.
Then there was the shipping method.
And carrier compatibility.
@Cerberus not in a parcel? used single euro bills?
@MattЭллен That might have been an option, but...hardly optimal.
@Mitch hello! there is blog chat
@Cerberus but think of all the fun you would have had throwing it around!
I'm not generous like that.
Or rich.
I mean in your flat, like some kind of millionaire
then pick it up and safely deposit it in your bank
@cornbreadninja well, first I was making more of a joke about my giving away the plot (you know a sports story will end with the underdog winning; it is -how- that happens which is the plot magic.
@MattЭллен Haha, very practical.
But then of course things are complex and the informant (the former teenager now 90 years old) confessing to lying sounded a bit too convenient for the benefit of the makers of the movie who were pro Derek Freeman. And a confession through a translator...I guess it's questionable the whole thing. what if it's not lies, but just nuance and exaggeration?
@Mitch Pfts, close parenthesis.
I normally ignore parentheses while reading a sentence.
If I don't close a paren it's because it probably wasn't important to begin with.
too many years of IDEs creating auto- or electric- parens.
@Gigili what are you, some kind of compiler?
AFK running.
@Mitch It's all a tangle!
They're all out to convince you otherwise from what you think, including that (what you just thought (and that too))
@Mitch What are YOU? A thingy ohne-close-parentheses?
luckily I only think one thing and it's unrelated to that
@Cerberus exactly.
actually, one can ask that and expect a reasonable answer.
but 'why' is not the literal why, even if the asker and the listener intended it literally as though Canada were an deciding sentient being deciding to have a given spelling or France deciding to have a border that is hexagonal.
One should expect to be killed with one bullet instead for asking such questions.
The 'why' is really 'how did it come to be'. And that is a reasonable question. Did some person or committee decide it? was there a (bureaucratic) battle where each words spelling was decided? Or was there a group of people who naturally came from Britain but had one copy of Naoh Webster's reform dictionary, but it was split in half? Those are reasonable questions.
@Gigili that may also be reasonable.
@Gigili definitely a thingy (but maybe you're right, maybe I am missing a close paren on the keyboard let me check...
@Mitch yes, yes exactly
There's an inner anthropological study here.
Anyone good at Poetry here?
a limerick? @Matt
I can do those
I think to really understand the flow of the words in Poetry you have to be able to "see" the syllables of the words. Am I on the right track?
it helps to understand the way they are naturally stressed or unstressed
yeah, you need to know the stress patterns and how words sound when they're put together
Is there a Poetry stack exchange?
not so far as I know
that would be swell
there's writers
I think the proposal might have been merged with literature, which has now closed, but I could be wrong
pours a 40 on the curb for Literature.SE
maybe it was merged into writers
@Robusto knows about writing poetry. way more than me
Also English has a certain flexibility with prepositions and synonyms that allows the writer to use to increase or decrease the number of syllables in a phrase, no?
@JohnJunior What language doesn't have this?
@Mitch Yes, that is how I would read it. Even then, the question is too vague, but yeah.
@Cerberus All must have it, I'm just using "English" as an example :)
@JohnJunior Good, good.
@MattЭллен When the writer puts these phrases on paper should he put each one on a separate line?
@JohnJunior I don't know. that would depend on how he wants the poem read, I suppose.
Jul 19 '11 at 19:37, by Robusto
@Shog9 — It'll never fly. Nobody has bite-sized, unequivocal answers for literature questions. Literature is all about discussions, which SE abhors.
I can has concerted effort to reopen this pls kthx.
@Robusto As a beginner trying to decipher the meaning of a poem do you think it would be a good idea to put these phrases on paper with each one on a separate line?
And dis.
The closer we come to the required threshold, the more questions get closed. Sabotage!
@JohnJunior Which phrases?
@Robusto The phrases within a poem.
But they're already on paper, or some other medium. Why would you have to put them somewhere else?
As a beginner trying to decipher the meaning ...
@ЯegDwight Done.
I have also redistributed my superfluous votes over the questions.
@ЯegDwight Why wouldn't you say that? It's perfectly acceptable.
@Robusto Wow that was unexpected.
@JohnJunior A lot of times you have to understand the meaning strictly in context. So if you pull a phrase out of context, it will lose its attachment to the rest of the poem, and so perhaps become indecipherable.
@ЯegDwight I think you mean long overdue.
If it took you seven months to come to that conclusion, it's not that acceptable after all.
Anyway, for once you didn't have a chance to say "I knew you were going to say that." Hahahaha.
Anyway. I know what you mean. But you don't know (anymore) what I meant.
@Robusto I knew you were going to say that.
@ЯegDwight It took me seven months for that to come to my attention. If not longer. You said that while I was away, remember?
@ЯegDwight Too late.
@Robusto As in breaking it down into analyzable parts before putting it back together to look at the context?
@Robusto You have a long... um. Neck.
@Robusto no, not too late. Look at where the gray arrow is pointing.
I appreciate your sense of humor, ЯegDwight
@Robusto That I totally saw coming.
@JohnJunior Well, sure, but very often there are antecedents to words in a particular phrase that are not clear due to enjambments or other poetic techniques.
You said today that 4/II-1936 is said as Four slash Roman two hyphen nineteen thirty-six.
@ЯegDwight Anyways, you made that statement 19 months ago, not seven. Learn to do minuses and pluses.
@Robusto Thanks for the help :)
@Monica He is not as funny as me.
A few native speakers on a different site say that's not correct. Which of you is right? I am lost
I can go back and edit.
Uh-huh. Busted.
Will, what's your opinion?
@Robusto Nope. I was counting in base, um, something.
Base seven-eleven.
You debased yourself. Admit it.
@Robusto In the common situation where you were the crown prince and you you have become king, in a normal European kingdom, you wouldn't use the article. That's probably what Reg meant. In certain less common contexts, it could be "a king", especially if there are several kings to be considered.
@Monica Opinion of what thing?
Now I must leave.
@Cerberus Enjoy your date!
4/II-1936 is said as Four slash Roman two hyphen nineteen thirty-six.
@WillHunting Thanks!! I'm having pizza with a friend.
I have a date every day. Today's date is 13 Sep.
@WillHunting dates are good for digestion
Do you agree?
@MattЭллен Hmm, I thought they are good for indigestion.
@Robusto Anyway. You should read that statement in context. We were discussing something else entirely. Of course you can say, "I became a president" and have it be correct in certain contexts. However, I was talking about, like, you have Obama and he says, "I became President in 1998". And in that context he would be ill-advised to say "I became a President".
@WillHunting same diff
@Monica I think it is possible. But I am not sure if there is a standard way to read such things.
@Cerberus Mess Light up a room and leave, that's just like you.
I know it's tough for you to understand examples with kings. what's with buddies in mud and shit.
So many people with so many different opinions
@ЯegDwight I just wanted to rattle your cage, 19 months after the fact.
@Robusto What building is that?
So it's not uncommon to pronounce the "slash" or "hyphen"?
@Robusto little did you know that it took me less than 19 months to get out of the cage.
@WillHunting Das ist nicht ein Gebäude.
@WillHunting that's the official Whoosh building.
@ЯegDwight You are a prisoner of your own thoughts. That is enough.
@Robusto Gebäude.
@Monica Very common indeed.
From bauen, build.
@ЯegDwight Ah, I am trapped in it!
@Robusto if my thoughts are cage, then my name is nicolas.
@ЯegDwight Of course.
@ЯegDwight Non Sequitur!
@ЯegDwight Now you're just trying to be cagey.
@WillHunting he who's sitting in the whoosh building, don't whoosh others.
@ЯegDwight not John?
Q: Which statement is correct "daily bread for web developers" or "daily bread of web developers"?

raynThe question is self explanatory.I want a subtitle for my new blog.That's it

Subtitle for your new blog, eh? Who was your subtitle monkey last year?
@MattЭллен why would anybody's name be John? What galimatias is that?
monkey number 12: self immolation
No monkeys in this room.
We have enough mess without monkeys.
Nothing but monkeys in this room.
OK, except #12.
@gig I see you don't go to the other room anymore.
@Robusto Now you're insulting me.
@Gigili I am just trying to bring you down to our level.
Humans are worse than monkeys, infinitely more evil.
I dunno. There are some mean-ass chimps out there.
Maybe I should post it on the main site and compare the opinions?
@MattЭллен Yeah like people who designed that, um. thing.
@ЯegDwight words on a gradient.
@Monica Yes, I think you can. Also, it is quite rare to have a silver default avatar.
@MattЭллен Ooh, interesting anagram: gradient => e-trading
is it?
@Robusto You are the master of anagrams.
@Monica I have not seen any others on SE it seems.
@WillHunting now that you say it!
e-trading sounds like something that would go down hill fast...
@ЯegDwight I am Captain Obvious!
I was thinking about it
There is no hyphen in gradient. Pineapples.
@WillHunting You don't need an optometrist.
You get punctuation free with every anagram. That's the rule.
Is slope or gradient more common in your parts of the world?
@Robusto Don't say that. I need to climb up a ladder to your level.
@WillHunting You don't need an optometrist.
@Robusto where are my exclamation marks, then?
I think slopes are more common in your part of the world, @Will.
@Gigili I only need a miracle.
You owe me thousands of punctuations for past anagrams.
@ЯegDwight I have put those in escrow for you. You will get access to them when you grow up.
Escrow is an anagram of O screw!
Also cowers.
@WillHunting Go to a shopping center and buy one.
Also e-crows.
@Gigili It actually exists. It's called Miracle SKII, some facial product.
Don't say SKII. Too close to ASKII, which is too close to ASCII, and then that will get tchrist back in here with his text walls.
Which wouldn't be a miracle.
Or if it was a miracle, it would be of a disappointingly low order.
That's right. Don't say SKII. Say Cerberus but don't say SKII.
Oh I got a notification just now saying that an event was going to take place in the blog room.
@Gigili What has Cerberus got to do with this?
Every balrog has a blog, built in.
So what does AR stand for, then? Anti-religious?
@WillHunting You ask me? I've never been Cerberus.
@Gigili You are not making much sense today.
@ЯegDwight Assault Rifle. Every balrog has one of those too. A blog and an assault rifle.
Good morning everyone.
@WillHunting Umm. I wonder why.
I leave it to you which does more damage.
@Gigili Must be the birthday cake stuck in your head.
The AR-15 is a lightweight, 5.56 mm, magazine-fed, semi-automatic rifle, with a rotating-lock bolt, actuated by direct impingement gas operation or long/short stroke piston operation. It is manufactured with the extensive use of aluminum alloys and synthetic materials. The AR-15 was first built by ArmaLite as a selective fire assault rifle for the United States armed forces. Because of financial problems, ArmaLite sold the AR-15 design to Colt. The select-fire AR-15 entered the US military system as the M16 rifle. Colt then marketed the Colt AR-15 as a semi-automatic version of t...
See? I'm not making this up.
I just randomly entered a room, it happened to be DIY, and turned out to have a mod:nonmod ratio of 6:5.
@ЯegDwight Sounds more like DWI.

 Home Improvement

General discussion for diy.stackexchange.com
@ЯegDwight Probably the actual numbers are 6 and 5 then.
It is quite hard to have more than 6 mods in that room.
Therefore 6 and 5, QED.
I think I will go to Home Improvement and ask how one gets relatives to leave before they become annoying.
Too basic. Ask how to get them to leave after they become annoying.
@Robusto Just tell them to leave. QED.
@WillHunting and now it's 5 and 4.
@ЯegDwight See, some have left after Robusto told them to.
No, "what to do when they are annoying by default".
No, "why have relatives?"
@Robusto Are you anticipating your relatives becoming annoying and not leaving?
Sounds more like fear than anticipation to me.
No, "why not kill them all with one bullet?"
It's a common problem. That kind of information would be good to have in case you needed it.
I did not know that Google uses a customised version of Ubuntu LTS.
Make the internet a better place! One Robusto at a time!
@ЯegDwight I can guess the pattern: 4 and 3, 3 and 2, 2 and 1, 1 and 0.
@WillHunting so, do you know it now? And do they actually use it?
Actually, inviting Jasper over to talk about Linux distros would probably get the relatives to leave tout de suite. But then you'd have to find a way to get Jasper to leave.
@Robusto Eats, shoots and leaves.
Does he?
Q: Which is proper: "to debate X" or "to debate about X"?

mac389Which version of this sentence is correct? Is debate transitive, intransitive, or both? Doctoral students about to graduate, like me, often debate about what qualities make a successful scientist. Doctoral students about to graduate, like me, often debate what qualities make a successful...

Anyway, they are trying to decide whether to call the spin GNOMEbuntu or Gnobuntu or Gubuntu.
Yes, thank you. We're all sober again.
GNOME might not be happy with GNOMEbuntu and Google might not be happy with Gubuntu because it sounds like Goobuntu.
@Gigili Much as I hate to disagree with you, there's a very real difference between "debate" and "debate about", which it would be hard to find in any general reference.
Maybe I should post an answer.
@DavidWallace Might not be so hard to find.
But you can post an answer.
I'm not very good at finding stuff.
First, look in 5 dictionaries.
Arbitrary! Meeting for marshmallows is just as arbitrary as meeting for coffee, says WH to Skylar.
Stupid people everywhere.
Cool grass blowing up the pass
Don't you know I'm feeling marshmallow?
@ЯegDwight That sounds like a song.
@ЯegDwight Looks like you!
@Gigili Can you kill all of them with one bullet too?
I'd keep that bullet for something worthwhile.
Q: Help! There are a hundred of me - Puppy Overflow

DeadMGThe other Loungers decided to have a bit of fun whilst I was afking, and a truckload of them or so changed their username and Gravatar to match mine. Whilst this was hilarious for a time, now I'm back and some of them can't change back. I've got highlighting for my own messages and even I can har...

@ЯegDwight Hahaha.
Exactly my point.
Well it's also exactly Apple's point.
The average Apple user does not make rational choices.
Which is to say, that is their official strategy to make money.
They aren't Apple's target group for nor eason!
I applaud them.
@ЯegDwight Oh, I believe it. They want people to be hysterical about their brand and maybe their (childish) design.
@ЯegDwight I do not.
I curse them.
They have invented, and are collecting, a stupid-people tax.
That is true; but they are also trying to kill the rest of the market.
And I happen to have many stupid friends whom I would like to spare this waste of money.
The rest of the market is irrelevant because stupid people is moar.
No, they are a fairly small minority, thankfully.
Android rules the day.
But your typical urbanite is a bit more sensitive to this silliness, alas.
Stupid people are not a minority. Stupid people with money are. But for stupid people without money, Apple has a strategy, too. See iTunes. Or think how they still sell iPhones 3 to those who can't afford iPhones 5.
It's only 400 dollars instead of 800!
That will stop once the 5 is available.
@ЯegDwight eyes bulging
400 dollars for that piece to obsolete junk.
@Cerberus Yeah, but iPhone 4 will continue. That's just an example. They do the same thing with other products of theirs. Apple groks market segmentation.
Well, other companies keep selling older models too...
And they have budget models.
Apple has become like airlines who will sell the exact same seat on the exact same flight for $800 and $400.
@Cerberus see, Apple has no such thing. You miss the point I'm afraid.
@ЯegDwight True. But other manufacturers do the same.
I read a nice article just the other day (or was it today, even?), but it's in German.
It is always like that with electronics: they drop in value tremendously in a year or so.
Again, you miss the point. iPhone 3 is three years old. And they still sell it for $400. That's not tremendously.
@ЯegDwight I know they don't...so what is your point about market segmentation exactly? What does Apple do?
@ЯegDwight True.
@ЯegDwight My German is fine, you know that—as long as I only have to read it or listen to it.
@Cerberus Rather than producing 100+ phone models ranging from $10 to $2000, and let them become obsolete in six months, they make one model, that becomes only ever so slightly obsolete in a year, and never drops below hundreds of dollars.
@Cerberus hold on, then.
@ЯegDwight Yes, but with two caveats: a Samsung phone from 2010 is still absolutely fine; and Apple's phones are usually significantly behind the top Samsung and HTC models, so aren't they almost obsolete from the beginning?
I don't see how Apple's strategy is so ungewöhnlich, but OK...
@Cerberus sure, but that's also why it's irrelevant. Because it's from the beginning. People who buy that stuff obviously don't care about its behindness right from the beginning.
They care about the way it looks (which is to me incomprehensible on two counts: 1. its design is childish, and 2. it shouldn't matter that much), and about the fact that their friends have that phone.
> Für das iPhone 5, diese Prognose sei gewagt, wird das Gleiche gelten:
Does this mean "—this prognosis is a bit daring—", or "—we are not afraid to give you this prognosis—"?
The latter. We'll go out on a limb and say.
Ah OK.
That's what I thought.
The sentence after that was interesting.
> Unsere Smartphones sind heute längst Geschenke für Leute, die schon alles haben (auch ein Smartphone): im Zweifelsfall uns selbst.
I never saw it that way, but that's how it is.
Yeah, this applies to most people. Not to me, so far, because I only bought this one because mine old one finally broke down after 5 years.
> im Zweifelsfall uns selbst.
I don't get this.
I still don't even know what a "smart phone" is.
I always just had phones.
Geschenke für uns selbst? Or die schon uns selbst haben?
@ЯegDwight I'd say basically a phone that you can navigate, browse, play games, and watch videos on.
A hand computer.
@Cerberus I could do that with every phone since 1998. None of them was marketed as a smartphone.
All of that?
I remember those things were somewhat inconvenient on my phone from 2007.
Possible, but slow, and on a very small screen.
@Cerberus smartphones are presents for people who have everything, including a smartphone. Even if those people are us.
@Cerberus big screens are a rather recent phenomenon, especially on cheap phones.
@ЯegDwight Hmm they mean, even "we", good people, are irrational like that?
I still don't get the "im Zweifelsfall".
It means that if you can't find anyone to buy a smartphone for, you say what the heck and buy it for yourself.
@ЯegDwight Yeah, and you need at least QVGA to be able to see anything...
@ЯegDwight OK, so Geschenke für uns selbst. Im Zweifelsfall, as in, if we are in doubt as to whom to give this phone to?
@Cerberus If I knew where to look it up, I'd tell you how small the screen was I was watching videos on back in 2004.
Oh, and it has to be a touch screen.
@Cerberus yeah.
@ЯegDwight OK.
@Cerberus see, now you're just inventing stuff. The term "smartphone" predates touch screens by a decade if not more.
Again, nobody actually knows what that even means. It's just a buzzword.
@ЯegDwight I know: the kind with a touch screen was called a pocket pc.
Without, a smartphone.
But the word has changed.
That was Microsoft terminology anyway.
This is a smartphone. If the 90s are to be believed.
Oh, very smart.
It had what, a C16x processor? And cost 1600 DM.
Yes, those phone could do some stuff.
That is a lot!
So to what end were we discussing the definition of a smartphone again?
My keychain has more computing power than that thing. And my keychain has no computing power.
@Cerberus we weren't discussing. I was complaining. That the word was vapid. And is. And will be.
Even I have more computing power.
@ЯegDwight Oh. Well, in a way, yes; but, in modern times, I don't feel that there are many phones that are sold as smartphones but that really can't do the things you want to do with an advanced, modern phone.
So I don't really feel it is an issue now.
My point. I don't see a difference. There is none. And as far as I'm concerned there never was one.
There is no clear-cut difference, no.
But if you call it a smartphone, you can charge a premium.
But is there such a difference between phones and other electronic devices?
Money for nothing, chicks for free.
@Cerberus I dunno. But I don't think I've ever saw smartcoffeemachines or smartrefrigerators or smartstoves.
16 hours ago, by David Wallace
9 hours ago, by David Wallace
Why is everyone in this online community so obsessed with telecommunications technology?
@ЯegDwight How about the difference between a laptop, a notebook, a very small notebook, a tablet, and a smartphone?
"I've ever saw." I like that. I can safely move to NJ now.
I chose not to take notice.
@Cerberus yeah.
@DavidWallace I don't know what to say.
@Cerberus you would have to do a lot of choosing in New Jersey, then.
We're crazy?
@ЯegDwight I prefer not to go there, thank you.
@DavidWallace I know what to say. I only happen to discuss phones. For the second time in the history of this chat. It's an accident.
I could discuss Game Boys instead. Or daffodils.
Is daffodil bashing as much fun as Apple bashing?
Fruits > flowers.
@cerberus Sorry for being a busybody, but how did the date go?
@Cerberus there was exactly one other discussion. And you were involved. And it was more about cost plans than phones. And I'm not even sure if it was in this room. Find me two distinct long discussions about phones with my participation, then you can suuuure to your heart's content.
Remember that I remember and you don't remember.
@ЯegDwight Wow, you used 4 u's just like he did, no more no less.

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