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00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 23:00

The strictly taboo words of the 21st century are no longer profanities nor obscenities; they are slurs. Merely saying or writing them can and often does trigger a complete loss of station: job, reputation, etc. In some cases you may even be procecuted.
@MattE.Эллен for the n-word... or what other slurs?
@Mitch they searched for the n-word (unbowdlerised), but I am not aware of other searches they did
Where previous generations mandatorily renamed all cocks to be roosters so as not to offend people, today we rename gypsy moths.
The Victorians renaming fowl breasts and thighs to be white meat and dark meat seems prosaic to us now. And we're switching all those back the other way now for reverse reasons.
gotta keep up with the times
For fouler reasons, even.
pace Fowler.
The thing about taboos is that you aren't even allowed to do anything that would bring them to mind. That's why they're taboo. This is different from all the rest of the categories. You can't write or gesture and bowdlerize them away because you still make people think of the thing which is taboo, so those are also all forbidden.
any choice we make is violence one way or another
I've known people who were serial victims of certain kinds of violence against them who became triggered even by indirect references to all that.
You wouldn't want to make them suffer if you could help it.
Maybe this is unfair, but think of it like how we don't get free peanuts on airplane flights any longer.
Because if you let that continue, now and then the rare person will have a catastrophically bad outcome from exposure to it even in the general vicinity.
Even Satan himself gets a court-appointed lawyer.
Consider the whole "trigger warning" thing, but please try not to snigger.
@tchrist that's a good way to think about it
We _do_ still have a lot of slurs in our titles, though.
> This is a hill I'm prepared to die on.
You are gravely upsetting people.
Please stop.
@Cerberus I'm upsetting people by asking the question?
> WASHINGTON - Young people immersed in the online world see racist and sexist slurs and other name-calling that probably would appall their parents and teachers. And most consider it no big deal, a poll says.
I'll let you find that one yourselves.
On our site.
@MattE.Эллен Yes.
Somehow slurs are different from coarse slang in today's world.
I actually felt slightly nauseous, so much did it upset me, seriously.
It is so offensive to me, such an attack on everything that I hold dear.
the ability to spell out the n-word is something you hold dear?
@Cerberus Those are very nearly the words used by users who have left the site because of being triggered by seeing certain words here.
@MattE.Эллен Yes.
But I think you understand what I mean.
It's not about a particular word, of course.
@tchrist I'm sure they are.
Maybe it is because I'm tired.
@Cerberus Is today still Sunday for you?
@Cerberus so I cannot ask if it is OK to consider a different course of action. I thought this was an academic site. no topics should be out of bounds. apparently we've found another boundary of academic discussion
@MattE.Эллен You can, but it is seriously upsetting.
It's up to you to consider whether that's worth it.
I researched all this to at least a medium depth several weeks ago, spending several hours on it a day for the better part of a week. I reached no firm, defensible conclusions of my own, only opinions now more strongly held than before.
@Cerberus you have close vote privileges
@MattE.Эллен What about them?
Honestly, I don't want to read about this stuff any more.
It just upsets me.
> The Guardian's guidelines on [REDACTED] say that when it is felt to be necessary to quote their use then they should be spelt out. In those circumstances the use of asterisks, in the editor's words, is a cop-out.
I don't want to be exposed to this endless barrage, and thankfully I can usually avoid it.
this is one post
Not you personally.
But it is there on the Internet.
This is one item in it.
I'm a happier AND better man not reading conflictive stuff online.
It brings out the worst in me AND makes me feel in the worst way.
I don't want to read Twitter.
well, I whole heartedly agree with you abou Twitter
So I would be very happy if that stuff could not be repeated here.
And I'm sure it is with the best of intentions.
Which stuff, arguments about what you must or must not say?
Or just coarse language in general?
@tchrist This, and constantly forcing people to be aware of what minority groups they might belong to.
The combination is terrible.
Ahah. Yes. You must always speak in a way that recognizes all possible groups.
Even when not germane.
I'd rather be called a faggot once a year than having to read about how I am different because I am gay every single day.
This is at its worst in Academia here.
I just want to be a human being.
You said the f word!
What word?
I can't remember. There's a hole in my mind where the word was. I think it may have been feel.
feelings are the real taboo
Barry Manilow.
My nose isn't that big
That's racist.
Gepetto was a jerk.
By the way, I recently made the acquaintance of an intersexual man from Malta, which was a pretty interesting conversation. A very rare minority, too. Intersexual and Maltese. When I went to Wikipaedia to look up intersexuality, the first picture was of a conference of intersexuals, on Malta.
And, what are the chances: he was not in the picture.
I wonder what Bayes would have to say about that.
not enough priors to know for sure
I suppose not.
> Ganz zeitgeistig und zeitgemäß gibt es das Menü auch in vegetarischer Form mit Quinoa-Salat statt Fisch und Blumenkohlrisotto mit (sic!)Babyspinat statt der Ente.
Walks like a ___, talks like a ___.
It says 2 to 5 in 10,000 for intersexuality.
@Cerberus That's probably about right.
But it all depends on definitions.
Statistics must be more reliable than for e.g. homosexuality, let alone bisexuality.
@tchrist This is about actually having different body parts than you'd expect.
Which he had.
@Cerberus Oh, I know.
@Cerberus That's because one is a physical measurement and the other two are merely figments of social imagination.
Well, I think they can often be identified in the brain already.
So not really figments.
It's really very complicated.
Group identities are social constructs. They are not real.
A group is no more than a number of people, or need not be.
It can be a useful word.
By the way, my parents' young cats are quite fat.
Especially Apollo.
I made my parents promise to feed them less.
We looked up how many kcal a cat is supposed to eat, and how much that is when you put the food in the bowl.
Even "middle-aged white man" may also be a social construct yet can be useful. But it can also be tedious if you get browbeat [sic] with it as others become dismissive of your opinions and personhood merely because you "self-identify" as a "middle-aged white man", which I'm sure you do.
@Cerberus Young and fat, not old and fat? That's less common.
That's terrible.
To identify is to say that you and the picture on your passport refer to the same object, to wit, you.
@tchrist They are about to turn 1.
They will eat whatever you give them, and they are given too much.
I have grown too indulgent by half.
My friend's cat got diabetes.
Because she fed him to much.
And she doesn't want to see that that was the reason.
He was very fat.
I told my parents about him several times.
I always tell off my mom for constantly feeding Nelson. He is fat.
Having to inject two cats every 8 hours, every day, should be enough of a horror scenario for them to stop overfeeding.
@CowperKettle It's also because many people have a wrong idea of what a healthy cat should look like.
It's so easy. I even put a post-it note on the fridge that says how many grams of wet food is enough per day.
@CowperKettle Good.
230 cal/day is enough
And, if he is too fat, less.
> Who is guilty in the crisis on the border between Poland and Belarus? (1600 Russians were asked across 100+ towns and villages)
American authorities: 22%
European authorities: 32%
Polish authorities: 30%
Belarusian authorities: 12%
German authorities: 8%
@CowperKettle You should tell her the story of my friend's diabetic cat and ask her how she would feel about getting insuline and injecting her cat every 8 hours.
I should ))
@CowperKettle Oh, the Americans did it, clearly.
As always. Americans are always doing something evil, especially on the border between Poland and Belarus.
Especially there.
I have friends who believe that US soldiers fought in the east of Ukraine in 2014
I don't think they did.
"Because it's really a war between the US and Russia, and Ukraine is only a puppet of the USA"
But there was a pro-Russian government there shortly before the war.
"Because the USA wants to establisht he rule of the Golden Billion all over the planet Earth".
The golden billion (Russian: золотой миллиард, tr. zolotoy milliard) is a term, in the Russian-speaking world, referring to the relatively wealthy people in industrially developed nations, or the West. == Explanation == According to Sergey Kara-Murza, the golden billion consumes the lion's share of all resources on the planet. If at least half of the global population begins to consume resources to the same extent, these resources wouldn't be sufficient. This is partly based on the ideas of Thomas Malthus, in that emphasis is placed on the scarcity of natural resources. However, whereas Malthus...
I doubt whether any American commandos could have moved in between the revolt and the war, let alone soldiers.
Russians believe that the West wants to stifle Russia, strip it of resources, so that the Golden Billion (the population of the US, Europe, UK) would have a good life.
Maybe the American oligarchs would if they could.
Because "Anglo-Saxons" are a wily lot. (англо-саксы)
But there is absolutely no way that they could.
It's similar to the German belief in the worldwide jewish plot. Russians believe in the Golden Billion, since all Jews have run out of Russia
If the Yellowstone blows up and kills all the USA, we will find some other bugbear.
I think this plot is slightly less crazy, because Western multinationals do like to colonise and exploit.
But it's still crazy in that there is absolutely no way that they could do it.
@Mitch Buy up stuff in poor countries and exploit them.
is that what colonization is?
And it's not just Western companies that do this: the Chinese government and companies are now doing it even more so than Western ones, I think.
I wouldn't call what China is doing 'colonization'
It is a tiny bit of a metaphor.
For some reason China is building and investing heavily in infrastructure in Central Asia and in Africa
But it comes somewhat close.
@Cerberus a lot of metaphor
Not a lot.
If you buy the port of Colombo and force the Sri Lankan government to do what you want, I would say that comes close to actual colonisation?
Spain colonized the Phillppines, the US didn't
Why not?
@Cerberus Oh. I wouldn't use 'colonize' for that at all. It's nefarious surely but colonizing, no.
Why not?
I would say there are two or perhaps three types of colonisation: trade colonies, exploitation, and settlement.
The US certainly -occupied- P, but I don't think of it as a colony.
Each involves gaining power over a place far away from the home country.
I always associate colonization with settlement.
Settlement to what extent?
those other two are surely control and exploitation
@Cerberus yeah, that's vague.
Any extension of power normally involves moving a number of your people there to control what's happening there in situ.
I would say a trading post that exerts some power over the local society/land has elements of colonialism.
> De patiëntaantallen zijn nog klein en de opmars van de Omikronvariant is nog maar net begonnen. Maar toch: de eerste tekenen wijzen op een milder ziekteverloop.
> ...een nog niet gepubliceerde Zuid-Afrikaanse studie van 2 december. Die concludeerde, op basis van bijna 3 miljoen besmettingen, dat de kans op besmetting na een vaccinatie of eerdere infectie bij Omikron drie keer zo hoog is als bij Delta.
And then there is occupation. and military control. and military presence. So American military bases in your country is not colonization (though of course that can happen).
I think my draft definition's "gaining power over a place" is key.
So I don't call American invasion and occupation (and presumably exploitation of oil?) of Iraq to be colonization.
Maybe a little bit.
Although I suppose colonies suggestion a longer duration.
like a bunch of people from the occupying country have to go live in there.
'a bunch' is kinda vague though
1 hour later…
youtube.com/watch?v=wU7kTvhuQ3E#t=56s Check the CHARGED out of the balloon (does she say "charged"?)
@MichaelRybkin "Check the charged outer balloon".
I think the outer balloon is charged when there is enough pressure inside it or in the tubes/chambers that feed into it, so that it will protrude when the proximal handle is pushed forward.
Or something.
@Cerberus Thank you very much.
@MichaelRybkin It is indeed hard to follow, with the monotonous voice (computer?) and the abstruse subject.
@Cerberus I totally agree with you.
@Cerberus It is probably indeed a computer-generated voice.
Are you into medical stuff?
@MichaelRybkin yes, 'charged outer balloon' as @Cerberus says
But it doesn't sound computer generated to me. much too dynamic in comparison to computer generated voices, and CGV tends to have some dysfluencies (vowels, stress, word boundaries) that a trained human just doesn't have, and this clip seems fine.
Now I'm wondering why it says 'charged outer balloon'. They mention inner and outer balloons, but nothing about charging anything.
A ye...they say earlier 'Charge the device by...'
Quick question
Is this a run-on sentence:
Some strict Christians seem to not do well at all in regards to longevity if celebrity Christians are any indication?
@Mitch I think, if the device is not charged, and you push the handle, nothing happens, i.e. the outer balloon will not protrude.
@adamaero No.
It's just a main clause with a subordinate ("if") clause.
The sentence is a bit awkward.
It annoys me.
A similar sentence was posted in a forum where every claim needs to be backed by peer-reviewed research.
So this person makes a claim, but guises it as a question in order to get out of substantiating their claim.
@adamaero I think the use of '?' at the end of a sentence that normally would be considered a plain statement is considered 'uptalk', intoning it like it's a question, but it just puts some slight doubt on the sentence, not actually turning it into a question.
It could very well be a way to avoid substantiation. But I think that is a reasonable thing to do if you don't have time to find a reference. It'd just a guess or hypothesis then.
Isn't that a bit much to expect every statement to necessarily have peer reviewed references behind it? I mean... it'd be nice, but sometime we just remember things we think are facts but can't remember how we came to know it.
Also a run-on sentence is not necessarily an error in logic or in grammar, it's just poor composition and could probably be better said by splitting up into multiple statements.
Somewhat relevantly...
I just found out...
by reading a post...
old people really love to use ellipses.
It's a loaded question
@adamaero I don't know the context but sure.
Every claim related to the topic of the forum needs to be backed by reference
Isn't hard to write anything in that forum?
or have a conversation?
Quite easy
everything would have to be a mini-dissertation
I mean... it'd be pretty hard to do on Mathematics
and those are actual facts.
@adamaero Is the topic hermeneutics?
or sociology?
OK got it.
there's a lot of ... factoidal stuff out there so I can see that there'd be a need for some discipline.
But the reddit is not much of a conversation. just commenting
There are unsubstantiated claims all the time. But generally those are not... bold, silly or grey areas.
And I do see folks link dumping research that really does not substantiate their claim.
@Cerberus No, I'm not really into medical things. I was simply watching this video as part of my English language study routine.
Ah, I see.
A difficult routine!
00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 23:00

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