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I was writing programs when I was eight.
I'm not a prodigy.
@KitFox Maybe you are.
I don't feel like one.
I can't even figure out how to add these parameters efficiently.
@KitFox You can still be a protégé.
or kinda porridgey
porridge-y. mmm.
So. The kitteh pics are not helping cheer me up.
@ΜετάEd Oh, and I wanted to mention that if you enter an invalid library card number in OED Online, it explicitly tells you that the card number is rejected. When it is accepted, it does redirect you to the main page, which is only slightly different from the page you get when you are not logged in.
@KitFox hugs is this because of the meeting?
Namely, this text field should appear on the main page:
Jul 22 at 0:28, by Vitaly
user image
@MattЭллен All the meeting fallout.
But you left at that point without clarifying whether you were getting the search field.
@KitFox what have they got you doing?
We met for two hours, then an hour with my boss, then about ten minutes a little bit ago with the big boss.
The big boss wanted to make himself feel better, so he popped in to make sure that I knew that he felt that I was a valuable employee.
well, I suppose that's better than a kick in the tits
I have been instructed to doing a pointless training next Friday.
Which seems simple enough, except that it requires me to alter my entire development plan.
And for nothing.
Because they want to keep the money happy.
why is the training pointless?
Seems like they could do that some other way.
@MattЭллен The users don't have accounts and won't be using the system until next year probably.
@KitFox Tell them they're not clear on the principle involved. Money is supposed to keep you happy.
@KitFox ah. so the users will have forgotten about it by then
It's not just that they will have forgotten about it, but also that the system will theoretically be new and improved by then, so they will have to be re-trained.
oh! well then it's even more pointless
And in order to do this training, I will need to create new user accounts on the demo site, and then update the demo site with the new code, and then test the accounts.
Which I was planning to do anyway, because that's how we will train the incoming users this year.
It is a given that whatever people higher than you do is pointless.
Except I was planning to do it after testing was finished next week.
Of course, in Kit's case, its even worse.
@SonicTheHedgehog yeah, most stoned people just giggle a lot.
Now I have to do it before testing is finished, which means the stable demo will be a buggy beta demo instead.
Harry Potter and Stoned Sorcerers.
But noöne cares about that except for me.
@KitFox how frustrating. that's no way to get things done
Incidentally, hey @Kit, I forget, what was that Harry Potter book you loved?
Harry Potter and I-want-to-go-into-your-Chamber-of-Secrets-if you-know-what-I-mean.
@Vitaly Are you teasing me?
@KitFox No, I just want the link.
OK, thanks.
Harry Potter and Prisoner of Azkaban who-was-actually-innocent-but-because-of-Ministry-idiots.
@Vitaly But you were the one who gave it to me. Did your system crash?
Harry Potter and Goblet of Troll fire.
@KitFox Hmmm, I might have drank too much tea with scones.
Henry Potter and the Day At The Garden Centre
Harry Potter and I-don't-give-Fawkes-about-your-Order-of-Phoenix.
Harry Potter and Half-Emo-Prince.
And it was by far the best evah.
I don't get Methods of Rationality one.
Why does that not surprise me?
Who now?
What the?
Damn it. @Reg can you fix my link please?
@MattЭллен I missed the edit window.
@Shog could do it too I suppose, since he is right here.
Well, it doesn't matter, I suppose.
it's just a link. people who can't understand won't like the story anyway
Makes me feel grouchy on top of being grouchy already.
@kit Sorry.
kicks codez
@Vitaly everything mentioned at that site is crazy. pseudoscientific hogwash. Except for Feng Shui. What kind of crazy does -not- believe in that? That is truth.
@ΜετάEd I don't get it. There's no cat in that picture.
@KitFox emergency response alerted. await ambulance
@Mitch Then what is Feng Shui to you?
their "harm caused by feng shui" examples seem pretty weak
To me, FS is total crap.
@JSBձոգչ It's easy to dismiss the damage if it hasn't happened to you.
I changed my votes again, sigh. This election is giving me the headaches!
@Robusto did you read the feng shui page? it's mostly "people attempt to sue and/or vandalize for reasons of feng shui, and then lose in court"
@KitFox what now?
@Shog9 Oh. Would you mind fixing my link up there?
which is not so much harm caused by feng shui as harm caused by vandalism and lawyers
@SonicTheHedgehog stop it stop it you're killing me.
@SonicTheHedgehog me neither. it's too much.
Yo @corn! I found out about Tim yesterday. :-)
@MattЭллен this reminds me that I haven't started my Writers exercise. :x
@MattЭллен OK, that helps.
@JasperLoy :O what did you find out?
and hello!
@cornbreadninja Whatever was said, no more no less.
@JasperLoy I see. :)
@Mitch It bugs me that so much of it is anecdotal.
@JSBձոգչ uh no. those are examples of where feng shui were -working-. If they had followed feng shui properly, none of the bad stuff would have happened.
@JasperLoy he was inspired to yell at EC via the election nomination comments
@cornbreadninja you're blaming a bunch of stuff on this 'Tim' person? Haven't we established that 'Tim' is...
in quotes?
@Mitch I blame nothing on Tim but my happiness.
I leveled up to 24.
@SonicTheHedgehog the first one started it...kinda dirty, but the rest kept me going. had to stop drinking...you know for fear of spewing out my nose on to the keyboard.
I still have to think about Deathly Hallows one.
Can't think of funny title to replace it...
@SonicTheHedgehog snert
@SonicTheHedgehog ummm hollows
@cornbreadninja yeah, exactly. blame.
thinks thoughtfully
Harry Potter and the Breathy Shallows.
@cornbreadninja Oh you mean Tim or 'Tim'? It's hard to keep apart.
Hmm... still can't think of one.
Harry Potter and Kelsey Grammer
@Mitch You mean there is a Tim and a "Tim"? Geezis.
Ah well. Someday inspiration will perhaps come.
Harry potter and 'a' vs 'an'
@MattЭллен Harry Potter and Matt Ellen.
@Mitch FFS, did you read the part of the transcript where I told Cerb that it was me?
Harry Potter and the Green Orc Head
Harry Potter and the Unified Beard
People don't understand my half rhymes. fml
still is thinking
@cornbreadninja Wait, are you saying you are Tim? Geezis.
@JasperLoy leaves, slams door
@MattЭллен Fool me langsamer?
I knew a jerk in the school I went to. His name was Tim.
@JasperLoy Let me explain. This is an old joke schema about religion. Everyone hates everybody else's religion, and thinks theirs is great (Or if not great at least not disgusting like the others, or maybe it's just the current people running the show. Anyway. Given a list of outright insanities, the narrator of the joke says:
'That's all a load of crap'
@Mitch there's?
There are gems among them, though.
Except for one small item out of all of those. which is the narrator's religion//superstition/insanity.
It's funny like that.
@KitFox oh profanity.
Harry Potter and...
Ugh, can't think.
@Vitaly Yes, I am afraid I am out of luck as far as OED.
@Mitch Ah I see. TCM to me is also largely crap, but not entirely.
Those conspiracy theories are all a load of garbage. Except for that one about the ZOG army.
@Mitch What the hell, where is the close-parenthesis? Syntax error.
@KitFox yeah, so it's effing hilarious, but explaining it, -especially- explaining it badly, just kills the joke entirely.
@JSBձոգչ I was making light of the notion. I should have played it a little broader, I guess.
also choosing something that is almost rational.
like feng shui.
@Mitch See! No shooter! conspiracy
@KitFox OMG, you believe in the ZOG army? How lame! Everyone knows the only credible conspiracy is of the lizard men who look like people and run our governments
@Gigili shut up all of you. all this negativity. expectations of perfection.
With all those negative/positive energy and whatnot?
@Gigili It means he has not completed what he wants to say.
"We must have a flowing water..."
@Mitch You should borrow Reg's Joke Decomposer.
@Mitch No perfection in this chat.
@JasperLoy yes, thank you Jasper. exactly. I'm not finished yet.
where was I?
@Mitch You were in chat.
@JasperLoy Ok. um...how about now?
@Mitch You wanted to shut up, IIRC.
@SonicTheHedgehog is this the beginning of a joke, in German?
@Mitch Same, still in chat.
oh. hm. I'll have to think about that.
The question is, can any of you figure out where I live?
@Gigili don't tsiwt my words.
@SonicTheHedgehog on Earth
@Matt WRONG!
@SonicTheHedgehog that's easy but it wouldn't be right to say so out loud.
@SonicTheHedgehog Aren't you in the US now?
I am in a flat plane right next to earth in size of Saturn.
@SonicTheHedgehog If you would kindly remove your tinfoil hat, I could give you a precise location.
Its called... Minecraft.
@Fit I never really understood "tinfoil hat" joke.
ah, so it is a German joke
What does it mean?
mein Kraft
@nathan Hi! What brings you here today?
@KitFox ya, done
A tin foil hat is a piece of headgear made from one or more sheets of aluminium foil or similar material. Alternatively it may be a conventional hat lined with foil. One may wear the hat in the belief that it shields the brain from electromagnetic fields; to prevent mind control and/or mind reading; or to limit the transmission of voices directly into the brain. The concept of wearing a tin foil hat for protection from such threats has become a popular stereotype and term of derision; the phrase serves as a byword for paranoia and persecutory delusions, and is associated with conspiracy ...
anyway, feng shui has some rational elements to it. take, ladder placement. You do not want to place a ladder over a doorway. The ostensible mythic reason is because you might open a door ino it and cause the person on the ladder to fall, or knock the ladder on to yourself.
@JasperLoy people fighting...?
@Shog9 Thank you!
@NathanWheeler Nobody's fighting here...
@Kit So you are professional Legilimency?
@Mitch Don't forget the not having your back to a door or window so that ninjas can't sneak up on you!
But the rational reason is that it interrupts the flow into the bedroom, which disrupts your chi. Your children will then all be female.
@KitFox Yeah cornbread is here.
@KitFox exactly. that's part of the myth.
@Mitch whats with your typos?
@SonicTheHedgehog Not professional, but proficient.
First shirty, than shildren...
@SonicTheHedgehog um I can't read spell check? Really, I try.
Maybe he's eating crackers.
Hmm, crackers.
This room is now incomprehensible. Is that permitted without RegDwight?
Was there a flag or something? We got a bunch of blue.
Yosemite Sam: Hmm, fresh coconut, mmm, fresh coconut milk, fresh coconut salad... flips the table over YUCK! I HATE coconuts! twenty years of coconuts!
No flag that I saw.
Did someone start making sense?
@JasperLoy something got flagged in here and I came in to check it out...
Oh it's comprehensible all right..if people would just check their spelling before submitting.
@NathanWheeler OK, was it something I said? If not never mind. If yes I would like to know.
@Mitch With thumbs?
@Gigili I can confuse you without leaving parentheses unclosed. That's how good I am.
@JasperLoy no, and from all appearances it was innocent anyway, and someone else already dismissed the flag... no worries... I'll go back to my hole now :)
Pretty Women... the kind I'd like to meet...
@Mitch I can mix you up with CR. That's how awesome I am.
hm..spoke too soon.
@Gigili that was unkind. sulking unless of course that was meant literally like in a sausage.
spokes and spoons
I would actually like to talk to Carlo via email. But he did not leave his address there.
a limited metalworks shop
Hey, if I ExecuteNonQuery, how do I grab the output parameter again?
are they passed by ref?
You grab it.
@Mitch I can, but I do not. There is still a glimmer of hope.
because if so, then the values will just be there
Oh wait, nvm. I forgot which direction I was going.
@JasperLoy nobody can read anybody else's email except maybe mods.
@sonic Oh I still remember your email address.
@Mitch unless they put it in their description
@Mitch Yes I know. Carlo even said he will let me stay at his place if I went to Italy, not that I am going.
@Jasper Let me give you a new one.
Last one is currently compromised.
@MetaEd "The neighbors both believed in feng shui, but didn't get along with each other. When one put a mirror on their house to reflect bad luck, the other did the same and the feud escalated." I thought you'd appreciate this.
Wait a minute...
If you put a mirror to reflect bad luck...
and put another mirror on the opposite side...
@SonicTheHedgehog Send it to my email then.
well, here's something nice to read: clarkesworldmagazine.com/johnson_08_12
also nice and short
Than the bad luck would build up.
@JasperLoy he said that to everybody who said something positive about a comment once.
(not to burst your bubble)
up to enough bad luck that it could get someone killed.
@Mitch No, he only said it to ME.
sorry, 'no bubble'
@Jasper Forgot yours...
and Best Regards too.
@SonicTheHedgehog WTH?
Sorry, bad memory.
@MattЭллен Oh. Right. But that would be weird because there's an email field to put that in.
@SonicTheHedgehog Well, never mind then.
@Jasper I'm sorry.
@Mitch Is he going to throw a party or what?
@SonicTheHedgehog yes...ergo 'escalate'.
@SonicTheHedgehog I still remember yours, so I know your name as well, if that is your real name there.
@Jasper Yeah, like I would put my real name on emails.
@Gigili No. No party. whatever it is it would not be fun.
@SonicTheHedgehog You mean that ZK is not you?
@Mitch Seems to me that's a perfect solution; just don't anybody walk into the yard between the two houses or they'll encounter a coherent beam of bad luck.
@Jasper ...no.
@SonicTheHedgehog OK, very secretive.
"Luck Amplication/Stimulated Ennervatio of Reflection"
I see the owl moving which means he is editing something...
the owl is on the move, over
we are on it. over
the hedgehog just moved, over
last one didn't italicize, over
get some kimchi to bait the hedgehog, over
See, the hedgehog moved!
@sonic I will send you an email at your old address and you tell me your new one OK?
@SonicTheHedgehog Sent
@Mitch right, but that's not public. So if you want people to email you, how will they know it?
@sonic Your new email is... LOL
@ΜετάEd oh that's the other rationality/fengshui thing...the myth is if you break a mirror, you might cut yourself on one of the glass pieces. But in this situation, the real thing is that the self-reinforcing mirrors will compound the bad luck, distort it into much worse than what bad there was before. And in the parallel mirrors case, that is just crazy bad.
@SonicTheHedgehog Can I type the capital letters with small letters in the email?
@SonicTheHedgehog The laundry is out of the hamper.
@MattЭллен they can't?
@Mitch Maybe we can raise Cthulhu.
@Jasper Maybe. Try it.
@Mitch there you go! so that's why someone would put their email address in the description box
Wouldn't it be weird to put your email out in public (Not just for random people reading your profile but for spammers collecting them automatically)?
@ΜετάEd That would be cool.
people do it all the time
@SonicTheHedgehog Done.
except when you think about it.
@MattЭллен yeah, they shouldn't. Do they do it permanently or just temporarily?
You should write it like Mitch [at] nowhere [dot] nothing.
@MattЭллен Yeah, like you on your site.
@Gigili My AI has figured that one out.
@Mitch most emails that are on web pages are there for as long as the page is
@MattЭллен but on the SE profile?
@Mitch oh, probably
well, anyway, sure, make it public if you like.
Jon Skeet, Reading, United Kingdom
467k 138 2171 3531
his is publicly there right now
@sonic You changed your name again!
his is disguised
467K rep? That is a lot of answering.
Mr. Skeet is a legend
@Mitch SE should hire him full time to answer.
How does he get >400 rep in a single day?
@Mitch accepts
They must promise to get a life ASAP.
I beat you @matt.
@MattЭллен thems a lot of accepting.
so I guess many of the top rep users have it if it's in the first three I checked
Accepts and bounties.
@Gigili no, I think they found their life and it is SE.
just the amount of typing and reading necessary. impressive.
and Skeet has a wife and kids! can you believe it?
@MattЭллен While we have none! Can you believe it?
well, I know why I have haven't a wife or kids
so, yes
@MattЭллен they talk to him via SE questions and chat.
Q: Dinner is ready, dear. When will you come?
A: Coming, coming.
I want to set up an SE type chat room that is populated only by chat bots.
Q: can I pass you some peas?
A: Thanks, but no.
Are there chat bots for SE?
@ΜετάEd Are you holding me to realistic possibility? Come on.
@ΜετάEd Yes.
yeah it's just an idea. I could only seeing setting up a keyboard macro to do it.
We could name the bot Jarvis.
Why Jarvis?
Iron Man reference.
@Vitaly realy? Links?
@Mitch I'm just aware that some even went so far as to visit this very room. I have been struggling to find that in the transcript for the last few minutes. No luck, sorry. People in the Ubuntu room might have a better idea.
Ah, yes:
Q: FlackBot - Making Conversation in the Chat Rooms

George Edison Screenshot About FlackBot (whose name was inspired by this app) is a chat bot for the Stack Exchange network of chat sites. It currently hangs out in the Sandbox but it it designed for the Ask Ubuntu General Room. It is capable of understanding quite a few commands and those commands resem...

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