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I was learning how to associate a Windows 7 file with a Windows XP Mode application.
Alright, now I really am out of new pronouns.
A: Using both “one’s” and “their” to refer to the same entity

tchristWhether it makes the best possible sense, one cannot comment upon with certainty, but it is neither uncommon nor new to arrange one’s pronouns in this way. In this instance, you cannot help but wonder whether using two different pronouns necessarily implies two different referents, and so you re...

Off to $job.
@tchrist good luck.
It's a 75-minute commute, one way. Sucks.
That's why I don't go much.
1pm meeting today. Must go.
@tchrist wait, is that your job?
then how do you not go much?
Work for Home?
Good luck navigating the murky highways!
Work From Home.
is gone
Close enough.
hands out antinouns
@tchrist I do remember reading something about dialectal variation in the grammaticality of using both one and they to refer to the same entity.
@tchrist But if you work from home, there is some bad things resulting from that.
I once read an article...
It tells you of the importance to not to work too much from home.
In The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language in a footnote, IIRC.
I might as well try to find it now.
Of course, with 75 minute commute...
@sonic Actually the hedgehog looks like a kitten too.
True, with quills, ears, etc.
> "The need to cleanse to keep moral purity intact, the 'Macbeth effect,' is a psychological phenomenon in which a person attempts to purify oneself in order to cope with feelings of moral distress," said lead researcher Dr. Andre Melzer. "We find that the Macbeth effect can result from playing violent videogames, especially when the game involves violence against humans."
Q: Some words that would be used in the US

Xavier Vidal HernándezWhat are the equivalent word or words that would be used in the US? Confectionery Crisps Curriculum vitae Cupboard Tap (for water) Queue Underground (metro) Courgette Noughts and crosses Cashier Braces Budgerigar Lift (in a building) Petrol Draughts (game) Curtains Motorway Pavement Dinner jack...

so i just learned that the squash i'm eating is called pattypan squash
good to know
@Mahnax kill it!
@JSBձոգչ Please!
My vote is cast.
mine too
@Mahnax You did not elect yourself?
@JasperLoy Nope.
All right, here's what I got so far (somewhat related):
> Indeed, for some speakers (primarily AmE) one can itself be the antecedent for a personal pronoun anaphor: i. %What is one to do when he is treated like this? ii. %One should do their best to ensure that such disputes are resolved amicably. Examples like [i] are now less common than they used to be, in like with the general decline in the use of the purportedly sex-neutral he. Type [ii] is quite rare: singular they is not well-established as anaphor to one.
Not what I had in mind though. Still trying to find that footnote.
Did anyone here get a strange email from TPTB?
So I am back.
@Sonic, yes that site.
@Kit Its been a year...
stares into blank space
@JasperLoy I did not get one.
Me neither.
@JasperLoy No, did you?
And I give up on trying to find that footnote.
@Mahnax I see. Some people in the math room are saying they got one, and when I asked them what it was, they mysteriously declined to answer twice, which shows it is a secret. So I am puzzled.
I did not get any.
i got nothing
Probably something disciplinary. I hear they are pretty rough over there.
Which people?
But those users are respected users who contribute a lot, even running for mod.
It's likely specific to Maths.SE.
Anyway, I shan't try to guess anymore.
Maybe they are looking for a temp mod because they plan to boot someone.
@KitFox What if it doesn't take the first time? Will they have to reboot him?
Oh, JLG answered the question. Too bad.
@SonicTheHedgehog I'm fine with letting you die if you want to. But not when you apply that stuff to innocent children.
@JasperLoy If I said I had got one, and you asked what was in it, I'd have to not respond.
Because I didn't get one.
@Robusto It's not that they don't believe in doctors, though. What a silly thing to say.
@KitFox I don't think you can say that. It really does come across that they don't want human intervention at all. which is essentially (if not outright) saying "I don't believe in doctors (or medicine)"
@KitFox I think it is clear that I meant they don't believe in using doctors. Do I have to spell everything out to six decimal places?
Yeah. Using or believing, what's the difference. the kid is still dying.
They believe in it. They aren't crazy. Just sickness and accidents are God's will and you don't mess with God. They are very Darwinian like that. Ironically.
@KitFox sure, they don't go walking in traffic.
@Robusto Sonic can also be considered an innocent child. :-)
that's rational.
My great aunt was Christian Scientist. She died believing she was headed straight to Hell.
but they seem not to believe in germ theory, which (lack of belief) was rational before the invention of the microscope, but not after.
@Mitch But I mean, it's not like they think medicine doesn't work or that it is Satan's magic or something.
Listen, if you take a peek inside Christianity SE chatroom, you don't see people venting out frustrations about silly things atheists do.
What silly things do we do?
not silly to you.
and things you think is silly is not silly to us.
@SonicTheHedgehog well.. maybe they're just nicer people?
complaining about it won't help whatsoever.
Like what do christians think is something silly that atheists do?
Eat without praying first?
The only way to converse peacefully is to think that nobody is right.
@KitFox /r/athiesm ... ;-P
Think about it.
You can't just say whatever you think just because you think you are right.
Hi @Shog!
@Shog9 On that note, Sonic was posting a bunch of stuff from /r/aww here not too long ago.
@KitFox I read that as 'eat without paying first'.
which is bad in a grocery store.
but OK at a fancy restaurant
@Mahnax I have a cache of fresh puppies. No need for more aww
@Shog9 A whole cache of them? Impressive.
But I am serious. What do christians think is something silly that atheists do? I am intensely curious.
Yeah, I would like to know too.
@KitFox kill unborn babies
That's not silly and plenty of non-atheists do that.
If I say that, that will lead to another heated argument, won't it?
@KitFox granted
I'm not planning on arguing. I am intensely curious.
@JSBձոգչ Ah, but that is not clearly a Christian vs atheist issue right?
I would like to hear, and quick please, I have to leave right away.
I suggest you go to Christianity chatroom and ask it.
i actually don't think that there is a good parallel
I can't just give my own opinions.
Then I shall be forced to conclude that it is because atheists don't actually do silly things. Only religious people.
the atheist line about theists is that they are irrational, and so they find theistic things to be silly
while the theist line about atheists is that they are immoral, so they find atheistic things to be wicked
@KitFox Off the top of my head, the most obvious would be the lengths people go to to avoid death (or avoid talking about death) can seem silly to someone who believes death is merely a transition.
Rule of a thumb; anybody who thinks they are the ones who are right and bitches about everyone else doing wrong, atheist of theist, you are doing it wrong.
@KitFox Almost everything atheists do sounds silly to me. Hope that helps.
@Gigili you mean do differently to theists?
@SonicTheHedgehog Well, as long as the argument is controlled and does not go overboard it is fine. All things are permissible in moderation.
@Jasper Ah, but it goes overboard ALL the time.
That's the problem.
except moderation. noöne should ever be moderate
@SonicTheHedgehog If you feel so, just ignore everyone. Sometimes I do that as well.
Theists shouldn't shove biblical verses down to others' throat, and nether should atheists.
You think are right, good for you.
But keep it to yourself.
I am getting tired.
@Shog9 This has made me wonder since I was a child, and it still does.
@MattЭллен I don't understand your question.
Yesterday at work, some people from a church gave me a tract.
pretends to be asleep
Oh, rats. Looks like Gigi's drifted off to sleep again.
@KitFox as i said in my following lines, you're not likely to find a lot of things that atheists do which religious people consider silly, but you'll find plenty that are considered wrong. because the two positions are not simple converses of each other
@Gigili well, there are plenty of things that atheists do that theists do. If you find those things silly, you find theists silly too, no?
Why mourn a dead baby, knowing that babies are innocent and probably go straight to heaven, being spared the ordeal of earthly life?
@SonicTheHedgehog And the Universe stands indifferent to those differences in opinions. If someone believes that they will fly if they jump off a building, the laws of physics aren't going to start quoting the human line that “everyone is entitled to their opinion.” They aren't human. They aren't social. They don't care about primate hierarchy in human societies. They are the ultimate judge of what's true and what isn't.
@Cerberus depends on your branch - some believe unbaptised babies go to limbo
@Cerberus I think I need to wash my hands after reading that article.
@Vitaly tru dat
@vitaly Talking about universe when we didn't even uncover the 10 percent of it?
Work, bye.
@MattЭллен I suppose that is possible...
@MattЭллен I thought limbo had been jettisoned recently.
If the fact that you won't fly if you jump off a building is in those 10 discovered per cent, you might as well try and not believe that you will.
@Cerberus I can give an answer to that. Because they are sad they have lost the baby for themselves.
Also, non sequitur.
@ΜετάEd You feel like a criminal for reading it?
@ΜετάEd could be. I don't keep up with these things. I'm going on my spotty memory
@ΜετάEd no, that was a really bad media interpretation of something the Pope alluded to in one encyclical
(media coverage of religion is as bad as media coverage of science)
@JasperLoy But they will see the baby again shortly.
@Vitaly Bible doesn't deny the law of physics to my extent of knowledge. I do not see where you are going with that.
@Cerberus But they still need to mourn now.
They should rather get over their own concerns and celebrate the baby's luck.
However me discussing further would be contradicting my own words.
Oh, well, why am I arguing about this anyway.
I have a theory which reconciles atheism, Buddhism and Christianity, so that all three groups will start to agree on some things. But I shan't share here now.
@Cerb I ask the same question.
@JSBձոգչ Media coverage is always bad in areas that I actually know something about. I tend to assume it does the same in all areas.
@Cerberus a lot of people are comforted by this thought. but knowing that a person is happy in a place you have never been doesn't necessarily make you miss that person less
> display screens that are not centered on the front surface of the phone
Atheism, Buddhism and Christianity do agree on some things.
that might be pretty cool
The Golden Rule.
"Don't do to others which you won't do to yourself"... or something along that line.
I'm sure everybody agrees with that statement.
that's the silver rule
the golden rule is
"do unto others as you would have them do unto you"
@JSBձոգչ Still, I would have expected some considerable effect compared to when atheists lose a loved one.
Biblically speaking, when you die, you're dead until the judgment.
@SonicTheHedgehog What if you would throw yourself on a burning pyre in the name of your god? I sure don't want you doing that to me.
So you don't see your relatives and so on. Until Judgment Day.
@Matt umm... that's the same thing.
@SonicTheHedgehog not exactly
@robusto Uh, yeah. You might think that I am crazy.
not doing things to people is not thesame as doing things to people
@Cerberus i have found the effect to be considerable.
@Robusto But no gonna do it to other people
in my experience christian funerals are significantly different from atheist funerals
Don't want to go into the fire? Fine. I'm not gonna force you.
The Golden Rule or ethic of reciprocity is a maxim, ethical code, or morality Walter Terence Stace argued that the Golden Rule is much more than simply an ethical code. Instead, he posits, it "express[es] the essence of a universal morality." The rationale for this crucial distinction occupies much of his book The Concept of Morals (1937): – (above quote found p. 136, ch. 6) that essentially states either of the following: * (Positive form): One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself. * (Negative/prohibitive form, also called the Silver Rule): One should not tr...
The Silver Rule, "Do not do unto others what you would not have them do unto you", is a standard of behaviour found in the writings of, amongst others, Hillel the Elder. It is related to the ethical principle of the Golden Rule. The Silver Rule is similar in meaning to the Hippocratic Oath, known best for the declaration "do no harm". Hippocrates wrote, in his Epidemics, Bk. I, Sect. XI. "Declare the past, diagnose the present, foretell the future; practice these acts. As to diseases, make a habit of two things — to help, or at least to do no harm." The shorter expression might be interp...
@SonicTheHedgehog You might not. But your fellow believers might. And, incidentally, have.
@MattЭллен No, it's silly because atheists do them. If it's done by a theist, it's not silly any more.
@Gigili gotcha!
@robusto and I congratulate them in their faith. Do you have problem with that?
@Mahnax Bite.
If you have problems with things we do, keep it to yourself.
@SonicTheHedgehog Do I have a problem with people throwing other people in fires? Yes.
@robusto Listen, we do NOT throw other people into the fire.
@SonicTheHedgehog Christians have never done that?
@robusto if you need help with knowledge of that particular subject, ask it on Christianity SE.
actually i believe the argument is that Xians have never thrown themselves into the fire
(which AFAIK is true)
And anyhow, this is incomprehensible room.
The argument is about Christians throwing other people into fires. Which they have.
We swayed WAY far from the subject.
@Robusto Uhh... proof?
@SonicTheHedgehog you're right - they've never thrown people, just tied them to stakes and built pyres around them and then set the pyres on fire.
There are many denominations of Christianity.
@JSBձոգչ Hmm I have not.
admitedly that was some time ago
just saying Christianity is gross generalization.
The Inquisition, Inquisitio Haereticae Pravitatis (inquiry on heretical perversity), was a group of decentralized institutions within the justice system of the Roman Catholic Church whose aim was to "fight against heretics". It started in 12th century France to persecute heresy, and was later expanded to other European countries. Inquisition practices were used also on offences against canon law other than heresy. Definition The term "Inquisition" can apply to any one of several institutions which fought against heretics (or other offenders against canon law) within the justice-system...
> In practice, the Inquisition would not itself pronounce sentence, but handed over convicted heretics to secular authorities for the punishment deemed fitting by the Church.[10] The laws were inclusive of proscriptions against certain religious crimes (heresy, etc.), and the punishments included death by burning.
Why does this room always get into a religious argument? I wonder...
because people like a bit of drama
@Robusto Didn't Atheists also do that?
@JSBձոգչ So I guess then that theists have no sense of humor about the things atheists do?
We are not perceived as silly, but rather just evil?

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