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you care if people touch face, you want low transmission to be safe
that or live in a bunker until face touching has created herd immunity
@JohanLarsson I don't see a whole lot of face touching going on. Maybe I don't go to the right places?
how far did you go with the bike?
Just 44 miles today, about 70 km.
Got too hot, I should have got out earlier.
Is that 90 minutes?
Not today, not with the wind. Took me 2.5 hours.
ah ok
what is your average pulse when you ride?
Lately it's high, because I'm recovering from damage to my thyroid.
high being 130?
Average today was 123 bpm.
Should be around 112 once I get healthy.
When I was really sick I would do an easy ride and it would go up to 150 or higher.
Today was only 300 m of climbing.
So mostly flat.
I'm not fit, work from home means many meals in a day
I know how that goes. I put on weight when I was sick.
do you ride every day?
Like about 4 kilos. I'm losing it now.
@JohanLarsson While I'm still recovering I only ride every other day.
At some point I'll start riding 5 days a week.
must be crazy fit
I was sick for a couple months, so I'm having to work back to that.
But yeah, for the most part I'm fit.
no fun, good to hear you are doing better now
My bad is better than most people's good, and certainly better than almost everybody my age.
@Robusto you're forgetting I get the privilege of thinking like that precisely because I am a god.
@Robusto do you like infected mushroom? youtube.com/watch?v=gnTBfK1DCYo
@Cerberus oh yeah, right on, I forgot that parking tickets totally worked and nobody was getting any anymore.
@JohanLarsson Never heard them. I'll give it a listen.
God... said... let there be gay... and there was gay...
That piece is a complete mass.
You said it, buster.
@Robusto not just that song if you happen like them, they have a solid production
@JohanLarsson OK, I'll listen later. Maybe tonight.
no rush :)
I just watched the last episode of Defending Jacob on Apple TV+. It seems that it is not clear if Jacob is a murderer. In fact, in the book on which the drama series is based, it is also not clear if Jacob is a murderer. Note that there are some differences between the book and the drama series. Summary for those interested.
@RegDwigнt They work well enough.
Nobody said anything about 100%.
This tweet and the CHAINA video response has me LOL for some time now: mobile.twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1266354084036194306
@JohanLarsson Sounds like your basic rave, house, trance kind of thing.
Your basic Goa beat.
What do you think?
I like them
Do you go dancing a lot?
no, not the last 20 years
not before that either
it is fine, you don't have to like them :)
I don't dislike them. It's just the kind of music I don't hear much anymore, me not going out to raves &c.
It works well for chores like writing documentation
1 hour later…
@Cerberus yes, they work so well that Amsterdam alone has issued 30 million Euro in parking fines just last year.
It's a major source of income for any municipality. They'd rather not miss all that money.
@RegDwigнt It is fairly easy to find a parking spot in Amsterdam.
Non sequitur.
Because it costs € 7,50 an hour.
If parking tickets didn't work, nobody would pay those € 7,50 an hour, and cars would be parked everywhere illegally.
But the system works just fine.
Without the fines, it wouldn't.
Well, of course, it depends on your definition of "works".
I define it as follows: it is difficult enough to park illegally without a fine, that public order is kept (few cars parked illegally).
If the system is meant to eradicate illegal parking, it does not do that. If the system is meant to profit from it, then it works fine.
Eradication would seem nonsensical.
A straw man.
We are not talking about sense here. We are talking about an ideal world. You are talking about an ideal world.
In a non-ideal world, tourists will always exist, so there is no point in wishing that they went away.
I should of course have posted this one.
Nobody is proposing that we eradicate wheeled luggages 100%.
Yes, ironically it's me still posting arguments and you posting all the strawmen.
If we could remove 50% from the streets, that would be a huge win.
The fact that the city would collect money from the fines means that it could send lots and lots of officers to fine tourists in the inner city.
Shoot them with pellets. Works for Hong Kong. Not a lot of wheeled luggage on their streets these days.
The same applies to any misbehaviour by tourists which takes longer than a moment and which happens in public.
@Cerberus how about it sends all those people to write music, and then collects lots and lots of money from concert sales.
That makes perfect sense. I concede.
I'm just jumping aboard the ideal-world train.
Meanwhile, can you read this?
> Taufzeugen waren: Geschworener? Georg Moller. Landschreiber? Christian Gadient
Johan? Georg Schneider. Ursula Jäger. Christian H/G…?
This is what I have so far.
My Sütterlin is shaky.
It is from a Swiss Taufschein.
We can read everything, except some of the names.
I wouldn't parse that as Geschw.
Neither did I.
The s does not seem right. It's neither long nor round.
But my colleague managed to convince me.
The s is weird.
Probably because it's not an s.
It should be much taller.
I read it as a p.
But Gephw. doesn't make any sense.
There's a non-profit club in Schleswig-Holstein I think that you can send this stuff to and have it deciphered.
Ah, but we're doing it for profit!
They have like two hundred retirees just doing it for fun.
People who still learned the script in school.
It is possible that they know more.
They don't need to decipher anything. They just read it.
Well, I can read a normal Kurrent letter.
But names and abbreviations are usually the issue, irrespective of script.
Do you happen to know their name?
Fifty years from now, you and I will sit on a beach in Vlieland and have people from all over the world send us screenshots in Comic Sans to be deciphered.
We probably don't have time to send it to them, and I'd feel bad asking strangers for help on something I get paid for.
@Cerberus whose now? The club's? I only saw a TV programme about them once. Like seven years ago.
Most probably.
I still have two Germanist friends to consult.
@JohanLarsson Writing documentation? Wow, you need more than trance music for that.
Jesus Christ, are these people still using frames.
Frames predate Sütterlin.
Anyway. That's just one of many. As they explain on the page.
There's probably like five right next door to you.
@RegDwigнt Vielleicht sollen sie Frames bewahren.
They do like amalgamating in North Germany.
@Robusto modal verbs don't take the "to" particle in German just like they don't in English.
@RegDwigнt I knew that.
I knew that you knew that.
But in addition to that, I also noticed that your writing did not know that you knew that.
My fingers are rusty.
I can recommend sesame oil and some sandpaper.
@RegDwigнt Thanks.
@Cerberus don't thank me too early. I would guess half those clubs have been wiped out by the corona.
Then again, they're in Germany and not Holland, so maybe not.
Anyway. I just googled Sütterlinklub and clicked the first thing.
Ich habe seit 40 Jahren keinen vollen deutschen Satz mehr geschrieben.
Das stimmt doch überhaupt nicht.
You write like ten a day, and that's just in this room alone.
But maybe the last 23 hours felt like 40 years.
@RegDwigнt Ich will keine Realität. Ich will Fantasie.
But yeah, pretty rusty.
Kein Problem. Bittesehr.
@RegDwigнt Did you ever see the part where the girls in the lane played a prank on Jeff Bridges in that scene?
He says they all had these gigantic fake bushes when they spread their legs like that. It totally cracked him up.
Yeah you told me the story eight years ago.
I can't remember all the shit I've told you.
Well, that's why you tell me it.
Our only issue is that I never read it.
What time is it over there? Why are you only this drunk.
I won't be drinking up until in 13 hours. Have a piano lesson in 9.
What have you prepared for your lesson?
But yeah I only switched to this screen to check that the PC was shut off before going to bed. Not only was it not, but this fucking tab was still open and Cerberus was still being wrong in it.
Story of my life.
Wrong about what?
@Robusto lots of good music.
More specfically?
@Robusto humans in general and the Dutch in particular.
@RegDwigнt Oh. So it was, like, round up the usual suspects?
@Robusto Bach, Chopin, Tariverdiev, Tchaikovsky, Rota, Beethoven.
Sounds like a long(ish) lesson.
He's a six-year-old boy. He mostly plays twinkle-twinkle and frère Jacques.
I play the rest.
Oh. You're giving the lesson.

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