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@RegDwightΒВB Good night!
@JasperLoy Sometimes I'm annoyed that I'm not fast enough to get on the close list.
@RegDwightΒВB Ahhh...thank you.
@RegDwightΒВB ...and you're not even twelve.
It seems that when I stop downvoting I get downvoted, hehehe.
@mitch How did you get your avatar?
Yo @mrs!
@JasperLoy good evening
Boo @mah!
Roar @Jas!
Hello everyone.
@JasperLoy I'd like to know how everybody else got theirs.
I did a math thing. That's how.
Oh I usually get mine from avatarsdb.com
what? all this time, and I actually had to try.
I built mine out of lego
@Mitch Well, you don't use Bieber pics.
well duh...the first hundred avatars there of Jesus H Bieber
Oh, I should go study Russian.
@Mahnax Bye!
@Mitch There is a huge variety there.
Q: Cheering words for friends preparing for the exam

Peter Kim What do you say to a friend who is preparing for the bar exam to cheer him/her up? I can only think of the sentence "keep up the good work", but are there any other phrases that I can use? In the above situation, if I also happen to be preparing for the same kind of exam, what would be the commo...

@MrShinyandNew安宇 I didn't have lego. I had to extrude plastic to make the the legos first...after having created the plastic from waste petroleum prducts I gathered from the gutter.
@Mitch I just buy it at WalMart or Toys R Us
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I just imagine it and it appears.
@JasperLoy What's next? Suggestions for speech topics? Locker room pep talks? hm...what's wrong with that?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I'll check it out.
@Mitch So which program did you use to generate yours?
I'm going to be coy...not give a way my secrets...isn't there a google search where you can search for images with images?
Ah yes.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 impressive
@JasperLoy so you know of one? which one?
@Mitch No, I did not bother to search. :-)
whew...they didn't find it.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 nice
@Mitch Now you are being very secretive!
@Mitch from Google image search you can search by an image url
So why are you being so secretive about it?
@eugene Why did you come here?
@JasperLoy it happened again. i wanted to see if you were a mod and it sent me here...
so tineye is not a very good image searcher
@Eugene Haha, you can tell easily. A mod appears in blue in chat.
@JasperLoy oh?
My gravatar or blogger avatar pic are on countless pages but it finds only one single page
@Eugene Yes, the username in chat is blue and not black.
@JasperLoy ah i see.
well bye
@MrShinyandNew安宇 no reason. it's fun.
@Mitch I thought so too. It's nice to have an air of secrecy!
please, jasper. You don't like having secrets. You like telling people secrets. That's why you keep mentioning that you have secrets.
ooohhh...secrets! do you have one?
Nah, I have none, move along.
OK I'm a math geek. I'll give a hint. it's the analytic continuation of a well-known combinatorial function.
It's not the real part of the gamma function (obviously!)
I've taken some math in my day but I don't know what that means :p
That's the best part!
(that no one knowns what it means)
It means that some functions are naturally computed just with integers (whole numbers), but sometimes if you think hard enough, you can extend it to real numbers (fractions)
so, for example (stop me if I lose you) so you can multiply a number by itself, x^2, so 7*7 = 49. You can just count up the items in a square of 7 by 7 blocks.
you can do 8 by 8 to get 64 also.
an analytic continuation is just the obscurantist way of saying, what if you have fractions of blocks...what happens with the function between 7 and 8?
(and you already know that..it's easy..7.5*7.5 well, you just do the multiplication a little more copmlicated but the same idea.
so you know the factorial function, right? n! = n* (n-1)!, 1,2,6,24,120, 720, 5040,...
easy to do on whole numbers...what is (2.5)! its gotta be something between 2 and 6, but can we figure out a way for arbitrary numbers? (yes, it's called the gamma function).
why you ask? Ah I see that your eyes are droopy. must be the something in the air.
(it turns out that its useful, but that's not so simple a story)
I don't ask mathematicians "why". They don't need a "why"
@Mahnax, you're back
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Yes!
I've decided to figure out @Mitch's gravatar.
That seems close…
@Mahnax pts for pretty colors but no.
are you taking calculus now?
@Mitch Nope.
@Mitch Drat.
already or will?
whatever your answer it won't help here.
what kind of math now? precalc?
I will keep hunting.
@Mitch Erm, basic stuff just this past year. Once year 11 starts, I'll get into some harder stuff.
Not sure what exactly, though.
have you done 'combinations'? (like how many ways are there to make pairs out of 4 objects? and the answer is 6)
@Mahnax you've forgotten the name of the class already?
@Mitch My classes will be called "Math 20" and "Math 30".
How informative is that, though?
yes, not informative. but ou vaguely remember numbers and x's and stuff on the board?
We did basic trig, some systems of equations, linear functions, etc.
@Mitch It's high-school math; if it was anything like my high-school the first 3-4 years are a whole mashup of topics from algebra to geometry to finite math, etc.
Yeah, exactly.
Actual calculus didn't start for me until my final year
Exactly again.
That will be "Math 31".
which was annoying, because my high-school wasn't semestered; we had 8 courses all year long. So we didn't get to learn calc before learning physics work that required calc.
my memory had it that each year had a label Algebra I, II, Geometry, Precalc Calc, and within each was a mashup or at least only roughly a linear progression through the topic.
@Mitch What jurisdiction was this?
anyway, some version of the picture is on functions.mathematica.com in the discrete math area.
South US
a long time ago
Mahnax and I are in Canada, so it might be different here. plus he's out west where everything is strange.
I would say that this system makes a decent amount of sense.
Grade 10 classes have the number "10," grade 11 classes have the number "20," and grade 12 classes have the number "30." Advanced classes have things like "31" (which anyone can take) or "35," which is for IB or AP courses.
I use quotation marks for the sake of doing so.
you've probably already chosen for next year, but..is IB the -same- as AP? (I know that it is international baccalaurate and advanced placement, but dothey turn out to be the same?
No, they aren't quite the same.
IB is much more involved, meant to be taken as a full set, and is recognized internationally.
pre-calc (one year) was pretty much a mashup though of all the things that would make calc interesting.
AP is mostly US-based and is designed so that a student can take a few AP courses, or a lot.
Also, in the words of a very wise teacher, "IB teaches you to think; AP teaches you to memorize."
(said wise teacher has taught both AP and IB)
obvious wisdom: you need both...for whatever.
and with that..I'm out.
Alright, bye.
I think they should actually make this cookie:
Or at least make a box of oreos with all different colours, so you can take them apart and assemble your own
That would look cool and be ridiculously delicious.
It'd be hard to dip it in milk though
That's true…
well, it's time for me to sign off. cya!
Bye! Sleep well.
I just got an email from dan bloom
Saying what?
he sent a link to the chat transcript
Do share!
but the main body of his email is in the subject line, which I will reproduce here verbatim
> you ugys are like chldish boys re SHINy you and your frioendw there should LAL BE AHSMEAAD of yoruswelves like Juvenlies BULLYIES rea this shit?chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/95/2012/6/22/15-16
Oh man I love this guy!
Please reply with a link to my previous message.
Dear Dan Bloom: nobody is bullying you. If you are reading the chat transcript, and there's something you need to discuss, please come into the chat room.
jeez, 4 emails in a row
oh, sim, glad you're here, he's complaining about you now
Does anyone have a link to his profile?
I can't find it.
> and this? is she STUPID or what? re @simchona Oh god and he has crazy conspiracy theories about Sarah Palin being Jewish. .com/transcript/95/2012/6/22/15-16
@Mahnax he's not registered
But I didn't say that, did I?
Did you?
I don't know.
Who's Sarah Palin?
That name sounds familiar.
Ironically my user name is Hebrew.
Oh, Hebrew for what?
Oh, nice!
Oh, maybe someone said that TO you...
My username means almost nothing.
It my actual Hebrew name.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Yes, the "@simchona" bit would mean that.
@simchona Oh, neat.
I think my actual Hebrew name is Matityahu.
Is that just a Hebrew translation, or an actual given name?
Well, that's my name, Matthew, in its original form.
According to Wikipedia, that is.
Tell Dan that his question was crazy, he's crazy, and the world is not out to get him.
@mah nice. My English name is nothing like my Hebrew one. I named myself at my Bat Mitzvah
@simchona Ah, OK.
@simchona now you've done it, he's probably going to read that, then send me an angry email in 15 minutes.
You said he sent four. What are th other two?
@simchona It's hard to say exactly what the other two were. they're not 100% coherent.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 The first two were?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Oh dear.
Is he intoxicated?
It's weird. Some of his posts are coherent, and then the others are like intoxicated ramblings
I'm going to TYPE like THIS from now on
Please don't.
@mr how's the emailing?
yay, fifth email
What's this one say?
it's mainly a verbatim quote of the transcript
How far back?
Anyone else see that flag?
@simchona just from the day when we were discussing his scare-quote question, and something from when someone named LessPop_MoreFizz was talking about Sarah Palin
Email #5:
> and SHINY you parciciatped on this onlinhje bulluing you should be ashamed of yourself sir.
LP_MF is a Gaming.SE guy.
Email #6:
> Not upset, i find it funny and sad the bully culture of USA.....i get this all the time online from anon people COWASRDS
Email #7:
> Yes, SHINy...you are not a bully, you were the only person there to treat me KINDLY and reply so NOT YOU....i like you
Those are all the subject lines
Any body text?
sometimes the body text is the chat transcript, sometimes it's the same as the subject only with different spelling errors, sometimes it's something new.
Hmm. Sounds sane.
anyway his 7th and 8th emails suggest that he doesn't hate me personally so I can sleep in peace, I guess :p
Do that, sleep in peace.
email #8:
> SHINY, don't let my tone bother you,,,,this is my online persona....we can chat by phone next week and you can see i am FULLY HUMAN smile
Emails 7-9 are all subject-line replies to individual paragraphs in the one email I sent him.
Does he have your number?
What'd you tell him?
I told him we could discuss it by email, but please don't cram the whole message into the subject, or he could come into the chat room and we could chat. And I said that I didn't think he was being bullied, but rather helped, since I friggin' emailed him, and I said that I found his behaviour alarming.
His behavior is borderline disturbing
I told him I was reporting his email to the chatroom
So he said "so post this too: plogspot101.blogspot.com";
which I wasn't going to do, until I clicked on it :p
The third article is coherent at least
@simchona has Kit invited you for tea and scones lately?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Just visited his blog. Luckily I was not involved in this matter.
Erm...no? @mrs
@simchona hm, ok. you should ask her to when she's next on.
Will do. I'll have to remember first.
anyway, @dan is all caught-up in the transcript now.
Hi, @Dan!
Can he come to chat?
I think you're a bit silly, @dan.
I don't think he's registered
But he wrote this:
> i aint angry or upset. AMUSED. the way people, mostly anon, act online. I NEVER DO
THIS. i treat all people as my brothers and sisters. but online people
are COWARDS and HIDE....like SHIMONA, who says she doesn't remember
accusing me of saying Palin is Jewish. She cannot read English i think
Shimona is she KOREAN ?
Then why are you pinging him? He can't get the ping.
Or some other dan might get it by the weird algorithm.
Who is this Shimona?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Who is Shimona? ROFL.
I think he's not lucid enough to understand pinging.
@simchona he means you
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Whoosh!
@mrs I know.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 You don't say!
but for the record (hi dan) shimona, er, simchona didn't say anything like that, it was LessPop_MoreFizz who said it.
Oh you guys
Im not Korean, for the record. Don't know why that's an insult.
Also that time Eugene called me Jason on meta.
Let me find it...
Who said anything about a "service agreement for EL&U"? Not I. What Jason's conduct came across to me as was, F U n00b, I don't owe you even the courtesy of a reply. And my Question is, is this kind of behavior standard practice on ELU? — Eugene Seidel Apr 27 at 19:18
hey, I just got an email from him now, again claiming that simchona wrote the palin thing
> SHIMCHOAN WROTE THIS ''Oh god and he has crazy conspiracy theories about Sarah Palin''
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Who is Shimchoan?
@JasperLoy maybe he means shimona
Oh, that silly Shimona
Why is Shimona Korean? Does it sound Korean?
Maybe that's why he thinks I'm Korean.
Shim Cho An
Sorry dan: I know it must be annoying for you to be reading this chat transcript and not participating. If you log into the site, with the same browser you were using to post your 2nd question, that user account has enough rep to enter the chat room.
Next variation will be kimono.
My Sharona
@simchona I had the same song in my head!
@simchona That is Italian.
@simchona Thanks a ton.
Well Jason, it could be his next insult
Only now I'm going to sing it as "ma ma ma my simchona"... but I just looked up the lyrics to that song and maybe I won't sing it after all.
@mahnax Your Italian name would be ... Matteo!
@JasperLoy yecch
@Mahnax The main character in Stanno Tutti Bene is Matteo Scuro!
@JasperLoy That says nothing to me.
@Mahnax Matteo Scuro was a very old man with huge glasses...
Alright. I tried logging off an hour ago but got caught up in the drama. or comedy. or... dramedy. If you'll pardon the hideous portmanteau.
But I really, really, really, should go now.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Good night!
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Bye.
Good night @mrs!
email #12:
> I am trying to log in and ''MY SHARONA', re mixming up Simchona's ID, now ''that'' kind of humor i like, and all is forgiven. CHEERS, dan
Hi @xiayu. What are you here for?
Xia Yu cannot speak.
Only 1 rep.
@Mahnax But they can enter?
@JasperLoy Apparently.
@Mahnax Then that's a bug to me.
@JasperLoy Neh.
I don't know.
@Mahnax Imagine people entering and finding that they can't say anything.
@JasperLoy shrugs
@Mahnax The name means "raining" in Chinese.
@JasperLoy Oh, nice.
I'm off for awhile, bye!
@Mahnax Pronounce it another way and it could also be "blind fish". :-)
@Mahnax Bye.
If something like a book, does not discuss a specific subject, is it meaningful to say: "the book is silent before this subject"? does it make sense to use silent in this way?
it makes sense to say the book is silent on or about the subject, yes. Silent before the subject does not make sense.
@MattЭллен Thank you :)
no problem :)
2 hours later…
What's this mean: "He looks like your man off of Bronski Beat"
Bronski Beat are a muscial group
"he looks like your man" is a different way of saying "he looks like that guy"
off of means from (in this instance)
so: "he looks like someone from that musical group"?
your man has a tendency to imply familiarity with the person being referenced
@Meysam more like "He looks like [a particular member] from [musical group]"
this is the conversation:
- He looks like your man off of Bronski Beat.
- Your man off of where?
- Your man off of Bronski Beat.
- The gay man?
- Aye, the gay man, the gay man, the gay man.
e.g. if someone were talking to Heather Mills "He looks like your man from the Beatles" would mean "He looks like Paul McCartney"
@Meysam yeah, so apparently there is only one gay man in Bronski Beat.
in your example your man just means that guy
I am watching this oscar-winning short movie: "six shooter"
ah! yeah, your man is more often heard in Irish English.
@MattЭллен Their Irish accent is very beautiful. I love it
It is good
Smalltown boy.
Run away, turn away, run away, turn away, run away.
But I am above the age of consent
The latter sounds ungrammatical to my ear. It should be rewritten: "The secret was based-on-humanitarian-grounds discussed." — Carlo_R. 4 hours ago
right, well, not much you can say about that.
you guys notice last night's little party?
Q: Do Australians speak a language or a dialect? If a language, the same language as Englishmen?

EnriqueIn a prestigious site dedicated to ancient Romans and their language, somebody referred to the language spoken by Australians as the "Australian English dialect". As I see it, then in the US people speak a dialog of English too. Do you consider the tongues spoken in these two countries, or more ...

I wonder what made him switch to dialog halfway through.
Also, dupe methinks.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 with Danny Bloom?
he sounds like a barrel of laughs
16 emails in total
Now he's trying to log in but he's having difficulty figuring out how. Also I think maybe he can't get back to his unregistered account, so if he does manage to log in, he'll need his accts merged
@Reg: Was ist auf dem Inneren grün und am Ende rot?
I can see how that would be annoying
I think I'm missing something.
What party?
@Robusto im Inneren or just innen. And I have no idea.(((
@RegDwightΒВB This was relayed to me by a coworker. I don't know the answer either.
I thinks there's some Bing thing that people use in such situtation.
I thought "auf dem" was a bit off, but idioms can be idiotic sometimes.
I was always waiting to try it out.
Yeah that's where he got it from in the first place.
No hits for the German version.
Let's bing in English!
@MattЭллен Jealousy.
is it? oh
I was thinking maybe a boring green book
@MattЭллен I know what the translation is. I just don't know the answer.
but that's not red, it's read
@Robusto oh, well, I was sharing with the rest of the class too too
Those jokes are usually quite stupid and/or disgusting anyway. Like, "What is black and knocks on the glass?" — "A baby in the oven."
@RegDwightΒВB The party that sim, Mah and I had with the ghost of dan bloom, who was present but couldn't pierce the veil of the login
"Why did the girl fall of the swing?"
"No arms"
You can't fall off the swing with no arms.
Yeah, like "What's green and red, green and red, green and red? A frog in a blender."
You wouldn't be on the swing in the first place.
@Robusto Geezis.
@RegDwightΒВB clearly the child had help!
"what's black, white, and red and has trouble going through a revolving door?" "a nun with a spear in her head"
@JasperLoy No, not Jesus. He already said it was a frog.
But why did I think of jealousy. Because one is green with envy and then sees red.
The color of jealousy in Western culture is yellow.
They need green shades then.
They are no horses.
These questions are as stupid as why did the chicken cross the road.
Let's not go there.
I only knew the answer recently: to get to the other side.
why did the bubblegum cross the road?
because it was stuck to the chicken's foot
Why did "Pokerface" cross the road?
Because it was stuck in the chicken's head.
Did the invisible man cross the road?
Cold War humor:
Q. Why did the ICBM lift off from a silo in North Dakota?
A. To get to the other side.
South Dakota?
No wonder nobody wants to live there.
@RegDwightΒВB I write North and you read it as South?
Try again.
Why does the spellchecker underline my every word?
to get to the other side?
I was asking for clarification if "the other side" was referring to "South Dakota".
Feb 23 '11 at 15:14, by Kosmonaut
I like to tell myself that if you have to explain it, it means it was sophisticated.
@RegDwightΒВB Yes, that one was very sophisticated. Plaudits ad infinitum.
@JasperLoy sorry I can't parse that. We speak English here.
North Dakota is probably the boringest state in the U.S. At least South Dakota has the Black Hills, the Badlands, etc.
Feb 24 '11 at 2:36, by Kosmonaut
At parties, I find that if you locate a nearby lampshade, put it on your head, and yell "woo!", people will respect you.
Hey only one day apart. That man was on fire.
@RegDwightΒВB It's better to yell woo without the lampshade. Lampshade is for cowards.
You should start by yelling "whoosh" anyway.
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