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Now really, meeting. Later.
@Gigili lmgtfy.com?q=define:dictionary (apologies for the lgtmfy snarkikness)
@KitFox I don't know many examples from Judaism because I don't come from that culture.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I know what lmgtfy means, but I just learnt that that is an actual site, amazing!
Now I am thinking maybe we have roflmao.com as well.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 What in the name of all that his holy and good. You told me "define:word".
@Vitaly well I really don't understand. He's a rabbi. If he says something is a religion, that's a compliment. Why would I need to refute it? Anything bad he could say about my religion, he'd be saying about his.
Ah just got it.
Define: the word I want.
Got it, got it.
Q: Shnayim Ve'arba'im - mi yodeya?

Isaac MosesWho knows forty-two? Please cite/link your sources, if possible. At some point in the next few days, I will: Upvote all interesting answers. Accept the best answer. Go on to the next number.

I was typing "rotation define:word".
What does this mean? — Yahu May 26 '10 at 1:45
See. QED.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 No, he is attacking atheism by claiming it is becoming a religion, which as Vit pointed out last night is full of irony, but he means it as "you are becoming what you (claim to) hate".
@Vitaly Is that a serious question there?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 still, that's like George Bush coming over and accusing me of murdering someone. He's responsible for the deaths of a million people, so what do I care about his opinion? He does not have the moral high ground. Case closed.
Doubly so if I, in fact, have not murdered anyone.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Which Bush?
@JasperLoy them's all the same.
Downvote: not jewish. — Chanoch May 26 '10 at 19:28
Jews don't read books?
Hi @corn!
@JasperLoy you've returned! ;) Hello! Dig the gravatar.
@mahnax I suspect you are the one who downvoted all the closed questions.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Yes, that's fine, except that people listen to George Bush and they just whine about you in this chat room. My goal is to try to help people stop listening to Bush and his ilk. I am not a famous speaker/writer and probably won't ever be, but if I can save just one person yada yada yada....
@JasperLoy Eh?
Oh, some of them.
@JasperLoy There are hundreds of them and they are posted by a mod. Must be serious.
@Mahnax Well, it's just that I saw how their negativity all increased.
It would be ridiculous to say that I downvoted all of them.
Mar 26 at 18:17, by RegDwight Ѭſ道
I like Judaism. Where there's a mod who once a week just posts a question, "Who knows 1?", "Who knows 2?" etc, etc.
@Mahnax on a scale of 1-10, how ridiculous would it be?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 7.
I prefer 23 to 42.
23 is my favourite number.
There have been a lot of closed questions.
2358, to be specific. That's not including the deleted ones, though.
Oh. The closed questions. I took Mahnax's post to mean “I downvoted all of the mi-yodeya-series questions”, for some reason.
Now, that would be some accomplishment.
I don't have the rep.
May 17 '11 at 11:50, by RegDwight
I don't think anyone could pull off this stunt on any other site of the network.
seriously, people, name your functions properly! float LAPACKE_slamch( char cmach );
Mar 26 at 18:21, by RegDwight Ѭſ道
Free rep for the mod, subjective and argumentative to boot.
slamch cmach?
Are my eyes playing tricks on me? Some avatars have shadows while others don't.
Some people are shallow.
@JasperLoy on the main site? yes, for ages
@MattЭллен Why is that so?
@JasperLoy if you don't have anything in your profile's description, you don't get a shadow
@JasperLoy hover over to find out more
I tried to divine the governing pattern but to no avail.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 I hate it too, but this is somewhat funny. mcsweeneys.net/articles/im-comic-sans-asshole
Q: Why do some avatars have drop shadows?

Matt ЭлленI was looking at a question today and I noticed that the OP and I have drop shadows beneath out avatars and the person who edited the question and the other answerer do not. Who gets a drop shadow, and why?

@MattЭллен Ah, that's why I have a shadow now. Because of "There can be miracles when you believe."
… when you believe everything in Comic Sans on the Internet
@Vitaly Comic
@JasperLoy ouch... belief doesn't shape reality. Miracles are just luck.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 take it up with Whitney Houston.
Oh wait.
Do I have a drop shadow? Whatever that is.
@Gigili Yes, because you have entered enough characters in your profile.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Well, she passed on the baton to me.
@MattЭллен Hmm, I upvoted the question and answer long ago.
I do that too
I'm almost as forgetful as @Cerb
@MattЭллен In this case, it was because I did not read the question carefully.
sigh so I just now followed the link in that rabbi's original article to the guy he quoted who puts forth "self-reflection" as "proof of god". I, uh, shouldn't'a done that. Now I might have to write TWO posts.
This was me last night:
@MrShinyandNew安宇 You may like to write your own book on atheism in future.
Jun 10 '11 at 15:11, by RegDwight
Baton is Russian for "loaf of white bread". So every single time I see hyperbaton, it makes me giggle like a little Kit.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 :D
@MrShinyandNew安宇 see. Why bother? Just let them go to hell for all their sins.
Their God will take care of them alright.
Don't get me started?
Yes please
May 31 at 12:34, by RegDwight ΒВBẞ8
@Gigili I thought Simply Red got disbanded, no?
You insulted me in every possible way. Now I don't have anything to say but to ask you leave.
As I mentioned before, "There can be miracles when you believe" can be interpreted in many ways. It is certainly true for suitable ones.
Can you say how long did it take the answerer to write an answer like that?
A: Integration by partial fractions; how and why does it work?

Arturo MagidinWhat you are trying to do is a partial fraction decomposition. Idea. Imagine your calculator is broken and a bunch of hoodlums stop you on the street, and demand at knifepoint that you compute $\frac{191}{105}$ as a decimal (part of their initiation into the Mathies Gang, you see), or else they ...

only 1% of the time it would take me to understand it
@Gigili "You insulted me in every possible way" is always a nice challenge. People are never aware of how many ways there actually are.
@Gigili It takes very long but the idea is simple. There are some things that are simple but hard to write out, and some things that are hard but simple to write out.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 There are seven ways, JFYI.
I know, the point is that's insane.
To explain a simple idea in a thousand pages.
I may take ten years to prove a theorem and write the proof in one line. QED.
I was like, What in the name of all that his holy and good for five minutes.
@Gigili that's what the Bible is all about.
Well well, I have never met such an antireligious chat as this one.
@JasperLoy Don't say it, you prove every difficult and simple theorem in a line by putting a QED at the end.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 hmmm, I think the bible is two ideas: god hates us, jesus loves us, we're all gonna burn in hell
@JasperLoy You don't meet many chats.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 That is true.
You don't chat many meet.
@MattЭллен the Bible is one idea: just fucking be nice already.
@Gigili I noticed you use a weird sentence structure that is nonstandard.
But God was bored, so he dressed it all up a little.
Reg, may I flag Jasper?
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 the old testament doesn't say that though. the idea there is to be obedient
niceness is irrelevant
@Gigili why would anyone do any such thing?
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 I got offended.
@MattЭллен see, obedient is just another word for nice.
"I told y'all not to be gay. Time to burn"
I never told you but I'm a native speaker of many languages including English.
@Gigili again? I thought we had used up all the ways.
@Gigili Aww.
"Can you say how long did it take the answerer to write an answer like that?" I would write that as "Can you say how long it took the answerer to write an answer like that?" @gig.
Let's face it.
I can't face anything. Too busy facing the monitor.
Seriously Jasper, I don't care how you'd write it. I don't know what gave you the impression that if I so pah.
End of story.
I fail to see the offending part, so how about we skip to chasing unicorns on rainbows.
offend of story
Nice litotes.
Unless you're Reg, which is very unlikely.
Story of nice.
But really, I think Jesus is not the man the bible made him out to be. One may dismiss the book, but let us not dismiss the man so quickly.
I see my messages are shown twice.
I'm being Jasper again.
All religious texts will contain much colouring. But they may also contain huge portions of truth.
@Gigili Now I am not sure what the adjective means.
I think rather than bashing a single line in a text, let us try to see the bigger picture.
Wait, did this religion talk start with Mariah Carey?
No, it started with that maths question
@JasperLoy Earl Doherty nicely argues for the nonexistence hypothesis in his Case for for a Mythical Jesus, and I'm inclined to accept his arguments
@JasperLoy If you dismiss the book, you are not left with much about Jesus. He never wrote anything and probably didn't exist at all.
@MattЭллен Math and English don't mix :D
It is true that one plus one is two. There, a mixture of English and math!
How did you do that?
@Gigili I am awesome like that.
I just noticed that what in the name of blahblahblah is too long.
@Gigili Yeah I did not understand that line either.
What in the name of hades are you talking about?
@skull No need to remove that! It's fine!
@MattЭллен Is that even a question?
About Jasper and his awesomeness.
No, I was just exclaiming :)
I like to keep in practice
This reminds me of the practice practise question I answered.
I've got an idea.
gets behind cover
Yes, go on.
Users must put a prize or something on their questions instead of bounties.
What kind of prize?
Do you just mean renaming bounty to prize?
Like, a chocolate or a book or an smartphone or whatnot.
Ah, OK. The first prize will be dinner with the user.
Then it'd make more sense to spend time on it.
@JasperLoy Depends on the user.
@Gigili Also, air tickets are not complimentary.
"Don't touch me" would be an appropriate prize sometimes.
@Gigili That has multiple interpretations.
I meant the last interpretation more than others.
> The anthropologist Helen Fisher speculates that when a human female wears high-heeled footwear the buttocks thrust out and the back arches into a pose that simulates lordosis behavior, which is why high heels are "sexy".
@Vitaly Don't forget the flexed calf and delicate ankle is also sexy.
Hey guys, how can I say in English reportage?
A short video about a retiring football player
that was aired in news on ABC
at 7:30 pm or I don't know when ABC aires its main news
or basically any news video that is between 1 minute and 5 minutes long
Are you asking a question?
this question feels familiar
reportage is a German word for that
A video clip?
What's the English word for that
A news story?
I give you a link
this one:
A featurette?
it's from swedish tv
A news report?
probably a news report
A blurb?
A spot?
A Roget's?
Um. Yes.
Le reportage filmé in french
Filmed news coverage?
oh, that's right, when we were discussing recorded vs prerecorded
news report or news coverage is good
Live! Film at 11.
@user1111261 are you listening to any of the things Kit is telling you?
oh, good
Oh, just because you kept going describing despite Kit answering your question.
anyway, you were, so nevermind :D
i thought there is just 1 word for that in English
I was just going to keep talking until I was right anyway.
We have many words in English, but only 1 for that.
Namely, that.
OK. Lunch. BRB
Btw, did you know that they chose French to English as a language for laws in the European Union 50 years ago since French is much better for expressing what you want to say especially for such an important thing as writting laws...
time to go!
@MattЭллен toodle pip!
Damn, I wish I'd not picked this dressing.
where do you live? NY ?
Hello, everyone
@user1111261 What? Who?
new york city
R.I.P. Ray Bradbury.
sad panda
Where did sad panda come from?
Is it some cartoon with a sad panda in it?
@Monica What was that grammar book you were using with "She showed me to the doctor"?
It was a Russian text-book
Dictionaries are even worse
Ah, Russian seems so difficult to learn.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 So were you upset when, in the first Scooby Doo movie, it turned out the man in the mask (Scrappy Doo) was actually using real magic?
German are Russian seem similar to me
@Monica and
If you don't know either
Ha ha
@Monica textbook
My first langauge is Russian
@Monica language
not Georgian?
That's why I can compare and that's why it seemed so easy to me
structurally (and abstract syntax) I can see, but vocabulary?
I am confusing Mitch and Monica because both start with M and both are silvery.
and we both talk about the same things.
But Mitch is a native speaker
to each other
@Monica That's what you think. How would you know?
so if you see mistakes you can say who it is
and 'Monica' looks longer.
@Mitch looks
would know what?
if that's the way you feel like you need to se it then fine, fixed.
If you see someone correcting spellings in chat, you know who it is.
Who does that?
Jasper of course!
-You- did that? I mean you did that?
I used to help an American with Russian
Q: X, along with Y, 'were'/'was'

Régis RouxI was interested in the following sentence which appeared in a brief Tom Daschle's biography in The Washington Post, Politics, (WHO RUNS GOV). She, along with Mark Childress, were set to be Daschle's deputies at the White House before he stepped down. Can someone clarify if the fragment ...

I was thinking of this question myself.
Jay has given an answer and cornbread has deleted hers.
I have to ask you about something
Is there any authoritative answer?
need some help if you please
Yes, ask.
@Gigili: have you heard of this Israeli/Iranian singer Rita?
As I have found out When got this cup broken?
When got the mistake corrected?
When got the car repaired?
When got the dinner cooked?
When got the car bought?
@Mitch No, never heard of it.
Were all wrong because I didn't use 'did'
@Mitch I think they posted her video recently.
When got X Y'ed? -> When did X get Y'ed?
Your examples are all wrong (don't repeat them). You have to do the goofy inversion.
@Monica When did this cup get broken? When did the mistake get corrected?
yes, yes
@Monica Or simply When was this cup broken? When was the mistake corrected?
@Gigili (people in chat asked yesterday but I didn't see a response and I was curious)
can I use 'have' and 'get' interchangeably here?
He had me stumped.
She had me stoned.
Bob got me drunk.
'When got ...' sounds totally off.
@Mitch Yes, Cerb asked and I said I don't know her.
those examples all sound perfectly normal.
'She -got- me stoned' though
@Monica I think so.
so I can use them interchangeably
if stoned means 'high from smoking weed' then 'got'.
and questions will be
Except in the stoned example.
Did she get/have you drunk?
He had his shoes polished. / He got his shoes polished.
if stoned means 'people threw stones at me a as punishment' then 'had'
@Monica No.
'Did she get you drunk?' (not have)
Now I am all confused.
Monica got her mistakes corrected. / Monica had her mistakes corrected.
You wouldn't say "She had me drunk." I wasn't paying enough attention. sorry.
I know the general use of using causatives
Essentially one is using the synonymity of "get" and "have" in that context.
You also wouldn't say "He got me stumped."
'She had me (do something).'
but these examples seem so confusing
'she got me (some adjective)'
that's the pattern.
So 'had' and 'got' are not interchangeable in those sentences.
but when are they?
'She had (some action)' means she went to some other people andrequested that they do the activity for her.
'She got me...' means she caused me to become X

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