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Who wants to tear apart my new blog post before it's officially published?
@MattЭллен hold on, a picture is worth a thousand words.
This is the current sockpuppet situation.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 I'm 12 and what is this?
who is at the bottom?
@Vitaly This is grammar.
@MattЭллен this guy:
@MrShinyandNew安宇 oh! oh! me! me!
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Charles II has his work cut out for him.
Also the Niebelunglied:
@MattЭллен The cookie.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 now that is family planning.
Also, guess what I found in the break room!?
@KitFox donuts
or bettter: fully defined requirements for your project
No! Awesomer!
Something I don't even have a proper name for.
Not a donut. Not a cruller.
Not a bismark.
Not an eclair.
But yummy! And sweet!
A syummy?
A swummy?
A sweemy?
A yeet?
A lobster roach?
@Vitaly licks
No lobsters, only cocks.
Hm. Kit betweens me in the most inappropriate manner.
so many feathers
so am I Charles II of Spain?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 preaching to the choir?
It's kind of like a Berliner, but rectangular. Wiki sez "Long John" but it doesn't quite match. Close though.
@MattЭллен no, but you are.
We've been there.
@MattЭллен you don't want to be Charles II of Spain. he's is own sibling, cousin, 2nd cousin, etc.
@KitFox Dunkin Donuts has a full terminology for all donut-like pastries, even those they don't make. You should ask them.
after you finish it.
spits on Dunkin Donuts
Was a puppet in Being John Malkovich. A giant puppet.
An acquired taste.
@Mitch Well, my blog doesn't get many readers, so more like preaching to the hymnals. But sometimes something needs to be said. I'll forward this blog post to the newspaper columnist whose article I am destroying and see if I get a response.
@KitFox Boston cream donut? (but that's round and white powdered)
does it have chocolate on it?
No, definitely not a Boston Creme.
Is she a he?
@Robusto and what is that a non sequitur to?
Or is it she who is he?
@KitFox where does it come from?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 too long for letter to the editor.
Emily Dickinson?
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Actually, it could serve as a non sequitur to anything.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Some bakery in Fairfield.
@Robusto I'll have to try it. Seeing is believing.
That narrows it down.
was it free?
or did you buy it?
Yeah right she left money on the table.
@KitFox Ding ding ding! You get the prize. It is a non sequitur to the Emily coment.
That doesn't follow.
the function name znaupd is why mathematicians should not be allowed to programme
makes perfect sense in context.
@MattЭллен They also shouldn't be allowed to program.
each letter means something
there aren't any comments
@Mitch It was in the break room.
@MattЭллен znaupd beeblebrox is a very popular name where I come from.
then it was the best donut evar
z-scored natural something distribution.
@Mitch I NO RITE!!
@Mitch but for centuries we've had a way of writing that doesn't require initialisms and arcane knowledge
> Interface for the Implicitly Restarted Arnoldi Iteration, to compute approximations to the converged approximations to eigenvalues of A*z = lambda*B*z
That znaupd?
yes, probably
Which is now zneupd?
Get your eigenprefix for eigen. Geez.
Oh my bad.
> Interface for the Implicitly Restarted Arnoldi Iteration, to compute a few eigenpairs of a complex linear operator OP with respect to a semi-inner product defined by a hermitian positive semi-definite real matrix B.
That's znaupd.
English is in my Internet stealing German.
@KitFox znaupd is the Zealand New Australia Police Department. Duh.
Zipped Nuclear Auto-Underpants Protection Directive.
What can I say instead of what the hell?
What in the world?
What the heck
When something is what the hell
What the fuck?
What the...?
Something in between?
What's all this then?
What the bah.
Okay, I'll say all this then.
@Gigili in between what and what?
What is this grammar?
Q: What is a rotation?

TheoHow does a rotation usually works? He is currently preparing for his residency in pediatric neurology, which he became interested in while doing a rotation at LaRabida Children's Hospital in Chicago.

@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 What the hell and what the fuck
I swear this is the 50th question today to get the do-support wrong.
How does it works?
@Gigili what the flak.
Oh, why didn't I think of that?
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 What does the flak. Get the do-support right, jeez.
@Gigili Using too many of those words will attract the wrong attention.
@Vitaly what do the flak does.
Ur sentanse no support.
@JasperLoy There's no wrong attention, only wrong people who pay attention.
I'm being Jasper again.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 But the comment is wrongish.
@Gigili No, you are only an imitation.
@Gigili You can also use "What in the [noun]" like "What in the world", "What in tarnation", "What in the name of all that his holy and good", etc
"What the duck"
@KitFox So? I can leave a wrong comment on every question ever.
we can't downvote comments
"What the heck"
These days @reg closes GR questions so quickly that I can't bluff some rep out of them.
Now you know my secret, shh...
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Okay, the last one is selected. congratulations.
@JasperLoy your secret was F'x's secret long ago
@MattЭллен but you can upvote them and then immediately revoke the upvote.
That'll show'em!
@MattЭллен Really? Did he say so himself?
@MrShinyandNew: You have a comma splice in the penultimate sentence of the paragraph that begins "Atheism doesn't have 'ideals'."
I just lost 30 rep for answering the pig ham pork question which OP deleted.
You got downvoted 15 times?
Jul 27 '11 at 17:36, by F'x
@MattEllen how do you think I gathered such sweet rep? “low-hanging-fruit:1”
@MattЭллен Low-hanging fruit makes me think of two things, one in the man, one in the woman.
@JasperLoy That's why I don't mess with that treif.
@JasperLoy no ABBA in this chat.
@Robusto Oh, and I had a good poo just now. What a relief!
Speaking of treif, did I mention that I made a kosher, gluten-free, vegetarian meal recently?
@Robusto Thanks, meant to put a ;
@KitFox that sounds restrictive!
Interesting. Jasper is still Clark Kent to me. So when I at-mention him, the system shows "@ClarkKent", but when I press Enter, it thinks for a second and changes that into "@JasperLoy".
That's what was so thrilling.
what did you make?
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Indeed, weird things not only happen to me all the time, they also happen around me.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Hm, he was to me too.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 heh, me too
@MattЭллен Sesame-ginger stir fry over rice.
But I eff-fived and now it's better
@KitFox sounds tasty.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Me three..
@MrShiny Are all the quotations from the letter?
@MattЭллен Oh, it was. Tofu so good, you'd have thought it was chicken. Asparagus, carrots, fiddleheads.
@KitFox all the quotations are the entire article (an opinion column in the paper) by the rabbi. I only removed two sentences.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I am finding that confusing somehow. Maybe because my attention is divided.
Oh look! Crackers!
@KitFox wow! I've never had tofu that good.
@MattЭллен Super extra firm, cubed, marinated with gluten-free soy sauce and sesame oil for one hourish, then fried in sesame oil and um. Something else.
Will you include a poll in that blog post?
Just a thought.
@MattЭллен In Chinese, chi dou fu or eat beancurd refers to taking advantage of a woman.
What in the name of all that his holy and good.
6 secs ago, by Gigili
What in the name of all that his holy and good.
@Vitaly No... what would I poll? "Did this blog A) convince you B) confirm your prexisting notions and leave your opinion unchanged C) bore you D) Sweet ginger chick you're long-winded, man?"
Right now, I am reading the part about the quotes Frank Furedi and thinking that you are arguing the point about what Frank said, not about what the rabbi said.
I'm satisfied.
@KitFox Hm let me look that part over.
@Gigili For the love of Pete!
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Anything pharyngulable.
@Gigili glad to hear it :)
Rabbi + t = Rabbit
@Vitaly oh, haha.
looks @Vitaly adoringly
Actually Vit you probably noticed that the format of this post is similar to some that Myers posts on his own blog. I was thinking that maybe someone would just send this article to him and he'd do the teardown but either nobody did, or he's too busy to bother with that nobody in the Star.
How many not short words become a completely different word when you add a single letter to it?
Anyway my blogging platform doesn't do polls AFAIK.
Ah, I thought of another one. Apple + t = Applet
@JasperLoy all of them except words that have ae in British spelling but e in English spelling (or some other variant like ou for o): encyclopedia -> aencyclopedia
or is it encyclopaedia
@JasperLoy different+t becomes differentt
@MattЭллен Now you are just trolling me.
@MattЭллен yeah, precisley.
What kind of smiley is that @MRS?
apology +t becomes apologyt
What words DON'T become different words when you add a letter
Mat+t -> Matt
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I read that as Priscilla Presley.
@Gigili it's a letter O followed by a closing parens followed by a colon. there is n o smiley there.
1 min ago, by Mr. Shiny and New 安宇
@JasperLoy all of them except words that have ae in British spelling but e in English spelling (or some other variant like ou for o): encyclopedia -> aencyclopedia
@Gigili a cyclops with two spots on its chin
@KitFox Priscilla Presley + t = Priscilla Prestleyt
:O) vs. o):
@MrShinyandNew安宇 that's after she's been on a diet
I think with Google Chrome OS and Google Docs, Google might be planning to make a complete operating system and office suite in 5 years. That will be serious competition to Microsoft.
@JasperLoy do you mean desktop operating system? because they already have an OS
They should make a decent photo of the Cologne Cathedral first.
and google docs is an office suit
@MattЭллен Hence I said complete, meaning whatever.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 I imagine you must be somewhere in that picture.
But to be honest, I still feel that the downvotes are excessive. I think a minus one would suffice.
How do you use Google as a dictionary like that @MrS? I see you googled the word but I don't get the same results?
But I can imagine how sadistic people like to make it a minus ten.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I also had trouble with the quotes; I got to about the fifth one and couldn't figure out what you were quoting. I figured it out... sorry I can't think of a specific suggestion to make it clearer that all the quotes are from the same place. Maybe remind the reader "Whatsisface continues," before some of the later quotes before you tear them down?
@JasperLoy very few questions get below -6.
I'm also doing like five other things and reading at breakneck speed.
@JasperLoy How you can imagine that?
And if they do, they get deleted before reaching -10.
@Gigili You have to use "define:word"
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Well, yes!
@Vitaly I believe everything as long as it's in Comic Sans and on the Internet.
@aediaλ What if I change the font or background-colour of the quotes and state up -front that all the quotes are from the article?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I remember you taught me that before.
@JasperLoy Google has a complete operating system and office suite and is already competing with Microsoft now. And furthermore their "desktop" OS is already available and is further competing with microsoft but frankly, Android itself is enough.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 I believe it as long as it is in Times New Roman. That has more credibility than Comic Sans.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 That would help.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 That doesn't work. You mean like filetype:pdf?
But personally, I wouldn't do a point-by-point takedown.
Damn it. Meeting. Later.
@Gigili Just type it into the search box of google search eg define:cat
FYI damn it is an anagram of mad tin. Amazing, huh? Rearranging letters can bring such joy.
feels joy
Why would we need to take down any points made by a rabbi?
@MrShinyandNew "hogwash" paragraph toward the end is a little long and rambling (too many examples, I think it gets away from the point); last sentence imho weakens your point by seeming to attack the other side as an incomprehensible bloc/throw up hands in futility. Sorry I don't have a good alternative handy at the moment...
@Mahnax Boo!
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 You know forty-two? That'd be the answer.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I think that would be a lot better
@JasperLoy Hello!
@aediaλ Refresh to see the formatting changes
Ah better!
Also, most of your rabid examples point to Catholicism, which isn't all religions and also probably easy to wiggle out of for a rabbi.

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