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@RegDwigнt Hmm ... sounds fat and bourgeois, like a Linzer torte.
@RegDwigнt Haha, not available in my country!
But if it's HvK and Berlin, it's likely the same.
Yeah, Berlin under him was a fantastic instrument.
@Cerberus WTF is that shit. Men don't seek happiness, only Englishmen do? I knew Nietzsche was a plum, but I didn't know he was a batshit plum.
You hear the difference in the pieces. Der Wiener sounds pedestrian and routine, while der Berliner makes the dance sound like the product of a diseased brain ... which it was.
@RegDwigнt Well, I think he means consciously seeking happiness. Asking oneself that question.
It doesn't matter what he means. The elephant in the room is the Englishman.
He could say literally anything at all, and the question would still be: why the Englishman.
Perhaps it is typical of Englishmen to be consciously occupied with seeking happiness.
And less so of other people.
No, it is typical of Englishmen to be miserable.
I think we can all be aequally miserable.
@Robusto Wiener play everything like that. It's kinda their whole shtick.
Such a lovely website.
Like, apparently even Karajan couldn't beat it out of them.
@Cerberus Apparently so, quoth my Sunday newspaper.
I think I'll go and make all my videos available only in Deutschsüdwestafrika.
@Cerberus Leider, nicht verfügbar in meinem Land.
@Robusto Leider, indeed.
No, Deutschsüdwestafrika. WTF is Namibia, never heard of that one.
Sounds like a country made up by James Cameron.
@Cerberus That is Trump´s goal, certainly.
Probably not, I think Trump does exclude himself from that.
> the psychological literature suggests that close relationships with other people are our greatest existential resource
This would seem true.
@RegDwigнt I apologize.
And their absence our greatest existential peril.
@Robusto Just 2 more years! And soon he won't have a majority in parliament any more, so he will be far less impactful.
I hope.
@Cerberus 1. He is scheduled to serve for 2.5 more years. 2. We don´t have a parliament.
He'll be invisible in an orange jumpsuit.
@tchrist people should just stop whining and start learning the violin. Or the flute.
And I'm not even joking.
Your life has no purpose, give your life a purpose.
That's your whole purpose in life.
What, whining can´t be musical?
You never heard me play the euphonium.
@RegDwigнt To will an illusion into reality.
> researchers have found that adults with children are more focused on matters of meaning than are adults who do not have children, and that parents experience a greater sense of meaningfulness when they are engaged in activities that involve taking care of children.
Haha, I forgot and left my keyboard on Spanish. Was wondering why the apostrophes looked weird.
Well now you're on Trump's list alright.
@Cerberus Circle of life, what?
This may be true, but research also shows that new parents are often less happy than before.
He'll build a wall around your keyboard.
@Cerberus New parents are always overwhelmed.
And Mexico will pay for it? Pssht.
@Robusto You do, and his party will lose its majority soon in at least one house of it.
@Cerberus published research also shows that most of published research is wrong.
@Cerberus Well, that is certainly the hope.
Next thing you know we'll have a taco cart on every street corner.
The one who should be frickin' impeached is Fox News. They have done more to ruin this country than any single entity.
@tchrist But I believe the effect continues for a long time. Maybe it passes once children become independent enough.
I read this article a while ago.
I would ignore all research and just make sure not to suicide yourself. Because if you don't suicide yourself, noöne else will suicide you. Problem solved.
@Robusto I suppose they are your Boris Johnson...
@Cerberus Either raising kids takes a hell of a lot out of you, or you're not doing it right and the children will suffer irreparably.
Spreading (semi-)fake news for years until people believe it.
@Robusto hey these are all just people with a job and a family.
@Cerberus As a parent, I can tell you for sure that parenting is the most awful, wonderful, demanding, fraught-with-peril experience I have ever gone through.
@Cerberus No semi about it. You can drive a truck between their "news" and the truth.
@tchrist Mmm I'm sure that's often the case, but I'm not sure whether it's necessarily the case always.
I've been spreading fake news for years in this very room and nobody believes me.
You won't believe what you don't want to believe.
The internet is an echo chamber. And everyone lives in their own bubble.
Mar 7 '11 at 18:22, by Robusto
Who reads your shit?
No doubt! But maybe it did not make you happy all the time.*
(*Even though you might not remember: we tend to forget bad emotions sooner than good ones, fortunately.)
@Robusto exactly. And who watches Fox News? I sure don't.
@RegDwigнt All the troglodytes in America, that's who.
Again, you can only make me believe in Chthulhu if I want to believe in him myself.
@RegDwigнt Sheep fattening for the slaughter.
At which point you're not really making me believe in him.
@Robusto Right, but the term is often used in a stricter sense, when it is really mostly contrary to fact. I think Fox is mostly just misleading and one-sided (although of course they also have factually wrong news)?
If Fox News had been around fifty years ago, Nixon would still be president.
@Cerberus They specialize in what Stephen Colbert termed "truthiness" ... does it sound like it could be true.
@Robusto troglodytes want to be entertained, too. Not everyone can be watching Holst orchestrations. I can't expect that. Nor do I care.
Oh yeah? Well ... Putin!
> All of which brings us to the changing social landscape of America. To bemoan the decline of neighborliness, the shrinking of the family and the diminishing role of religion may sound like the complaining of a crotchety old man. Yet from the standpoint of psychological science, these changes, regardless of what you otherwise think about them, pose serious threats to a life of meaning.
Even so, many of the world's least religious countries are amongst its happiest.
And religious people are happier than atheists. Big deal. There's more to life than happiness.
@Cerberus And which of these is cause and which effect?
In Holland, a minority of people call themselves religious nowadays, and a majority will even say "I don't believe in God". And yet it is always in the top 5 of happiest countries.
Call no man happy till he's dead.
@Robusto yes. Misery loves company. Happiness doesn't. And like Tchrist quoted above, being human means to go looking for company.
@RegDwigнt I don't think it is right to see those are cause and effect, but rather as different phaenomena between which there may be various indirect conexions.
Fun fact: Holland is also among those countries where people work the least hours a week.
Yeah of course that would make you happy.
Rolls eyes.
So does work engender happiness, or unhappiness?
Maybe it could go either way.
It can.
Nothing engenders nothing. You're the smith of your own fate.
@Cerberus Not to mention that they suffer classicist gay doggies to live and prosper. Well, to live anyway.
Yeah and get flooded by their neighbors from above.
Have you ever been enhappied?
Not below. Above. In Holland.
And that makes him somehow the fifth happiest dog on earth.
Who are the top three?
Snoop Lion.
All three of them.
He just smokes weed and plays videogames all day.
Weed is the reason your underpants are yellow.
@Robusto Indeed, but this is also possible in many other places!
Looks up "ruminative". Fuck you, The New York Times. Speak English. That's why people watch the Fox News.
@RegDwigнt It means they have a four-chambered stomach to chew their own cud with.
@RegDwigнt But you know the word ruminate.
What's wrong with contemplating or meditative or pondering or any number of other fine words that people actually know.
@Cerberus first time I hear it.
I don't know all the words, come on. Neither do you.
Of the last man they surnamed the master of his own fate it was written: He was dark-haired as his mother, and promised to be like her in mood also; for he was not merry, and spoke little, though he learned to speak early and ever seemed older than his years. He was slow to forget injustice or mockery; but the fire of his father was also in him, and he could be sudden and fierce. Yet he was quick to pity, and the hurts or sadness of living things might move him to tears.
He did not end well.
So, look, the least religious countries are mostly happier, but there are other factors. And the lack of religion, high income, and other factors also correlate. So it's complicated.
@RegDwigнt Or thoughtful.
@Cerberus How do they define happiness?
@Robusto Yes thank you. Precisely.
@Sid This is probably based on polls where people are asked to rate their own happiness. Which has its own problems, yes.
Which has all the problems ever.
What is “happiness”?
@tchrist Looks like you passed your Túrin test.
@tchrist Sounds almost like Aragorn.
@Cerberus Túrin Turambar
Ah, he.
That's a nice Shakespearean insult.
You're as dark-haired as your mother.
Who married his own sister unwittingly, and begot upon her a child never to be born.
You sounded Tolkienesque.
Nobody noticed that I not only got it but served it back with a nice pun ... lots of English on it.
@tchrist Which sounds like Oedipus or any of a variety of Roman comedies...
@Cerberus A funny lot, those Romans.
@Cerberus Everything sounds like Oedipus to you lot.
@Robusto that, or maybe everybody noticed but you just didn't notice everybody noticing.
Dem not notice. Me see.
@Robusto Well, unwittingly marrying a close relative: what example is notoriouser?
@Cerberus Quite commonplace in the American South.
Not to be confused with South America.
Not 1st degree, usually!
Whatever it takes.
@Robusto Me see? You can't post such ambiguous harmonies here. Give me a G.
Cousins, surely.
Yes, cousins is common in religious villages all over the world, methinks.
Habitual "marrying a close relative" seldom involves first-degree relatives, as the habit tends to weed itself out from the gene pool.
"coursins- LOL.
Cousin marriage is marriage between cousins (i.e. people with common grandparents or people who share other fairly recent ancestors). Opinions and practice vary widely across the world. In some cultures and communities, cousin marriage is considered ideal and actively encouraged; in others, it is subject to social stigma. In some countries, this practice is common; in others it is uncommon but still legal. In others, it is seen as incestuous and is legally prohibited: it is banned in China and Taiwan, North Korea, South Korea, the Philippines and 24 of the 50 United States. Supporters of cousin...
Coursins swear, Lord Kildare.
@Sid Hey! You haven't earned the right to LOL @Cerb in this chat.
@Robusto yeah that's only one definition of cousin.
@tchrist So, anyway, to return to your article: I think the decrease in social cohesion, even though it makes some people happier, makes more people unhappier. Even so, I think there are other factors. Maybe the increased competition in many aspects of society is one such factor. I've read some theories about his this makes many people unhappier.
@Cerberus I doubt religion enters into it, outside Ptolemies and Targaryens.
@Robusto Now, now, he is a free man.
Or woman. Or other animal.
@Cerberus Then someone make a mistake somewhere.
@Cerberus Did you just assume my gender? :P
@Cerberus Increased competition needn't lead to karoshi.
And if he doesn't get that I'm joking, then he needs to read chat a lot longer before speaking.
@tchrist I'm not sure: somehow, it is more often seen in orthodox religious regions here, I believe.
@Cerberus I don't think competition has even increased. Competition has increased for being a twat on YouTube, but for anything of value it's dropping rather rapidly.
@Sid Well, Sid is usually a male name, isn't it?
@RegDwigнt Hasn't that reached the saturation point yet?
If not, how many more years?
@tchrist But it may.
@Robusto Well yes, which is why everyone's unhappy and even a bigger twat.
@Cerberus I was referring to couplings of the first degree, not to existential angst.
@Cerberus yeah, sorry. I was joking
@RegDwigнt For fame, money, social status: I think it is increasing. And that is not original idea.
@tchrist So was I.
@Sid I know. But I needed to respond like that anyway. No need to apologize!
@Cerberus no average person ever was part of that competition in the first place. If they think they somehow are, they are delusional.
Oh, I need to go.
@Sid So were we all. Always. Forever. For everyone.
@RegDwigнt More average people are forced to be more competitive.
@Cerberus You're going to break up the group just like that, you selfish bastard?
Children in school now need to think about their c.v., which I think is horrible.
I don't think most average people can even spell "competitive".
Sorry, I need to participate in this horrible development, I need to tutor this kid.
@Cerberus maybe in your happy country they do. Certainly not in other places.
Of which there are many.
@Cerberus Your life certainly has reached a pretty pass.
If the average person was really forced to think about their CV, they'd figure out by now how to spell "its" or do basic math.
But they haven't, so apparently there's no pressure whatsoever.
@RegDwigнt That's just one example.
Another is how children need to post pictures of their beautiful lives on Insta all the time.
Etc. etc.
But now it's shower time!
No. Nobody needs to do that. Ever. Especially not children.
Come on now.
@Cerberus They don't need to. They kind of have to.
> “Men of dreams, the lovers and the poets, are better in most things than the men of my sort; the men of intellect. You take your being from your mothers. You live to the full: it is given you to love with your whole strength, to know and taste the whole of life. We thinkers, though often we seem to rule you, cannot live with half your joy and full reality. Ours is a thin and arid life, but the fullness of being is yours; yours the sap of the fruit, the garden of lovers, the joyous pleasaunces of beauty. Your home is the earth, ours the idea of it.
@Sid They feel they need to. It's an epidemic. And a symptom of this competitiveness I mentioned.
@Sid Even if they did have to, which they don't, everyone is in on the fact that it's all fake.
Like, we somehow went from "everyone needs to be smarter and better educated and more versatile and competitive" to "everyone needs to use a shitty app du jour to post fake pictures nobody even looks at". I don't think we're arguing our point very well there.
@RegDwigнt No one disagrees that it's fake. My point is, it kind of has become a "fad" now
I think by now the fad has been gone for years.
Instagram is the new MySpace.
Everyone uses Grammarly now. And that, too, will pass.
Not even knowing that that is not a word that could ever exist.
So ... if we were a quartet, what instruments would we be? I think @Cerb would be a horn (the one erroneously called a "French" horn in English). @tchrist would be a Cor anglais. @RegDwigнt a clarinet, sometimes in E♭, mostly in B♭. Me? Hmm, not a euphonium, certainly, but perhaps a trombone?
Double viol, violoncello, viola da gamba, violin
A bit heavy on the dark side.
BTW, a great lost (until recently) recording illustrating Stravinsky's genius orchestration:
Like, I will concess this much from personal experience. I'm sitting here in one of the most populated (16th) and wealthiest (4th) places on Earth. I speak a million languages and play two million instruments. I'm on every dating site in existence. I've not had a single date in years. But maybe, just maybe, we shouldn't be interpreting that as "there's crazy competition out there" but rather "there's just general indecisiveness and laziness out there".
I can't imagine a better interpretation of this piece.
@Robusto I'd be the cor anglais because I sorta digged the name ever since I first heard it in 10th grade.
@RegDwigнt You don't get to be what you want to be. You get to be what you are.
But that's the thing. Am I a clarinet?
Don't you hear the chuckling of the clarinet in your posts? I do.
I don't think I'd pierce through an orchestra. That's not my style. Maybe in this room it is. But not IRL.
I like being invisible.
@RegDwigнt One date alone is guaranteed.
@tchrist yes, they even guarantee 10 if you pay 400 Euros. But what they actually mean by that is you pay 400 Euros and then you get 0 dates.
et in hora mortis nostrae
@RegDwigнt Well, consider the fact that your particular mind, your peculiar abilities, move you way to the extreme end of the curve where the choices are so much narrower.
@RegDwigнt Oh, yeah. That reminds me, I am on a dating site too. But, I have most probably forgotten all my login details. :P
@Robusto I'm not talking about my choices. I'm talking about others'. I'm not the one being picky, or having to be picky.
@RegDwigнt How is it being picky to have few choices?
No what I meant is I took you to mean that I only have like five ladies to pick from, which I really don't because I don't give a fuck if she can speak ten languages or play piano or is blonde or lives within a 5-yard radius.
The pond may be full, but the fish don't necessary fly to your lure.
Or fly to your fly, if I may be so bold.
For a while I actually made it a sport to just see how many "not interested"s I could get every day.
Hmm, maybe @tchrist would be a viola da caccia.
But then I said fuck it I'd rather watch Pewdiepie.
Apr 26 '14 at 12:54, by Robusto
A cynic I used to work with preferred prostitutes because, as he said, "If you're not paying money you're paying too much."
retreats to his monastery’s carillon tower for mediations
@RegDwigнt which site does that?
@Robusto I wonder if it was the same guy you meant when I said "show me the most lovely and beautiful woman and I'll show you a man who's tired of her shit", and you went oh yeah I know a guy who'd say that.
@tchrist You already missed nones.
I mean, does it show you stats? As to "X people clicked "not interested" for you"
@RegDwigнt Nope. Two different people.
You know a lot of cynics, Rob.
I seem to travel in those circles.
Comes with the territory as an orchestra player.
But do listen to the Rozhdestvensky if you have some time.
Especially if you want to hear some amazing violining.
@Sid no what I did was like look at someone's profile and if I liked something they said I'd not even message them but just click a "thumbs up" next to that thing. So they'd get it in their inbox. Not even a message, just an acknowledgment that someone looked at their shit and actually read it and actually appreciated it. And then every day I would look how many of them would have blocked me for that.
Which was all of them.
@RegDwigнt Sounds like you're fishing in the wrong pond.
Most of them picking the boilerplate reason, "I'm already dating someone else". Closely followed by "living too far away" or "not enough common interests".
@Robusto nah as I said I fished in all of them. Literally anything. From Tinder to high-profile manually curated sites you pay money for.
@RegDwigнt Maybe sites are the problem.
But then I got bored cuz the funniest joke is only funny for so long.
@Robusto yeah I would pretty much say so.
@RegDwigнt That sounds so bad..
@Sid not if you take it as a sport. If you go and kill yourself, then yeah it's not that good. But who would do that. Except for all those idiots in tchrist's stats.
@RegDwigнt I use dating sites only to read whatever someone has written and then laugh at it.
Stuff like, "Creeps stay away", "Looking for commitment", "looking for friendship" and the best of all, "Few words can't describe me".
Oh, and the icing in the cake, "Follow me on instagram <*insert instagram id*>
Like, there was that one girl who said on her profile that she loves languages and travels a lot and can't sing but can play the violin somewhat. And on my profile I was saying that I love languages and travel a lot and am learning the violin now. So I left a like on her page. The next day she blocked me using "not enough common interests" as the reason.
If you can't laugh about that, but have to go and kill yourself for that nonsense, I dunno what's wrong with you.
@RegDwigнt Okay, that's hilarious.
@RegDwigнt If you can't laugh at yourself, your only solution is to laugh at others.
@Sid which on the kind of sites where they say that, everybody says that.
Or how they have to fill out a section "what makes me special" and all of them, all of them, use it to either say "I laugh a lot and am very open-minded" or "you will have to find it out for yourself".
There's very, very few original people out there. But very, very many people who think they are.
@RegDwigнt Oh, that too, yeah. Helpful for a nice laugh always.
And nobody understands that if you were really funny, you'd never tell me "I am funny", you'd just write something funny.
Show, don't tell.
@RegDwigнt They might as well just say "I love and am open to just about everyone in the world ... just not you."
Yeah pretty much so, but what all those depressed males killing themselves fail to understand is that by "you" they don't mean you, they mean everyone.
There's places I've not been to in years, and then I go check them out again, like OKCupid, say, and it's still the exact same faces as before. All of them. Being as miserable as ever. Not having progressed at all.
So yeah there's no point. Close the browser, go out for a walk. You might actually get to talk to someone.
cupid rhymes with...
@skull I like that. Creative. :P
@RegDwigнt That's what I meant by "sites" are the problem.
Yeah which is why I agreed with you.
I can tell you why I gave it a try at all. Because I met my ex-wife online.
Not on a dating site, mind. On last.fm.
So yeah kids that's my tip for you. Go to places talk to people. Can be online, sure. Just don't hang out on dating sites, hang out on the sites where you like hanging out on and where people share your interests.
@RegDwigнt Like Stack Exchange. :P
The only women at all proactive on dating sites are single mothers.
You'll get messages from some 24-year old with a 3-year old son.
And you'll be like Jesus Christ. I pity you, girl.
@Sid yeah why not. I don't know if they keep tabs on this, but I bet there's people who first met each other on SE.
I've met people on SE but have never had carnal relations with them.
That ^
I've met a million people who've never had any kind of relation with a dictionary.
You'd never think these existed.
Is it even possible to have carnal relations with a dictionary? If it is, I bet you could look it up.
Rule 34.
So no don't look it up dear God no.
reading a dictionary could change your life :P
Q: Is the word retort pronounced the same as a noun and a verb?

DerekI first learned this word as part of the chemistry apparatus the retort stand. People tend to put the emphasis on the first syllable, i.e. reetort stand. Should it be pronounced with emphasis on the second syllable such as the word in: to retort(v) and to give a retort(n) ? Here are some exa...

@Reg: This one's been open far too long.
If these people would just pick up a frickin' dictionary they would fine the frickin' answer.
Yeah that's another thing about my idiolect. I don't give a flying, non-flying, or any other fuck about initial-stress derived nouns. I just place the stress wherever, áddress, addréss, who cares.
the answer walked the OP through the dictionary
It's a free for all. Yay.
@Robusto And many dead fish float in the pond.
@Robusto Hmm and how would you characterize said instruments?
@Cerberus That could be from Bashō.
There are more classics than are dreamt of in your canon, Horatio.
Matsuo Bashō (松尾 芭蕉, 1644–1694), born 松尾 金作, then Matsuo Chūemon Munefusa (松尾 忠右衛門 宗房), was the most famous poet of the Edo period in Japan. During his lifetime, Bashō was recognized for his works in the collaborative haikai no renga form; today, after centuries of commentary, he is recognized as the greatest master of haiku (then called hokku). Matsuo Bashō's poetry is internationally renowned; and, in Japan, many of his poems are reproduced on monuments and traditional sites. Although Bashō is justifiably famous in the West for his hokku, he himself believed his best work lay in leading a...
Hentai no ringo, you say. Huh.
How do you like them apples.
the Japanese influence is strong with this one :P
Nice, I'll look at him later.
Now I fly!
Wait. Dogs can't fly!
I fear he is headed for a fall.
As are we all, now that the summer solstice has passed.
Die Flughunde (Pteropodidae; Megachiroptera) sind eine Säugetierfamilie aus der Ordnung der Fledertiere (Chiroptera). Sie bilden die einzige Familie der Unterordnung Megachiroptera und stehen damit den Fledermäusen (Microchiroptera) gegenüber. Die Familie umfasst rund 40 Gattungen mit knapp 200 Arten. == Verbreitung == Flughunde sind in tropischen und subtropischen Regionen in Afrika (einschließlich Madagaskar und den Seychellen), im indischen Ozean (Malediven), dem südlichen Asien, Australien und dem westlichen Ozeanien verbreitet. In Europa ist lediglich der Nilflughund auf der Insel Zypern…
And here I always thought flying monkeys were bad; now we have flying hounds.
Of three heads, no less.
and no more
Verdict's still out on that one.
Some have counted nine, some a hundred.
But those witnesses are not reliable because all of them were dead at the time.
> I am off down the road
Where the fairy lanterns glowed
And the little pretty flitter-mice are flying
A slender band of gray
It runs creepily away
And the hedges and the grasses are a-sighing.
The air is full of wings,
And of blundery beetle-things
That warn you with their whirring and their humming.
The poet's metri-causa inversion of "pretty little" to "little pretty" catches at you.
Not too fond of a- words.
He just needed a syllable.
Well he needs lots of syllables in lots of places but he's not filling in those holes so not sure what's the deal with caring about this particular one.
The first line of every stanza is missing a syllable. That throws me off big time.

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