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Out of those three, the French Lilac is the closest to what I would call lilac.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 so it does exist on the spectrum, you just have to wrap it around
@Cerberus Are you laughing at me now?
@WillHunting The rainbow has infinite colours.
anyway, that probably explains why I call it pink, and others call it purple
See, those lips don't look lilac to me.
they're not lilac
Q: Advanced english, some advices about a translation would be great

Pierre-Olivier BourgeoisI am trying to translate a summary of my resumé from french to english, however I feel like my english is quite simple. It would be great if somebody could give me some advices, because I really feel my translation is quite basic. Here is a sample, I am currently studying information techn...

They come up when I search for lilac.
@MattЭллен As a pedant, I object to your wrapping of the spectrum in order to claim that colours are on it which are not on it.
@Carlo_R Well done Carlo! Bravo!
@Cerberus I gathered :D
@MrShinyandNew安宇 well I object to your objection!
@MattЭллен So do I.
Q: Articles in a list

domino I saw a bear, a lion and a donkey. Is the usage of the article a necessary before each word in a list like this? Biggs set out Monday morning for one of his usual hiking and gold-panning trips near Whiskey Flats when he came across a mother bear, yearling, and cub sitting on a strea...

I could swear that's a dupe.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Wait, now you are a pedant too?
@Cerberus when it suits me
@RegDwightѬſ道 lol. I was thinking the same thing but couldn't find any
Good to see you've risen above hoi polloi.
the hoi polloi? who are them?
Hoi polloi is beyond my vocabulary.
Or should I be using the right case, tois pollois...or tous pollous?
@Cerberus As a pedant, I insist that you say "the hoi polloi" because usage defines language.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 That is counter to the essence of pedantry.
@Cerberus It depends on how you apply your pedantry
from a pedastal
I am pedantically descriptivist about language
Believe me, I am the epitome of pedantry.
And when people start spouting "rules" at me, I whip out my smug, pedantic knowledge about usage and prove them wrong! Thus making the world a better place.
@MattЭллен this is the closest I could find. Which is to say, not close at all.
Q: Is it necessary to use "the" multiple times?

Dante is not a GeekIt seems that the question has eventually become a series of questions.... Question 1 An example goes as: The 1st and (the) 2nd paragraphs of the article are extremely long. Is it necessary to use the in ()? Answer contributed by waiwai933 & further explained by Tragicomic General...

It makes you prescriptivist, but not pedantic.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 One word at a time.
@Cerberus No, I'm not prescriptivist.
Yes you are. You are prescribing usage.
Now I am getting a bucketload of déjà-vus.
I don't object to your usage of "hoi polloi". I object to your prescription of its usage which clearly flies in the face of 99% of all English usage of it.
@RegDwightѬſ道 I see. the second part of it is quite relevant.
@MattЭллен Yeah...
That's not what I called prescriptivist.
@Cerberus What's prescriptivist about me then?
3 mins ago, by Mr. Shiny and New 安宇
@Cerberus As a pedant, I insist that you say "the hoi polloi" because usage defines language.
@WillHunting Do you know Italian language?
@Cerberus whoops, forgot I said that
gah, I'm pedantic AND forgetful! I'm turning into Cerb!
@Carlo_R Nope. But it is a beautiful language.
And you don't even realize you've always been that way.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Not until you use XP.
Don't deny it, because you've just admitted you're forgetful.
Non capisco un'acca.
@Cerberus No, I'm only becoming forgetful. I wasn't always forgetful.
I think.
So you think.
But I'm pretty sure I don't use XP.
You forgot to use it.
No, I actively don't use it.
I run Linux. I'm irrationally attached to Linux like you're irrationally attached to AHK.
or is it that you inactively do use it?
So how does that work? You're on a treadmill when you're using Linux?
No wonder you're always huffing and puffing about things.
@Cerberus No. Please refer to the other definitions of the word run.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I was actually referring to actively.
Holy crap.
yeah, @Cerb, clearly MrS runs Linux - he is in charge of the whole shebang!
You all certainly know how to talk.
Which shebang? His computer?
@Cerberus No, I didn't say I actively run Linux. I said I actively DON'T run XP.
@Cerberus The linux shebang
Spelled #!
In computing, a shebang (also called a sha-bang, hashbang, pound-bang, hash-exclam, or hash-pling) is the character sequence consisting of the characters number sign and exclamation mark (#!), when it occurs as the first two characters on the first line of a text file. In this case, the program loader in Unix-like operating systems parses the rest of the first line as an interpreter directive and invokes the program specified after the character sequence with any command line options specified as parameters. The name of the file being executed is passed as the final argument. For example...
So what you're doing when you're actively not running XP is spinning? Power aerobics? Tell me!
@WillHunting Thanks. I am fascinated by English language. It is so beautiful!
@MrShinyandNew安宇 that's not Unix. That's Ricky Martin.
@RegDwightѬſ道 It's eunuchs. and Unix.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Ohh I know one of your references for once! I was 17 then.
I remember watching that on MTV in Rome, which we didn't have at home.
tries to get living la vida loca out of her head
@KitFox that's a different song.
Oh wait, maybe it was that!
@RegDwightѬſ道 Same Ricky Martin.
Ugh remembering is like hard.
bashes head against wall Get out, get out, get out!
Go, Go, Go! Allez, Allez, Allez!
vamos vamos vamos!
Andiamo, andiamo, andiamo!
Why are those women wearing clothes?
And wasn't he gay or something?
@KitFox Because he is gay.
because clothing is the new naked
So he is?
@RegDwightѬſ道 That doesn't answer the question.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Who? My favourite Mark Feehily?
@Cerberus He officially announced it a couple years ago. All his female fans were shocked. No man was.
Mr. McFeeley?
@RegDwightѬſ道 Really? They were shocked? Women are so stupid.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Ah I see.
@KitFox women fans are stupid.
No, can't say I'm shocked.
Ricky Martin fans are stupid.
That would be women.
well, not all women
Kit is a woman in this room, remember?
Well, even gays can turn straight too.
Like whom?
@Cerberus She invaded Poland, remember?
@Cerberus If they force themselves, like my friend.
Well, then what do "being" and "turning" mean?
I still think orientation is pretty fluid.
@WillHunting gays cannot turn straight. It's not like changing a shirt.
I don't think it is. There are just many people who like both to various degrees.
@Cerberus Ah maybe that's it.
So those people might appear to change, while in fact they are just exploring different aspects of themselves.
I see more and more people are popping into our interesting chat!
Of course it is possible that some hard-wired change occurs too, but, if so, I think that is rare and small.
Have you seen the study about older women shifting to lesbianism?
Valuations like this are closely dependent from cultural approach!
Theoretically because of hormone shifts.
@KitFox Nope. Maybe cos they can't find men.
Maybe I should turn gay too, hehe.
@WillHunting No, because of physiological changes.
@Carlo_R That too!
People don't just choose a different gender because there aren't any convenient partners around.
@Cerberus Why?
@KitFox Yeah, that's true, I'd forgotten that one. But it's still not like @Will's asserting that they "turned" their orientation by choice.
@KitFox Maybe their imagination runs too wild.
Then again, behaviour/experience may also have an effect on hormones, which in turn may affect sexuality, so the boundary between hard-wired and fluid is, well, fluid.
Attraction isn't something you just decide. That's silly.
To some degree.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Or, I agree. I just thought it was interesting.
@KitFox In some sense they sometimes do.
I am thinking sometimes one may think of something so much that over time he becomes that.
@Carlo_R You said it, not I!
@Cerberus But only if they are attracted to begin with.
@KitFox You do not decide anything. Is the cultural context that decide for you.
@WillHunting Conditioning, either from oneself or from outside forces, can affect your behaviour. But I don't think it affects whether or not you are gay, just how you deal with that.
@KitFox Well, you don't need sexual attraction for sex. An emotional connection, physical stimulation, and a lack of the other gender can be enough to make people do stuff.
just look at prison. well I say that, but I have no idea if it's true
And farms.
@Cerberus But just because you have sex with a guy doesn't mean you're gay.
@Cerberus I think so too.
sits in a corner and judges everyone
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Yes, you are.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I was commenting on Kit's suggestion that people don't turn to the other gender when there are no females available.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Wow this is getting deep.
They normally don't, but sometimes they do—just not for true love and such, I think.
@Carlo_R It's only gay if the balls touch.
I didn't say anything about true love.
@MattЭллен There is a joke which I do not know how common. They tell you to bend down and pick up the soap.
I know.
@RegDwightѬſ道 are you sure?
@RegDwightѬſ道 This is also very deep.
I was just adding context to make my line more ehm acceptable.
@Carlo_R 75k hits on Google.
@Carlo_R Nah. Like Matt said, look at prison. Straight guys go to prison and have sex with other straight guys, but they don't become gay. They only have gay sex because that's the only kind they can get.
Or they are less afraid to act on their homosexuality.
Q: Proper usage of the semicolon

Absolute0"I stepped outside to check the rain; it calmed down." or "I stepped outside to check the rain. It calmed down." If the former is correct, then it seems like a bunch of sentences can be joined with a semicolon.

Because more people around them do it.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Which is funny because outside of prison, they'd just masturbate and think about how to get laid.
Kind of gen-ref, kind of dupe.
I have done many things in my imagination which I would not do in real life...
@Cerberus If they are already gay then they might come to realize it in prison. But they didn't become gay in prison. They merely broke through their conditioning.
@WillHunting That's a whole nother ball of wax.
@KitFox Yeah there must be something else going on too, some extra factor.
What are you saying? You are crazy!
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Of course.
@Carlo_R There are many crazy people here, it's true.
@KitFox I think maybe the close proximity? Or the lack of prospect of meeting eligible females for the next ten years?
@WillHunting Not many. Just seven.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Is semicolon similar to ball?
@Carlo_R Yes and no.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Is 7 the new 9000?
@WillHunting Yes and no.
I love how delicately you put it, by the way.
Could you be more explicit?
@Carlo_R Yes and no.
@RegDwightѬſ道 I knew it!!
I knew for 100 % you were going to say this.
@Cerberus You will forget.
Tomorrow you will think it was 89%.
@RegDwightѬſ道 This is not an answer.
Don't begrudge me my little moment.
@Carlo_R Of course it is.
Look up "answer" in a dictionary of your choice.
What is the opposite of begrudge, by the way?
@RegDwightѬſ道 Oh I get it, 7 is for few and 9000 is for many, hence yes and no. QED.
@Cerberus Judge Dredd.
Nice tries.
@Cerberus give
or allow to have
It seems all sushi questions have been deleted.
@MattЭллен Allow is closer, but I meant something like "be fine with someone having x".
There is a Dutch word for that.
Hugh Grant is one actor I don't like watching somehow.
Then watch him otherwise.
I wonder why women find him good-looking.
Who is this "women".
Sushi is an argument that I prefer. In this case we must talk of the exclamation point. Is it true?
It's the british accent.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Just my imagination perhaps.
@Carlo_R Is what true?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 So the way to get laid is to have a British accent. QED.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Still too active.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Ask to Reg
@WillHunting not in Britain.
@WillHunting it's not the only requisite, believe me
@Cerberus let indulge.
@MattЭллен You need to go to America. Or maybe Canada.
Or Japan.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Better, but SWR!
@Cerberus letindulge.
Japan sounds preferable. Or maybe Canada, but Canada is cold
I had a friend who went to Japan. He said after a while it got to be a problem because he couldn't tell if girls liked him because of him, or because he was a foreigner.
Spelled "Latin dulge" in the US.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Hmm I like your way of thinking.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Perhaps that kind of attraction will not last very long.
The egg of Columbus.
@MattЭллен How much snow did you get this year? We got one snowfall.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 but being a foreigner in Japan is a part of him.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 well, the time leading up to that point must have been fun :D
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I don't know. less than last year. how warm is it there now?
@MattЭллен 10°C
@MattЭллен It was snowing at Mahnax's.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 about the same here
@WillHunting Well, he's in Alberta. They have insane weather there.
maybe I could cope
It's normal and routine for the temp to fluctuate by 30° in one day in Alberta
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I was about to correct your "fluxuate"!
@WillHunting No correcting my spelling in this chat.
I remember the colorx question.
Can't find it now, but it turned out that the x was not for the plural of color but rather that the teacher crossed out the s in colors.
So the person asked if the plural of color is colorx.
Oh yes, that was fun.
That one must have hit the multicollider too.
Q: "flavorx" v.s. "flavors"

KaneI wrote something about the food. And I use flavors for plural flavor, however my foreign English teacher corrected it as flavorx. And he considers that I also should read 'flavors'. I googled the word 'flavorx', but I almost can't find it used in the articles. Is 'flavorx' the right spell in th...

@RegDwightѬſ道 AH it is flavor not color, my bad!
I like how it has eight answers.
Q: a or an Hermitian?

PanAkryI would want to know if I have to write "an Hermitian matrix" or "a Hermitian matrix". The only thing I know is that Hermitian comes from Charles Hermite https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Hermite.

@RegDwightѬſ道 That is more than 7.
Actually now that I closed it I think what he's actually asking for is whether the H in Hermitian is pronounced.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Well, I am not sure if names are on-topic here.
It's a math term.
Anyone can call himself anything and pronounce a name in any way.
A number of mathematical entities are named Hermitian, after the mathematician Charles Hermite: *Hermitian adjoint *Hermitian connection, the unique connection on a Hermitian manifold that satisfies specific conditions *Hermitian form, a specific sesquilinear form *Hermitian function, a complex function whose complex conjugate is equal to the original function with the variable changed in sign *Hermitian hat wavelet, a low-oscillation, complex-valued wavelet *Hermitian manifold/structure **Hermitian metric, is a smoothly varying positive-definite Hermitian form on each fiber of a complex...
@WillHunting nohat says Yes, JA says no.
@WillHunting that much is true, but the question is how the English-speaking math community pronounces it.
Q: How are these Brazilian Portuguese names pronounced in English?

jftugaHow are these Brazilian (Portuguese) names pronounced in (U.S.) English? João Gilberto Astrud Gilberto Bebel Gilberto Vinicius de Moraes Antonio Carlos Jobim Vivo Sonhando EDIT: Since this is reopened, I would like to add these: Toquinho and Manhã de Carnaval

Hmm did you know that America has always had stronger enforcement of patents than England, at least since 1800?
I thought it was a more recent development.
I think this is also complicated by the fact that the name can come from many different countries.
The surname Ellen, for example could come from Greek or Dutch
The article on Hermitian functions uses "a Hermitian".
hehehe, you said article
So does the article on Hermitian forms.
Ellen is a girl's name here.
Could be English.
Sometimes a person is born in X, lives in Y and marries someone from Z. You don't know what language the name is anymore.
@Cerberus apparently it is a common shortening of Germanic surnames such as Ellenborg

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