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Cubeless education - is a deadly evil. Cubeless educators are evil bastards.
Humans are dumb, educated stupid, and evil.
@FumbleFingers I think it would take a dissertation to prove your assertion.
I think I will put that on my SE profile.
@Robusto I find 29 instances of substantively agree in google books, against high hundreds for substantially agree. That's good enough for me.
@FumbleFingers But what does that prove?
@Robusto it proves that people are increasingly using substantive in the metaphoric sense, and reserving substantial for the literal "big, hefty" sense.
@RegDwightѬſ道 ah, I haven't read that in so long :)
@MattЭллен that's because you are educated stupid, and evil.
I am stupid and evil and I don't know that I am stupid and evil
that the great thing about the internet - if you have enough money you can say what you like
gotta go - idiot box beckons!
Time Cube used to make me laugh. Now I realize that that guy is probably mentally ill and it makes me sad.
cya @FumbleFingers :)
@MrShinyandNew安宇 well, yeah, possibly. But just because someone holds wild, out there beliefs and espouses them in an antagonistic way, does that make him crazy?
When the workers control the means of production we won't have to deal with this crap anymore.
The workers can only control TVs.
A: What is the origin of "number" as in song or dance?

Daniel δDo a number on stage means perform a number, where number means: 14. a single or distinct performance within a show, as a song or dance: The comic routine followed the dance number. The etymology of this usage of number is (Etymonline): The meaning "musical selection" is from vaudeville...

Look out! A text wall! And it has a meaningless NGram! Quick, let's upvote it!
@MattЭллен No. But the way he writes reminds me of other writing by people who have been described as paranoid schizophrenics. Rambling, incoherent, repetitive, non-grammatical word-salad. It's not just that he writes that way: it's that he seems compelled to write it. And he seems to believe it and feels that nobody else in the world gets it.
The correct answer is "Yes, it does make him crazy."
All blacks have declared war on us.
No, seriously.
But ... once you've had black, you never go back?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I agree, he does need psychiatric help.
or did
I doubt he updates those pages, maybe he's got help since then
Q: Why use "constitutionality" instead of "constitutional"?

rupelloThis morning I heard the word "constitutionality" being used by a journalist with regard to the debate over the legality of health care reforms here in the US. This grates on my British ears as I would simply use 'constitutional' in this context. Does 'constitutionality' have a different meaning...

How is this a real question?
@RegDwightѬſ道 possibly, but going by the picture probably not
@MattЭллен so you believe pictures on that site?
@RegDwightѬſ道 I believe everything on that site
@RegDwightѬſ道 d'oh I forgot about that one. I meant to ask for more details...
Never mind, I only just noticed that the URL reads the wisest hu man.
I find it really worring that questions with little to no context get upvoted like that.
This is a recurring pattern.
Well, time for me to go.
bye again
No Matt, not that. That's too comprehensible.
hi @Rob!
Why Norma Jean?
iconic value
Because Billy Jean is not my lover
May 27 '11 at 18:36, by Robusto
@RegDwight — Great. We can take "Candle in the Wind" off the soundtrack now.
Billy Jean is Danny Glover?
I R confused, particularly about this question and it's answer
Q: etymology of inkhorn

zpletanI had never heard the word inkhorn before I saw it used in http://english.stackexchange.com/a/62354/13812. The NOAD says that this is a historical noun meaning a small portable container for ink, and that as an adjective it denotes pedantic words or expressions used only in academic writing. How ...

they seem to say the same thing
@MattЭллен I thought it's a book by Patrizia Funke or what her name was?
Inkheart (original title: Tintenherz) is a young adult-child fantasy novel by Cornelia Funke, and the first book of the Inkworld trilogy. Inkheart follows the adventures of a 12-year-old girl named Meggie Folchart whose life changes dramatically when she discovers that her father, a bookbinder named Mortimer (Mo), has an unusual ability; when he reads aloud, he can bring characters and items from books into the real world. When Meggie was three years old, Mo read a book called Inkheart aloud to her mother. In an instant, Meggie's mother (and two cats) vanished into the Inkworld and t...
Inkspell, Inkdeath...
I hate the recording industry. I have that song, "In Neon", on CD. I should be allowed to listen to it on YouTube.
I heartily agree!
I have Black Swan on DVD, I should be able to watch it
but the voices are absent
so it doesn't make a lot of sense
stupid DRM
or whatever's fucked it up
They will never sell you the actual right to watch or listen. They will only sell you a medium. Which costs a couple cents in production.
it's ludicrous
So now I have to go look for that CD. Sigh.
and I will have to torrent the film, or never watch it, which ever comes first
And with any luck my PC won't play it because I could be a pirate or something.
The Pirate Party has actually taken over our local parliament yesterday.
Well, not exactly taken over. 8 percent, but still.
That should be enough for a pirate.
Is there a jolly roger flying?
We had a talk from a Pirate Party member last year sometime - the UK Pirate Party, mind you. I don't think they made it into the local elections
Okay what kind of crap is this?
They really don't want me to listen to the music.
have you tried CDex? is that still free?
yeah, looks like it
@FumbleFingers You largely agree with Robusto that they are -not- synonymous now? Oh...OK...so you think that they -used to- be synonymous? So you're saying that the graph is comparing apples and apples at the beginning (early 1800's) but apples and oranges in the late 1900's? Then the chart will be incoherent for whichever position is taken.
it can get you a track listing and rip the cd to mp3 for the low, low cost of nothing
I don't even want to rip it. I just want to click a YouTube link and have it work.
Okay, so the OP has edited his question.
Q: Positioning adverb respect to articles and prepositions

Carlo_R.Is grammatically correct positioning an adverb immediately before or after preposition or after an article? For example, read the sentences below. Are there other position where the term 'scarily' can be put? Scarily, she must have been dancing too close to the cliff. She scarily must have bee...

Now dig this.
@FumbleFingers NGrams is great...when it can be interpreted properly. As is, it just says which one is more popular than the other, and not whether they have any connected meaning (that's the point of my purple/orange comparison).
> Is grammatically correct positioning an adverb immediately before or after preposition or after an article?
Except in none of the examples the adverb is positioned immediately before or after preposition or after an article.
Or is that his point?
Ah! It is!
@RegDwightѬſ道 Except it sorta is not...because many of his examples are crazy sounding.
is it after a scarily article?
well, that's obviously wrong
is it after scarily an article?
that would only work with commas
Is it correct to use the word "host" for someone who's infected with a type of virus?
As in:
@Mitch Well I don't think "scarily" is a word that fits anywhere in there.
> Human Herpes viruses share common charachteristics like lifetime infection in their host
@Gigili yes, that makes sense :)
Thank you.
@RegDwightѬſ道 hmm...maybe it's the word "scarily' that's the problem
How can I say this better:
> Human Herpes Virus 1 (HHV1) and Human Herpes Virus 2(HHV2) along with varicella-zoster virus may remain in body for a long time without showing any signs but all of a sudden cause disease unexpectedly.
HHV1, HHV2, and varicella-zoster virus can incubate in the host for prolonged periods prior to sudden outbreaks of symptoms.
@Mitch I agree.
Incubate isn't quite right. There's a word, but I can't quite think of it.
@KitFox I am looking for just that right now...
Lie dormant?
I only know the Russian term.
@KitFox Whoa, does that have the same meaning?
@Robusto Um, yes, that would fit.
That's not the word I am trying to think of though.
@RegDwightѬſ道 German keyboard, huh.
@Gigili Pretty much, I think, except clearer in meaning for a scientist.
@Gigili German kezboard.
Maybe estivate? Hibernate? Estihibernate?
Incubation period is the time elapsed between exposure to a pathogenic organism, a chemical or radiation, and when symptoms and signs are first apparent. The period may be as short as minutes to as long as thirty years in the case of variant Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease. While Latent or Latency period may be synonymous, a distinction is sometimes made between Incubation period, the period between infection and clinical onset of the disease, and Latent period, the time from infection to infectiousness. Which is shorter depends on the disease. A person may be a carrier of a disease, such as...
Latent. That's it.
Looks good to me. Incubate it is.
HHV1, HHV2, and varicella-zoster virus can remain latent in the host for prolonged periods prior to sudden outbreaks of symptoms.
@KitFox I looked for that, too, but guess what.
In his model of the child's psychosexual development, Sigmund Freud describes five stages. Freud believed that the child discharges his/her libido (sexual energy) through a distinct body area that characterizes each stage. The stages are: *the 'oral phase' (first stage) *the 'anal phase' (second stage) *the 'phallic phase' (third stage) *the 'latency phase' (fourth stage) *the 'genital phase' (fifth stage). Because the latency stage is less of a stage and more of period between stages, it may begin at any time between the ages of 3 and 7 (whenever the child goes to school) and may co...
@KitFox What, you're saying @Reg is gay because he uses Wikipedia? That's not nice.
It's not actually incubating. Incubating implies growth of some sort, but the viruses in this case are actually dormant.
latent Biology lying dormant or hidden until circumstances are suitable for development or manifestation.
@KitFox Great, thank you.
I think we have a wiener, folks.
@Gigili No sweat.
@RegDwightѬſ道 That's very funny.
@KitFox Well yeah, but the thing is, if the established term is "incubation period", I would just use it rather than describe it in my own wall of text.
@RegDwightѬſ道 It's not an incubation period.
@RegDwightѬſ道 "... latent wall of text." Because it's not actually erupting at this point.
@Robusto my wall of text ain't in a closet.
Look closeter.
When was the last time you looked?
Incubation is between the infection and the first eruption.
And we are talking about?..
after infection and the nth eruption
Between eruptions.
Let me reread it again, then.
Because that is so not how I read it.
... well, it's ambiguous!
It could very well be the incubation period.
No. The difference is that latent means lying dormant and incubate means "develop[ing] slowly without outward or perceptible signs." If something is incubating it is always growing. If it is latent it can stop growing until something else triggers growth again.
I'd rather see the original Gigili is translating.
Virus latency (or viral latency) is the ability of a pathogenic virus to lie dormant (latent) within a cell, denoted as the lysogenic part of the viral life cycle. A latent viral infection is a type of persistent viral infection which is distinguished from a chronic viral infection. A latent infection is a phase in certain viruses' life cycles in which after initial infection, virus production ceases. However, the virus genome is not fully eradicated. The result of this is that the virus can reactivate and begin producing large amounts of viral progeny without the host being infected...
> Nowadays eight Herpes viruse types are known in human beings and there also is a probability of discovering more viruses in future. These viruses are catogorized into three families of Alpha, beta and gamma. Herpes viruses cause disease in other animates such as monkey, dog, cow, cat, horse, birds and mouse other than human beings.
Human Herpes viruses share common charachteristics like causing lifetime infection in their host. Human Herpes Virus 1 (HHV1), Human Herpes Virus 2(HHV2) and varicella-zoster virus can remain in body for prolonged periods prior to sudden outbreaks of symp
What I said.
good night! I don't want to get infected
Someone downvoted the question and all the answers to the complex sentence question. Confess!
@Robusto Exactly.
@MattЭллен Good night!
@MattЭллен Cya!
@Gigili Holy ouch.
high fives @KitFox
@MattЭллен I'll send them to your bed, now that you left like that. Good night.
@KitFox Eh why? =\
@Gigili monkey
Tsss, I knew it!
@Gigili I would just rewrite the whole thing.
Silly typos.
@jrg You're here again today! There must have been a flag.
Eeeh, why? Pfft. I thought I did a good one this time.
It's a good translation, I'm sure.
Just not the way I would write it.
Today JA closed a question.
@Robusto Belated laugh. This was funny, but I got distracted.
Q: Word for something difficult or nearly impossible to achieve

ShyamWhat is a word which means something difficult or close to impossible to achieve? For example, A ten-percent growth rate is a __: it is certainly possible on paper, but very difficult to accomplish. I can think of a castle in the air or an ideal prospect, but I would love to have a simple o...

Isn't that a dupe?
I think this question is fine. OP is clear about what he wants and the sentence is given.
I swear I have seen that question before.
Oh. Gotta go. Bye!
I think there are more unconstructive things than this, say what is the longest word.
@WillHunting He lives!
JA Rule!
Q: Complex sentence using "instead"

PietroI would really need help with the following sentence. The significance of culture and identity in development has to do not so much with the cultural factor in the process of development as with abandoning Eurocentric development thinking, i.e. development as catching up and imitation, ...

@KitFox Have fun, thank you for your help.
Also if the downvoter is here I would really like to hear what is wrong with the posts in the question above.
@WillHunting He would really need help with that sentence? What might cause that state of affairs?
Also, it wasn't me. I hardly ever down-vote. Get my file down here, we'll take a look.
@Robusto It's OK to downvote even without a comment, but sometimes I just don't get the downvotes.
1505 up, 164 down. ~10:1 ratio
@Robusto wait what?
Initially I only upvoted, but later I was influenced by all the downvoters so I became evil too.
@RegDwightѬſ道 JA is closing questions on ELU.
I know.
Hence the exclamation.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Then you should utilize the interrobang.
I will utilize and bang whomever I myself choose.
@RegDwightѬſ道 No flirting in this chat!
That's not flirting.
@RegDwightѬſ道 May we suggest a nice, young interrobang? There's a sale on those today.
@Robusto can I use my Pan Am miles?
That show got canceled.
@george You are here too! Must have been some flagging just now.
Stop it.
Just tell him there was a flag.
BTW, we should leave those guys in our chat. It's the only way to be sure we haven't entered the End Times yet. Cuz once Da Raptchah starts, demz gonna fly fly fly on up outta here.
Whew, they're still here.
I am not trying to figure out what the flag is. I am just surprised to see these foreign mods.
The Rapture is long past.
Whoa, I missed it?
Also, The Rapture != Da Raptchah. QED.
1 min ago, by Robusto
Whew, they're still here.
Also foreign mods have no idea of the stuff we say here. They did not read the entire transcript to understand what we are talking about.
Hello every one. Can any one PLEASE help me and tell if this sentence has some errors in it.

"I have significant experience in Managing IIS, deployment environments, and doing deployments."

I want to say I have experience in managing two things (IIS and deployment servers) and experience of doing deployments on them.
@WillHunting They read the entire Bible.
@haansi well your explanation of the sentence is better and less ambiguous than the sentence itself.
@haansi Do you mean "I have experience in managing and deploying IIS and deployment servers"?
BTW, consider this sentence: "I believe that anything or anyone that contradicts something stated in the Bible is wrong." Now, the Bible contradicts itself, right? Ergo, the Bible must be wrong.
MATTHEW 27:46,50: "And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, "Eli, eli, lama sabachthani?" that is to say, "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" ...Jesus, when he cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost."
LUKE 23:46: "And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, "Father, unto thy hands I commend my spirit:" and having said thus, he gave up the ghost."
JOHN 19:30: "When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, "It is finished:" and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost."
Silly you, the Bible can't possibly say "When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar" lol.
@Will Hunting you are correct "I have experience in managing and deploying IIS and deployment servers"?
@RegDwightѬſ道 You should ask that on X.SE
@haansi If you mean doing two things on each of two things, then the sentence I wrote is good!
Asking about Unbiblical quotes is Unchristian.
@RegDwightѬſ道 I am Unimpressed.
Have some fries with that.
Uninstall yourself.
Nice litotes.
Not an unnice litotes.
It's a Latin word.
@Will Hunting sorry to bother you again but I am confuse can we use and this way twice in a sentence ? I am not native English speaker but read it is used between second last and last in the list. Please advice
Latin words take in-. Like, indoors, or Stalin.
@RegDwightѬſ道 How innocuous.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Don't forget Palin.
Palin is just a lazy man's way of pronouncing Stalin.
@haansi Well, we can use "and" twice in this way, no problem at all. The first "and" combines the two actions, the second "and" combines the two objects.
Also, you misspelled "Forget Palin!".
Thanks @Will Hunting
@RegDwightѬſ道 Nuh-uhhh! Forget Lenin!
@haansi Another example is "I love kissing and hugging Jane and Jill".
Just keep me well supplied with oxytocin. Communist though it may be.
@WillHunting No flirting in this chat.
@Gigili Oh they might be names of teddy bears.
@WillHunting Rather, I'm still here.
@Mitch I really am feeling a bit confused here. You keep talking about apples and oranges, and how NGrams are misleading - but my point seems simple enough to me, and I don't see how you're addressing it. Also, I don't think the general chat room works for this (I did create a dedicated room).
@WillHunting Totally the names of teddy bears. :)
hello again guys
Anyway, as much fun as it is to have actual card-carrying christians in our chat, I'm going to have to go home. Laters.
@FumbleFingers Hello.
@Robusto Bye.
bye rob hi will
@FumbleFingers Very efficient sentence.
do not multiply entities
So now I have an accepted answer that is at -1, does not look good.
@WillHunting on wot?
Q: Complex sentence using "instead"

PietroI would really need help with the following sentence. The significance of culture and identity in development has to do not so much with the cultural factor in the process of development as with abandoning Eurocentric development thinking, i.e. development as catching up and imitation, ...

gimmie a mo to peruse...
@FumbleFingers The question and all three answers were downvoted.
the original sentence is clumsy. I got that far...
I took a while to parse it too. It is clumsy but alright.
In any case it really is asking about the usage of "instead".
there's nothing wrong with your answer, so I upvoted it. John's is more incisive, I think - but it's longer, so maybe yours is better (Occam's razor again!)
I upvoted everything there to neutralize the effect of the downvote.
That is why I have the sportsmanship badge.
anyway, JL is currently my hero! he sent me a $70 spare book (didn't even want the postage), and it arrived this afternoon!
@FumbleFingers Wow, now the whole world knows!
he offered it me here in chat a couple of weeks ago, so it's no secret
mind you, it'll be embarrassing in a few weeks time when he picks me up on something and says did you not even read that in the book?
I got a copy of the Cambridge Grammar of English but have not read it. It is not the Cambridge Grammar of the English Language by the way.
haha - I see your bete noire question there is a rehash of one I'd earlier noted english.stackexchange.com/questions/62097 as badly written
@FumbleFingers How kind!
@Mahnax John suggested I should read the syntactic phenomena of english, so I went off to ebay to have a look - cheapest was $70, plus p&p from the US. I balked, and he offered.
@FumbleFingers That's pretty crazy.
Does he expect it back?
@RegDwightѬſ道 I have only read parts of it. But anyway I think we really should not bash religion as much as we do in chat.
@Mahnax no no - it's his "spare" copy, but he doesn't take classes anymore, so it really is "surplus" (i hope)
@WillHunting yes, but isn't that because you are a man of faith?
@FumbleFingers I am of no religion strictly speaking by the way. I am agnostic and mystic I guess.
@FumbleFingers Nice.
@WillHunting agnostic is near-as-dammit religious in my book!
@Mahnax it makes up a lot for the fact that JL can be a bit crabby sometimes
Since it is neither possible to prove nor disprove the existence of supernatural beings, I have chosen the middle path.
@WillHunting how do you disprove the existence of the fairies at the bottom of my garden?
(Occam's razor again)
@FumbleFingers First I will have to dig deep into the ground.
@WillHunting I wouldn't do that! My fairies don't like having their habitat messed about with!
(plus, you may accidentally come across a certain amount of buried cat pooh)
@Vitaly Good night!
me, I'm still trying to decide if I believe in Benford's Law en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benford's_law
@FumbleFingers I put a response over there but you didn't respond there so I came back here. I'll continue to try to ping you there.
@FumbleFingers I suppose.
@FumbleFingers i believe in Benford's Law, but then I'll believe in any old thing if you put up a wikipedia article about it
@JSBᾶngs wikipedia says it works best on numbers that span several orders of magnitude
your mom spans several orders of magnitude
(sorry, i'm feeling silly and/or stupid)
Oh snap!
i came across it as a teenager, but dismissed it on the grounds that people tend to measure things differently, and choose measurements, in a way that skews in favour of the first digit being 1
I am too tempted to create a Wikipedia article titled "Any Old Thing"
but I just read that it still applies if you change the unit of measurement
whatever - I'm going to trust the original gut instinct and say Benford's Law is tosh
Yeah who needs science, gut instinct is where it's at.
@RegDwightѬſ道 more so than wikipedia for me, if they conflict
now - do I want to watch j edgar, or the hunger game? decisions, decisions.
Fair to say, but Wikipedia hasn't invented the law. They are only the messengers.
@RegDwightѬſ道 but they don't explain why it's tosh. I'll be embarrassed if I get laughed out of court for asking about it on maths.se
You'll get laughed out of court on maths.se anyway.
@RegDwightѬſ道 prolly - I don't have any credentials there. justifiably so lol
I studied maths, and I wouldn't want to show up there.
so did i, but only just scraped an A level, and after that I figured out how to make computers do all the hard sums, 'cos I can't
Welcome to the club.
at least it got me out of doing the scoring in darts, down the pub
When Ms Singularity arrives, as foretold and promised by Vitaly, she will handle all the computations for me and my computer alike. Which is why I dropped out of CS as well.
don't know vitaly, but singularity looks to be arriving to me
Then I guess I can quit this life of crime and play LEGO all day.
'fraid not - someone has to work and pay taxes to keep the next generation fed
The singularity will do that.
ah right - forgot that
No need to remember, the singularity will handle that as well.
can i play with your lego too?
But I will never let it play with my LEGO.
I am NOT a singularity!
I have a measly 200k pieces, not enough for the two of us. Sorries!
(I am legion!)
Why does Carlo have so many closed questions? I have a feeling he may be suspended soon.
15+ years ago, my kids' childminder had a huge DUSTBIN full of it. All the parents over all the years donated old sets to her!
carlo asks rubbish Q's
@FumbleFingers I agree.
We did have a couple easy months. But now the next flood is coming.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Now you are also a prophet.
oh god! it's cyclical?
I bet you ten tögrög that someone will pretend that programming languages always use then after if in one week's time.
@RegDwightѬſ道 I saw he asked the question again after it was deleted. I wonder why. Did he even read the duplicate?
Wait, it was the same OP?
Well, then I bet you twenty tögrög that I know who will ask it again in one week's time.
I think so. Maybe it was deleted too quickly for him to know there was a duplicate, so don't delete too soon.
I ain't been touchin' that one!
It is krishna but not the same as the suspended krishna.
The community handles many deletes these days.
Me, I usually only delete oooold stuff.
I wonder if Thursagen will return in 2014 September.
Then again maybe he is Kris.
I was afraid he would return much sooner.
And also there is vgv8 now known as web maoist.
@WillHunting You think Kris is Thursagen?
@Mahnax I have such a feeling somehow.
@WillHunting Hm, let me take a look.
Okay, Kris likes using bold, sometimes combined with italics.
That's more like Joe Blow.
Though Joe Blow liked it the other way round.
Thursagen also uses bold fairly often, but not as frequently.
prolly Kris is not Thursagen. One of his first answers quotes a chunk of programming text, and I don't think Thursagen ever did anything like that
I particularly noticed Thursagen, because he seemed [similar] to me - joined about the same time, kept getting the same rep levels, etc. Plus I had him twigged as "not quite kosher" some time before it was acted on.
And did you guys know that if you are not logged in, clicking on a closed as duplicate question will bring you to the other question?
I think I'm always auto-logged on
Okay, I think it is safe to assume that Kris and Thursagen are two separate beings.
And that only a mod can edit a merged question though we can edit duplicates with enough rep?
I discovered these two things only recently.
I think it should not be like that.
Is this correct: "go to sleep and make a world happy"?
Well no editing merged questions for me today. Off to bed!
I don't know what "edit a merged question" means
Or should it be the world?
nite reg
@Gigili Are you trying to talk about some random world or the world that you currently reside in?
Also, Kris has a much higher answer to question ratio.
@Mahnax It was clear to me after a while that Thursagen was upvoting his own questions under different logon ID's

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