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@MattE.Эллен We've brought the blog into Meta, with @NVZ and @muru doing much of the heavy-lifting. As the mod who was the keeper of the blog, would you like to do the honours to add the 'faq' tag to the Meta post?
3 hours later…
> . . . there's no disguizing or circumcizing away its existence.
1 hour later…
1 hour later…
Is anyone else reviewing new posts right now?
It's getting a little crazy out there.
3 hours later…
which one is correct?
- A medical doctor
- An medical doctor
A medical doctor
someone said "medical" sounds "emdical" .. isn't that true?
Use an before words which sound like they start with a vowel.
@Ghalib anyway, either "A medical" or "An medical"?
A med doc, would be understood by most.
I'm not looking for a understandable thing, I'm trying to know the correct thing
Do you want to say the short form or the full form?
You need to say "A medical doctor". But if you are going to say the short form i.e. MD (Medical doctor) then you should say "An MD" because "M" in MD sounds like it starts with a vowel. (An AM 'M')
Oh I got it. It's :
- A medical doctor
- An MD
Also "An MBA"
Although it starts with "M" it sounds like a vowel "AM"
an A (ay)
a B
a C
a D
an E (ee)
an F (eff)
a G
an H (aych)
an I (eye)
a J
a K
an L (el)
an M (em)
an N (en)
an O (oh)
a P
a Q
an R (arr)
an S (ess)
a T
a U
a V
a W
an X (ex)
a Y
a Z
(In short forms I mean)
"a NATO meeting"
what does "NATO" mean?
It stands for North Atlantic Treaty Organization. It is pronounced as a whole word hence the use of "a" before it.
But "an NCO" because the letters are pronounced separately.
ah ok
"A UFO" etc.
got it
I was just giving you examples.
@АлексейШиманский прирвет! как дела?
@Lawrence yeah, no worries.
thanks for doing that
I think avatars are sticking in chat today. There aren't as many people as we see here.
Probably some glitch.
@MattE.Эллен Glad to have the information preserved. Besides, @NVZ and @muru did the lion's share of the work. The first few entries in the index might come in useful as explanations to new participants. The blogs are a distillation of EL&U culture, possibly even deserving a place on the ELU-writable help page.
@Lawrence oh, don't mention it. :)
@NVZ :)
Q: What sort of resource request questions do we accept on meta?

NVZWe often migrate resource request questions to meta, and there's no denying that some resources are very useful to the users of this community. Here's my attempt at broadly categorising these requests: For resources that help the community in doing research for better questions and answers. Fo...

Come one, come all.
4 hours later…
What was the activity 12 days ago that put both those SWR meta questions on the featured sidebar?
I quite often surprise myself while talking/writing in my native tongue. Seldom does that happen in other languages that I know though. For me this is a good measure of how much you've internalized a language.
Should it be the other?
Don't ask why. I never really know how to answer article questions
@Færd not necessarily
> This worksheet provides exercises about verbal regency. The students have to complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs given (infinitive or gerund). It helps them understand the structure after prepositions, expressions and certain verbs.
I prefer to exercise my written regexcy
reges rule
(presuming reges the plural of regex)
Wait, plural of rex: close enough.
was joking about regexps
"régir" in French
As was I!
@tchrist rejeese
With tricanine counsel, I've created the predicate-frames tag for how particular verbs are used with what arguments where and when.
> Some verbs meaning wish, lack and deprivation show, in the ancient Latin documents, a genitive-government alternating with the standard one: the accusative case with the verbs of wish, the ablative case with the verbs of lack and deprivation.
The difference in the grammatical relation of the arguments replaced and in their position within the sentence is the reason why the possibility of a common frame of analysis of these constructions was never suggested. This study stresses the semantic continuum existing among them, in order to link the differentiation in the choice of the object-mark
I never realized the Romans were governed not by their generals but by their genitals.
The starred tail of a citation of mine over on the starboard was from this:
@RaceYouAnytime Then I can only surmize that this news will have come as a surprize to you. I would advize you to exercize some superficial investigations into these matters, and, having found, devized, or at least improvized the requizite answers, that you might kindly apprize us of your findings in this regard and suggest whether we should revize or even excize our previous position. While the invariant set admittedly comprizes a smaller number of words than the variant set, I promize you’ll have found that there's no disguizing or circumcizing away its existence. — tchrist ♦ 17 hours ago
Because I said I would not admonish someone for using the non-word *chastize. :)
@tchrist To an Asian, that explains the western world
@caub Is remembering which English verbs take -ise and which ones -ize easier or harder for you because of knowing French?
@M.A.R. I'm having trouble thinking of you in a kimono.
Oops. That's not an -ize verb.
I mean, it can be.
But analize means making something more anal.
Probably not what was meant there. :)
@tchrist I wonder why
@tchrist you never know
Seriously? I've had all my five edits pending in SO's suggested edit queue for at least a couple of hours
@M.A.R. In American, more often than not the word "Asian" conjures up imagery of the inhabitants of Asia's easternmost edge: Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, and such. But in Britain by the same measure it summons thoughts of the Indian subcontinent: people from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka.
Great, we're the middle people then
I thought Cathay was the Middle Kingdom.
East Asia = Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, etc
South Asia = India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka
North Asia = ???
West Asia = ???
North Asia would be Russia and its parts in Asia.
I guess.
West Asia would be Middle East.
@Ghalib Isn't that odd?
The Near East is a geographical term that roughly encompasses Western Asia. Despite having varying definitions within different academic circles, the term was originally applied to the maximum extent of the Ottoman Empire. The term has fallen into disuse in English and has been replaced by the terms "Middle East" and "West Asia", the former of which may include Egypt, and the latter strictly Southwest Asia including the Transcaucasus. According to the National Geographic Society, the terms Near East and Middle East denote the same territories and are "generally accepted as comprising the countries...
Somehow "Near East" has become "Middle East", raising thereby the question of how the western part could be a middle anything.
@M.A.R. Thanks. Yeah, I suppose not. And the reason is you can choose for the other languages to be definite or not.
> Western Asia, West Asia, Southwestern Asia or Southwest Asia is the westernmost subregion of Asia. The concept is in limited use, as it significantly overlaps with the Middle East (or the Near East).
@M.A.R. I never knew why some of us, when we don't have clear enough reasons, trust our gut feelings so much as to speak with a native speaker's authority instead of properly hedging our statements. It slightly disturbs me even when some knowledgeable linguists here occasionally do that (because I've witnessed them being mislead by their gut feelings), let alone others.
@Ghalib East Asia is on the West Pacific
Southeast Asia is Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Thailand, Malyasia. Does Indonesia count there?
@tchrist Reddit answers your question like this: "Because it was named by Europeans. From the European perspective, the 'Far East' (China, etc.) is as far East as you can go without running into the ocean. So the 'Near East' would be when you stop being in Europe and are now in the 'East' and the 'Middle East' would be between those two points (although, in reality, the Middle and Near East are much closer than the Middle East and Far East)."
I wouldn't know. It has just become a term now. Middle East I mean.
But it is interesting.
@Mitch I think it does.
@Færd what's worse, even this native speaker intuition isn't 100 % foolproof, and it occasionally misleads native speakers. To top it all, sometimes right or wrong isn't a boolean function, but a spectrum in language. So well, guess what, you just need to end up developing opinions about things and stop worrying that you might be wrong
@terdon is a more fluent speaker than me, and whenever I helped someone in chat by correcting their sentence, he corrected me further by providing the most idiomatic version. I wasn't fully right, and that's OK
I guess we aimed to become more fluent in language to gain this native-like intuition @Færd. If we don't use it, why did we even try in the first place?
@M.A.R. That wasn't an attempt to exalt native-speaking intuition. I think I've gone over that before, discussing what I think wrong and right means in language and grammar.
@M.A.R. You have to use it when you speak the language. You have no right to pass as a regular native speaker when instructing others.
@Færd it gets tiring to say not a native speaker though every time
An I guess will suffice. :-)
I think I've said let's wait for a native's advice/opinion/whatever whenever I was unsure
@M.A.R. You can't know anything. Everything is opinion. Anything goes.
The way you answered that question insinuated that I trust your intuition even though I knew you based that on no reason other than gut feeling.
So in that case, PARTAY!
in The Screening Room, 17 secs ago, by M.A.R.
PSA: I will be travelling the next four days, and I won't be able to come to chat.
I need a party hat or it won't be a party for me.
@M.A.R. Have fun!
since anything goes, no hat needed.
@Mitch where does it go?
@M.A.R. We will speak for you then.
@Mitch cool. WAIT WHAT
You should miss me instead
Feel lonely.
@Mitch Exactly, it is summers. Time to party hard like a retard.
Except I have to work.
And... study as well.
Which sucks.
@M.A.R. Hm... no idea. All I know is it's gone
@M.A.R. I miss you already
@Ghalib what are you studying?
If I may be so bold as to ask.
@Mitch I'm a chartered accountant.
Well almost.
In other words I'm a CPA.
Few exams left.
Well, I already have a four year degree in commerce but it is not enough to reach there.
So, there are exams and training and struggle. It is tough.
@Ghalib Oh. I think I knew that. But you're studying for your final certification exams?
how long will it take to be all done with them?
@Mitch Until december this year but I'm procrastinating because the job I have joined is very stressful and I get no time to study.
@Ghalib do you have to prepare tax statements for other people? Here in the US it's a hectic but lucrative time in the couple months before the tax due date of Apr 15th. Do you have a similar situation there?
I try my best still my coworkers (some) say "You are slow and don't work hard".
It is not like they are the best. They are average too.
I hate people at offices. Hah.
@Ghalib That sounds a little too honest of them.
People are dumb
It is not like I am a kid, but still when people try to put me down in the office I get depressed.
But there are some good people as well at my workplace.
@Mitch Where I am currently I don't have to make tax returns but if I change the department and go to "Tax" I might have to. I will need practice though. A friend of mine who works for IRS in the US makes them. I don't know much about the system they follow there.
@Mitch Some months quite hectic. That's true.
The year end is hectic usually.
But I am kind of odd. I was telling my dad the other day I would change my field, although I am there, at the end. I told him it is because of the office, I don't like working at an office anymore.
Yeah, they give me salary. It is good, but I think I should enjoy working otherwise it feels like slavery.
To my parents if I am making money then I am a good boy. I don't want that.
Oops, sorry for whining.
Didn't mean to.
Even my boss has asked me "So why did you take this field?" because it is clear to him I am not enjoying working anymore. I told him "Well, at the beginning the field was attractive to me (studies etc. I found it sophisticated and pleasant). And I also knew the money was good, but now, I am changing my mind"
Well, I have been working at the place for quite some time now, so it is not like they will fire me if I say such things.
I have been good there.
@Mitch Do you see a shrink there? Or is it a personal question to ask?
I am just curious.
Here, there are people like shrinks as well, I mean psychiatrists or psychologist. But visiting them is considered a stigma of sort. i don't know why.
For example, if I am seriously getting fucked up thoughts then it might be okay for me to visit one.
I am not talking about the society at large, that's how it is in my family. I don't think it is a bad thing to visit one. Only normal.
Holy effing crap. I've spent the last 2 hours online chatting with the telephone company, just to set up international calling for 1 day. I know that is petty. But coe on it is two decades into the 21st century. Why is it still so hard?
Why not use Skype? It is free and easy to use.
But you know better than me I am sure.
@Ghalib or whatsapp
Yeah Whatsapp, exactly.
but it's not for calls (because why talk to people because ... people are dumb)
it's to use all my smart phone features like maps and web searching and stuff
I see.
I've almost always had communication problems with skype and whatsapp where switching to a phone made things infinitely better
(when speech communication was important)
I don't like skype. I like the Google hangout's audio and video version when talking to relatives. It is much better. At least to me.
And that's how I communicate with my brother who lives in another country.
There are many mediums these days.
@Ghalib I love google but have never used google hangout
Oh okay.
@Ghalib haha...that was an interesting turn of the conversation
that is probably too personal a question especially if one is seeing a psychiatrist, but it turns out that no I am not.
Okay, good.
@Ghalib everyone in the world is slowly coming to the realization that some mental things are actual medical problems.
@Mitch So how can we ask if someone is seeing a shrink? I mean from people who we don't know very well. I know it is none of the asker's business but still these days it is quite common to see a shrink, so why is it not appropriate to ask?
I know with friends we know in real life it is different.
But I see what you mean, a person could be seen as nosy.
So just as you might see a doctor if you have this strange cough that doesn't go away, or a broken finger, you should also go see a doctor if you realize you start hearing voices that you know didn't come from a person or you can't stop crying even a year after a loved one has gone.
Mental difficulties are trickier, but they are treatable (sometimes fixable, but like a lot of health things,sometimes not fixable but can be alleviated somewhat)
and sometimes just talking about things with someone else is a big help.
But most people still think mental things are 'that person's fault'. THat's the confusion.
Also some people here try to follow the spiritual path. So, that's a problem too (heh should I call it a problem? Hm don't know)
I think a few are! but many are not a person's fault, it's just like getting the flu.
Yeah. I mean "He is a nutcase" is the label people are afraid of here. Basically.
Or "She is a nutcase" or whatever.
@Ghalib spiritualism can help with some mental difficulties. it can provide a lot of structure and a lot of history/culture that has tried to figure out ways of dealing with mental difficulties.
Yes, it does I think. It depends on the way the person thinks. It only works for people who are spiritual themselves, or religious.
Not for everyone.
Others may just get offended at the thought of spiritual assistance or help.
These days spiritual things won't work on me as well. I have faith (in the oneness of God etc. etc.) but it won't help with the mental things now, it used to though.
Should I say "mental things"? I hope you don't misinterpret me. I mean things related to mind, not that I am a mental person.
But "mental" like that is a very old use right?
Hm yeah, I guess.
I guess, or it just doesn't do anything for them. or the spiritual part is fine but the advice from a religious person (who despite being educated in religious scripture) may only be repeating behavior advice that they really just don't understand but people just trust their authority.
@Ghalib yes I understand
Okay cool.
@Ghalib "that guy is mental' is a british way of saying 'that guy is crazy/wild/out of control', not really saying they have psychiatric problems.
I see.
@Ghalib because people are still embarrassed. people still think they should be able to control all of their thoughts and behaviors, and sometimes that is just not the case.
Hearing voices or being depressed for long periods of time are not the person's fault.
Yeah, it is not in a person's control sometimes.
things like being addicted to drugs... people usually say that it is the person's fault, but there is an aspect of it that is like a disease (genetic propensities, environmental triggers) and sometimes treatable
I mean, that jerk who cuts you off in traffic is probably just a jerk and somebody should yell at him so that he doesn't do it again.
Also, people are afraid of the drugs that the psychiatrist gives. At least I know some people that avoid psychiatrists because they don't want to eat any meds. Which, to me, makes sense because basically a psychiatrist provides drugs, it is the job of a psychologist to talk (therapy etc.)
@Ghalib yeah, it's not perfect.
drugs and talking are the current usual tools that are available and they're not perfect
also there are techniques for behavior modification.
advice on how to avoid behavior
in some sense religious leaders should provide that kind of similar service.
The worse I have been hit hard in life was in college. During third year, there was this girl I wanted to marry (in my class) but her parents wanted a older person for her (a few years older than her with a stable job etc.). I took that to the heart and got really depressed. I was in a bad state. Got on anti-depressants and sleeping pills. It took years to recover. But I got over it, eventually.
Typo above.
@M.A.R. well yes, but I am a native speaker. Yours and @faerd's English is very impressive; you learned it the hard way!
@terdon And what about my English terdon?
Just curious.
@Mitch Religious people aren't aware of modern medical practices (often).
@Ghalib yeah, that's something to talk about with somebody
@Ghalib good point. appeal to tradition rather than appeal to experiment

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