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@Robusto Maybe kitteh pics would help? Or rainbows?
@Robusto Now we're gonna pick on the USSR. How original.
also, this may be the only chat room in the world where you can troll with a misplaced umlaut
Or a giant robot?
@aediaλ A giant pink robot?
@Robusto With pissflaps!
Where is Yoshimi now that we really need her?
@Robusto she was killed. by the blue robots. (everyone has a weakness.)
> I kind of always thought this was about beast cancer bc it says the robots r pink and that she is taking lots of vitamins. U know like a metaphor she is fighting breast cancer. U go yoshimi!
Is there anything dumber than YouTube comments?
@Robusto replies to YouTube comments.
Damn beast cancer. Making people all blue and fuzzy and intelligent.
First of all, there is no cure for "beast cancer" because nobody is looking for one.
Hmm. That's an idea.
Right. All the scientists are looking for longer erections and more hair.
But how are we to fix the werewolves?
Which, interestingly, would take care of a lot of cancer.
Well while y'all take care of a lot of cancer, I'll go commute.
@RegDwightѬſ道 "People who speak in metaphors can shampoo my crotch." -- Jack Nicholson, As Good as It Gets
So what makes you feel happy, @Rob?
@Robusto "Smacker smacker smacker smacker". — Helen Hunt, As Good as It Gets
Over and out.
@KitFox I dunno. Being on a beach in Maui with nothing to do but decide whether to get another drink or go in the water.
Plagued by worries?
That's pretty complicated. Anything simpler? Like maybe pressing all the buttons on the elevator?
No, not plagued. Just disillusioned.
Hmm with anything in particular?
It took me a long, long time to get disillusioned, but it finally happened. It's the politics, mainly. I don't even know if I'll vote this year, for the first time ever.
Sounds like it is time for you to run for office.
i made a principled decision to stop voting shortly after obama was elected
Hey, if I didn't run for ELU mod, why do you think I'd run for a real position in government?
Well, if you look at it from the broad perspective of history, it is only a temporary bump. On the whole, he world is doing very well.
(i voted for him, but soon realized my mistake)
McCain would have been better?
the mistake was to think that it made any difference
Ah OK.
@Cerberus That is cold comfort. The broad perspective of history doesn't have much benefit to individuals, unless they make their living as historians.
Well, it may might have been (even) worse with McCain.
@Robusto So it is something that disillusioned you on a personal level?
I go through phases of disillusionment but I always seem to settle somewhere around cynicism with a relentlessly cheerful streak
are we really even hitting a temporary bump? we're certainly in the decline phase of the American empire, but i find it too hard to care about that
@Cerberus Yes, of course. And when the chips are down, I'll probably hold my nose and vote. But it will be an empty gesture.
@aediaλ me too!
You can't win if you don't play.
@KitFox you also can't win if you do play
So I hope that you will stop complaining if you don't participate at all.
@JSBᾶngs Not everyone wins.
American people here? :)
@JSBᾶngs Yeah, is that decline so bad? Besides, it is only relative: in absolute terms, there is no decline, only growth (except for the recession, but that was temporary).
hey, Robusto's the one complaining, not me
@Cerberus No. Personally, things are great. I'm well-liked and well-rewarded at my job, my kids turned out great, and I am married to the best woman in the world. What's not to like?
@Anonymous DC area reporting!
@Robusto You're feeling old?
@Robusto So then perhaps America is not a failure after all. Those are the things that matter, and western democracies are doing a fantastic job at that.
@Anonymous Northeast here.
@KitFox "The tragedy of age is not that one is old, but that one is young." — Oscar Wilde
I want to know does this person speak generic American accent :)
@Anonymous I replied to that earlier.
And I'm not that old, truth to tell. Older than most people here, but not old old.
No, you're not old old. But I was suggesting you might feel that way.
@KitFox Sorry, I didn't see that.
You are still attractive and virile-looking.
@Anonymous It's a little bit dramatic, but definitely American. She is making a dramatic reading, so the emphasis is somewhat stagey.
OK, Thank you. :)
4 hours ago, by KitFox
@Anonymous It's pretty typical American English, but the woman is reading in a kind of condescending, poetic fashion that makes me want to punch her. She also has a minor speech impediment.
She is my teacher and something she taught me is different from other teacher from Arizona. The way to pronounce some words are different.
She might be a Latina who has lived in the U.S. for a long, long time.
Ah I thought I recognized her voice!
@Anonymous It's pretty normal-sounding for me. Slow, the way someone would read a story to a child. The endings on "-ing" words are not the way I usually say them, but it is a common pronunciation. Certain spots are a little lispy or something especially h and s (around :33, "that human's" is unclear, for example).
4 hours ago, by KitFox
I would call it the NPR dialect of English (<—joke).
Reminds me of Terry Gross.
What does NPR dialect mean. Do you mean she speaks like NPR radio?
National Public Radio. Kind of the American version of BBC English. Although the BBC has Irish and Scots newsreaders now as well.
@Anonymous Yeah, like they talk on NPR.
So a generalized upper-(middle-)class accent?
@Cerberus Do you know her?
No. A patronizing liberal accent.
@Anonymous From your sound file.
@KitFox Hmm what's the difference?
Liberals are not upper class.
@Cerberus I see :)
@KitFox Oh?
I learned pronunciation for nearly three months but I still have problem with long A sound. When I say mane, base one of my teacher told me I said men and bese.
What is your native language?
My native language is Thai.
My problems are long a, l and r. (As far as I know)
Sorry, I don't have any good advice for Thai speakers on pronunciation.
L and R always seemed reversed to me for Chinese speakers. I don't know Thai though.
We don't have long a sound in our language.
But the Japanese also have trouble with words like base and mane.
"Baseball" is pronounced besoboru — or just yakyuu, IIRC.
For l/r some of the same advice you would give Japanese speakers probably applies...
Japanese possesses one liquid consonant, a flap that varies between lateral and central . English has two: an alveolar lateral approximant and rhotic consonant of varying phonetic properties centered around . Japanese speakers who learn English as a second language later than childhood often have difficulty in hearing and producing and accurately. Phonetic differences The Japanese liquid is most often realized as an alveolar tap , though there is some variation depending on phonetic context. of American English (the dialect Japanese speakers are typically exposed to) is most commonly ...
There's a set of minimal pairs here
We have l and r sound but I (and almost all Thai people) don't care about l and r sound so we use it with ignorance.
Anonymous, do you speak a dialect of Thai that doesn't distinguish r/l?
sorry, you just said that :)
Yes :)
They can't hear the difference. They don't use a rhotic /r/ so /l/ and rhotic /r/ are hard to distinguish.
it may be easier for you to start by learning to distinguing r/l in Thai, since you can do that by listening to people in your own country
then just copy the /r/ to English. it's not exactly the same, but it'll be a good start
Thank you for your suggestion @JSBngs
I also learned that speak fast don't mean I speak better. My teacher told me that I should speak in normal speed but keep my sound clear.
by "long a" do you mean the sound in "cake"?
Cake, bake, mane, vase, base.
Wait, Waived, acquaint
@Anonymous Long A is like เ-ะ moving into -ิ
@Anonymous pronounce it as เอย
Just "ai" and "_a_e" no problem with "_ay", "_ey"
but it's the same sound
the only difference there is whether a consonant follows it
@JSBᾶngs The problem is with final consonants.
@JonPurdy that's what i gathered
but that's a problem regardless of the vowel
For word like mane for me (Thai pronunciation) sound like main.
My teacher told me to to speak like may-n
@Anonymous those are the same vowel
"mane" and "main" sound exactly the same in English
I thought that until my teacher told me they are different sound. May be I should ask about opinion of my other teachers too. :)
@Anonymous "mane" and "main" are the same. they are different from "man" and "men"
When you say mane slowly does it sound like may-n, may and then n sound at the end?
@Anonymous pretty much, yep
Maybe she meant "many"?
@KitFox No, not many. She means mane - she sent two files to me.
So she's crazy?
I am not sure but I think she is right. I just tried to say "mane" slowly it sound more like when I say "men" slowly. I don't say may-n.
@Anonymous Yep, the slower you say it the more "ayy" sound there is. If you want to hear the sound said slowly and then in a word, this chart has it in the word "face" at the top, with general American and British pronunciation.
She told me to put by tongue behind my lower teeth while I say may and then move my tongue up and add n sound.
You could also try exaggerating the diphthong: meh-een
@aedia Thank you for your link.
I should train my tongue more :)
Thank you all of your for kindly help. I am off to bed.
Have a good weekend!
@Anonymous You too!
A: What's the difference between 'therapy' and 'treatment'?

Izze n IllaPengobatan adalah suatu material(obat) yang diberikan pada saat perawatan. Sedangkan Terapi adalah suatu perilaku (seperti tekhnik relaksasi dan tekhnik distraksi) yang diberikan pada saat perawatan yang tujuannya mengembalikan fungsi tubuh pada keadaan normal. by_izze n illa....AKPER PANDAN HAR...

Can it get any better than this, or worse than this?
It could get better. There might not be so many Hershey's Kisses wrappers stuck down in my keyboard in future.
gives up in defeat
Okay, they can stay in there.
This SO question uses willn’t. :D
Ah, the standardization of language.
Also, luggage.
Isn’t won’t just a straightforward alteration of willn’t? Etymonline says it’s from wynnot or wonnot.
But phonetically it would make sense to go willn’tweon’twon’t or something like that.
I have no idea.
Now America and the USSR are gonna pick on each other. How original.
You know more about it that I do.
But sense doesn’t usually matter when it comes to language. :/
I dunno, I’m just talking because I’m bored and killing time before a meeting.
Q: human thesaurus time: what are some *novel* synonymous words & phrases for e.g. a radar "link-up"?

lakitujust as i say - what are some novel synonyms, along the lines of old Cold War terms, or space fiction, or James Bond films, that are similar to a "(radar) link-up"? i am naming a human-computer interface, but "human-computer interface" is almost COMPUTER language haha. so is "human readable" for ...

Stupid type checking. grumbles
Also read the first comment to the question above.
> (don't worry, this is for an invention, not a product)
We get such characters on EL&U sometimes.
I think this is clearly a nutcase.
Yes. We were discussing this earlier.
Like Ron Maimon.
@JonPurdy Actually I like him.
@Matt wanted to get him into writer's chat, except he's not got the reps anyway.
@WillHunting I didn’t say I don’t like him. I don’t like him, but I didn’t say that.
I just don’t take too kindly to people who ask questions that are hard to answer, not because they’re hard questions, but because they’re badly posed or misguided.
Of course Ron is a nutcase but another kind. There are a few varieties of nuts on ELU.
[Mixed nuts joke.]
Hazelnuts, walnuts, peanuts.
Peanuts are beans, really. And they’re delicious boiled instead of roasted.
Legumes, anyway.
@Cerberus make sure your windows patches are up to date. technet.microsoft.com/en-us/security/bulletin/ms12-020
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Well, he would not need to worry about it if he applied automatic updates which may not be the case!
He doesn't, which is why I'm pointing this out to him now.
It would be good if Firefox has a deb and rpm repository so that Linux users can get the latest automatically. On many distros one has to stick to the same version until the next distro upgrade.
@WillHunting on Debian, you mean
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Hehe, I am using the repository at mozilla.debian.net so I get the latest automatically, albeit a bit delayed!
I'll be damned. I did it! I got my code to check each column automagically!
Q: Fill in the blank

anu______the brothers of Jyoti are architects; one in the US and three in the UK. (options: All, Several of, Both)

I always found “not a real question” to be rather harsh wording. :/
Also whether "several of" or "all" is used to fill in the blank, I would not write the sentence that way. That semicolon looks suspicious.
@KitFox Yay!
Well, maybe not yet.
But thanks!
@KitFox You must hide your strategy from the columns or they will counterattack!
@WillHunting That answer could be crazy gibberish, but it turns out it is a serious answer, unfortunately given in Malay.
@Mitch I suspected it was in Malay but did not bother to do a google translate. :-)
Q: Where does "use it in anger" come from?

jwernernySeveral years ago, a British friend of mine introduced me to the phrase "use it in anger." Until that time, I had never encountered the phrase in my limited travels in the United States. My understanding from his usage is that it means to really use something, or try something out completely, o...

@WillHunting Well, Fedora 16 has Firefox 10 in its updates, and it shipped with FF 7.
Only distros that are still shipping FF 3.6 have any option of staying on the old versions
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I was about to ask you since I did not take note of Fedora. Good to know! Ubuntu now automatically updates it too as a security update.
This is the case on all supported versions, in particular the LTSes.
Considering that Mozilla provides zero support for versions 4-10 (now that 11 is out), anyone who uses firefox has little choice but to upgrade.
If I did not use mozilla.debian.net I would be on FF3.5 supported by Debian itself.
And yes I am on 11 now too!
Q: Using Safari 5.1.4, code blocks are empty on Stack Overflow

Qwerty BobCode blocks on Stack Overflow (lines beginning with 4 whitespaces) with Safari v5.1.4 are empty/blank (even with the inspector, indicating it's populated via javascript). If I use another browser (i.e. Chrome), they have content. Using the same browser (Safari v5.1.4) on another Stack Exchange ...

This was a weird one. I never realized I was using Safari in 32-bit mode. Harrumph.
I wonder when the 128-bit chips will come out!
@WillHunting They're here.
Very long instruction word or VLIW refers to a processor architecture designed to take advantage of instruction level parallelism (ILP). Whereas conventional processors mostly only allow programs that specify instructions to be executed one after another, a VLIW processor allows programs that can explicitly specify instructions to be executed at the same time (i.e. in parallel). This type of processor architecture is intended to allow higher performance without the inherent complexity of some other approaches. Traditional approaches to improving performance in processor architectures inclu...
@Robusto Does Flash work in 64-bit mode?
The fast food outlets should start selling their chips in packets of 32 and 64 too!
There are currently no mainstream general-purpose processors built to operate on 128-bit integers or addresses, though a number of processors do operate on 128-bit data. The IBM System/370 could be considered the first rudimentary 128-bit computer as it used 128-bit floating point registers. Most modern CPUs feature SIMD instruction sets (SSE, AltiVec etc.) where 128-bit vector registers are used to store several smaller numbers, such as four 32-bit floating-point numbers, and a single instruction can operate on all these values in parallel. However, these processors do not operate on ind...
@WillHunting excatly. google allows us to appear smart.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Yup. Faster, too.
@Robusto Nice. So those annoying ads can annoy you faster.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I am not sure what you mean but I tried Flash 64-bits on 64-bit Debian before and it worked fine.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 But they're also gone faster too.
@WillHunting No, I mean on Mac
64-bit linux Flash has been around forever, it was the first platform to get it.
which reminds me, I need to update mine.
But note that Adobe Reader 9 linux only has 32-bit version which may run on 64-bit linux if you install the necessary libraries.
On Debian this is ia32-libs-gtk.
Who has FF 11? I am on the beta path and I'm still on 10.
@Robusto I do! By using mozilla.debian.net on Debian.
Ah, well ... Debian.
It was pulled in just two days after the release of FF11.
Debian => in a bed
@Robusto Maybe that is the problem, you are on the wrong path, the beta path and not the upgrade path.
I believe I specified "bleeding-edge" in my path choice. If there is an 11 and mine only goes to 10, well, it's one less, innit?
Note that FF now has release, beta and aurora.
mozilla.debian.net lets you choose which you want.
What kind of release channel is that!
A term FF uses, maybe for alpha.
Q: Short answers to questions

Pavel RyzhovIf you ask something like "Do you...?" or "Will you...?", do the answers "Yes" or "No, I think not" sound informal or do they sound normal?

I just restarted FF and now I have 11.
What's going on here? Somehow the dupe pointed out by FumbleFingers doesn't do it for me.
sulks I still am not out of the 3.6x branch at w(%k.
Where's that Javascript speed test we were mucking with a few weeks ago? Can't remember the link ...
Oh, no, sorry, that's the Firefox update creature that's nagging me.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Yeah I don't really think of yes or no as sentence fragments.
Oh yeah, Sunspider.
@aediaλ That is disconcerting.
@RegDwightѬſ道 I no rite? It wants to give me Auroras even though I'm not allowed them. Or something.
I was looking at the user stats and it seems chrome is rising and ff is falling.
Yes, is true.
But at least Safari beats FF now in the Sunspider test on my 4-year-old Mac.
I made an interesting observation. Jay left a comment on this question and ALL its answers, that's all.
Q: What is a single word meaning "authoritative source of knowledge"?

StephenI'm looking for a word that means authoritative source of knowledge. The word would preferably be a noun and could refer to a group of people or a collection of knowledge. Additionally it'd be strongly preferred if the word would not be a derivative of encyclopedia.

@WillHunting Easy. Vitaly!
@Robusto Jay said FumbleFingers!
@WillHunting Fumble is more voluble, but I'll put my money on Vitaly.
@Robusto Do you use Safari frequently? I honestly use Chrome most of the time, or Camino, for browsing on my laptop (a 4ish yr old airbook), if I'm not developing/using plugins in Firefox.
@aediaλ I do use Safari mostly. I dunno why. But I develop using Firefox, and I don't like to do other things in my dev browser, since I have to clear the cache a lot and so forth.
I know what you mean there.
Maybe I never got used to Safari because I switch between Mac and Windows so often. FF is at least pretty consistent.
@WillHunting Good!
I use Chrome for browsing in Windows, FF for dev.
That's the site we need to analyze for Comm Tech.
I strongly dislike it.
Oh, I remember. I had an underpowered dying little Mac Mini and Safari would pizza wheel on me all the time, so I went Camino there.
@Mahnax Hiya!
@aediaλ Halloo.
@aediaλ Yeah, Mac Mini ...
Poor lil thing.
I even spatula'd it open to give it more RAM.
You must have loved it so.
It was a used one we got from a friend who was upgrading, but it was the first thing we could afford for like, a little "media center" type thing to power the tv, shortly after I was out of college. It served admirably.
Q: Simplest/Cleanest way to implement singleton in JavaScript?

DarthWhat is the simplest/cleanest way to implement singleton pattern in JavaScript?

What's wrong with SO?
Honestly, get a million geeks together and the big purists eat the little purists.
@Mahnax yikes, it's pretty awful. What's with the :hover effect that makes the whole page green/underline?
@Mahnax are you supposed to say what's wrong with that site? Or what
Cuz what a long list that'd be
@Robusto I don't get it. what's wrong with that question?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Nothing wrong with the question at all. It's just amusing that so many people have such dogmatic arguments about whether singletons are appropriate in a weakly typed language, etc.
@Robusto I'm not sure if there even can be such a thing as a singleton in Javascript, unless some code is inspecting the prototype chain, perhaps? I admit that my use of Javascript for classes and inheritance has been limited.
Well, there are different ways to go about it, but none of them are really singletons in the sense that you would think of them in classical OOP. You can get close, but not all browsers will support certain things.
For example, in this solution Safari (also based on webkit, like Chrome), doesn't recognize the Foo method as a function.
@Robusto But it really depends on why the person wants a singleton in the first place. And since Javascript has a global namespace, just create a global object. Anyone who wants to imitate your object probably can anyway.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Of course.
I mean, the accepted answer in that thread is so obvious. But people can't accept simplicity sometimes.
@Robusto That's what I found funny about the answers. People spewing forth an example of something that resembles a singleton without even investigating further.
What, you mean var SingletonInstance = {}? Nothing is that simple!
Except Javascript.
If someone wants to overwrite your SingletonInstance, it will get overwritten. Sorry.
@Robusto The thing is, that is both simple, and also wrong, for several features of singletons.
As I said, "none of them are really singletons in the sense that you would think of them in classical OOP" ...
The point is, rather than spending all this time trying to simulate this or that feature of this or that language, just do what Javascript does well its own way.
@Robusto which is a great point, and not addressed anywhere in the answers.
To me a singleton is just a set with exactly one element.
Singletons are probably lonely. I bet they just want friends
@aediaλ No. If they acquire friends, they become Doubletons. And nobody wants that.
@Robusto It also depends on what kind of friends. Some kinds make it become a tripleton.
@WillHunting You mean like Helen of Menage à Troy?
@Robusto now you just sound like all those folks insisting that you can't parse HTML with regular expressions. Doesn't prevent an army of Senior Web Architects from asking for just that each and every day.
@Robusto No, I mean it becomes a tripleton in nine months.
If you don't build it, they will come!
@RegDwightѬſ道 I parse HTML with regular expressions on a regular basis. As in "each and every day."
That's why you are a Senior Web Architect!
Hey, thanks! I feel all shiny now!
@Robusto Because you are reflecting the light from Mr Shiny.
Waste no time to enjoy. It wears off quickly. Mostly due to the Senior part.
@WillHunting Nah, now you're thinking of Silda Twinton.
No. He is the shiny one. I merely bask in his reflected, uh, reflections.
Feb 8 at 12:55, by RegDwight Ѭſ道
~ Swinton?
@RegDwightѬſ道 ¡Creí que había dicho el Señor Arquitecto Web!
I can't even metastasize right today.
@aediaλ Don't do that. You will be sorry.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Stop macron fun of people with funny names.
@Robusto Not as sorry as I would be if I lived in Texas!
Mar 16 '11 at 3:52, by Robusto
"Just move to Texas." Listen to yourself, man! General Sheridan ("Little Phil"), who was active in the latter half of the 19th century, famously said, "If I owned Hell and Texas, I would live in Hell and rent out Texas."
And since it looks like Texas will be losing all its women eventually, I guess Hell would seem like paradise by comparison.
@Robusto pfft, you're once again overstating things. All the uneducated, subservient, and fundamentalist-Christian women will stay.
But how you gonna keep 'em down on the farm once they've had their vaginas probed with shame wands?
Damn it, Asylum has caught up.
Mar 5 at 22:03, by RegDwight Ѭſ道
Ma-ma-ma-ma, ma-ma-macron one, ma-ma-ma-ma, ma-ma-macron one.
Yeah. The worst part is, I suck against them.
Keep losing six in a row before giving up. Rinse repeat.
I ain't doing any better.
I had to abandon Gorelesup totally against them.
Obligatory XKCD reference.
@RegDwightѬſ道 I'm taking chances and getting hammered every time.
Tesla Tanks, Rhinos, Wasteland Skimmers — What'm I s'posed to do about that kind of crap?
@Reg: I'm spent. Hope we have snipers.
@Robusto I am spending.
Done. Whatever the outcome, my last bar was way better than my first. 8/2 if I have counted correctly. The first one was exactly the other way round.
There are some nasty def decks in there.
They are above us. -1 is the worst thing that can happen.
I think we might squeak by.
Holy Cripes! Vit is 47/5. I didn't know you could use nukes in this game.
Very good. He took a break over the last couple days and it showed.
We lost quite a few wars by a margin of a measly 1.5k. With him onboard, we'd have won. )))
Well, we got this one.
@Robusto Fight. I gave up on using Surge.
@Vitaly I was on the brink of doing that.
@Robusto sadly also -3.
@Vitaly Actually, that's kind of a relief. I was thinking I had lost all my mojo.
Life is a bitch, and then you die.
So I've heard.
317 from level. No doubt that will be wasted
I'll get us some easy war. In an hour or so.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Well, at least I don't lose much on Fight. I haven't lost once in this war, my 5 losses are passive.
So it's better than a delta of 400 on Surge with all the losses.
@Vitaly Wow. What are they using on attack, I wonder.
Anyhow. Back on topic. Which question sucks balls right now?
I got a delta of 565 on surge. But I lost more than I won.
Huh, I'm at some 900. I could have spent good money on betting that it was like 100.
Seriously, I must make a note not to attack them again.
Do not attack Asylae's.
I should pin it for two weeks.
I bet we'll be hearing from them sooner than that. They probably want payback after the humiliation of being beaten by upstarts like us.
Gotta run. Laterz.
And I'm not afraid. They targeted us before, when they were below us. Next time we'll only lose one point. With a good active war going, we'll more than make up for it.
@Reg, well, we've had a discussion in the now-frozen room about passive opponent assignment, and IIRC the stats have told us that everyone gets targeted with the same probability if you control for how long you've been playing and so on
so the discrepancy if you only take one particular war is a statistical fluke
I hope so.
Haha, and now they declared war on us.
Suits me fine.
I have entered the gaming room again...
@aedia You are back! You must be commuting.
Heya! You got it.
Trying to catch up but seems like I mostly missed a bunch of Tyrant stuffs anyways.

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