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If I left right now.
Is it?
I have been a huge slacker in this job.
Maybe all those corporate bigwigs are right; the more workers are mistreated, the harder they will work.
but are you behind?
Um. I have no idea.
bigwigs know nothing but how to scratch head lice
Maybe a little bit of mistreatment would be good for me.
maybe you are a bird plane
Maybe one more cup of coffee and fixing this dropdown list...
One more cup of coffee 'fore I go to the valley below.
user image
farewell, @kit
Hi @Vit.
@MattЭллен Hey. Still have to have coffee first.
@Vitaly big hugs and smooches
@Kitḫ oh, yay!
How are you feeling today, @Vit?
I'm feeling Russian, thanks.
I feel a little... puts on sunglasses... Finnished.
If you are Russian when you go into the bathroom, and American when you come out of the bathroom, what are you when you are in the bathroom?
Yep, I heard that one.
I keep asking. Someday, Vit will give me the right answer.
@Vitaly Yeah I get to be reported?
@Kitḫ I don't get it! Americans got rid of their old shit?
I am on a brand new FF profile, by the way!
With only 7 (seven) essential extensions installed.
how restrained
@Cerberus I'm proud of you.
But more add-ons are bound to follow, of course.
How can anyone resist the temptation?
it is inevitable
I only have one extension for FF.
How do you manage?
Any suggestions?
If I had only one, it'd be flashblock
Last Pass, Adblock Plus, Easy Drag to Go.
Yes, and Noscript.
Though that one is iffy.
Hmm, I now have FF 10.
I switched from adblock to noscript, having both seemed pointless
It can be very annoying. Only go Noscript if you really want to, realize what you're doing, in short, are fully committed.
@MattЭллен Why?
Noscript doesn't block ads.
Does Last Pass just remember passwords?
it blocks flash ads
picture ads bon't bother me
it' blocks all the javascript that is used to track me
CookieCuller is a good one if you like to clear your cookies but want to keep certain ones
I suppose they could trak me with pictures
Cookies have nuts?
@MattЭллен They can track you with cache files
@Mahnax Yes, and it synchronizes them all, all very securely of course (they are the world leader in synchronized passwords).
They can track you by your brainwaves!
i'm serious though: the presence of a file in the browser's cache can be revealed to the originating server
@MattЭллен OK well then you don't need Adblock, no.
it's the "e-tag supercookie"
@Cerberus Blah.
Which is why you should flush your cache regularly.
It can also be configured to work only locally, I believe.
Fireshot is a nice tool for getting screenshots
Preferably with a little white vinegar and water.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 What's so good about it?
Zizorz is just very fast.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 As is command+shift+4.
snip is good for that, on win7 anyway. not as advanced as zizzor
HTTPS Everywhere is a nice tool for forcing SSL on sites that support it
Can anyone top that?
can I top it?
I never said it's the last word in screenshots.
Okay, pretty impressive.
It's just a browser addon that lets you do things like capture the whole browser document even the part that's not in the visible window. Things like that.
Now top that.
So okay, I see an edit by Martha and three reopen votes, but I am still on the fence myself.
Q: In a sequence of words where the "ends" are opposites, what do you call the middle word?

John Isaiah CarmonaFor example, in the sequence late - on time - early, early is the antonym of late, and delayed would be a synonym. But what about on time, the "neutral" word in the sequence? What is the relationship of on time and early? Is there a word for this?

@MrShinyandNew安宇 Oh, yes, that can be handy.
I left a comment.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 that's pretty useful - I've often wanted that
Zizorz can't do that.
Feel free to sell the question to me.
But it can make a screenshot and post it online so fast that no lines appear in between my own line and the screenshot, muwahhaha.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Okay lemme see.
I'm off.
@Cerberus did you auto-h-k that or something?
@RegDwightѬſ道 I voted to re-open it. Seems like a question now.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Just Zizorz.
Which is of course coded in AHK, but not by me.
Only not ironically.
@Kitḫ Haha yay!
And puppies too, I bet.
But, you know, why don't we just let her stay in the van?
Uh oh. Dangerous territory. Where did I put the chocolate?
I'm sure Candy can take care of herself.
No need to free her.
@Cerberus So does zizorz just save the screenshot to your desktop? What are you doing to upload it?
is this:
a dupe of this:
Q: Verb form of To Blacken vs to Brown

Ben BrockaIt just sounds right but why is Brown it's own verb when "To make Black" turns into Blacken? I assume it's something to do with the -n ending of Brown?

Q: Verbed color names and "-en"

Malvolio"whitened", "blackened", and "reddened"; but "yellowed", "grayed", and "blued". Is there some rule or is it just one of those things? "Greened" makes sense; no one is going to say "greenened". "Pinked" or "pinkened"? "Purpled" or "empurpled"? First person to not make an Arrested Development ...

@Kitḫ I still can't make heads or tails of it. I have a terrible feeling he is actually looking for hypernym, but asking it in an extremely confusing way that won't get him any answer.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I press win-Q to activate Zizorz. I shif-draw a rectangle around the area I want, and it automatically saves the screenshot to my disk, posts in on Imageshack, and puts the link on my clipboard.
I can also alt-drag to just put the image on my clipboard, or control-drag to just save it.
I mean, the sequence is not defined by on time. It is defined by its relation to the other words, which are its antonyms.
@RegDwightѬſ道 I don't think so. It's not a hypernym.
@RegDwightѬſ道 No, I disagree.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 What are you using here?
@Cerberus wow it automatically uploads your screenshots to the internet!?! Yikes, you can keep it then!
Read carefully. I am not saying it is a hypernym. I am saying he is actually looking for hypernym but doesn't know how to ask.
Look at it on a timeline. Early----X----Late.
@RegDwightѬſ道 I suspect he is asking for a tertium comparationis, but I agree the question is a bit vague, not very well worded.
Early-late are antonyms.
X is a synonym of itself.
What is X?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Only with shift-drag. Read.
X is antonym of both early and late.
@Cerberus Firshot... I click the browser button, drag to select, click to save, confirm the filename, then upload it using the regular elu chat api.
No, it's not.
Of course it is. Come on.
"on time" is not the antonym of late.
@Kitḫ jinx
Sure it is.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 OK. Many more clicks and key presses there.
@RegDwightѬſ道 I don't see how
It's just a different degree of antonymity, is all.
Neutral is not the antonym of chaotic.
@Cerberus It's possible that it needs configuration or something to set up some default behaviour.
dogs are not the antonym of early
The thing is, what an antonym is is determined by the tertium comparationis: a word doesn't have an antonym natively, but only based on context.
Both okay and awesome are antonyms of awful.
Depending on context.
Similarly, if I am on time, that means I'm not late.
I am also not early.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 In any case, Zizorz has the absolute minimum number of clicks, so I doubt whether it could ever be topped. And it is also very quick to respond and post and upload.
@RegDwightѬſ道 no, antonyms are opposities. on time is not opposite early
@RegDwightѬſ道 I disagree.
@RegDwightѬſ道 I don't think I agree there, not in most contexts. Awful is very bad, so you need a word that means very good, or you don't have the "very" part.
it's not opposite of late either
@RegDwightѬſ道 This is possible, depending on context.
Okay let's take another example.
@Cerberus That's nice, if uploading to imageshack is a useful feature for you, and caputring the entire browser document is not.
@MattЭллен And I think you could say that they should be approximately the same degree of intensity as well. Fine is not the opposite of catastrophic.
Man is an antonym of woman.
Man is also an antonym of animal.
So what is man?
@RegDwightѬſ道 I often disagree with that
No man is a continuum entire of himself.
in terms of electrical sockets, female is the opposite of male.
Female complements male.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 No, both are really nice features. But they don't have to come in the same program. I have considered using an add-on that does just that, screenshotting the whole page. Perhaps it was even the same add-on.
@RegDwightѬſ道 I agree: it depends on context.
OK, my peoples. I am going to make like a baby and head out.
@Cerberus But that's all I'm saying all along.
You cannot truly have antonyms without (implied) context.
@Cerberus Holy shit I'm going to have to agree with Cerberus (and Reg too, I guess)
cya @kit :)
@Kitḫ Oh have fun!
It just so happens that this chain of words was constructed such that it has three links. What if we add a fourth? What if there is no middle?
It becomes immediately obvious how pointless the question is.
Thanks. I have my chocolate. I should be fine. I may see you later. If not, Monday!
@RegDwightѬſ道 OK I have never disagreed with you! But, if you don't give explicit context, people may disagree on implicit context.
So your comment about "really bad" vs "really good" is spot on, actually.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Maybe you should explain WHY those words are still considered antonyms and then say that there is no word for the midpoint (other than "midpoint") and that it's meaningless without context. When a question is wrong sometimes the right answer is an explanation of the wrongness.
@Cerberus yeah we're all in agreement here except Matt and Kit
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Sure. And that's the only answer I would normally expect. But you know as well as I do that what we'll start getting instead will be coinages.
being late is having taken too much time. being early is having taken too little time. being on time is not having taken too much or too little time. an absense is not an opposite
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Agreed.
"I don't think there's a word for it, but I suggest boglsaph!"
@MrShinyandNew安宇 That's basically all of us, then. Long live the tyranny of the majority!
@MattЭллен That I've been saying all along, too.
Obviously on time is a synonym of itself.
@MattЭллен There is no definite end to the scale where the antonyms lie.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 good?
@MattЭллен good what?
Which is precisely why I think he might be looking for a category for the sequence. Hence, hypernym.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I don't understand what your point is
A "neutral" word that describes what kind of chain it is.
@MattЭллен You seem to be saying that the antonym has to lie at the same distance from the midpoint. But the ends (and hence the midpoint) of the scale are completely dependent on context. Hence, "neutral" CAN be the "opposite" of "chaotic".
@MrShinyandNew安宇 no I'm saying that an opposite is not an absence. equi-distance is not important
@MattЭллен but you can't really ask about absence of something, can you?
@RegDwightѬſ道 I did once, but that got migrated to Philosophy :)
Ding! We have a winner.
Maybe that's what I should do, too.
@MattЭллен absent is the opposite of present. QED.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Jasper! Oh, my bad. Is it though? So truth is the absence of lies?
Whatever it is, truth certainly is an antonym of lie.
Oh, no...
Well, in the case where the presence of something it the opposite of its absence, then on time must be the opposite of both early and late. And rocks must be the opposite of life
something happened...
A typo got fixed.
@MattЭллен Truth is not necessarily the absence of lies... why should it be?
Well honies, we'll see what kind of rubbish answers this will get us. In the mean time, wife insists on wanting to be entertained and accepts no excuses.
So catch y'all laters.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I believe in an absolute truth. that's why. or I did when I was arguing about that
see you @RegDwight :)
@MattЭллен on the scale between lie and truth, what is truthiness? And how about truism?
Have fun defining! Over and out.
@MattЭллен I don't know what we're talking about anymore.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 don't worry, it's not important :)
Q: Is the truth a privative?

Matt EllenA privative is the absence of something, and as such doesn't exist. So cold is a privative, as it is merely the absence of heat. This question is inspired by this answer about a single noun for an honest person. It seems to me that the truth is merely the absence of all lies, and as such can be...

I still think that while the most natural opposite for "early" is "late", "on time" is certainly another opposite depending on the context.
@MattЭллен What if you create a work of fiction? technically, it's lies. Take them all away and you don't have any truth left.
@Kit: Wow, that video is great. I recognized more than half of the songs. And they have good taste: I actually liked most of them in one way or another (even though some may not be socially acceptable).
@MrShinyandNew安宇 so the emptiness is the truth. the truth is a privative
@MattЭллен What if I create a lie by removing a truth?
@Cerberus I quite liked trying to recognise them all. a good trip along memory lane
@MrShinyandNew安宇 how can you remove truth?
@MattЭллен Wow, did you recognize nearly all?
@MattЭллен Truth: Matt is not not a programmer.
Then remove a word "not"
@Cerberus over half, for sure
Hey @Matt, how would you define a privative?
To me it is a linguistic term.
@Cerberus the absence of something, as in the thermodynamic definition of cold - the absence of heat
The absence of anything?
well, the absence of something that creates a concept, like cold
Hmm "something that creates a concept"...
What is that exactly?
people say they feel cold - the absence of heat has created the concept of cold
Then what counts as a concept?
If I say "13", is 13 a concept?
people think they are poor, the absence of money created the concept of poor
@Cerberus yeah, any idea :)
And is the number "-13" a concept?
And "not 13"?
And how about the idea that Mary didn't go ice skating that I have based on your telling me "Mary went to the library"?
That is very broad.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 It's an interesting argument. I'm not sure what I think about it
hi @Kit! welcome back :)
Good lord. I'm so modern.
@MattЭллен yeah me neither.
@Cerberus I suppose. to me idea and concept are synonymous
I think it all depends too much on what you mean by "truth" and "lies"
I thought of something about the Antonym question.
true :D
@MattЭллен Hmm they are close anyway. Perhaps a concept is a bit more specified, explicit.
It's just a red herring.
Oh wait. You've moved on.
it's never to late! we've still got time
The examples are on a continuum, and measured from some relative baseline.
@Matt: I somehow do not feel happy about your privative question.
But I don't know how to formulate why not.
@Cerberus what about it? I said I would edit it months ago!
I haven't got around to making it make more sense
So how do you describe the relationship between the measure (early) and the referrent (time you were supposed to be there).
@MattЭллен How about this. I can stick "not" before anything to create a new concept, right?
> @stoicfury: I will think on that - it's been a while since I asked - and I'll update the question later. – Matt Ellen Nov 1 '11 at 13:12
@Cerberus yes
@MattЭллен Then I can also stick "not not" before anything.
Ach. Mobile sucks.
@Cerberus well, it doesn't create a new concept if you already have that concept
And so every single thing or concept can be a privative.
not really
not is not the same as absense
is it?
Remind me to tell you the elephant joke later.
@MattЭллен No? Then what is the difference?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Then the question is, does it count as a new concept? And why (not)?
@Kitḫ damn you autocorrect!
Bailing out on us, huh?
@Cerberus well not-not == (nothing) so logically it's just a new spelling for an old concept
@Cerberus hmmm. can I call a snow-check? I have to walk a mile to the shop, buy some dinner and come back. hopefully I'll come up with something on the walk :)
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Why can't "I am happy" and "I am not not happy" be two different concepts?
@MattЭллен Hahaha snow is the best excuse! Good luck navigating the peaks and precipices!
Most of the snow has disappeared here, by the way.
Trodden flat and evaporated, or something.
@Cerberus hmm......
In this case, because negating things like "happy" doesn't work that way, I suppose.
Doesn't work what way?
wait... "I am not not happy" does mean "I am happy"...
In a way, yes.
@Kitḫ I'd go for a Pinot Noir, or Montepulciano.
@Cerberus In what way wouldn't it be?
@Cerberus explain
You are not expressing the same intention.
I am
not happy is not the same as unhappy
If you say "I am not not happy", it is implied that someone else denied that you were happy, and you wish to rectify this.
For example.
It could mean something different but similar.
@Cerberus only because people don't add in words they don't need like that.
Or it could be that you know your previous words could be misinterpreted as meaning that you are not happy, and you are making a pre-emptive strike to clarify.
@MetaEd Exactly.
@Cerberus You could clarify by simply stating "I am happy". You haven't created a new concept. There's lots of ways to talk about a concept.
It's as much rhetorical as anything. It's pretty to common to run into a sentence which begins "Not that I'm not …"
Not that I'm not complaining about not not.
@MetaEd My point is that it doesn't introduce a new concept the way "happy" and "not happy" are new concepts.
happy and not not happy are the same.
Why you'd label the concept one way or another depends on what you're trying to say. But calling it "red" or "blood-coloured" doesn't introduce a new concept.
It is true for all that that that not not that that refers to is not the same not not that that not not refers to.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I think the term concept is part of the problem: it is either too vague or too broad in our problem.
BRB groceries.
@Cerberus I think that depends on what you mean by "problem".
Another classical problem: are "the morning star" and "the evening star" two concepts or one?
whee! production database changes on a friday afternoon before everyone goes home for the weekend!
Concepts are fuzzy.
I like what Bertie Russell had to say about them.
The theory of descriptions is the philosopher Bertrand Russell's most significant contribution to the philosophy of language. It is also known as Russell's Theory of Descriptions (commonly abbreviated as RTD). In short, Russell argued that the syntactic form of descriptions (phrases that took the form of "The aardvark" and "An aardvark") is misleading, as it does not correlate their logical and/or semantic architecture. While descriptions may seem fairly uncontroversial phrases, Russell argued that providing a satisfactory analysis of the linguistic and logical properties of a description ...
Did you get your "star" problem from Russell? It's mentioned in this article!

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