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sigh I can't seem to do anything right today.
you can type in a straight line. That's one thing
what's been going wrong?
My husband just called me, all excited, to see if I wanted to go to this thing that we got FB invites for.
I am less than excited. I think I rained on his parade.
And now I'm not sure if I should go or not.
BTW @Kit @Rob new active war.
I think I should just tell him to go ahead without me.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Geezis. We already giving up on 666?
@Kitḫ maybe
@Robusto the spreadsheet is your friend.
@Kitḫ why don't you wanna go?
They've been climbing at 20 points/day since forever.
@RegDwightѬſ道 I don't have any spreadsheets in my G+ Friends circle. I might put some in Acquaintances, but even that is iffy.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Well, I'm not helping.
In any case, I'm at work and have to solve real problems, not wring the poo out of someone's Excel nightmare.
@Kitḫ In that case, you might wish to consider changing that.
@MattЭллен It's some old friends of ours, who I like well enough, but the thought of hanging with the wife is about as appealing as having teeth extracted, plus it will be in a loud, crowded bar with crappy table service. (The friend's band is "debuting.")
@RegDwightѬſ道 I'll try again.
@Kitḫ I see. It's not in Amsterdam, is it? It sounds similar to a party Cerberus is trying to avoid ^_^. Nothing worse than a crappy bar where you can't hear what you're saying to the people you're with.
It's the sort of thing I would have loved to do five years ago.
Now, a quiet evening with alcohol and conversation would make me happy.
@Kitḫ If you have enough of the former you don't need as much of the latter.
Can't have much of the former if I have to mind children within 24 hours.
@Kitḫ I guess you're hung up on the whole "good parenting" meme.
I hate Richard Dawkins.
Also, I hate the thought of having to find a new therapist.
Richard Daw- nah, too easy
@Robusto Yeah, drunks are great parents, or at least they think they are ;)
Hey, have either of you ever transferred film to a computer before?
@MattЭллен Once you've given up the impossible dream of being a "good parent," alcohol welcomes you back like an old friend.
gonorrhoeal reference:
Q: Incented or Incentivized?

JeremyWhat is the correct adjective to describe someone who has been given an incentive? Incented or incentivized? I have heard/seen both.

That person needs a facepunch.
knock that smug grin off that pretty face of his
Q: Is that right to call it "SEO" and how do you pronounce it?

ManoochehrTwo questions: I couldn't find a source to decide whether to assume SEO an acronym or not. How should I pronounce it? SEO stands for "Search Engine Optimization" while it is the process of improving the visibility of a website or a web page in search engines. At first glance and with nothing in...

WTF, people?
@MattЭллен I left a snarky comment.
Apparently, evil Kit has taken over again.
@Kitḫ I saw :D +1
He is kinda cute.
@Kitḫ again? I mean - oh no!
"Unregistered" though? Dude.
Yes, how can they be tracked down and imprisoned, if they don't centrally register?
Oh, I see. You're against the MRA then?
Q: "Material world", "Physical world", "Corporal world" - what's the difference?

brilliantWhat's the difference or different hues of meaning between these three phrases?

@MattЭллен through their eye pee
We are living in a material world.
@Kitḫ MRA? I'm against MRSA, since it would probably kill me. What is MRA?
Also it's not a corporal world. It's corporeal.
And anyway, so noöne here has digitized negatives?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I commented that.
@Kitḫ oh THAT kind of film
I have with my scanner
Or, I should say, my wife did.
@MattЭллен Mutant Registration Act.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Do you have a special scanner for it?
@Kitḫ Oh! Yes. Professor X, magneto and their ilk must be stopped.
Unless I turn out to be a mutant
@Kitḫ not exactly. My scanner came with a slide holder, it's just a flatbed though.
@MattЭллен OK, then. Go stand in line with Tony Stark.
Specifically, I needed a way to scan Medium Format negatives, and this scanner had a slider holder in that size.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Oh, then it probably has a lighted cover?
It also has two lights, one for reflective and one for transparent. But I never figured out how to make the transparent thing work. I just scanned them reflectively.
@Kitḫ yeah.
@Kitḫ he's for the MRA? I thought his liberal, peace loving arse would be on the muty side
@MattЭллен Pro-registration. It's what split the Avengers up. Again. In um, aught six.
I think.
Big civil war in the Marvel Universe.
Oh! well I've not read the comics :(
@Kitḫ oh, that wasn't a Mutant registration act, was it? I thought it was all superheros
It was, as usual, way more interesting than any of that crap that happens in the DC universe.
@Kit do you have a scanner already?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 It started with the MRA, but you are right, it was expanded to cover anyone with superhuman abilities.
Batman is great, but otherwise they're so boring
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I have access to an all-in-one scanner.
The scanner I have is an earlier model of this one I think
I think if I can backlight the negatives, I might do OK, but I have to figure out how to do that.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Yes, that's very highly rated.
I'd consider it, but I don't know if it would work for my negatives.
I have 110s and 126s.
Frig. Maybe I should just spring for one. It's not super-expensive.
But where to put it?
@Kitḫ back in the box when you're not using it :p
And up off the floor.
I found a shoebox of negatives that I had finangled from my mom.
She had been storing them next to the chimney.
In a shoebox.
Anyway, I got them a couple of years ago on the premise that I would have them cleaned and printed so we could archive them.
Premise? Is that the right word there? That seems wrong.
I was going through them yesterday and found one that appeared to be my oldest brother's first birthday.
He's turning 40 next week and we are going to his birthday party this weekend.
I'd recommend going to a store that has a scanner and asking about negative holders if you're not sure. Or buy it from a place with a good return policy.
So this is my scanner. It has several negative and transparency holders.
So I thought I'd have it printed, but it turns out it is 126, not 35mm, so I can't figure out how to have it printed anywhere,
this kind?
: For the unrelated roll-film format produced from 1906 to 1949, see 126 film (roll format). 126 is the number given to a cartridge-based film format used in still photography. It was introduced by Kodak in 1963, and is associated mainly with low-end point-and-shoot cameras, particularly Kodak's own Instamatic series of cameras. Although 126 was once very popular, it is no longer manufactured, and few photofinishers will process it. History and technical details In 1963, Kodak introduced a new film, encased in a plastic cartridge, for which they re-introduced the "126" designation...
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Hmm...Epson Perfection has consistently come out on top. Maybe I should just gamble. What's the holder do really?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Must be.
I'd never heard of 126 before yesterday.
@Kitḫ It's just a rack that holds the negatives down. It's not that easy to use, really... the upside is that the scanning software can find the images and auto-crop them. Nothing you can't do manually.
But if I can't find anywhere that prints them (for less than $2 each plus handling) then I have to find some other way to get these images.
I'd try scanning that negative directly, reflectively, and telling the software "it's a negative" so that it flips the pixels, and see what happens.
@Kitḫ yeah good luck.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Well, the all-in-one isn't that clever.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Hence my recent craziness.
And renewed ire toward my mother.
You could probably just open it up in gimp or photoshop and "invert colour"
Yeah, I tried editing them in GIMP, and it works great. Except the images aren't good to begin with.
I need to get crisper, brighter scans or photos of the negatives.
It's making me crazy. It's one of those "How can there not be an easy way to do this?" kind of things that just burrows into my gray matter and chews on my medulla oblongata.
@Kitḫ The easy way is to pay someone to do it for you
You know one thing, besides time, that has stopped me from scanning my old photos? The fact that they don't have timestamps. Drives me fucking crazy when my photos can't be sorted by taken-time.
Like, way crazier than it has any right to.
Easy + cheap, I should have said.
I have hundreds of negatives, most of them are probably crap. I don't want to spend hundreds of dollars printing them, just so I can sort through them.
But I am willing to spend hundreds of hours digitizing them myself.
@Kitḫ That's because you don't place enough dollar-value on your own free time.
That's because I don't have the money to pay someone, even if I wanted to.
And I can't let these pictures go.
@Kitḫ Just spend 100s of hours working overtime on a job, then pay someone who's better (experienced and equipped) at scanning negatives to scan them for you. :)
(just kidding, really... )
I know somewhere in that box, there is a picture of me and my dad when I was a baby. I want that picture.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Hmm...maybe I could swap skilled work with a friend, though.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 It's more of a general world.
Scanning negatives and reversing the color is not so simple.
It can be done.
The results I got with Gimp were fine. Suitable for my desires.
@MetaEd Well... my scanner can do it automatically, in both its Windows software and Sane in Linux, just by scanning reflectively with the media-type set to "negative"
No backlighting or anything required.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Actually you have pretty much explained why economics works. Brilliant!
In fact I couldn't even figure out how to properly use that back-light
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Yes, then you're likely to do pretty well. It still helps if you have some neutral tones in the photo so you can properly tune the color map.
@MetaEd Well, I can't claim credit for it, they've discussed this on the freakonomics blog.
Anyway, the entire reason for my recent panic was the realization that I can't find anyone who can make prints for me for cheap.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Hidden Order: The Economics of Everyday Life by David D. Friedman.
That belongs next to your copy of Freakonomics.
Hm, I don't have a copy of freakonomics yet :)
I think I'd recommend Friedman's book first then.
cool, I'll check it out
A moment of silence, please, for the passing of one of the main concept artists behind Fallout and Skyrim.
I've got 7.6 oz of chocolate that says my attitude's gotta change.
Future tense in your language may or may not be correlated with how well speakers of your language plan for the future: languagelog.ldc.upenn.edu/nll/?p=3756
Only 3.2 oz is 70% dark though.
@Kitḫ wait, this is a riddle, isn't it? And a bird is flying back and forth between the dark and light parts, and you need to know which way the smoke is blowing.
Right. How did you know?
Or rather, no, I have no idea what you are saying.
The smoke is blowing to your right.
I have a rather unfortunate case of left-right confusion.
This chocolate really seems to be helping my mood though.
Part of me wishes I weren't so girly.
The other part is slapping that part and thankful that I have a reliable solution.
Chocolate is not girly.
I could use some chocolate today.
@MetaEd I was thinking in the sense of "Oh, I've had a hard day keeping house! I shall sit in a bubbly tub, drink chardonnay, watch my stories, and eat bonbons!"
Actually, that does sound really nice...
Except for the chardonnay.
yeah, go for some sauvignon from malborough, NZ
With chocolate?
I was thinking a bold red.
Ah! yes, of course
I could've used a hard day keeping house today.
Me too.
I did that for an hour or so yesterday.
Then I went shopping.
Believe it or not, I could use some shopping today.
@MattЭллен Oh, well, but maybe you meant cabernet sauvignon?
Instead of sauvignon blanc?
@Kitḫ uh, yeah, that's what I meant ;)
Because that would be good, but I think a shiraz would be nicer.
@RegDwightѬſ道 I did that for a couple hours yesterday, with my eldest son.
Then he trounced me at Mario Kart for a while. Then I let him play Marvel Ultimate Alliance until bed.
Don't worry Kit. After a hard day I could use some shopping too. Just point me to the nearest Toys R Us and I'll browse for Lego until they kick me out.
Also I read your "sit in tub..." sentence as "... watch my stories and eat bonobos", which is decidedly weirder than what you wrote.
Jan 30 at 18:21, by Kitḫ
@MrShinyandNew安宇 My town has finally got a Lego store of its own. Basically a poor man's copy of my living room.
@RegDwightѬſ道 yeah those are good too. But their prices are basically the worst-case scenario.
You mean they actually make stores out of LEGO?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Yeah. I should've said, rich man's copy.
Oh, except for this chain in Toronto called "Toys Toys Toys", where they mark up the lego way past MSRP, then mark them back down and say "we're having a sale!" only sometimes the marked-down price is STILL worse than MSRP
Hey sounds like something perfectly legal.
@RegDwightѬſ道 I think it's actually illegal under the advertising laws here. But so many places do it.
Of course, their prices are probably still 20% below those we have to pay in Europe.
You have to pay for your LEGO in Europe?
Yeah, go figure.
We get them free here.
With our tax rebates.
We only produce them for free.
Why is Lego cheaper in N. America?
Because we love our children.
yay! hi :)
Because they can't count, so they just slap on the same figure in every currency.
10 Euro here, $10 there.
Stupid Danes.
And if you're in Canada, that's Canadian dollars.
It's still profit.
1. Produce LEGO.
2. ???
3. Profit.
They've got it all worked out.
Better business model than most.
Not really, no.
No, the way it works is: Same EUR as USD; Same GBP as USD, but Canada is USDx1.4
They keep producing lines that keep bringing them to the brink of bankruptcy.
Yeah, if you pay € 10 for a box of plastic, there will be profit.
They don't really learn from past mistakes.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Huh! That is really weird.
@Cerberus yeah, in essence, the brits get screwed, and the americans get an awesome deal.
Bionicle sucked ass, so they canceled it, only to replace it with the exact same shit under a different name.
Dinos sucked, so they canceled them, only to bring them out again.
Unless you have raised demand on your own so much that they can do this.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Bionicle was really popular though
well time to go for lunch
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Not where I live. Can't swing a dead cat here without hitting a child holding a bag full of MISB Bionicle sets and offering you money for taking it.
And I gotta run, too! Commute, laters.
Hmm. That reminds me, I have to get a present for a kid who will be 10 years old, who hates Lego.
Also, is not a strong reader...(I usually give books.)
Maybe a book suitable for an 8-year-old.
@Kitḫ maybe comic books?
How about a nice looking stone, like pyrite?
I would have loved that and pretended it was Gold.
@MattЭллен Hmm, maybe. I don't think he's into superheroes much. He likes animals and that sort of thing.
Maybe a book about marine biology.
That's interesting.
A puppy! ;)
sea monkeys?
@MattЭллен He's got one already.
Who will probably eat the bunny slippers I got his mom for her birthday.
looks good
And they might have it at the local BAM.
Holy crap!
I just figured out where that bolt in my chair dropped from.
oh no!
are you still upright?
About a week ago a bolt fell out of my chair randomly.
The other one just came off. Apparently, it held the arm on.
lol. oh no.
hope you didn't hurt yourself
Nah. I yelped, but that was it.
All patched up with the help of a pair of scissors, and neatly filed under "things Kit does that are not in her job description."
hehe. is that a long list?
Surprisingly, in this job, it is not a very long list.
Usually that list has consisted of what I was expected to do.
so everything you're expected to do is none of what you're paid for?
In the past, yes.

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