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@KitZ.Fox I often like to read a book and then watch the movie. This was especially pleasant when watching Doctor Zhivago.
I prefer to read and don't often watch the movie.
I have not read Doctor Zhivago though.
And sometimes, the book doesn't seem worthwhile so I'll watch the movie so I understand the cultural references.
I think it only works when the movie is well done.
For example, I felt really moved and awed by the Doctor Zhivago film. But I didn't feel the same way about the recent Great Gatsby adaptation.
@Tonepoet ok, thanks
Can we get more close votes here: english.stackexchange.com/questions/343104/…
like why is that still open
@caub No problem. Also keep in mind though, that due to the way conjunction reduction works, Nor is usually optional.
If only I were a mod, I could just close it. When is the next election?
You would usually reserve it for emphatic effect.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Why that dupe?
There's one specifically about C. I can't find it though.
You missed your shot to be nominated this time. Also who knows? Elections depend on when we need more staff, right?
@KitZ.Fox because it answers the question, i.e. that spelling is historic.
the other dupe you posted above, ppl can use that one if they want
I linked it at the bottom
either way it should be closed
No, not that one.
@Tonepoet I know, it was a joke
Hey all, what's the difference between normal and normative?
There was one that had an answer from nohat or Kosmo or someone that said "you need C for ch".
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 That's a gross oversimplification of English Orthography.
@Jez normative establishes the norm
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 perhaps, but not always: "of or relating to a norm"
Esp. in the case of Skeptic vs. Sceptic which is largely influenced by Noah Webster's spelling reform.
@Tonepoet Sure, but every question about why English spelling is the way it is boils down to "we've always done it this way, and the reasons we had when we first did it may not make sense now, but that's not a good enough reason to change"
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 The same thing could be said about etymology questions. It's the details which make it interesting, rather than the gist of the sentiment though. I think we're a little too quick to close sometimes.
I think this question is a better candidate for a dupe:
Q: Why did "sceptical" become "skeptical" in the US?

b.rothCompare the following two Google Ngram Viewer charts for sceptical vs. skeptical in American English and British English: British English American English My interpretation of these charts is that: Before the 1910-1920's, sceptical was used in both American English and British English m...

Q: Why did Old English use C while other Germanic languages used K?

Sam KauffmanDuring most the first millennium CE, North and West Germanic languages were written in runic alphabets. Gradually, each language shifted from the runic alphabet to the Latin alphabet. The people who adapted the Latin alphabet for use with a new language chose which letters to align with which sou...

I can't find the one I'm thinking of.
Reg would know it.
ugh, morons using CE instead of AD
it's the year of our lord, for god's sake. around whose birth we base the numbering system.
ugh, morons commenting on the secularization of our calendar.
but it's not secularized. it's still based on Christ's birth.
therefore changing the terminology is idiotic
Not my lord.
he's your lord in the sense that it's the claim made
not that everyone accepts it
He's not my lord in any sense.
well i just told you how he is :-)
I agree to call this year 2016, just like everyone else, hence "common era" is a better descriptor.
@Tonepoet It's still worth closing even if you find a better dupe than mine. I never said it shouldn't be answered, just that it's already been answered.
@KitZ.Fox so you agree to base your yearly offset on the reported year of Christ's birth?
I agree to base my yearly offset on the commonly accepted yearly offset.
It makes communication simpler.
i rest my case
@Jez People disagree on which year Christ was born in. So no, I don't agree that Christ was born in 1 AD or 1 CE.
Also, some people disagree that he even existed at all, so, no, I don't agree that Christ was born in any particular year.
i didn't say that, i said the reported year.
Except that many people report that he was born in a different year.
And also not my lord.
When you refactor code, do you insist on keeping function names and variable names the same as they were, because of tradition?
@Jez Using CE instead of AD is no different than using "that is" instead of "id est".
@MετάEd right. it's a stylistic difference. so which style is better? well, BC and AD are what i was brought up with. they aren't too similar to each other, which CE and BCE are, and they are the same length, 2 characters
they're wholly superior
Holy crap, what shall we do about August then?
And July?
And June?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I think we need to be careful to find the right duplicate and close for the right reason, otherwise we end up with a situation like this.
oh ffs! Wednesday!
@KitZ.Fox Down with our Roman overlords!
What even the days of the week!?
@Tonepoet I didn't choose the dupe at random. I chose it because it was one of the highest voted ones that dealt with English's weird spelling and because I thought it answered the question.
@KitZ.Fox Down with our Viking overlords!
it's more like whether to use Indian numerals or Roman numerals.
Did we get nothing from our Saxon overlords?
one is easier to identify and work with
switching over to roman numerals for some supposed artificial reason would be dumb
Using zero is unchristian/pro-muslim. Should be banned outright.
@Jez What if you had a real reason, instead of an artificial reason?
fair enough. but i don't.
There's a consistent and easy to use binary notation that uses 1's and 2's instead of 1's and.... those dreaded arabic things.
Easy, @Mitch. Stay calm.
So, your argument is "I like it the old way", and you don't care that the old way is exclusive to Christians, AND wrong about its supposed facts?
I mean, surely the latter alone would be cause for changing it. "Why do we call it AD? He wasn't even born in that year"
@KitZ.Fox fuming, looks up references hurriedly. Oh Leibniz, don't fail me now!
how can it be exclusive to Christians? i'm atheist and i use it
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I have to admit that I didn't read the close reason in detail to see just how applicable it is. I don't have the time at this moment though. I'll see you folk later.
i think the general consensus is that he was born then
those claiming otherwise are going to be in a minority
@Jez yes, but we already established that it was moronic.
@Jez google "when was Jesus born"
like, seriously, google it
you're seriously telling me that a term can't take on a different meaning? that if one uses "BC/AD" then one is asserting that Christianity is true, or something?
I thought the general consensus was that if he existed at all, he was born in 4 BC, and that there is hardly any evidence that he did exist outside of the Gospels.
@Jez Are you seriously telling me we can't use a new term for something if it upsets your precious habits?
no, i'm saying we shouldn't
Also, Christians are not the majority of the world's population, so those claiming otherwise are likely to be a majority.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 are you seriously saying nyah nya nya nya nyaaaahhhh?
@KitZ.Fox why would non-Christians claim either way?
@KitZ.Fox Christians do so win. The other gods are dumb.
@Jez Because "Jesus wasn't born ever" is a claim that he wasn't born then.
i doubt they make that claim
Why wouldn't they?
why would Hindus care either way?
Do they use 2016 as this year?
@Mitch I'm always serious
um, not if they're using their own calendar
@Jez Many people prefer CE and BCE for consciousness raising or to show consideration for non-Christians.
@MετάEd ok. well i think it's bloody stupid.
@Jez yeah that was patently clear when you called everyone who uses CE/BCE a moron.
@Jez Well I think that's already adequately covered under "being alive".
Which is bloody, stupid, and bloody stupid all at the same time.
So double bloody stupid.
Or double bloody double stupid.
@DEAD Double-plus-unsmart.
@KitZ.Fox OK G*dammit: 1, 2, 11, 12, 21, 22, 111, 112, 121, 122, 211, 212, 221, 222, 1111, ...
note that those with all 1's are identical in meaning to binary.
Just stick to unary
1, 11, 111, 1111, 11111, 111111, 1111111, 11111111, 111111111, 1111111111
Hm, how do you write "Zero" in unary....
@DEAD I think it actually factors out to bloody^2 + 2bloodystupid + stupid^2
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Like this:
@KitZ.Fox (bloody + stupid)^2
Yep, I've done my homework
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 1-1
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 scientifically that is a statement with a legitimate truth value that could be either true or false.
@DEAD Yes, that's what I said.
Unless stipulatively it really is by definition
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 working on it.
@Mitch You're from the Department Of Redundancy Department, aren't you.
I'm meant to be buying a new dress.
We've already had our yearly annual inspection.
@Jez as weird as it seems, that would make sense in a mechanically or electronically implemented system, equivalent to two's complemnt
Now if you'll excuse me I'm off to vacation at the Big Rio Grande River.
in The Overlook Hotel, 1 hour ago, by Kit Z. Fox
I need a dress that says "I am not at all hurt that you are marrying some dude who is like the dude version of me, even though you didn't want a serious relationship with me and felt like it was totally fine to just take off without a word for weeks at a time and then show back up like you hadn't even left and expect I wouldn't be mad, because after all, I'm married to an awesome husband and have two really brilliant children and I don't ever even think about our relationship at all anyway."
@MετάEd I'll be going to The La Alhambra
@KitZ.Fox Ah, yes, the spite dress.
@KitZ.Fox But you're still sort of into them? I mean "But you're still sort of into them?"
@Mitch Do you think you could curtail the unnecessary superfluity?
@Mitch them? thon would be better
@Mitch Her. I don't know. I think maybe I'm just bitter because I didn't win.
@Jez Pfft. 'Thon' is for people who use 'CE' in dates
Mitch: there's actually a rational reason for using, thon, though.
@KitZ.Fox sudden realizatoin
googles for how to retract an email sent months ago
@Jez We have a rational reason for using CE, though. It's just that you don't find it compelling. Stop calling it irrational.
you have a rational reason for finding a different calendar system and switching to it, rather than sticking to the one based around Christianity.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 No, you're irrational with all your 'words' and 'meaning'
but no-one bothers to do that because there's no problem with basing it around Christianity.
@Jez Oh my god, you don't want to start me on that.
I have a presidential platform for time changes.
First, kill all the meteorologists
Oh thank god Mitch. I was hoping someone would propose that.
Wait, that might be taken the wrong way.
'Send' them 'away'
It means the same thing as kill them, but I don't want to shock the general populace.
or the meterologists.
@Mitch Harmonize them with what they like.
@Jez No, I have a rational reason for using a different name for the calendar system. Don't put words in my mouth.
they might get a little skittish
and then we're screwed
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 i reject that you have a rational reason for that, sorry
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Like how we call it "menstruation" now instead of "Eve's curse".
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 force feeds Mr. S words
made from bagels
really not forced, just sort of laid out in front of him.
oh crap I don't think I turned the toaster oven off.
He'll eat them.
@Jez Wow! I didn't know we could do that! I reject that you rejected my reason.
@KitZ.Fox Probably a meteorologist ruined it all.
Oh...back to my 'time' plans.
@Mitch okay but I'mma call them "bag ells"
@Jez The calendar itself is not based on Christianity
Totally an astronomically based calendar, when the sun and moon cross certain lines. We can calculate far into the future, and if there is a physical discrepancy, just change the time.
Meanwhile, people are working to change English on SO.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Sure, blaspheme all you want.
send this one with the meteorologists
@KitZ.Fox oh, hm... makes notes to update vocabulary good to know!
@KitZ.Fox that's a dumb name, too. it should be "womenstruation"
I cannot sleep .. any suggestion?
Run into a door
It helps I swear!
Seems boring .. :(
read this chat room's transcript
Also watching @Mitch and @Mr.Shiny chat is decaffeinating
seems useful
hey what are you trying to say
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I think he said it pretty straight xD
@Helmar Please stop making a fight between them .. ;-)
I like being figuratively beaten up
@Shafizadeh Sorry I forgot that an interesting chat keeps you up ;)
@Helmar sorry I don't know english very well, what do you mean "keep me up" exactly?
Keep you from getting tired
a (it supposed to be "ah" btw)
@Helmar Donchuknow, "c" is deprecated as of today
Damn, I forgot that. Though I guess we could do without a few letters
@DEAD I read 'decaffeinating' as 'defecating'
I'm just being honest here.
@Mitch It could be both. They're not mutually exclusive
The second might actually help with the first ;)
caffeine is a stimulant, which makes it a laxative, just saying.
Still not mutually exclusive.
Human rules don't apply to chemicals.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Clean up on aisle 3, near the coffee grinder
@Shafizadeh Take the longest, most boring dictionary you know, and then start reading it until you either finish it or fall asleep in the middle of it.
@Tonepoet definition one: "a: of or pertaining to a"
@KitZ.Fox That's just galactically complex for me. I have decision anxiety trying to figure out if i should wear the grey shirt or the other grey shirt, because it's Wednesday and everything that comes with that.
@Tonepoet skips ahead to see if 'that' word is there
@DEAD That's one of the shortest definitions for the letter A that I've ever seen. Most seem to fill out at least a page column with history, if not a whole page.
Also, the actual C.D.C. is beautiful. Wordnik's excerpts don't do it justice, esp. since they cull the etymology and quotations.
@Tonepoet the plot really starts to pick up with aardvark and aardwolf. Thera's a bit of a curve thrown with atalatl.
More importantly according to wiki en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A the historic Egyptian "A" is an ox head :D
@Helmar turn over the 'A' and you'll see it
Yeah that's the Cretan sign
Is there any word for, When you forget something but is like you know what is it called, just can't say it -- i don't know how to explain this clearly.
Hi guys. There was this question that I thought was trivial, so I posted it on ELL. But it turned out to be more nuanced then I had thought. If I had known I would have posted it on ELU. But it's too late now. So I figured I'd invite some of you guys over there to have a lock and possibly offer some insight: ell.stackexchange.com/q/100674/26160
when you know something back of your head, just don't know the word for it. What is this? is there any word for it?
@FarhadSaadatpei On the tip of your tounge?
Yes, is there any simple 1 word for it?
Can you describe it in 1 word?
@FarhadSaadatpei Firstly, am I on the right track with tip of the tounge? But you just need a one word?
Yes your right.
Yes 1 word to describe it
Hmmm.. give me a second. It's on the tip of my tounge.
@FarhadSaadatpei Good job.
Is it me, or this TOT is common amongst many people? @Fiksdal
@FarhadSaadatpei Yeah, for me at least. I forget words all the time, in all the languages I know
Well this is definitely a problem for many people, I was thinking to create an app that would solve this.
Just trying to wrap the algorithm around my head. @Fiksdal
I think by studying characteristics of each word, it can be find with simple voice over search (ie Siri)
Can someone here protect this question
A: Meaning/origin of "You bet" as a response to "Thank you"

JoeIn customer communications and internally I started using "you bet" when someone stated in another article that my common "no problem" response was rude as in "that could have been a problem but I don't think it was". So rather than the ubiquitous "thank you" I started using "you bet" which I fel...

@FarhadSaadatpei If that app becomes a reality, please do ping me in chat about it, I'd be very interested.
Is it a mindreading app?
@Helmar Is there a lot of LQ answers?
How else would it know what word I just forgot?
@Fiksdal hahaha
@Fiksdal Well there was one. One usually attracts more.
@Helmar OK
Yes, @FarhadSaadatpei , is it a mind-reading app?
But words have characteristics
yeah hahaha
It's definitely a challenge
But the amount of usage it would have, i promise it would be crazy
@FarhadSaadatpei I wanna be a pre-beta tester
I don't think I would get into building it tho. lol, unless I had the funding.
I need to run my current business. Lmao @Fiksdal
But thanks for the help. :)
@FarhadSaadatpei You might have to implement some new hardware.. A "tounge-reade" that you actually stick your tounge into
I walked into Sears looking for a dress. It smells so depressing in here.
@KitZ.Fox Why?
Hm, my reputation tab lists +205, thought it was capped at 200?
@Helmar Part of it might be an accept?
@Helmar The rep you gain from accepted answers are exempt from the cap
Thx, I did not know that
So there is even space left for more people to vote on that ridiculously popular Gilmore Girls answer :D
@Helmar Link to question?\
Eh, not what I meant, but here you go :)
Q: What does it mean to be "sixty-fortied"?

Aaron GullisonI came across this on an episode of Gilmore Girls (2.16 - There's the Rub), where Emily Gilmore says "I can't believe you let me get sixty-fortied!" (60-40d) I can't find much reference to this online, just this one.

Hello @kit. I just woke up after sleeping eight hours.
@Helmar I know that's not what you meant, don't worry, I wasn't planning to vote. I just got curious
@JasperLoy hi
Just noticed something strange in my review queue
Q: Bug in the late answer queue?

HelmarWhy did this four year old answer appear in my late answer queue?

The wolf in this room looks like it is going to eat the fox.
But maybe it is a quick brown fox that will jump over the lazy dog.
@Helmar Gilmore Girls is a nice show. I think both the daughter and mother are pretty, lol.
@JasperLoy I haven't seen a single episode. I just googled the transcript ;)
@Helmar My favourite drama is The Wonder Years, but I only watched the first five episodes.
That says more about the rest of the shows you watched that about The Wonder Years ;)
@KitZ.Fox Ooh, I see you have two new videos... Watching now.
I watched 2/3rd of yours.
I am fat. I need to lose weight, lol
@Helmar Yes, as you can see, I don't watch very much.
I would say the same if it wasn't for Game of Thrones
A: Origin of the term 'truther' as applied to conspiracy theorists

Jon GoldIt's all in here. I coined the phrase in 2004 on the Howard Stern Bulletin Board. You can learn why in the book, or just go read what it is in my article that explains it. Amazon Store Link: 9/11 Truther: The Fight for Peace, Justice and Accountability

Would you categorize that as a valuable answer?
@Helmar Ugh.
I'm going to comment on that.
With that link, I've flagged it as spam.
And the other answer too.
@Cerberus It's not spam as defined by the flag, because he discloses his affiliation.
I don't know, I still consider it spam.
It's not spam. I can grab a meta post for you if you like.
It might take some time though.
I'm going to comment that it's V.L.Q.A.
Actually @cerberus It might be easier to link to the help center than find the meta post.
I recant my statement.
Hey, it's not the Bible.
I can judge for myself.
@KitZ.Fox febreze?
@Cerberus It's worse than the bible, it's our own code of conduct. If we don't obey help-center guidelines we might as well not have rules.
Or just apply common sense.
@Tonepoet whatver it is named, it is eminently deletable
as opposed to evisceratingly delectable
like Alien
Common sense need not apply here with all of the closures gong around. Following the letter of the law is why we insist upon following the Gen. Ref. guidelines.
@Tonepoet They're more like guidelines than hard and fast rules.
@Tonepoet Ah, you haven't emailed me yet, but nvm. =)
I don't use e-mail frequently Jasper.
@Tonepoet "Common sense is often neither"
@Mitch Guess what, I don't have enough rep to vote.
That said, wow, how can you belittle common sense? Blind application of rules can lead to poking other people's eyes out.
@Mitch When common sense becomes nonsense it's a problem.
It seems I don't have common sense but uncommon sense.
@JasperLoy you are sufficiently detached from desire to not care about rep as an end to itself. But it can lead to other things that are worthwhile, like deleting the crap out of idiotic answers that are as spam-like as anything.
@Mitch Maybe I am not detached. Maybe I am just crazy, lol
@Tonepoet Even the Bible is full of contradictions and inconsistencies (also repeats itself, more than once)
@Mitch And that's relevant to me how?
I have a question. If the bible is not the word of God but the word of man, how did they put it all together and pull it off?
@JasperLoy there's a coffee shop I've heard of called 'Uncommon ground'.
also a restaurant called 'Blind Faith'
pretty obviously a vegan restaurant
@Tonepoet YOu're saying the FAQ should be followed strictly.
@Tonepoet Oh OK, you should have told me at the start, but nvm.
Have you noticed that there is no such thing labeled 'General Reference' anymore?
How can you claim to be following the letter of the law when the letter of that law doesn't even exist?
@JasperLoy piece by piece?
also they had editors.
@Mitch The thing is that anything can be found in some reference, so all questions should be closed as general reference.
@JasperLoy Exactly!
We're just repeating other people's crap.
If it were our own, that just wouldn't be trustworthy
@Mitch So a group of crazy men wrote a bunch of crazy texts, and then a group of crazy editors put it all together?
yes. not all crazy. mostly had their wits about them. mostly
I see. I ask this question because I have been thinking about it.
@Tonepoet In general I agree that in important matters the law needs to be considered carefully.
@JasperLoy I didn't tell you from the start because I do use email and do plan to email you.
actually of the 4 gospels, 3 of them are supposedly based on one original text, and pieces were lost or added, but there's a lot of overlap (John is the one that has an entirely different author).
THere's a name for those three (Matthew, Mark, Luke)
@Tonepoet Oh OK. Thanks.
something like.. the Sephora
or the Suppurates
@Mitch And so what of it? Are you comparing the help center guidelines to the inconsistencies of the bible?
By the way, hello Jasper!
Hello @cerberus. Are you getting married soon?
No, you?
Nope. I am still single and available. Maybe I might turn gay to find someone.
Sure, why not?
@Tonepoet that's not parallel. Also, I'm not doing anything. I'm describing how an analogy has been set up between the FAQ and the Christian bible, and I'm just pointing out that there are both problems with the analogy and the Bible.
Today I met a friend and he was talking to me about how to solve my mental problems. He is trying to be helpful, but I just want a friend to be a listening ear instead of dishing out advice from a menu.
@Mitch " Also, I'm not doing anything. I'm describing how..." I caught that. =P
@Cerberus LOL. Maybe a gay person can turn straight too?
@JasperLoy I know, that's tough.
@JasperLoy Depends on your definition.
@Mitch Maybe that's the problem with men. They use their brains too much. Women use their hearts more.
But you can try dating a new group if you are so inclined.
What is your view on having two different dictionaries for BrE and AmE? For example, OUP publishes OALD and OAAD, and ODE and NOAD, when two can be combined into one.
I think one just needs to list the variant spellings and pronunciations. The meanings are for the most part the same. So there is really no need for two separate books.
I agree.
And anyone speaking English should at least know about both varieties to communicate effectively with other English speaking people in the world.
@Mitch is that in the FAQ still? We haven't had GR for years.
It is currently the seventh month in the Chinese calendar. This time of the year, people burn lots of things for the ghosts that supposedly come out to roam earth.
@Mitch close. Like mildew growing under threadbare carpet that was used to cover yellowing lineoleum.
But the smoke is not a problem for me, because I enjoy the smell of incense and joss sticks.
You know what I mean?
Okay, I left my comment.
Though I think Helmar beat me to the punch. Darn you @Mitch, you master of distraction! =P
Sometimes I mix up user Centaurus with @Cerberus.
We both look odd.
It's time to get even.
@JasperLoy I'd just as soon rename the language American at this point. Did you know that the U.S.A. has more population than Australia, New Zealand, Canada and The U.K. combined? Like, over twice as many people. The only nations that might have more English speakers only use it as a second language and probably not for daily conversational purposes.
@Tonepoet Wow, no wonder US is "the most powerful" country on earth!
@Tonepoet You said you use Ubuntu. What's your favourite desktop environment?
Whatever I'm using I guess. I'm using linux 'cause my Windows computer broke down and I don't want to waste a license use on this one.
My own fault for being careless.
@KitZ.Fox Done, and now away.
@Tonepoet If you just installed Ubuntu and not a variant, then you are using Unity.
If I may continue the prior subject for just a moment, esteemed writers like Mark Twain and Edgar Allan Poe have made reference to "The American Language" and well, even Noah Webster's preface notes how different the english George Washington spoke was from the more Americanized variant. The King's English is also relevant.

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