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maybe, I'm not sure it's a hobby item specifically
no, I think hobby is the wrong word
Was it a vehicle?
Was it a tool?
for some people, but not him
Was it a sporting good?
these days it's something only used for fun
A boomerang?
So he accidentally killed himself with a boomerang?
Because he was distracted by the car backfiring?
Not something you'd want to admit to your dead friends
No kidding.
So @Rob? Do you still want to play?
Hmm. Anyone else?
on topic for a sec: I really want to close this
Q: Word for almost black and almost white

JcubedOr, a word for really dark grey or really light grey.

it's just such an utterly dull question.
I can't think of a reason
Too localized?
hmmmm. possibly
I NARQed it.
ooo! gen ref
Grey or gray is an achromatic or neutral color. Complementary colors are defined to mix to grey, either additively or subtractively, and many color models place complements opposite each other in a color wheel. To produce grey in RGB displays, the R, G, and B primary light sources are combined in proportions equal to that of the white point. In four-color printing, greys are produced either by the black channel, or by an approximately equal combination of CMY primaries. Images which consist wholly of neutral colors are called monochrome, black-and-white or greyscale. The first record...
There's no effort there and no justification for needing the word.
Per @JSB's guidelines, this doesn't meet the criteria for a
good point
@Kitḫ it's a terrible question. i vote to close.
I guess we can go back to our incomprehensible normality. Did someone have a mystery?
Didn't you?
it was solved
by you!
and Sherlock Holmes
Hmm. I am binding data. I'll think of a mystery in a minute.
I must away to my castle. Chat l8r!
Oh my.
just fyi
We have an illustrious guest.
Q: It's John le Carré week!

LaurenWe kicked off a Topic of the Week series on a few other sites, and now we're bringing it to Literature! (If you want more background, see the discussion here.) The basic idea is to increase the content we have about hot topics (authors, books, etc). This week's topic: In light of the recent rel...

Who? Is it John le Carré?
@z7sgѪ they're an author
Aww I missed the mystery!
@DForck42 Yes, I am familiar with his work.
@Cerberus You were gone forever!
The doorbell rang and a friend came over.
A tragedy!
She is coming back in 10.
@DForck42 I'm not sure that mods really ought to be eligible for prizes. Seems a bit dubious.
@Cerberus Minutes?
@Kitḫ shrugs i'm not participating this week. haven't read anything by them
I vote for topic of the week to be "a vs an"
@z7sgѪ chortle smack
Who are "they"?
John le Carré and?
Thanks for the heads up though @DForck42.
Too bad I missed Matt's mystery.
Well, if you didn't have so many girlfriends, you could play some more.
no prob. figured eu&l and scifi are our closest related sites
Yeah. Good thinking. A lot of us are members of both.
@Kitḫ cool. we've also designated The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo as this month book club book
if anyone's interested
even if you don't participate in the club, i highly recommend the book
There's a book club?
Q: Book Club #3 Announcement

DForck42OK, the book voted on for the book club #3 is The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo voted on here. The book club will meet in chat on February 7th. Let us know what you think about the book. In a couple of weeks I'll create a post for suggestions for the next book club.

@Cerberus Just watch the real thing: it was from the latest Sherlock Holmes on the BBC. I think you'd enjoy it (just don't think about it too much cos that ruins the fun).
@Kitḫ lick
@z7sgѪ Ahh OK.
I heard about that.
@Cerberus You cannot lick this green from me.
Is that something biological?
Green with envy.
She is so possessive.
Plenty of heads to go around @Kit
That green looks so good on you.
Mmpfh. I don't need a puppy anyway.
@z7sgѪ That's what I keep telling them too!
@Kitḫ yup
@Kitḫ But I can fetch sticks? And eat things?
Can you constantly feed my ego?
Man, I really hit a wall. I am suddenly really, really tired.
Time for more coffee.
Good idea.
And food.
Right. Lunch. Well, I ate a couple hours ago.
I think I will tell the ladies to go without me.
To lunch?
Does this link open for you?
It refuses to load.
@Cerberus sic mihi
Thus for you?
It opens?
@Cerberus no, it doesn't open
i should probably have linked to the other one
OK, then at least it's not my problem. Usercripts.org is often slow for me.
Still annoying.
as in, responded to "refuses to load", so that you could understand what sic referred to
Yeah, I understand, though I'm not sure sic would work there.
I think you would rather use something like idem.
Or simply et.
i thought of et mihi, but i wasn't sure if it was idiomatic latin
I can be, depending on the construction of the clause you're appending it to.
"For me too".
et mihi exactly calques what i would say in Romanian, which is şi mie
@Cerberus — Semper Idem, Semper Fidelis.
şi = and/also?
@Cerberus yes
although, interestingly şi < sic
@Robusto Qu'est-ce que c'est, ça?
@JSBᾶngs Hmm odd.
@Cerberus — Short story by Jack London.
I don't have time to read it now, friend will be here any minute.
@Cerberus I could open it.
I wonder if Cerebus's friend is hot
Mmm. I imagine that she is.
Hey @Cerb. Pics of your friend?
Same one that wolf whistled at you?
It's odd that she left and came back. Probably forgot to bring the dog biscuits.
Maybe stopped by on her way home to ask him to dinner.
falls asleep on desk
@Kit Are you asleep? Are you sleeping? Are you awake?
Wha—? Huh? WHere?
I have the agendas right here.
what's first on your agendas?
completed action items
I like the sound of stuff. lets start with that
lunchtime for me. hope that @Kit wakes up and feels better
so to begin, let's take the time to review the benefits of stuff over things and talk about the gradual implementation of stuff of the course of tghe coming year.
So sleepy...
sleepbites @JSB
Hmmm, yes. Stuff does seem to have some benefits over things, but can the benefits last or is this some sort of stuff bubble?
yes bubble things have had a significant impact on the invertsments if funds in stuff but this seems to be a longterm dohickey with seignorage.
snores gently
oh, right, of course, seigniorage. I completely agree
i propose forming a committee to investigate the details adn present the findsing to the body of evidence.
ad hoc
i second that motion
called to vote
my Christmas turkey had stuff in it. but we forgot to take it out and then we saw that it wasn't stuff, it was things.
@MrShiny point of order!
motion carries.
or is it a point of fact?
no, sa point ovorder. mrshiny's comments came after the vote was called.
highly improper conduct for a man of his station
at my station there was an improper conductor so I got off the train
Move to censure MrShiny by appointing him as chair of the committee to investigate the stuff details
@MrShinyandNew安宇 that highly conductive for a man of your stature!
@MattЭллен Is that a second, Mr. Ellen?
I used to be a man of my stature but now I'm more into paintings
You must be highly impressionistic.
Or rather conducive to impressionism.
agreed, MrShiny is clearly a personage much possessing of stature
and thus eminently suited to chairing the investigation into the details of stuff
and things should they arise eventually
@Kitḫ si si
Call to vote.
Motion carries. MrShiny is so censured.
majority rules, MrShiny appointed chair
I expect that report by next meeting.
That reminds me:
Aug 25 '11 at 16:56, by KitΘδς
@aediaλ Nonsense. What kind of place are you running there? You should have a standing committee for the assignment of action items that reports to the sitting chair of the committee for the approval of meeting minutes so that they can coordinate the joint approval of the inclusion of the approved, assigned action items in the approved meeting minutes. tch Duh.
my first act as chairperson of the stuff-things dichotomy, or STD, is to appoint Kit as secretary, treasurer, and janitor for all things STD. Also, I nominate Cerb as caterer.
and Aedia seems to have a good understanding of how these sorts of meetings should go, so she can be the vice-chairperson in charge of organizing the meetings. @aedia, please coordinate with Kit.
@Matt you will be the Chief Stuff/Things Inspector, or, Chief STI. Your role will be to look at an item and determine if it is stuff or a thing. Please submit your itemized lists in PFS FirstChoice Spreadsheet format compatible with my Dos 3.3 computer.
Also I expect your executive summary in the form of a limerick
hey nice seeing you guys, must run. tata
cya @z7sg
I will accept the appointment as secretary, but there is no approved budget for the STD committee, so your request for a treasurer position is denied.
So. Anyone got a mystery?
falls asleep on keyboard; writes exceptionally good code
hello people
hey @Jez
first day at new job today
how did it go?
if getting nice women was as easy as getting decent IT jobs, I'd be having seriously hot threesomes most nights
relatively well. largeish Danish company setting up in the UK anew
only 2 of us employed over here so far
only two people in your office, or only two people in IT?
in the office
another joining in feb, another 1 or 2 in march
then probably 10 in the next couple of months
i might be asked to go to Copenhagen for a few days
Hot threesomes are probably not something you would want most nights.
Why would you say that?
They are rather taxing.
oh well, you'll have to prove that to me.
in other news, Americans just sleepwalked into losing most of their constitutional rights: washingtonsblog.com/2012/01/…
meh. rights are overrated.
hi @Cerberus!
Yeah my friend suddenly rang the doorbell, then went out to get us some sushi, came back, and now she has left me again.
however, i did answer your question @Jez
But my other friend will arrive shortly to palaeographe with.
Most of my rights? Where? What? Oh. Not me.
@Jez Yeah it is preposterous.
But what can we do?
It would seriously be a reason not to travel to the USA.
I mean, it is bad enough here.
@Cerberus it's amazing... i thought the UK was always gonna have the US beat for Orwellian
but now the US military can arrest, detain, and execute a US citizen in the US with no due process.
Well, you're on your way...
But they are ahead.
so, they win
I'm beginning to like Germany more and more.
I think it is currently the best country in the world.
in hindsight, they shouldn't really have bothered with the constitution.
uneducated people dont give a damn about even an important legal document
What do you mean "bothered"?
Bothered writing it?
what they should have had was an inspirational piece of prose which contained the spirit of the constitution, and ploughed tons of resources and importance into education.
i used to think it was enough, but now i realize that what matters is making people continue to respect its spirit
Why do you care what Americans do again?
I don't know. It was fine at the time.
and that means education
I keep forgetting.
@Kitḫ why wouldn't we?
@Kitḫ I care about all my sheep.
@Kit because it's kind of interesting, because it generally has effect on the rest of the world

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