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I dislike perhaps over 90% of all questions.
@z7sgѪ Grouch.
I would say it's something more like snobbery. Of course sometimes I am a grouch too.
@z7sgѪ Curmudgeonly?
That's fairly synonymous with grouchy. What I mean is that I find a lot of the questions unworthy of expert attention.
@z7sgѪ Indeed.
Thankfully, I am no expert, so I don't mind.
@Mahnax The latter.
@z7sgѪ Same.
@Cerberus Ah.
I don't like CWs, I don't get any precious reputation. Now normally, I'm not that greedy, but when I'm this close to 3k, I want all I can get.
@Mahnax just do what all the other mid-rep users are doing. answer every friggin' question even if it's a useless question, off-topic, dupe, or gen-ref, and even if it has lots of answers already. then sit back and wait for votes to come in even though your answer doesn't deserve any.
You'll be at the top in no time. Several very high-rep users have achieved success in this way.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 That goes against what I stand for.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Hey, now, don't be like that.
@Mahnax ethics schmethics
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I don't want to be a rep whore.
Or anything close to one, but I do want rep if rep is deserved.
@Mahnax Just do it for a little while, to pay your way through college
@MrShinyandNew安宇 To pay my way through college?
Hi @Mitch.
And get busted once you've made it to bishop?
No thanks.
@Cerberus or fail your bar exam once the law society finds out.
Law, shmaw.
I mean, yes, that would be serious.
@Cerberus that's right! throw it over there, with Mahnax's ethics!
Just ask a question and slip in a funny dick joke or make some 'accidental' drugs reference. That's a good way to pick up some rep.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Not my ethics!
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Indeed I shall through it in a corner!
That sounds very Allo Allo.
No, no, through.
@Cerberus pssh spelling schmelling
Way better.
You know the police officer from Allo Allo?
You know Allo Allo?
@Cerberus no
is it a british show?
Do you like British comedy?
we don't get much british tv here.
It is about WWII.
It's old.
Around 1990 I'd say.
:2761371 Why?
They have bummed the pimps in the pimping station. etc
@Cerberus that's not old! I'm older than that!
I personally find it annoying if I am pinged when it isn't necessary.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 awkward moment
I'm from 1983.
It is old as in "we don't get much British tv here".
@Cerberus you're not much younger than me then. '78
Aww gramps.
@Cerberus yeah but we got even less british tv in '90
At any rate, you ought to know Allo Allo.
Yeesh, '96 here.
Cultural heritage and all.
not MY cultural heritage.
They broadcast old British shows here all the time.
Allo Allo is taken out of the moth balls every few years.
If that is English.
@Mahnax Aww...
pushes pacifier in mouth
@Mahnax you're just a teeny widdle baby! :p
@Cerberus -_-
@MrShinyandNew安宇 -_-
@Cerberus @MrShinyandNew You're ancient. Both of you.
@Cerberus spits it back out, knifes @Cerb in the neck
@Mahnax now listen here you young whippersnapper. Back in my day there was no internet where little rascals like you could make fun of codgers like me. Well, there was, but you had to be in academia or interent industry in order to use it. We had to dial in to bulletin boards at 2400 baud.
@Mahnax Ouch, now I have only two necks left.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Heh. Curmudgeon.
The thing about the policeman is that the series makes fun of his French accent.
@Cerberus Aww.
But you really need to know the show.
Well, I didn't find that video funny.
@Cer new war!
Also, a new player.
yikes no wonders my stomach is growlings!
@RegDwightѬſ道 This war:
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I understand: you need to know the show.
But if you don't find "with respect, Colonel, but Yvette is 10 litres" funny...
@z7sgѪ Sure, the other 10 per cent consists of questions by all the chat room users.
@Mahnax Boo! I see you are back home and also back in school.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Like me! I did it and look where I am now!
@Cerberus Then the head must drop too since without the neck there is no head.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I only used the internet in my last year in high school.
The internetz didn't exist when I was in high school.
That didn't stop me from using ARPAnet, mind you.
Mostly for sexual relations though.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Shh, that's my secret!
@Kitḫ Shh, that's my secret too!
@Kitḫ I only have it with myself.
Well, if you can call it that when you are explaining to a bunch of physicists that getting finger-ed on the old VAX system doesn't actually count as losing your virginity.
Hello @kiam! Thanks for the edit but I reedited it.
I have a weird style which I like to follow for my own posts.
OK; who put that snowman right there?
@kiamlaluno Hi!
@kiamlaluno Santa Claus I think.
@aediaλ Hi!
@kiamlaluno Snowball fight!
@aediaλ Got you!
@aediaλ Should I use its head, or its body?
@Kitḫ Got you back!
@aediaλ Oh! Right in the beezer!
@kiamlaluno One in each hand!
@aediaλ And two in the bush!
@Kitḫ Why am I the last one to know this important rules?
@kiamlaluno Late to the party! The snowmen showed up last week!
Which colour?
@Kitḫ Uhmmm… I pass about that. I would not be misunderstanding it.
I already have a dark-grey one.
@Cerberus Not red, or either of the brown tones.
@Kitḫ giggles more
@kiamlaluno (A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.)
@Kitḫ I agree about the browns.
@Kitḫ Oh, right… That is what I was thinking of (kind of).
And I want a light-blue one for sure; but which exact colour?
@Cerberus The dark blue would go nicely with your coloring.
The lightest blue looks kind of sickly, but it's hard to tell online.
@Cerberus Hmm. Trickier. What color are your eyes?
Color? Which color? I see many colors, here.
@Kitḫ Yeah, thanks! I already have a dark-blue pullover like that.
@Kitḫ Blue, I don't know how else to describe them.
Greenish-blue or greyish-blue?
@aediaλ Yeah it's greenish light blue.
@Kitḫ Not green at all.
And your hair is kind of chestnut, right?
Yes, well, very dark brown.
@Cerberus is it light blue, light-light blue, or dark-light blue?
@Cerberus The one I don't like is the one that on further examination says it's green/blue; I like the steel blue and lt. blue ones.
(I pretend I know of what they are talking of.)
@kiamlaluno Ehh I don't know: medium-light blue?
@Kitḫ OK thanks. I think I agree.
@Cerberus OK, we are closer. Now how much medium is that medium-light blue?
@Cerberus Dark grey would have been my first suggestion. I'm a big fan of dark grey on people with blue eyes (my husband has striking blue eyes).
@aediaλ OK noted! You and Kit overlap on the light blue one, then.
@aediaλ I agree. But he said blues.
@kiamlaluno I really don't know what counts as the median for eye colour!
@Cerberus You still have that pic lying around?
@aediaλ Good to know! So I already have dark grey and navy / very dark blue.
@Kitḫ Sure, one sec.
What the neck! Are they selling Elvys's clothes?
On, shit.
What about brown eyes?
Oh that's a new one.
Who is this? It reminds me of some actor who made a movie for teenager.
Oh, right, I posted that other one before.
@Cerb's a teen heartthrob!
@kiamlaluno Uh, haha, thanks!
tee hee hee
Hey @Cer where's your answer on this one?
Q: Translation for Dutch "tot en met": until and including?

fireeyedboyIn Dutch language we use the expression "tot en met" to signify a quantity between two measures including the last measure. So, for instance, the following: woensdag 22 juni tot en met vrijdag 24 juni ... would mean: Wednesday the 22nd of June until and including Friday the 24th of June, where...

OK, so um, I think just blue-eyed, not otherwise specified.
@Kitḫ So y no red?
@Kitḫ Yeah.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Lemme see.
@Cerberus Get out! Are you really an actor?
@Cerberus It's the wrong color red for you.
@kiamlaluno Uh, no.
I would suggest a "brick red."
@Kitḫ Ah, OK.
Brick red sounds good.
But wouldn't that be too brownish?
@Cerberus It's a weird extra bright looking red. Childish. Would only look good on some people, or as, like, a Christmas sweater. It could actually be more normal but it's difficult to tell from the image.
@Cerberus Well, you could. They need an actor for the anti-Harry Potter.
@aediaλ Haha OK, point taken.
I know I am probably asking something that has been already answered a week ago, but are we choosing clothes Santa SE will take us?
@kiamlaluno I just look a bit weird and psycho on that picture, but I mostly have very ugly and weird and tiny pictures of myself.
@kiamlaluno Ehh I was going to buy them myself (already got presents at St Nicolas' Day).
@Cerberus Annoyed, actually, more than psycho. Paparazzi getting on your nerves, perhaps?
I was thinking sullen. Or aloof.
@Cerberus Well, Psycho has been a good movie, IMO. It could be a 2012's success, and you could be the next famous actor.
@Kitḫ Yeah some other dogs were chasing me probably so I tried to eye-wrestle them off.
@kiamlaluno Ehm, thanks, but I have my eyes closed and my whole face contorted in a weird pose in 90 % of pictures.
@Cerberus When is it St. Nicolas's Day? We have Saint Lucy's Day.
@kiamlaluno December 5.
Lucy? Hmm we have a St Luciën alley here.
@Cerberus I have never heard of it. Saint Lucy's Day is December 13.
Uh… Santa Lucia. How do you say it in English?
Hmm never heard of her!
Lucia is what I wanted to hear. Lucy is probably correct in English, but the Latin/Italian name would mean more to me.
Saint Lucia?
But alas I don't know here.
@Cerberus As we are speaking of eyes, she is the saint who protects the eyes.
I used Santa Lucia as the excuse for me to be the one to distribute the presents from under the tree on Christmas.
I remember something about it from a storybook about a Scandinavian immigrant girl, but uhh... runs off to ye olde wiki
Haha, what?
"with a name derived from Lux, Lucis meaning "Light", as she is the patron saint of those who are blind."
You mean you dressed up as Lady Santa?
So not this greenish colour?
@Cerberus No, silly. There was something about the youngest girl-child doing something special. Lights on her head or something.
@Cerberus I like it, but I thought you wanted blue?
@Kitḫ Hmm ah OK, when you were a young kitten!
Well, here Saint Lucy takes gifts for the children, on her day.
@Cerberus And I think the shade is too light for you.
@Kitḫ Yeah I don't know. I think I want blue in any case, but maybe a second one.
@aediaλ Hahahahaha! Caught you, youngling!
@Kitḫ Hmm OK.
@Cerberus Dark grey or dark blue should be your second choice.
(You can even hear Saint's Lucy bells, ringing the night between December 12 and December 13.)
@Kitḫ That doll is now "retired", apparently (although I never had the dolls, just the paper dolls). I was just young enough to still like these when the original books were released.
@aediaλ Are there Pretzels, behind her head?
@aediaλ I wanted those very badly, but I was much too old to play with dolls by then and much too poor to buy them anyway. Kirsten and Felicity were my particular favorites.
Want to see something terrifying?
Now, that is a zombie-doll.
@aediaλ That is terrifying.
Is it an Hawaiian doll, by the way?
@Kitḫ OK but I already have those colours. Good to know we agree on all colours!
@Cerberus Well, then. The green would probably look nice on you, but it is hard to say for sure. It is a good fourth choice. I wouldn't bother with any of the others.
@Kitḫ We were far too poor for the dolls as well. I think Samantha was my favorite because she had all sorts of Victorian crafts and things that I liked, and Kirsten a close second. For some reason I didn't like Felicity and Molly as much (they were the other two original ones, right?), but I think it was for weird reasons, like Felicity had a pet goat or something I didn't like and I didn't like Molly's glasses or something. Haha.
@Kitḫ OK, I suppose I'll just order the light-blue one. They appear to have free shipping!
@aediaλ Oh. Wait. It must have been Samantha I liked then, if she was the Victorian one.
Q: "A cold heart would destroy since it got broken"

Aram AlipoorWhat is the correct grammar for "a cold heart would destroy since it got broken"?

@kiamlaluno This one's supposed to be Kirsten, a Swedish immigrant girl who I think lives in Minnesota or something like that.
The photo just makes her look like a zombie.
Huh what a weird sentence.
No idea what it means.
@Kitḫ Kirsten had cool sweaters in the illustrations and went out and did stuff with her dad I think, because it was necessary. Stuff Samantha wasn't allowed to do because she had to dress nice and all.
@aediaλ I thought Swedish people were all blonde.
@kiamlaluno She is blonde.
@Cerberus Which is why I voted to close it.
Hint, hint.
OK, actually I voted to migrate it to Writers.
@Kitḫ Damn, I see reddish hair, not blonde.
@kiamlaluno The picture is not good.
@kiamlaluno In the picture she's blonde. The doll might even be the wrong doll; it's hard to tell.
@Kitḫ It's good that I was not said I need eyeglasses. :-)
@aediaλ I guess that explains all. :-)
@aediaλ Oh you're right. That might actually be Molly.
Holly Molly!
(It's from ages that I wanted to say that.)
I cooked dinner, I cant eat.
You should use a semi-colon or a full stop instead of that comma.
It's better than "I can eat, but I didn't cook dinner."
When I am almost puking over my keyboard, some minor spelling mistakes are acceptable.
It`s a big lie that the food you make yourself is the best.
Well, yes. But that's not a spelling mistake. :PPP
I am sorry it did not go so well.
So you meant "I cooked a dinner that I can't eat"?
First dinner I have ever made, that I have not been able to eat.
What did you do to it?
It depends from the food you are cooking; I will never pretend the goulash I cook is the best one.
Dinner was made from everything I had in the fridge
Ah, yes. We call that "red-flannel hash."
The best dishes are done with leftovers.
Did you grind it all up and add beets?
No, I made soup
Well, there's your problem right there.
You gotta grind it all up and add beets.
@Kitḫ Now that sounds an ugly dish.
Here in norway I guess my dish would be called "OH MY GOD IS THAT THING ALIVE?"
Then fry it.
@Kitḫ Oh! Oh!
I found some ham, fried it and added it to the soup.
@kiamlaluno Pish posh. It's better than haggis.
Or even better "KILL IT WITH FIRE"
@Kitḫ That sounds good.
rushes to find Kill It With Fire animated pic
@Kitḫ We call it Friday night casserole. I've never heard red-flannel hash. Is that because you make it in pajamas?
@Kitḫ Have I ever listed the dishes we cook in Italy?
First off, we eat horse meat.
Here in norway we eat, goathead, goatballs, raindeer and moose and so on.
@aediaλ No. It's because beets are red and the whole thing looks vaguely like comfy flannel.
Until you fry it of course.
@Kitḫ Ohhhh. But aren't they more like, purple-ish?
Actually, we even eat donkey meat.
ops, that wss not supposed to get imbeded...
That seems a goat's head.
@kiamlaluno Indeed
@aediaλ Details, details. But no, not when mixed with things like potatoes and yams.
@Kitḫ Now, that seems a tasty dish. Where is the trick?
whoa, I go out for coffee and when I come back we're eating goat heads?
@Kitḫ I have never added beets to leftovers in that manner because my husband doesn't really like them. But can you taste the beets much?
Anyone ready for a smal quiz?
I like potatoes with beets.
I will post an image of a dish, and you try to guess it. The person correct, is allowed to post another dish!
@aediaλ I don't think it tastes extremely beetlike, but I like beets, so I couldn't really say.
It seems the meatballs I bought at Ikea.
@kiamlaluno Then you would probably like red-flannel hash. Potatoes are rather the cornerstone of all hashes.
Except the hashish kind of hash.
No potatoes in that.
@Kitḫ Yeah that would be my problem. I made a lemony beet-y green bean salad that I loved and t'other half was like "ewww too much lemon! too much beet!"
Hmm. scribbles note to self
@Kitḫ I have never had red-flannel. Do they eat it in the East coast?
@kiamlaluno East Coast. Probably mainly rural New England.
It is almost meatballs =)
@Kitḫ Oh, chickpeas went well in the green bean salad too. If that's what you're noting. :)
I only know the fabric flannel.
@N3buchadnezzar Goat's balls?
@Kitḫ Is it a hamlet rural enough?
@aediaλ No, actually hashish and potatoes. But yours sounds good too.
Reindeer =)
@kiamlaluno Um. Probably, yes.
@Cerberus Yes, that is what it is named for.
I think.
@Kitḫ Perfect! The problem is that it was a hamlet on Long Island.
What was a hamlet on Long Island?
I still can't imagine the red-flannel hash very well, but I'm drooling thinking about proper hash browns. I can't find anywhere around here that makes them like local village diners up north. I'm going to have to make my own.
@Kitḫ The dish is named after the fabric?
@Kitḫ It was the town where I normally went when I was visiting USA.
@Cerberus Yes. When it is all ground up, it sort of looks like fuzzy flannel.
@aediaλ First garlic grating, now has-browns making: you really are a cook deep inside!
@kiamlaluno Right. I see. They probably would not have red-flannel hash there, or they would call it something else.
Oh, god kill it with fire
New Yorkers get everything wrong.
Wiki says Shirley is a hamlet.
@Kitḫ I see. I will certainly try that when next I come to NE to stalk you.
@Kitḫ Not bagles!
@Cerberus You are invited to visit. You don't have to stalk me.
@Cerberus If you're going to NE you should stalk ALL the new englanders
@aediaλ True enough. Actually, also pizza.
@Kitḫ But that is less fun! Oh, well, I suppose I am honoured.
@Cerberus And also, I don't live in Nebraska.
Cheesecake New York style!
@N3buchadnezzar (New England)
@kiamlaluno OK, OK, cheesecake too!
Upside down cake!
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Ehm wouldn't that be a bit of a strain on my schedule?

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