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Aug 22 at 13:09, by Robusto

SAMSUNG SD850 S32D850T 32 inch WQHD 2560x1440 VA Panel HDMI DVI Display port 32" Monitor
Arrived today!
And it is awesome!
2560x1440 is great
@MετάEd Whoa, long time no see.
Are you ready for some FOOTBALL!!!
Whatcha gonna do when raider nation comes lookin for you?
1 hour later…
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 @tchrist Rumors of my return are greatly exaggerated.
Since you left, we’ve had a bloody coup and overthrown the zombies.
Wait, no, that didn't happen.
Thanks for running the queues.
How are you doing?
ELL is graduating. Kinda.
My wife lost a son about eleven months ago. Everything is different.
I am so sorry.
There are no words.
You're right ... It takes lots of patience mainly.
Some people never recover.
Others take a long time, and are never the same.
Yes. We have had the privilege of meeting with others in the club. It generally takes five or six years to arrive at a new "normal", but it's never the same as before
That sounds more . . . possible . . . that the traditional “year and a day”.
I lost three very close family in quick succession, plus several others close to me. I’m not quite right yet and it’s now going on five years. I don't know whether I ever will be.
Although the last pair is just now coming up on two years. Too close.
That sounds terrible.
I last week realized I have developed an immediate terror reaction in which I always think everything will turn out the worst possible way possible, insanely horrible ways. It paralyzes me. I will probably have to do something about it. I was also broken into and robbed this summer, which hasn't helped.
Usually the insanely worst thing does not happen. Sometimes it does. After that it's easy to imagine. I know.
The nightmares never seem to end.
I mean that literally. It isn't every day, but seldom does a week go by without any. Sometimes it is several in a week. Those are not good weeks.
I have been spared that. My wife and her adult daughter are the ones we worry about.
I am sorry I have no advice for seeing this through. I'm trapped in it myself.
Sleep aids help.
I need to sleep more. I have a long-term average of barely six and half hours. It is a problem. I took some simple sleep aids a bit ago. Today was my first day off in a year.
I can say Ambien helps her a lot at night.
I just take diphenhydramine.
Need to go to bed earlier. It's the only way.
I cannot sleep after it starts to get light out, no matter what.
Ed, it was good to hear from you again. I am going to go to bed now. I have two young cats waiting for me there. It's the only thing that keeps me going sometimes, but it really does help. I hope you and yours come to no worse harm, and see this through. Somehow.
3 hours later…
> uk english and I want to know if practise should replace practice,in this particular sentence
Holy crap, someone knows UK English in person! What a lucker.
2 hours later…
@RegDwigнt I thought his nickname was Barrie.
Right on, that's his first name, his last name, and his everything name.
Na toll, jetzt hab ich diesen Ohrwurm.
Barrie Weiß?
Apparently Jack Black and Barry White got confused at birth.
Not to mention Jack White.
Is he the love child of those two?
Good question.
Also, how come a black label is suddenly not racist when applied to bottles?
I've never had Johnnie Walker African-American Label. Is it good?
Well. It ain't Jim Beam.
I don't drink that swill.
My go-to scotch these days is Bowmore Darkest.
Bow more. More, I said.
Q: Articles. Not sure about the last one. A or The? No context

Антон ЕршовLegs covered with chupa chups sores are pestling a duvet in a test-tube.

Another of your Russian friends?
Nuke the commie!
Dem Russkies alluz haz problemz with the articles.
@Rigor Quit changing your name. It's neurotic.
The Russkies have no the problems with the articles. A Russkies only have a problems with a articles.
I knew you would latch onto that.
I knew you would know. I then knew you would then forget.
But did you know I wouldn't give a flying fuck in a rolling doughnut either way?
Article particle nuke 'em
I knew 79% of it.
Practice harder and come back when you know the whole song.
I can't help but notice that Rigor has "Igor" in his name and doth protest commies too much.
Headsup, KGB in da haus.
King George of Britain?
I gore Igor.
Sounds like someone's been catching up on HBO repeats.
Not really, I just had the tab still open.
End of da month I'm outta here. Not virtual here, actual here.
I have now closed it and shall draw inspiration from the David Hasselhoff one.
The KGB is keepin' tabs on you?
Well. You are here.
Looks like Keith Richards is running his mouth again.
Wow, he still looks like 40. This man will never age.
@Robusto Are you planning to move?
In what sense?
Outta here.
Mr Treebusto treats jobs like women.
@Rigor I'm not moving to another job, if that's what you mean. We will be moving to another part of the country eventually, however.
Illinois Central, Sunday morning rail.
No IC.
You'll have to jump off that patriot band wagon :P
Who, me?
Cause I'm proud to be a Chuvash, where at least I know I'm free.
I know nothing of Chuvash.
I choo-choo-choose Vash.
Holy shit, they had movies in color in 1976?
@Rigor The Pats will finish ahead of your team this year and for the foreseeable future. Keep that in mind as the Raiders fail to make the playoffs again this year.
Have a Pat on your back.
They had a bicentennial too :-)
So did Robin Williams, and look what happened to him.
@Rigor Also, did your team ever think about getting modern-era football helmets? The one you're wearing looks like it was new in the '50s.
Excuse me?
Yeah, also modern-era deflated footballs. Highly recommended. Four wins guaranteed.
@RegDwigнt That can only be construed as a long-overdue apology for Mrs. Doubtfire.
That is the original rugby helmet
Excuse me?
@RegDwigнt Shows how little you know about football, American style.
Mrs Doubtfire has nothing on Bicentennial Man.
@Robusto you misspelled "much".
Get ready the World Cup is coming.
So is winter, but you don't see me going around crowing about it.
Sept 18-October 31
I am the only man in the other hemisphere who knows what "football, American style" is.
You can look it up. They have a Wiki article on that.
But I would have to look up the Wiki article first. How many lookups do I have to do before I achieve enlightment in this tawdry matter?
It's no easy endeavor fo sho, but I promise you winter won't have arrived by the time you're finished. Much less dragons.
There might be a bloody wedding, though.
You need to be sure about such things. What I pointed out was a worse problem than the one you're asking about. — Robusto 10 secs ago
You're welcome.
Man. What a downer you are. Always pointing out worse problems.
How about pointing out a unicorn, you heartless creature.
I learned it from you.
@Robusto As I said. Heartless creature.
@Rigor It's pronounced Worcester.
@RegDwigнt Крокодил бессердечным существом.
So when you're near me, darling can't you hear me? S, au, ce.
Let's hope Google Translate doesn't screw the pooch this time around.
@Robusto nice to see Google Translate now uses Yahoo Serbian search.
I wouldn't know.
It says "crocodile instrumentalis case of heartless essence".
But if it's an accurate translation, Russian wins the "fewest words necessary" award. Spanish needs 7: El cocodrilo es una criatura sin corazón.
Same number of letters, probably.
Selective translation
Oh, you're trying to say "крокодил — бессердечное существо".
Don't need instrumentalis for that.
I don't need anything for that. I didn't say it, GT did.
And of course Russian wins that award. It always does. What with never using articles or verbs.
"There's a car in the street" = "In street car".
Instant win.
Russian doesn't use dummy subjects, either.
"I am a robot" = "I robot".
How about "It will be raining tomorrow"?
"Tomorrow rain".
Russian reads like newspaper headlines
"It is what it is"?
@Robusto Yes, and that's the thing. You use that same language all over the place, and it works for you as well, but nobody's noticing until Robusto points it out.
@Rigor that's an idiom and so does not translate literally.
You'll have to use an equivalent idiom, which in this case happens to be longer.
@RegDwigнt Does it involve snow?
No, only Baba Yagas.
And Nightingale the Robber.
A snowball's chance in hell?
And Koschei the Deathless.
@Rigor no equivalent I can think of, but then again why should I. You want to learn Russian, start with, I dunno, the days of the week.
When I first came to America, I learned the word Thursday. And that's how I earned my first dollar. Now I'm running for President.
Does your calendar week start on Monday?
Everyone's calendar week starts on Monday. Every last human's.
If your calendar week starts on any other day, you will never be able to upload a virus to an alien mothership using a Mac.
Some calendars start on Sunday.
Some calendars start on Thursday.
Some calendars start on Kbradilovkarg.
But we are talking humans here.
The Maya calendar does not even start, it only ends. And look what happened to them.
No, we're talking about a mere convention.
No, you are talking about a mere convention.
I am talking about the mere convention.
And the mere convention is clearly Monday.
Next up you'll tell me that Fahrenheit is a thing. Sheesh.
The Date object in JavaScript thinks Sunday is the first day (day 0).
What's Nirvana to do with this.
@Robusto yeah for the same reason programmers think you begin counting at 0.
Because you do.
Q: Express gratitude

Othman BenchekrounI am writing Acknowledgments for a computer science internship report, during my internship, I always felt my tutor was trying to teach me and train me, he wanted me to learn things more than to show results and never put pressure on me to finish my project. I really want to thank him for that, ...

As opposed to implied gratitude? Or local gratitude? or slow gratitude?
They thought, hey, there's so much confusion about when to start counting the days, how about we fix it by adding confusion about when to start counting everything else.
Not the dreaded zero :O
@Robusto as opposed to Illinois Central Monday Morning Rail gratitude.
Why are you carrying on about the Illinois Central? You've never seen it, much less ridden on it.
@Robusto Little do you know. I was in the fifty-fifth sack of mail.
I have, and I don't talk about it a tenth of what you do.
The Illinois Central is what white people who live in Hyde Park take when they want to go to the Loop.
Not even a zeroth!
@Robusto That's because you know how to keep secrets. Because Dubya and the NSA taught you the hard way.
Me, I just instagram my tweets on facebook five times a day.
What could possibly go wrong.
You're a face booker?
I suspect not.
Well, Geocities has been a bit of a letdown as of late.
Russian Facebook is constantly getting "retouched." Just look at Joe Stalin's page. He used to have 20 million friends. Now he has none.
There's a Russian Facebook?
Or do you mean vkontakte.
Because nobody uses Facebook in Russia. Not even Stalin.
I figured you would translate it into Russian.
Also: joke.
What do they use?
"In contact" I believe.
You can't have 20 million friends even on Russian Google. Two, perhaps. In your entire lifetime.
Search is Yandex, everything else is vk.
Thank you for taking everything I say literally and then deconstructing it. You should charge for that service, I would refuse to pay, and then we wouldn't have to go through this over and over.
It is what he does best :P
@Robusto I can't be bothered to remember the keyword to search for, but this is where I'd quote you saying "I'm not doing it for you, I'm doing it for everyone else in this room".
@RegDwigнt They wouldn't pay either.
Actually I do remember the keyword, of course.
I just like to lie occasionally.
Jul 6 at 15:31, by Robusto
It was an amplifying reference for people not as versed in drivel as you and I, not a rebuttal or a chastisement. Lighten up.
They call it "reductionalism."
Anyway. Facebook sucks. You can't even watch all the movies and listen to all the music on it for free.
You can on vk.
Extra, extra get your free reductions here :P
@Robusto also, just eff why eye, I have been charging for that service all along, and so have you not been paying.
My rates are widely publicized.
I signed no contract, asked for no service, and ordered nothing of the sort.
Exactly. Most excellent exhibit of loser talk.
Donald Trump would have signed twenty contracts by now, and won them all.
Literal reductions for a dollar :-)
That's why he's your next President and you are not.
I mean, the solution is so laughably easy. Just pay me the three grand every time I ask for it. But no. The economy. The brokenness. La-dee-da.
I'd buy Rob's rights to the English language for a dollar. But he just refuses to take my money.
Inconceivable behavior.
Love don't cost a thing.
I can buy you seven hundred loves.
A rebuttal. From the Beatles themselves.
Well played @Robusto
Help! I need some money.
Help! Not just any money.
Well, they got their money.
When I was younger, so much younger than today, I never needed anybody's cash in any way.
I'll see your Broadway and raise you Pink Floyd.
Next up on this channel: ABBA.
I fold.
You can't beat pink Floyd
Who I should add made more money off their money songs than Liza and Floyd combined.
@RegDwigнt No. I refuse to let this chatroom be turned into an ABBAtoire.
Not to mention the Beatles, who don't even own their business, but are a subsidiary of Michael Jackson, who is friggin dead.
i'm all right jack keep your hands offa my stack
You can't top the boys from Cambridge UK
> "Well, that is a gotcha question, though," he said. "I mean, you know, when you’re asking me about who’s running this, this this, that’s not, that is not, I will be so good at the military, your head will spin."
Guess who said that.
Sounds like Trump
The giveaway was ending with "I will be so good at the military your head will spin" after evading the sticking point of the question entirely.
Spoken like a true casino thug.
I will be so good at strong arm tactics it will make your head spin.
casino thug real estate owner
@Robusto yeah that was what gave it away. the rest is just incoherent.
Well, incoherence is another of his tells.
Dang... I had a word, but forgot it, how would you call a car with a distinguishing feature (like cops cars, taxis...), you say it's a ... car
not specialized or distinctive
I'm not sure I've ever heard of a hypernym for cop cars AND taxis
Visual stand out?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 not just them, I mean any specific group of cars, that you immediately recognize
@crl A "marked" car, perhaps?
yeah, exactly... I can't recall anyone ever using such a word.
Police plainclothes vehicles are called unmarked cars.
@Robusto I thought of that, but in my mind that only applies to cop cars
"Go park over there behind the marked car" <- if you meant taxi, I would have no idea
hmm nah, but don't bother, I hope to find it again
Well, the things that distinguish taxis and UPS trucks and so forth are called markings.
@Robusto good to know
I'd have said naively paintings
@Robusto Agreed but I still think marked car is not idiomatic.
Feels close to that, though.
@crl That suggests something else entirely. Every car is painted—well, except perhaps a Delorean—but they don't usually have paintings on them.
But what about the taxi requirement?
if you excluded police, fire, ambulances, I'd say "commercial vehicles" would classify most such cars, though it'd still be weird to hear someone say that unless they were formulating a new piece of legislation.
@Rigor Just use Uber. Quicker and cheaper.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Still, commercial vehicles don't have to have special markings.
@Robusto But the ones that don't aren't easily identifiable anyway.....
I can't seem to find by St Francis of Assisi about how great it is to just converse with the animals.
> “I could see that, if not actually disgruntled, he was far from being gruntled.”
@Mitch I wonder if the author of that sentence thought they were being clever, or if they knew that gruntled was a word once.
Everyone thought he was being clever. Wodehouse.
It wasn't a word at the time Wodehouse wrote it.
@Robusto That idiot octopus got half his thumbs in the pictures
@Mitch So he's not a great photographter. Yet.
They just have to show him the photos, feedback is the best teacher
Most teachers say that :-)
Feedback teaches us to turn down the guitar amplifiers.
Feedback teachers us where to start teaching.
Q: In or with? Few examples

Антон ЕршовTo grind an acorn in/with a mortar. To juicing an orange in/with a juicer.

@RegDwigнt: Your mad Russian is back. This time armed with articles. ^
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Shit, then he'll be taking selfies all day long
@Mitch That's the pinnacle of photography
Selfies are navel-gazing for the digital age.
Navels are selfie-gazing for abdomens
The worst are those selfie sticks >8(
user image
@crl They so obviously photoshopped out the photobomb of the other pilot giving the finger.

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