If there's one thing harder than English, it's English exams.
The SAT questions that come up on EL&U make me feel sad for the people essentially asked "what does the ignoramus who created this test think is good English".
@MattЭллен I don't feel too good today. Remember I said yesterday I tried to resolve some OCD theme? Hmm, seems it is not resolved. I will need to think of something else. I hope I resolve it eventually. I am afraid because of the difficulties involved.
For years I pronounced the name of the Unix visual editor vi (which I never used, being an ex fan) as /vɪ/. Come to find out it was called /vi'yay/ by the cognoscenti. — John Lawler19 hours ago
I am trying to get it to guess "Larry the Barrista" from the Lego movie, it was close, it guessed Emmett, but that's a bad guess because it already asked if my character was the hero.
I clicked "continue" and now it's repeating questions it already asked
Well, it guessed another lego move character, but misspelled.
I like that the reason it was not erotic was that something there was not Lego. That would suggest that had it been pure, unadulterated Lego from start to finish, you would have found it sexy.
That's a scary thought.
And hey, that was just the first hit for Lego porn. Unlike @Robusto I didn't even know such a thing existed until 5 minutes ago.
Recently, a colleague became flustered when she used orientate instead of orient. She says she frequently makes this sort of "back formation error" because of the nominal form, which is orientation. This has gotten me thinking about how nominal forms are created.
Certainly, it is unambiguous for...