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Hi guys
Can somebody tell me if this is a good example of hyperbole?
Two guys watch read a book. Both understand it.
Next day they review it to another person. Guy 1 gives a good review. Guy 2 gives a bad review.
Guy 1 says: 'Have you even read the book'?(although he knows he has)
Is that hyperbole? i.e.e he exaggerates because he is not happy with the review.
Hmm. It suggests ignorance of the topic at hand, and then suggests a degree of ignorance known not to be the case, so I suppose it counts.
I'd say an arguable example, rather than a good example.
lol an 'arguable' example.
But then, we could talk for years about hyperbole and argue over millions of questionable cases.
(There, that's definitely hyperbole)
in an English exam, would it count.
If it was on a multiple choice then I'd tick it.
If it was "tick only one" I'd double-check the others first.
my example that is. e.g. write a conversation where somebody uses hyperbole. In my conversation, would you give the mark?
If I had to make up an example, I'd use something more clearly a hyperbole.
fair enough(something more clear), but I'm nonetheless wondering if that'd get the mark.
If there's one thing harder than English, it's English exams.
The SAT questions that come up on EL&U make me feel sad for the people essentially asked "what does the ignoramus who created this test think is good English".
I think I'd lean to saying "yes".
ok, many thanks.
Have you seen paragraphs on the GMAT exams? Incomprehensible even for natives, yet it's non native students that'll be doing them.
Anyway thanks Jon.
Good night.
Evening, @Jon.
How goes?
Ah, not much happening.
No pet projects or anything else to occupy me.
Hence my EL&U score rises.
I was wondering what brought you to these parts. You seem to crop up in binges.
That is meant as an observation, not a judgment.
An accurate one, too.
Are you looking for some stimulating conversation?
I mean, would you like me to engage you in discussion of a variety of topics?
Stimulating conversation is always a goof thing, though I'll be off to bed soon.
My recollection is that you live across the pond from me. It must be quite late.
Is that a usual time for you to be awake?
A normal bedtime for me would be 01:30-03:30. But I'm off now, this evening. Good night.
Good night.
Hi skully.
Hi pal, how are you?
Trying to decide what to do with my evening.
7 hours later…
Hello @tchrist you are here at a weird time.
what does "fml" mean at the end of a conversation in internet slang?
@Jez fuck my life
@J.R. I am a home tutor. I teach spoken English. How to make a single sentence out of these two? — Kaptan Singh Nov 9 '14 at 9:03
"I am a home tutor who teaches spoken English." — J.R. ♦ Nov 9 '14 at 12:03
I do sometimes wonder if these folks are just trolling
Not J.R., I mean the OP
@MattЭллен I don't feel too good today. Remember I said yesterday I tried to resolve some OCD theme? Hmm, seems it is not resolved. I will need to think of something else. I hope I resolve it eventually. I am afraid because of the difficulties involved.
@JasperLoy these things take time. try to remember that you can't go any faster than you're going. the best thing to do is try
OK, I am going to take a nap, really tired now...
have a good rest
@Mitch Yes, it is related. I am currently studying accountancy.
> what content exactly dose this past-participle modified?
probably should ask a doctor
@MattЭллен - should a new question (identical) which was already asked by the same user and closed be flagged?
K, thanks.
no probs :)
Pal in dRome, as they say
Never once was Sarah Pal in Rome.
She can see Russia if she squints, though.
not all of it, maybe
I'm sure Michael Pal in Rome
he's been everywhere
I've only ever seen him in cheese and parrot shops.
> "I hate to tell you this, but", and then proceeds to do the very opposite
OP is thought police
They gave me a ticket when my thoughts took a left turn.
@Farooq Nice. Very useful.
4 hours later…
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 how goes the building?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 k'nex-wise?
I built the ferris wheel, and I got a set for Christmas to make a scorpion that walks and snaps his tail.
I read an old "debate" on some website about which is better, k'nex or Lego
And then my bank discontinued its rewards program, so I traded in some points for a robo-killer set, and they ended up sending me two of those.
I'm gonna build 'em and make 'em fight.
by accident?
I suppose so. Separate shipments that arrived on the same day.
heh sweet!
a similar thing happened to me at christmas
Are you saying you don't pronounce it 'donkey fish'? — Mitch 1 min ago
I ordered something, they sent the wrong thing, and let me keep it even after they sent the right thing
That is a pretty sweet little robot
it seems that k'nex is cheaper than Lego for that kind of model
You don't get a motor in any lego kit that isn't near $100
Chat squeals
For years I pronounced the name of the Unix visual editor vi (which I never used, being an ex fan) as /vɪ/. Come to find out it was called /vi'yay/ by the cognoscenti. — John Lawler 19 hours ago
Seriously? ex? Talk about old school!
John never ceases to impress me.
No love for otherworldlings?
Nor for underearthlings?
hangs heads
underearthlings are still earthlings. Just darker, danker ones.
I still <3 you, @Cerb
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Surely you mean =3. Count his heads!
@terdon :D
Sorry, I was off learning about ex.
@terdon Oh, all right, all right.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Yay!
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 You mean nobody's ever sat you down and given you the ex talk?
@terdon pico in a pinch
Dad! Please! Shut up! I can't hear you! thumbs in ears La la la la la la la la !
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I had to learn it on the streets.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Kids these days have it so easy
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Hey, I was going to ask you. Impedance and resistance are the same thing, electronically speaking, right?
@Robusto Pretty much. Impedance is related to AC.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 OK, you're testing the limits of my electronics understanding. AC means "air conditioning" to me.
Which person do you think the game was trying to guess I was thinking of?
It was Pliny the Elder, not...whatever that is.
That's the Not really Guy
Okay, I have entered Pliny the Elder into the system, and now it can guess him!
@Cerberus What about Pliny the Vegetable?
You try him.
It guessed Lucretius correctly!
The Dutch version was unable to guess P.C. Hooft.
weird. firefox has stopped responding to my trackpad clicks
I can click on everything else, though
@Cerberus Wow, it guessed Edward the Confessor without getting as specific as I would have thought. Took it 24 questions, though.
Yeah, it took mine 100 questions to find out it just didn't know.
Didn't guess Earl Godwine of Wessex, though.
People like us can easily beat it.
I am trying to get it to guess "Larry the Barrista" from the Lego movie, it was close, it guessed Emmett, but that's a bad guess because it already asked if my character was the hero.
I clicked "continue" and now it's repeating questions it already asked
Well, it guessed another lego move character, but misspelled.
> Did your character start his career in gay porn before transitioning to straight porn?
Don't know
Probably not
I already told you he is made out of Lego.
You've never seen Lego porn, I take it.
@Robusto Wow. That's actually a thing. I checked.
You Lego types are strange.
posted on January 14, 2015 by sgdi

I’m surprised how much I like sleep I never can get down too deep But when I’m awake I live in a lake And inwardly water does seep

@terdon It is? Damn, I thought I was just making that up as a joke.
@Robusto I will neither conform nor deny whether or not I've seen Lego porn.
Just goes to show you that no matter how bizarre, anything you can think of is probably already a meme on the intertoobz.
@Robusto Yeah right. I bet you have your own collection in the bedroom cupboard.
@Robusto Don't you know of Rule 34?
Not by that name.
@terdon oooooooooookay. That was weird, and also really low quality. It's not erotic if your Lego porn has non-lego in it.
It's like if someone tried to make a sex tape, but couldn't find a girl to do it with him, so he used a blowup doll instead.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Happens to me all the time.
I like that the reason it was not erotic was that something there was not Lego. That would suggest that had it been pure, unadulterated Lego from start to finish, you would have found it sexy.
That's a scary thought.
And hey, that was just the first hit for Lego porn. Unlike @Robusto I didn't even know such a thing existed until 5 minutes ago.
@terdon Well, it's a reason.
Where did @cornbread go?
That's right, just walk away.
Google aims to be ur universal translator
i just tried it out on my new phone. nice try but as usual, no cigar
it's amazing how much interpretation of language and contractions relies on context
Hello room. Just wanted to see if I found an answer to my unasked question.
Q: Word formation with the nominal suffix -tion: when and why do we insert an "a"?

KitFoxRecently, a colleague became flustered when she used orientate instead of orient. She says she frequently makes this sort of "back formation error" because of the nominal form, which is orientation. This has gotten me thinking about how nominal forms are created. Certainly, it is unambiguous for...

Is this why demolition drops its "-sh"?
she got flustered over that?
basically it's either a Latin root or sounds close enough that we construct it as one?
demolitate? demolite? demolitation?
@Jez her 'colleague' did. One-on one it would have been fine, but in groups that can happen.
@Robusto A big, long, stupid meeting that made me want to tender my resignation.
@Robusto Oh! Sorry. Alternating current. Like from the wall. As opposed to Direct Current, like from batteries.
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive body detected: "Grit" vs "gritted" by user106220 on english.stackexchange.com
@Mitch I would say "demolishation" if demolition weren't already a word
1 hour later…
@CharlesKoppelman Ah, yes, both words are from Latin.
What is unusual here is the -sh in demolish.
Not sure where that came from.
It appears to come from French -ss-, but why French had that s there I do not know.
Cf. admonish.

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