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If you are not supposed to fight battles you cannot win, then why are you alive?
A: Connotations of "quixotic"

tchristOn the quixotic — and the Quijote Is quixotic positive or negative, you ask. An easy enough question to ask, aye. But to answer? To answer is something else. For it is . . . complicated. That’s because a tale as rich as El ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha cannot be potted into a sing...

It's very positive on a Scrabble board! — Jolenealaska 50 mins ago
2 hours later…
This chat is dead.
Oy. I feel like I deserve an upvote just for reading that all the way through, but since that's not how the world works, +1 for you instead. :) — Marthaª 4 mins ago
@tchrist - how long did it take you to write that?
@medica Several minutes. :)
good answer.
I thought you'd tackle that one when I initially saw it.
You have to spend years reading about the damned Quijote to get a degree in Spanish, especially when you’re at a Madrileñan university.
You have to write multiple ten- and twenty-page papers about the thing.
Trust me, what I wrote was infinitessimally small compared with all that.
People do graduate theses on it.
lol! I can see it now. Your answer must feel positively shallow compared to what you had to write.
And I still wept in the writing.
it is moving.
you are still an idealist, I think.
ad astra per aspera
It’s my father’s birthday tomorrow. I have to go somewhere and spread his ashes. It puts me in these moods. That he persevered to the most horrible of ends — Parkinson’s without numbing dementia — and that Robin Williams did not, has had me in tears more than once this week. And surely shall again.
That’s what you’re hearing underneath it all.
But I will not judge. It is all a tragedy, every single one of us. That does not mean we have no hope of having made the world a better place for our having briefly flared before the candle is blown forever out.
2 hours later…
I hope I don’t get suspended for my flagrantly blasphemous statement about Ceiling Cat’s poopy litterbox.
[LMFAO] (soundcloud.com/omar-adel-57/i-am-sexy-and-i-know-it-lmfao#) best then all other songs by LMFAO
1 hour later…
@tchrist - I am so sorry about your father. I hope you can find comfort in this sad time, and I hope you're not doing this alone (will you have family with you?)
I will be thinking of you in the days to come.
@medica Hi, I'm Cyril, cc and whatever other stupid pseudo I took
@tchrist - I hope this is not too public a place to offer my condolences. I looked for an email address on your profile (you did have one once, I thought).
Again, I am so sorry. Losing one's parent isn't easy at any age, and under almost any circumstance. May you remember the good in your father's life and yours together as you spread his ashes.
In sudore vultus tui vesceris pane, donec revertaris in terram de qua sumptus es: quia pulvis es et in pulverem reverteris.
Hi! you look like an ebola virus! :-0
@nosmoking But I like it!
@nosmoking - one of my favorite somgs... I love izzy
that would be a good song for h tchrist to take with him. Very thoughtful of you.
tchrist Sr
so sad
Are you still in Italy?
we all do, but, C, we can't help it. Some of it free will, bad choices, some of it is genetic, some early experiences.
no, I'm in Pennsylvania. Sent you an email today.
@medica my parents also have small OCD, I joke with them pointing at them
yep seen your mail
yes, so many people do, and of course, once you have it in one family, the whole family has it in one degree or another!
we, too, point boisterous fingers at who is to blame for all our ills! I fear my children blame most because I protest the loudest, which makes them happy.
genetics of nurturing, both no doubt.
Is tom with his family, do you know?
hehe, why that makes them happy, I've not grasped this part of what you said?
@medica probably, he has 2.25 children
I protest so much, they find it funny; it makes them laugh.
Aug 10 at 1:58, by tchrist
Plus 2.25 children and 3.67 pets.
@medica ok
Hmm, that's an interesting number.
methinks perhaps he was giving a humorous answer.
yes, not sure he has children :))
Is he with relatives right now? do you know?
I need to find a non-smoking girlfriend in 1 year, when I'll be stabilized
@medica no, I don't know, but he will reply you later
That is a great goal!
Do you have friends that know lots of women?
thank you.
@medica my former work colleagues, but I didn't contact them, and they knew rather bitchy girls
time to start doing your male and female friends little favors so they will start introducing you to some (nice) girls.
so, I'll find one a day, with okcupid or in life
What makes for a bitchy girl in your opinion?
some girl without a great occupation, thinking about money and sex, without great discussions
(two very good friends married after finding each other on OK cupid.)
Are there any young people that do not think about money and sex?
do you want a programmer like yourself?
I knew one, she left now, a Vietnamese, it could have worked, but I wasn't interested by that at that time
school is a good place to meet women.
yep, that's what I think too
You're tall and handsome, you should be friendly, and you'll meet lots.
I don't want to stay in smoking bars also, so that's harder
I met my husband in residency.
@medica ah right, another possibility
No, no, no smoking bars. Surely there are others?
@medica yep, I hope, I mean restaurant with a smoking terrace, I don't like those
do most young people in France smoke?
no, nor do I very much. The fresh air is not so fresh then.
when they care to admit :)
Wow! those are high numbers!
Maybe you should look for a student from a different country!
wow young girls smoke more than male in Italy who.int/tobacco/surveillance/policy/country_profile/…, a weird phenomenon
@medica totally, I need to mix genes
already thinking of your children, I see!
@medica hehe
How is Jasper? I look for him but seem to miss him all the time.
he was here lately, he will pop in maybe
Please tell him I asked about him if I miss him again. I hope he's doing well.
ok @JasperLoy ^
are you starting school soon?
@medica maybe yes or no, it's a decision I need to take soon
or are you going to work instead?
pros and cons?
there's a possible image processing master degree inside Paris, fun but near all dangers
what would you like the most?
I don't know yet
dangers = smoke?
@medica only yes
I'm ok with car pollution
It's a bit hard to breathe in car pollution, but it's ok, pollution must be so hard in Paris that you don't smell smokers
I'm sorry. well, if I could convince you that occasional exposure to second-hand smoke was not a big deal, I would di it, you know.
yes everyone told me it, and you do it very well, with the right words, I'm tempted to believe it
well, the air there can't be as clean as elsewhere, but in addition to pollution, you smell wonderful patisseries, and cheeses, and other wonderful foods.
yes in Paris indeed
so there's just 1% of that pollution that are cigarettes
and festivals... good food. we went to one that was celebrating wines and pate de fois gras. Yum!
you don't say "pâté" for Foie gras
because Foie gras worth "better" than pâté :)
no? true, it wasn't pate. it was the actual fois gras!
tranches de foie gras
Very, very rich! (Too rich, after a few bites)
slices of fat liver
oui, ç'est ca!
very delicious.
yep, it's a calory bomb
But the gravage... I feel sorry for the ducks.
they are so "gavé"
ah, gavage. force fed with tubes.
yea like in animes
but it is so very good. Do you like it?
it's been time since I last eat it, but I liked it of course
then there are the creperies.
(I've eaten stupidly no fat during 5 years)
w o w !
now I can eat some, one drop of huile d'olive
those were obviously your weight loss years.
@medica the trigger of OCD's
Your mother, does she try to make you eat richer food?
fat is a trigger for you?
@medica she does, but I mostly eat separately
@medica low fat, exposed my brain to more disorders
ah, I feel for you.
your brain does need some fat, you know.
yes, now I understand it, by experience :) and by doctors like you
well, you obviously have good function still. Time to make it better. More oily fish. More good olive oil. If you like butter, some of that, and eggs.
nah not butter yet :)) eggs yep, tough eggs I do
so, egg crepes cooked in butter is good for you! not too fatty, but good fats.
I see, in a frying pan, I stop using them by disgust of fat, but now I should start again
good. eggs have lecithin, and other very important fats.
we used to have many chickens here.
you make your own eggs?
I would have eggs of all colors, even green, more than I knew what to do with.
and duck eggs, too (very good)
ostrich eggs as well, :)) jk
chicken and ducks
but they are all gone now, my chickens, ducks, peacocks, guinneas, quailes, all kinds
only wild ones which would come around to steal the food!
you can't get some again to reproduce etc... ?
that's cheaper to buy eggs I think, and less time costly, but natural food has its charm
I could, and maybe I should. But it's hard to travel if people have to come and take care of your crazy animals.
(and the eggs are so much better tasting!)
@medica oh right, forgot that
good point
and, I like to see them wander and scratch. They are pretty.
ok I'm gonna eat some rice like often at midday
now? have a good lunch!
yep 13:03
au revoir.
à bientôt
@tchrist: Tempus flendi, et tempus ridendi; tempus plangendi, et tempus saltandi.
Peace be with you.
@nosmoking okcupid.com is a great dating site.
@medica You can email me at jasperloy at outlook dot com.
Good day
Does "differ from" mean, that something is different from something?
When you ask what does "differ from" mean, you get that meaning from a specific context.
So, I can ask you does 4 + 2 differ from six?
Does "differ from" mean that 4 + 2 is different from six?
Since 4 + 2 and six name the same number they have the same value.
The simplest or most common name for the number six is 6.
But, "4+2" is a sum, and "6" is an absolute value. So it depends on what you are comparing as to whether something is different.
Generally, to say X differs from Y does mean that X is different to Y.
Gah. The air show has started, and it's noisy and not conducive to concentration. I shall have to go outside and have a look.
May I beg to differ?
Enjoy the air show :-)
The Red Arrows are quite impressive, really.
(From a previous year, although they did do that just now as well.)
why my display picture does not change in chat room
1 hour later…
@AndrewLeach please help me out with this ...
is this correct? "Did Kaurav's son participated in Mahabharata battle?"
@Mr.Alien No. If there is an inflected verb, then the second is always infinitive:
> Did Kaurav's son participate
And "Mahabharata battle" needs some sort of determiner, a, the, that.
Today's Listening | Electronic / Hip Hop (Mixsets day 16)
> Did Kaurav's son participate in the Mahabharata battle?
aah thanks... did a mistake.. I revised this post and told the user to take care of grammar and spelling errors.. so he started nitpicking...
@AndrewLeach yea, "the" should fit well
thanks again, I'll leave for now...
room topic changed to English Language & Usage: Answers half off on tax holiday weekend (no tags)
@Cerberus Isn’t that a bit like saying that work is the curse of the drinking class?
Q: What's the word for having a very long scrotum?

Oliver LawsonI've forgotten the word for having a very long scrotum, it's like rapscallion or scallywag but I just can't remember. I've searched but the majority of references are medical conditions and it's not a medical term I'm looking for. I'm hoping someone just knows the answer. Thanks.

Why it must be holiday weekend indeed.
Genghis khan was the first guy who used the the weapons as well as sex to win the wars!! lol This what shown on History TV 18
posted on August 16, 2014 by sgdi

There once was a female friar Bunching up roses with wire At the monastery Her rose water tea Made the monks gymble and gyre

This chat is dead.
yes, no interesting topics
What you wanna talk about?
Anything will do.
@GnomeSlice Do you intend to get married and have kids?
I dunno. Probably. First I have to get a girlfriend.
don't think go and get it
@GnomeSlice Should be no problem for you, you are hot.
@Freddy Are you from India?
Freddy reminds me of Nightmare on Elm Street.
why? which?
@Freddy Freddy Krueger is the villain in those films.
@Freddy The character in the movie.
@GnomeSlice You can see boobs in some of them, lol.
that guy ^
@JasperLoy That's pretty standard for horror movies.
I watched Trailer Park Boys: The Big Dirty with my dad recently and didn't realize it was full of tits.
Too bad many movies here are over-censored.
Better to watch them online instead.
I normally download that type of movies from torrent thats better because no allowed to enter in multimax[for over age movies ] as i am under age
Let's type some more stuff to get the picture off the screen, lol.
It seems to be slowing down the chat.
musics is nice topic to discuss
I have to do some online certification for working in a place that sells alcohol.
@GnomeSlice I really like Shawna, wish I can marry a girl like that, lol.
A pornstar would be an awful woman to have as a wife
It's 2 am here.
16/8 is Debian's birthday.
Debian is nice operating system
Yes, but one has to download the non-free firmware during installation separately, lol.
That is why I am glad that Mint will have a new version based on Debian Stable in a few months, with MATE and Cinnamon.
@JasperLoy Why you don't use Ubuntu?
14.04 Trusty Tahr is nice
@Freddy I don't like Unity shell. Of course, one can change the desktop.
@JasperLoy Do you know of Jenni Lee?
@GnomeSlice Nope, let me check it out.
@JasperLoy #1 favourite
@GnomeSlice Haha, not my type.
But she has the same initials as me, lol.
@Freddy I have used Linux for about 4 years now.
@JasperLoy Only with one of her aliases. ;)
@GnomeSlice Anyway, we should not talk too much about this, in case we get banned, lol.
I'm kinda busy anyway, I have to do this thing.
It has videos and stuff I need to watch
I wish I were still young like you. Past 30 = old, lol.
two years before i have tried Fedora but as i was not comfortable and now from past 2 months using Ubuntu
Fedora is pretty troublesome to set up after installation.
However, it does include non-free firmware on its disc, lol.
@Freddy So what do you want to be when you grow up?
@JasperLoy I am planning for web designing
@Freddy OK. Do most people live in poverty where you are?
nope not around in my area. Here most people are reach but very few are literate
thats problem
The math books from India are very cheap.
They cost about one tenth of the price in the US.
Hello @nosmoking.
Then also many guys not want to study, lol
hello @Jasper, medica was here and thought about you
@nosmoking I told her my email address. It seems that she emailed you?
@JasperLoy yes, she's so nice, she answer slowly but she does
@nosmoking Yes, just like me, lol.
@JasperLoy you're nice too, more depressive like me :) but nice too
we can fight that
@nosmoking The knot in your avatar must represent your mental condition. We must untie the knot.
yes, exactly
It seems that you are too thin and I am too fat. I should transfer some of my fat to you, lol.
nah, I'm not too think now, I've eaten mor :)
I eat like crazy
And I weigh like nothing
I'm normal 1m83 (6") 69kg
I have not exercised the past decade, so I have become fat.
I'm 6"2' 130lbs
i am younger than u all but much taller (6"8')
@Freddy WTF!
@GnomeSlice that's thin
Debian is blue, Ubuntu is red, Mint is green.
I wear blue on Mon, red on Wed, green on Fri.
@GnomeSlice I'm 6"1 150lbs but was 120lbs before
I am 1.65 m and 70 kg, lol. I used to be 60 kg.
shorter is normal for an asiatic
More than 10 years ago, I used to run every day. But now I have difficulty walking even, lol.
@GnomeSlice how old are you?
ok you're still just after growth
I will go and have some coffee and come back later.
you'll start gaining weight now :)
== Description == In knot theory, the 63 knot is one of three prime knots with crossing number six, the others being the stevedore knot and the 62 knot. It is alternating, hyperbolic, and fully amphichiral. It can be form the braid word == Symmetry == Like the figure-eight knot, the 63 knot is fully amphichiral. This means that the 63 knot is amphichiral, meaning that it is indistinguishable from its own mirror image. In addition, it is also invertible, meaning that orienting the curve in either direction yields the same oriented knot. == Invariants == The Alexander polynomial of the 63 knot is...
@Freddy did you try basketball?
@GnomeSlice Do you smoke?
ok, eat more proteins maybe, like chicken, eggs, and good fat like salmons, olive oil
I am drinking some coffee now.
@nosmoking What time do you sleep every day?
@JasperLoy it varies a lot between 21:00 and 02:00
but I'm tired with that medicament in the blood
before medicament I went sleeping very late, 01:00 to 06:00
I sleep about 4 hours at night and 4 hours in the day, two times a day.
@JasperLoy I did that before my medicament
ask if Xeplion is ok for you maybe :)
@nosmoking What happens is that I think too much, feel tired and then fall asleep.
@JasperLoy think about Math or anything? like me before medication again
now I can concentrate more deeply, and sleep more deeply too
@nosmoking Think about my mental problems, I need to think about them to solve them.
if they are not rational, you can't really solve them by thinking, or that's a schizo
Well, it depends on the definition of rational and thinking, lol.
the medication just change the juice composition in what your brain is, inhibits some neurotransmitters, so a very important action
I think you mean medication.
@JasperLoy yes or drug, sorry
@JasperLoy are you good in badminton?
@nosmoking Nope, I am not good in any sports.
@JasperLoy you'd need a sport to balance yourself, it helps greatly your brain
I bet great mathematicians did some sports too
just a little
but I guess you already sweat just by standing under the sun, with that heat
I should do more walking.
@JasperLoy yes, with walking sticks, it's grea
@nosmoking I usually walk in shopping malls, not on mountains, lol.
@JasperLoy ah indeed, but there are parks in Singapour
Do you have a recent pic of yourself to show me? I think I forgot what you look like.
@JasperLoy by email
@nosmoking OK. I don't have anything to take a pic with, so cannot show you, sorry.
Once I get settled into my new job I'm going to look for an Ultimate league to join
Hope I have time for it...
@GnomeSlice Is that a game?
Ultimate is a limited-contact team field sport played with a disc (frisbee). Points are scored by passing the disc to a teammate in the opposing end zone. Other basic rules are that players must not take steps while holding the disc (maintain a pivot), and interceptions and incomplete passes are turnovers. At peak play there is a higher cooperation within the striving competition. Rain, wind, or occasionally other adversities can make for a testing match, with rapid turnovers, heightening the pressure of play. A prominent feature of the modern game is the "lay out," a horizontal dive to catch or...
@JasperLoy you have a desktop PC?
@nosmoking Yes.
Oh I tried taking a pic with my phone, but because I am using Linux I cannot transfer it to the computer, lol.
@JasperLoy post to facebook, download from facebook, delete from facebook
That's how I usually get photos off my phone, lol
@GnomeSlice I have no internet on my phone, lol.
@nosmoking You look quite handsome.
@JasperLoy lol, some people say that, but I've no girlfriend
I'll try, in the future
Same here.
I need to get out more
I pretty much just play video games when I'm not working
@GnomeSlice reading, that's what you need
I don't play any video games at all. They are boring, lol.
I used to read a lot
When I was younger
I should start again, but I don't know what to read, lol.
@JasperLoy ;_;
read again then , animes, mangas, picture or text
my dad has many comic strips
Not a big anime fan
I'm gonna read a comic-strip, Buck Danny, bye
Buck Danny is a Franco-Belgian comics series about a military flying ace and his two sidekicks serving (depending on the plots) in the United States Navy or the United States Air Force. The series is noted for its realism both in the drawings and the descriptions of air force procedures as part of the storyline. In particular the aircraft depicted are extremely accurate. Mixing historical references with fiction, Buck Danny is one of the most important 'classic' Franco-Belgian comic strips. Starting in 1947, the first albums were set against the backdrop of World War II, but from 1954 onwards,...
I’ve just been stricken with a donnish fit of quijotería. I reject all claims that this is actually ¡Qué jodería! in disguise — the principal distinction depending on just which side of the madness curtain you stand behind.
I wish my funny people were here.
Sometimes, no matter how unaccustomed and even difficult, it is a time for weeping. There is no shame in that.
I am now leaving to drive (not climb: my knee is really hosed) up to the highest paved road in North America to release my father’s ashes from the 14,265-foot summit of Mt Evans, where the winds are strong and the sun is stronger, and the intense blueness that cutting out nearly three miles of atmosphere provides defeats the natural yellowing of my agèd lenses to let me see the colors of my childhood again. Good bye.
We will be thinking of you. Life is changed when someone you are close to is no more seen, but there are still good times to come.
@tchrist may this bring you some perspective my friend :(
I got suspended in the Math room for saying "I had a great shit".
You just have to hope that that comment isn't flagged here as well then. Although that's a mention, not a use. The quotes might save you.
They can flag all they want. Nothing better to do.
The remark is a bit random though.
Once I got flagged there for saying "I am a banana".
I mean, what's the right response to being told about lavatorial success? "Well done"?
What is clear is that it is much safer to say things in the Eng room than the Math room.
Yes. But the mods there are also mods here. So you're not entirely safe.
@AndrewLeach Actually it's not the mods fault. It's just random people flagging and then others agreeing.
1 hour later…
@AndrewLeach "Way to go!"
" Good Job!"
"Feel better?"
@JasperLoy The gaming room is pretty bad too.
What do people flag for there?
I got banned for 'shut up' one time.
And I was clearly joking with somebody I know.
They flag all kinds of shit in there.

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