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@RegDwigнt they're talking about Lego on NPR
some female scientist something. I wasn't exactly listening.
and it has a telscope
they are very committed to having more female little Lego figures
because they listened to a little girl's letter.
why did I say record?
only you can prevent forest fires
every announcer on these radio programs has a really weird name
ah, and apparently there's research that says taking the stairs is healthier than using the elevator.
see, that's why we have the top scientists and research in the world.
Time ghost. That's how I think of Zeitgeist. Some sort of kids cartoon
@MattЭллен Me too.
Check out how uncommonly condemnatory the OED is about post as a preposition:
> Usu. found in contexts where after would be equally appropriate and more agreeable. —Ed.
oooo, nasty
Aren’t a lot of “editorial notes” like that, all things considered.
I’m thinking they don’t like the Daily Telegraph.
On the other hand, who can blame them? Look at the citations on this:
oh, maybe. don't know why that's be, though
A: What is "Post patent expiration"?

tchristPost is here used as a preposition meaning after. It is a legal borrowing from Latin. The OED gives an unusual note under sense 9 for the preposition, which is the one used with English words or phrases: Usu. found in contexts where after would be equally appropriate and more agreeable. —E...

@tchrist did the job sound fun?
and did you figure out their bs ratio?
@JohanLarsson I dunno but it came in the nick of time. Audi just called and said it was time euthanize my vehicle.
I was up until a stupid time.
Like 2am.
Stupid you!
It was because of drugs.
Our clocks may soon synch.
Believe me, I kept wanting to sleep.
I can’t sleep on opiates.
That's what life is like for some people every day...
I had to heroically rescue Lorin from a great beast on Saturday, and that was more commotion than my torn meniscus would stand for.
@Cerberus what timezone are you currently synced with?
How is the knee today?
@JohanLarsson I don't know! Probably some exotic island.
Less bad. I used a lot ice and stuff yesterday, but the damned opiates really mess up my sleep.
@Cerberus do you dress accordingly?
I know they make other people drowsy, but I can’t sleep a wink on them.
@JohanLarsson Noooo!
@tchrist Perhaps you will get used to the opiates...
@Cerberus I certainly hope not!!
Imagines @Cerb in a Hawaiian shirt
@MattЭллен Given their DT citations, you can almost see why they said that, eh? Those are really silly:
> 1974 Daily Tel. 7 Jan. 13/3 ― Now, post the increase [in the price of oil],··future gold price prospects far outweigh individual share fundamentals.
1979 Daily Tel. 19 July 21/4 ― Post the Geneva meeting of Opec the OECD reckons that its 24 member countries··can expect average economic growth of only two p.c. over the next 12 months.
yes. It applies very well to the OP, too
@GeorgePompidou oh cool. I'm talking about LEGO not on NPR. Invite them over!
A: Can I mix singular and plural for a possessive?

RegDwigнtI'm afraid you're leaving out the last crucial step in your reasoning. Yes, if you say "one of my cousins' wife", people might parse it as "one of my cousin's wife", and see that it makes no sense because it should be "wives". So precisely because of that what will happen next is they will go b...

Seriously, I am the first person on that page to point out he's solving a problem that's not there?
@JohanLarsson nice beard.
@JohanLarsson I don’t think you can buy grass skirts like that at our pot shops, but maybe @Cerb can at his.
@MattЭллен I'd sooner chew off my other heads!
@JohanLarsson I'm not sure which he'd object most to
@Cerberus that makes the image rather more difficult to sustain
@RegDwigнt Apparently. That’s a somewhat agèd question, all things considered.
Wait, I wasn’t supposed to mention NPR. Sorry.
Both the idea and the image are unsustainable.
Yeah a couple days old.
Were dinosaurs real?
@Zoe not the Spielberg ones, no.
@Zoe They still are.
@tchrist pics.
searches for chicken shots
@MattЭллен writes Hanna Barbera
I want the giant-saurus
@RegDwigнt Dude, chelonians and therapods are just not that closely related.
@RegDwigнt That one is less poor a fit, but well.
@tchrist I know all about who's related to whom.
@MattЭллен Huh, I thought there were always small dinosaurs.
@RegDwigнt I hadn’t realized you were an Orthodox priest.
Like compsognathus.
@Cerberus those ones didn't become birds
No, but they were still small...
@MattЭллен One cannot help but point out the use of the present tense in their phrasing.
So what they are saying is apparently that the group of dinosaurs that birds are descended from were once larger.
@Cerberus I drew this.
@Cerberus yes
277 dinosaur species. So don't you go tell me who's related to Adam Sandler.
> "No other dinosaur group has undergone such a long and extended period of miniaturisation," says Mike Lee of the South Australian Museum in Adelaide.
@tchrist :D
@RegDwigнt Well done! I don't know who this person is.
@Cerberus you mean dinosaur.
@tchrist But other groups have undergone miniaturisation, probably.
@RegDwigнt ...
@Cerberus I think he must be Reg’s local sandal-maker. Beats me.
that must hurt
Actually in Punch Drunk Love he was a good fit.
I can recommend.
A nice role for Philip Seymour, too.
@RegDwigнt He usually picked good roles.
Naming, no?
Q: Need a two-place verb (+preposition) as predicate in a formal language

jokoI'm developing a formal language for querying linguistic corpora. Elements in these corpora (words, constituents, ...) may be connected by different types of linguistic relations, and I'm looking for a verb (possibly plus preposition) that I can introduce as a predicate to indicate a generic rela...

It starts out fine, but goes south from there.
the coffee cup business is a cutthroat trade
@MattЭллен So are K-Cups going away?
or they'll become vastly cheaper as competition appears
I would never copyedit anything from Lawler, but his unconventional use of newlines does throw me off from my time to time.
@MattЭллен Oh very good!! I was going to try to figure that out.
@MattЭллен What a stupid slide! They omit sentence-final punctuation on the bulleted items despite the fact that those are all complete sentences.
Then again, what do we expect from such post-abusers?
I’m not even sure how to properly cite that. Too much kana.
yeah. I don't know. Maybe it wasn't meant to be made public. nothing on any English websites apart from us.
Cat. Bag.
That slide set has no lack of other infelicities.
yeah, also that's from 2011, so maybe it's just fallen off the Google radar
Googladar, 16th-level barbarian warrior-thief.
The disclaimer at the beginning of the slide show says it's confidential. Although that looks like so much boilerplate.
I’m not sure what the responsible thing is to do here.
What are your options?
just this moment got to work
Option 1: Fail to give proper reference for citation.
Option 2: Give proper reference of something marked confidential.
I rather prefer option 2.
It is “on the internet”.
But then I am snookered by how to describe said reference.
is that last post you linked even on topic?
Which which what?
Oh, right.
it seems to be exactly about not english
I didn’t think so, but was temporarily suspending judgement long enough to think about other things instead.
it also isn't as interesting a question as the first couple sentences lead me to believe
@MattЭллен I suppose we might know someone or other who could read the kana context for us, but I’m also nearly certain that said someone woud advise against linking to it.
Well, pretty sure at least.
How cosy! That’s where I am, too.
since we know it's confidential, we should probably not post the picture, but linking to the place where it is responsible.
This question appears to be off-topic because it is about choosing identifiers for a program, a subject blacklisted in our Help Center. — tchrist 21 secs ago
It will help others put the sentence in context and if Green Light Captial find this, then it will help them get it taken down from baidu
@MattЭллен Ok.
sounds so official and slick 8)
Hello, Ukraine just invaded Russia‽
Chase not the bear into his own den.
Or at least, don’t follow him in.
"Russia to hold war games in show of strength near Ukraine"
Russians have literally not learned a thing since the 50s
I think the country may have down syndrome.
Wifebeaters, mean Chestbeaters.
Curiouser and curiouser.
Check for Trojans.
Or Athenians
Well, Achaeans at least.
@GeorgePompidou they have learned how to fly to space. I think that counts.
space flights are dime a dozen man.
Granted, the Americans were much faster: they managed to learn it and then unlearn it in the same time period.
that Dell commercial guy did it.
@RegDwigнt Standard garbage-collection policy.
good. Russia is at the same level as a single South African guy.
@tchrist I don't think we have collected any garbage in space.
very impressive.
Pull his tail, go ahead, I triple-dog dares ya!
@RegDwigнt just left it there
Is what I'm saying, yes.
you're saying that there is a lot of garbage in space and we haven't collected it
No, you're saying I'm saying that.
I can tell by the icons and from having seen many sayings in my life.
You're saying I'm saying you're saying that there is garbage that we have put in space and not collected. I think I understand
memobj = malloc(SPACE_TECHNOLOGY);
Romani eat a domuz.
domus ite mr roboto
Um, er, beş ekmekler.
@MattЭллен So the attribution would be: “From a presentation by Green Light Capital:”? Where did you get Green Light Capital from? I get GMCR = Keurig Green Mountain.
@MattЭллен It is eunt!!
@tchrist from the disclaimer
@tchrist let me double check...
@Cerberus you Dutch put the EU in everything.
Hey, we are less pro-Europe than you are!
I wonder why I can’t find the disclaimer.
We torpedoed the so-called "constitution", remember?
@Cerberus exactly, and yet you put the EU even in Latin.
Shame on you. Shame. On you.
It was not I, but MP.
I will have none of your Domuz Latin.
@tchrist it's on a different page. the page I lunk to has slides 51+. The presentation owned by Greenlight Capital Inc.
Domuz. Domuzgiller. Am I speaking too low?
Domuzgiller (Suidae), geviş getirmeyen bir çift toynaklı familyası. Familyanın 5 cinse ayrılan 20 türünden Avrupa'da ve Türkiye'de bulunan tek temsilcisi, evcil domuzun atası olan yaban domuzudur. Pekariler domuzgillerin yakın akrabası sayılırlar. Bazen pekarigillerin Yeni Dünya domuzları ve domuzgillerin Eski Dünya domuzları olarak adlandırıldıklarına da rastlayabiliriz. == Özellikler == Domuzgiller orta büyüklükte, fıçı şeklinde çevik bir vücut yapısına sahip memelilerdir. Vücutları çok seyrek, fırça gibi sert ve kısa olan kıllarla kaplıdır. Renkleri kırmızımsı kahverengi ile gri veya siyah arası...
@Cerberus but what have the Romans ever done for us? I mean really?
But I gotta mute commies, so excuse me for just that.
@MattЭллен They built a wall.
@RegDwigнt Bai!
@MattЭллен they ruined everything and then let you have the ruins.
gross language though.
@RegDwigнt CU
At least that Turkish one-box contains enough Latin to make sure the picture is correct.
@Cerberus OK, other than building a wall and giving us ruins, what have they ever done for us?!
They have given you most of your words, indirectly.
"house go mr robots" not very Roman
is that Bath?
My word.
I prefer Shower myself.
Who built the first shower?
No, there was no need for showers when you had cheap labour to poor water on you.
What does "active" mean as an adjective for farm?
> If you want this fun and amazing farming experience with running your own, fully active farm, this game is the right choice.
And hi.
A working farm
not just a toy farm
Thank you.
what's the context
farm simulator?
farm boat?
there aren't any boats on farms, Mitch
that's just silly.
fish farm?
I think clearly he's talking about cat boats.
Hey guys
how are you?
I need help from native english speaker. can anyone help me here?
I am well—how are you?
We can try and help.
@Mitch An android game, "farm way".
@Mitch FS
10 points for the wrong answer.
And now, what does "The horse has a smelly problem with flies" mean?
> Yuck, can you smell this? The horse has a smelly problem with flies. Hit them all before the time runs out.
I assume it means he smells bad and there are flies swarming all around him.
it's strangely worded though.
In a game an 'active' thing is one that can be saved and followed and is being touched or modified mostly continuously as opposed to abandoned.
hello guys i wanna something is it okay to drink pure protein juice if u are not body builder
if you wanna be flabby and gross, yeah
@GeorgePompidou Next question you'll be laughing like hahahaha.
good analysis of the situation.
@Gigili OK. In real life, an 'active' thing is one that is being worked on actively, everyday, not a leisure activity, a 'real' thing. One that is not is either a weekend thing or a garden or not profitable or subsistence or abandoned.
There's a pattern in that
And I am awesome like that
@Saladin is this a question about English or about diet?
how do you know I'm laughing though and not just speaking Hebrew?
just general query
@Mitch It means there's always lots of work to be done, right?
@Mitch brilliant. they should have you patrolling more around here.
Sure it's OK. Or rather it's just as bad for you as it is for a body builder. Your body will eliminate most of the protein that you ingest from such drinks. And protein is not at all toxic, it's just a little hard on your kidneys
I've always wondered what the deal is with those protein supplements.
@Gigili Yes, I would infer that. active means exactly just active, a bunch of things happening. From that you could infer that there are things that need to be done.
@Mitch how is it bad?
You kids there, get offa my lawn!
@AndrewLeach I can't create here any private room. But I need to talk in private. Can you give me your any messenger contact?
@tchrist I'm puzzled, are you saying you use "offline" to mean something other than "not connected to a network"? If so, what do you use it to mean? — Rupe 13 mins ago
@Rupe For me, offline means not connected to any computer whatsoever. I started using computers long before the Internet, and that’s its original use. Online meant on the computer; offline meant off the computer. So for example, online documentation meant electronic copy while offline documentation meant paper copy. The state of your connectivity from one computer to the next was immaterial, since of course, in those days, there was no such thing. — tchrist 5 mins ago
you're such a computer hipster
I’m not a consumer; I’m a producer.
I started using computers before they existed man.
@GeorgePompidou my extensive research (googling and skimming the first couple of hits) shows that there is the possibiliity of kidney damage from a super high protein diet but that hasn't been confirmed.
ah, okay.
I started using the Internet around 1983. I started using computers long before then.
I was hoping for something to use against my crazy working out roommate who always has those big barrels of protein powder
I started using computers in the civil war.
Guys, I need english speakers help. I'm not english speaker so I can't figure out sexier, rich sentences in english. Please take a look at indiegogo.com/projects/quick-share-your-files/x/8351031 I'll be very thankful for every new sentence suggestion. It's short piece of text and I need help from you guys
@GeorgePompidou Squirtcannon.
@TuralAliyev No sex in this chat.
and I am at work. sexual things are not appropriate for work.
I don't think that's what he meant.
yes it is.
he wants a private room/chat to molest us.
@tchrist Oh guys.. you're kind of making fun from my sentence right? thank you for your great help
@GeorgePompidou I stopped using computers after I met Babbage's. It just seemed so uncool then.
@GeorgePompidou Tell that to the working girls.
I stopped using computers before tchrist started. I was already over them like pff.
old news.
@GeorgePompidou I hate it when that happens.
@tchrist uuh… okay… goes to female coworker and tells her that sexual things aren't appropriate for work
she says okay.
Better hit up the boys too while you’re at it: otherwise you will be perceived as being sexually discriminatory.
boys? what boys? I work at a software company.
it's only hot chicks here.
Hotchkiss is a Statutory Town in Delta County, Colorado, United States. The population was 968 at the 2000 census. == Geography == Hotchkiss is located at 38°47′57″N 107°43′1″W (38.799275, -107.716976). According to the United States Census Bureau, the town has a total area of 0.7 square miles (1.8 km2), all of it land. == Demographics == As of the census of 2000, there were 968 people, 412 households, and 271 families residing in the town. The population density was 1,452.8 people per square mile (557.8/km²). There were 451 housing units at an average density of 676.9 per square mile (259.9/km²...
@TuralAliyev "What we did?" should say something like "What have we done?"
Back when I was a kid all we had was an antikythera and a neusis for approximating partial differential equations.
@TuralAliyev The principal issue is the lack of articles (a, the), which may be a translation thing if your first language doesn't use them.
since it seems like you're talking about what's completed already
@Mitch Antiks are hot now.
> For now, whole platform's core is ready. This means, You can use it right now by visiting: qush.it
should be the whole platform's core.
Your description is already very readable though, I don't think you need to change it too much @TuralAliyev
@GnomeSlice ok fixing
> All of our services are totally free and never will be paid!
All of our services are totally free and will never charge.
@GnomeSlice thank you very much
> One of main problems is, we have no financial support and we're a non-profit group of developers.
@TuralAliyev "No complex user interface! Ease of usage is "No 1" rule of our application." ==> "No complex user interfaces! Ease of use is our application's number one rule."
> We have limited servers and hardware.
thank you guys
> But our growing audience requires us to upgrade our servers and increase their count add more.
For now, the whole platform's core is ready. This means that you can use it right now by visiting:
And please help me to select best header for this article We often face the situation where we want to share files quickly. We found a solution for it! doesn't fit at all, I think
> Also we're working hard to create mobile and tablet applications for both platforms: Android and iOS platforms.
> The collected money will be spent to followings:
The money collected will be spent on:
@TuralAliyev Hmm. Let me think a moment.
Thank you guys. I'm very thankful
Fixing all your mentions
I'm not sure there's much wrong with the heading. You could change We to You:
Can I ask a grammar question
@TuralAliyev "If you frequently need to share files quickly, we have a solution for you." (if you're okay with second person and something more simple)
> Do you want to share files quickly? We have the solution!
Yeah, something like that ^
that also works.
Don't make it a solution. Make it the solution.
The one they simply must use.
good call.
I suggested changing the never will be paid line.
"will never be paid" ?
8 mins ago, by Andrew Leach
All of our services are totally free and will never charge.
yeah that works too
@TuralAliyev I would change "This means that, You can use it right now by visiting"
to "This means that you can use it right now by visiting"
5 mins ago, by Andrew Leach
> Also we're working hard to create mobile and tablet applications for both platforms: Android and iOS platforms.
You shouldn't be capitalized mid-sentence.
and that comma is extraneous
okay. fixing
Andrew, I’m a tad underwhelmed by the deafening response to your meta post.
okay fixed all guys
refresh the page please
also, I don't like "One of main problems is, we have no financial support and we're a non-profit group of developers." @TuralAliyev I'd say something more like "We are a non-profit group of developers and have no financial support"
@KitFox Hello! What happened to your avatar? :)
@GeorgePompidou changed
@tchrist Yes. Perhaps I should have a been more definite about wanting answers. It's currently at +6/0. Feel free to make a suggestion about how it should be implemented, to get the ball rolling.
@TuralAliyev looks reasonable to me.
@AndrewLeach Yes, I know, sorry. The sky is falling today.
@TuralAliyev There is an issue with
> All of our services are totally free and will never charge.
hopefully not over where I am
...because you do charge for some things.
what is it?
@AndrewLeach nothing except donations.
well, if you consider donations charging
The free service is not unlimited, so it's not "All". You have a $30 plan.
no no
it's only during campaign
it's something like kickstart
I think it's just an incentive to donate @AndrewLeach
we're balanced load with our current hardware
so every user gets
some medium size limit
if we tune up with collected money
they'll get more storage
of course
even unlimited
In that case I would change "All of our services are totally free and will never charge." to
Our default service ( .... ) is totally free and will never charge.
and add in the brackets what that is (eg 10 files up to 500MB).

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