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It's true I don't always have time for some of those things but sometimes thinking about the next time we will work on a project or play a game together is really what keeps me going through stressful days.
@trg I live in the DC area on the east coast of the US.
@aediaλ Why aren't you using this "old" Iphone any longer as your regular phone?
@GraceNote I cannot ask who, but may I ask how many? It's OK if you can't say.
Switched plans.
At least my phone now can activate the alarm clock even when off.
@aediaλ I see. Silly phone companies.
@trg787 That program looks pretty neat!
@cerb You don't have to say anything, but I really feel like leaving now because of this, but I will think about it first.
@JasperLoy Don't! Forget about it. It wasn't anything serious.
People will have forgotten all about it in a few days.
@Cerberus I got the HTC EVO when it came out. My previous contract was up and I did want to switch to Android, but also wanted to switch carriers, and keeping the device itself wasn't economical (or at the time may not have been possible, I think it is sometimes possible here now for a price).
@aediaλ Yeah I read that American carriers really strangle you people...
I do remember that I didn't buy my new phone with the option to pay "full price" for the devices and not be locked in to contract, 'cause it just wasn't feasible. Too costly in comparison.
I still wonder why there isn't a carrier here that just charges everything you do at a fixed price per MB per month, including calls and text messages. It's all digital anyway. I want to pay less if I use less and I don't want weird price schemes. I also don't want to pay a penny more in other European countries, since it is the same company that's everywhere in Europe, and it all works the same way.
They are making billions in a way that is harmful to the free market. I don't begrudge them a decent profit, but this is chaos, injustice, and no real competition at all.
And we should all just pay the full price for our phones. Which are way too expensive anyway—but, with this lack of competition and intransparency, the market doesn't work and hence phone prices are off.
I hope whoever felt uncomfortable can talk to me about this. I am not a psychopath preying on my victims, in case you think I am.
Noöne thinks that.
They will send you a private e-mail.
It is not about SE, it is the person I am referring to here.
SE is an organisation and they have to do what they have to do.
Grace said she probably hadn't seen it.
Aww, @Jasper, hang in there. Talk to Grace privately so you understand why the deletions happened, no need to emphasize it here. I am sure it is not that anyone means you to feel unwelcome, just that in chat some things are better deleted if anyone at all is unhappy with them, rather than staying publicly viewable. It's not the same as Q & A on the main site after all :)
I don't think she would be upset.
What Aedia says!
@aedia, you know what was good with the ussr? superb education system. who is the best IOI competer of all times? he lives in my town - gennady korotkevitch
@JasperLoy I can't really give a number, sorry.
@GraceNote OK I just hope it is not too large. :)
No one thinks you're a psychopath. You really needn't worry too much about this event.
@trg IOI?
@Cerberus So even though you have a little more choice in going between mobile phone providers, it's still basically the same awful situation?
@aedia, internatonal olympiad on informatics
@Cerberus Or do you mean you only have one company essentially?
@trg Ah like computer science problems, right?
That's cool that that guy lives in your town.
aha he`s a genius
@aediaλ We have several companies, and it is easy to use an old phone with a SIM-only subscription at a new (or the same) carrier. I think that isn't the case in America? But the price I pay for mobile internet data is about 1/6 of what I pay for the same data but used in regular calls.
And when we call more than the arbitrary limit in our subscription, we suddenly pay 6 times as much as below the limit. And just across the border I pay almost ten times as much—and that's only after the EU in Brussels forced the carriers to halve their price/minute for calling abroad.
That is all completely artificial and bad.
Ah. It is not easy to use old phones again here; I think it is still hard to avoid a contract. And we have to either get a plan that offers unlimited data and usually unlimited or a large number of minutes and texts (arbitrary fees for each category of thing) or choose a low threshold for data, where when you go over, you pay out the nose.
I have unlimited because I think it may even have been the only option available to me at the time I signed up.
What up, everybody?
The floor?
Maybe I'm doing it wrong.
@aediaλ — If you can lie on the floor without holding on, you're not really drunk.
@aediaλ Well, that sucks just as much as it does here!
i`m aquainted with his tutor he has no car he need NO it It`s wonderful ppl and they are the best in the world do you know how China stuggle to win? little belarus made all
what about little Belarus?
@Bogdan kherovaya life came here, sky prices
what is kherovaya life?
apprxmtl = bad , depressing
do you really hate Russians? because you admire their composers and veterans
russians if frannkly are unpleasant ppl for me
but i think Belarus is the closest to Russia from the former soviets
your president is let's say..eccentric
belorussians are more western cultured
of course without russia we get lost
i once met a guy from belarus
you guys have a president...for life
@Jasper check out trg's website
Yeah it looks cool.
@BogdanLataianu Good publicity for our friend!
heh i made it better tha Samsung corp.
Does anyone here use gnuplot?
Qu'est-ce que c'est?
@Jas Wow your gravatar changes several times a day!
i use matplot ,on python
Love the matplotlib!
Looks like trg is working on a project similar to something a friend of mine was working on.
His was using camera phones for real-world text recognition as an assistive tool for blind people.
@Cerberus Yes, a few hours ago it was "Believe" because I believed in something. But after you-know-what, it is a picture which expresses the loneliness of my perspectives in this big world.
aha namely this i meant
@trg787 It can plot 2d and 3d?
@KitΘδς That is cool!
@JasperLoy Aww but you're not alone here?
@Cerberus Thanks, but you know what I mean.
There are several past occasions that colour me red from shame when I think back about them.
I think that's normal.
@Jasper you and chameleons
Just as there are things that make me angry again, or sad.
@Cerberus It is not shame in this case, it is frustration with the world. I feel like an alien sometimes.
I myself change the music I listen based on moods, so that it varies a lot
@JasperLoy That, too.
Of course the picture may change to nothing very soon.
I will stalk you and shackle myself to your doorstep!
I will think for a few days first.
Why would you do that?
@Cerberus Careful, in case they delete that too! :)
@JasperLoy Let them do it! What do I care?
Perhaps they have deleted some stuff of mine in earlier chat sessions too.
I don't care.
@Cerberus Ya it just happens that I search for things and read old stuff quite often so I discover very quickly when things disappear.
Many a times google thought that I was a spy-bot!
I think they should get me to crack passwords and such!
Hello @kit!
@BogdanLataianu Yours is boring!
@JasperLoy Hehe, you little spy bot...
Hi @Jasper!
@Cerberus But I think I got your email right, so if I leave I will send you an email to keep in touch.
@JasperLoy OK but just don't leave. It is nonsense.
what is bad with russians, let me explain
@Cerberus And I just want to say I am serious about getting to know you-know-who, and I will take that to my private mails independently of SE. I will not type the six letters here again, so don't worry.
@trg787 Maybe you should not say so many bad things about them, or they will be removed too.
i`m a purest white russian, no matter, both my parents from villages
@JasperLoy You really typed letters here? I didn't see them.
@JasperLoy You know my opinion: I strongly advise against it. But you are a free man!
@Cerberus That is not funny.
@Cerberus He meant the name.
@GraceNote He meant the joke.
@JasperLoy I thought you had typed a letter you were going to send or something. My apologies.
No I wasn't joking, haha, stupid.
russians reminds me papoises, they are extremly arrogant, thiefty, lazy
@Cerberus It is not for a frivolous purpose, it is done in all sincerity, just to add.
@JasperLoy I know, and I still feel the same. But it's up to you.
@Jasper what is all this about you leaving???
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū No comments. Don't wanna stir the waters. Please read the transcript.
sigh back to where?
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū Always read the transcript ^^ we say a lot that we refer back to
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū back to the last thing you said
@trg787 I think you need to get over them, but I know it's hard, so take it easy pal.
And @chaos @sim I hope the two of you are fine now, clear up all misunderstandings. This is my last SE wish.
@JasperLoy You're not leaving. You get more wishes.
Anyway, Hauser always writes English and German as english and german. I edited a few of his questions.
if you take from russia its oil the country just ruined they can`t do anything
@JasperLoy You are one of the kindest and most attentive people here. I have noticed that. Don't leave.
they shot can with Gagarin and until now imagine abt themseleves
@Jasper, Don't go. I'll miss you, really
Jasper is also good moderator of this chat
@BogdanLataianu Actually no. You need somebody who talks less. :)
and you said you have fun
@Jasper, whatever you do, I'm saying this as a friend, but you shouldn't do someting that is as rash as deleting your account for something stupid. I think I only know half of the situation, but I'm saying this as a friend.
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū Those may be the best English sentences you've ever written.
Thank you everyone, I will think first. Thank you...
You're welcome
@simchona Agreed, but he still misspelled "something".
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū something
He said it, not me.
damn, too late to edit :)
@JasperLoy See what we'll miss if you leave?
Wow, my typos actually did something... used as factor to Jasper's stay... :)
Yo KIt
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū Yup. Now just research your questions and I'll stay too
Hi @Kit dahling
Wait... you'll stay too? What do you mean?
kisses @simchona
@KitΘδς kisses back
whoa, whoa O//////O
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū I think your period key is stuck.
brb in a sec...
@simchona that was done in purpose, to describe a blush.
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū I think you're thinking of the wrong message
Hi @Grace! How was the Town Hall?
@simchona Oh, that? Went okay. Candidates who missed the active session are piltering in to handle their own share of questions.
@GraceNote Piltering?
@simchona Yeah. I guess it's kinda like they're filtering in and pouring in. Or something.
Oh, okay
Basically, we can't hit everyone's time zone, but Rebecca's experimental new format helps lessen the pain on late arrivals
Oh that's cool then
What, making out is over? Phew.
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū You have a problem with same sex relationships?
@simchona I think just the kissing part, not the same sex part.
But don't amke it public.
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū Just not in front of you.
Suddenly, I am reminded of high school and all the weird boys running around shouting "PDA! PDA!" whenever two people so much as got close to each other.
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū Well. You're officially 14.
@simchona come on, I was just being goofy...
besides, you shouted too.
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū But you shouted PDA PDA. 14. pats you on the head
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū Not a bit.
Damn. Seems like I missed all the exciting bits for tonight.
Hey Mana
@ChaosGamerel, That was sarcasm.
What's up?
Not much
My new sandals came in the mail and I ate dinner and now it's already time to think about cleaning up 'round here and getting ready for bed.
@aediaλ And hello to you too!
Hi @simchona!
y Mana también!
Ooh, Spanish.
@Manaಠдಠ Went to gaming just now but I guess you were at the town hall.
Sleep. Must sleep. G'night, all.
I'm here now.
I saw you check in during town hall. That made me happy :)
Sorry I didn't reply.
What time is it there now? Not sleeping?
It's 11:34PM, I'm just opening up some lecture vids from Stanford
Smart Mana.
I checked out some of the MIT open courseware. They were good but I expected better.
Hah, no, it's horrible. I doubt I'm going to get through them tonight and then I'm not motivated to open up the stuff again
Anyway some things happened just now, you can read the transcript yourself. It's not the same as yesterday.
@Manaಠдಠ You might be motivated after a good night's sleep. It's not good studying late into the night. You should do regular hours, really.
@Jasper did you try the Korean foods I recomended you?
@JasperLoy I see.
@JasperLoy Thanks for the advice! I will take it.
Dudes, I stay upto 3:00 or 4:00 and wake up at 9:00!
People gotta sleep less.
You sound like my dad, haha.
Although you also sound like the way I used to be in high school, although that was 4:00-6:45
what is the personality of your dad?
opps, gotta go.
He's pretty goofy. Good guy but he needs to get into a better sleeping schedule.
impersonating MJ :)
I don't like MJ...
@simchona Michael Jackson? Why?
@mrshiny Interesting blog.
@mana How confident are you of getting mod?
@Jasper Well...honestly I didn't have much confidence at all until today.
Now I feel like maybe I have a chance, but it's all dependent on whether or not I'm actually high on people's lists of good potential mods or just inoffensive enough to get lots of upvotes and not many downvotes.
@Manaಠдಠ I don't think you are offensive.
Oh, I know. I don't think so either.
Will you be upset if you don't get it?
I'm just hoping that there are enough people who would vote for me in their two/three votes for the final stage of the election
@Jasper shrug Not really? I mean, at the same time I'd really like it but I want good mods to be chosen.
And I have decided to delete my accounts. I have made up my mind.
If people don't think I'd make a good enough mod then power to them, that's what this system is fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.
Well, I can't pretend like I understand why. I don't really get what's going on at all.
Thanks everyone for the encouragement. You know who you are. I wish everyone peace, love and joy. If you ever need to contact me, do so at my first name dot last name at gmail dot com.
Wait, man, you can't just leave like that.
@Manaಠдಠ Bye Mana!
Oh. Well, I guess you can, then.
You back
I mean Jasper is baack
@BogdanLataianu Somehow I doubt it.
Jasper I didnt change my gravatar because i dont know what to choose...animals no...nature no...abstract stuff no...my face no...
Good night.
2 hours later…
hi @MattEllen...Jasper left
@simchona Yeah, I was just catching up :(
@MattEllenД I emailed him, in case he wants to talk.
@simchona I'm gonna mail him too, when I'm home form work
Also, this is so far off topic I think it belongs in "There be dragons"
Q: How can I learn to speak with various accents?

DavidHow can I learn to speak with appropriate English accents when reading books aloud? For example, are there simple rules for each accent? My question is general question, but my application is specific and requires only a good enough attempt; as of now (currently reading "the Secret Garden") my a...

@simchona is it not about dialects?
@MattEllenД It seems off topic to ask how to learn accents.
I mean how you pronounce words is affected by dialects, but on the other hand there is not real answer
It's not a question about learning English
it's not specific to English
Q: Usage of 'z' in the word serialized in English?

bjarkefIs it correct to use 'z' or 's' in the word "seriali z ed" when writing correct English? (I.e. not a variant of English like "American") Or should it be spelled like "seriali s ed" ?

As if there's one English.
There is one English. My English. When will people learn?
When you take over the world.
Well, yes, I suppose at that point I'll give them no choice.
I'll just have to be patient
Take charge! Take over!
All in good time. My plans are in the works...
eccentric prez
@trg787 hmm?
if NATO bombed his residense i`d would the first who applaud
luckily, NATO don't know where I live!
in 94 i voted against lukashenko
blog blogger bloggest.
bloggy bloggier bloggiest
There are plenty of other online thesauruses too
But single word requests aren't always requests for synonyms
aye. people don't seem to like them though
@Waggers I know, but the annoying ones are :)
Absolutely - and as they're general reference they shouldn't be permitted
But that doesn't necessarily go for ALL single word requests
(now trying to think of an example of a good single word request...)
@Waggers yep
So "what's this called"/"I know there's a word for this but can't think of it" should be allowed in my opinion, but "I already have a perfectly good word but just want another one" shouldn't
@Waggers I don't like the "I know there's a word but I don't remember" in some instances
@Waggers yeah, they are tiresome. I get why non native speakers ask them - lack of confidence - but they are unnecessary.
usually, it turns into "I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 10". After about 10 answers, it turns out "oh, I was thinking of Alabama"
I wonder if we can make synonym requests off topic in the faq...
@simchona Yep, actually I agree with you there.
@MattEllenД Make a meta post.
@simchona I might at that
@MattEllenД I'll definitely vote up.
Q: What's a word to describe food-times like breakfast, dinner and lunch?

Kit SundeBy which I mean the concept. The best I can come up with is: Meal times, but it doesn't sound right.

Really? I mean, really?
>what word should I use to describe meal times? I don't like the word meal times, so what should I say?
I want to close...so badly...
@simchona Reading JSBang's meta post on the subject, it seems to cover it.
Q: Against single word requests

JSBᾶngsWe've discussed single-word-requests before: Are single word requests always welcomed questions? Are word requests allowed? The consensus of earlier discussions was that these questions are on the low end, but not specifically disallowed. However, the last few months of experience have started...

Ah, good find
hello @Mana
Phew I thought the room had died
The room can never die with me around.
Q: Which English grammar should be followed when writing for a global audience?

bjarkefIn relation to my question on Usage of 'z' in the word serialized in English?, it seems I was mistaken in assuming there is a generally accepted correct variant of English. The question Which variant of English should I use when my target audience is the world? addresses the issue of what to be ...

Off topic?
Should it be on writers?
@simchona Maybe, yeah. Actually that makes a lot of sense
Hopefully if it gets migrated. writers won't complain
I think they don't like getting our runoff
It's same for any site. A lot fo migrated stuff should really have been closed at source
but because users of one site are not users of another then migrations go wrong
it's not a major issue though. AFAIK
I can tell you what should go from SO to P.SE and back, because I use both, but I can't tell what should be migrated from SO to SF or vice versa
:D I just voted to migrate from SO -> SU. I'm so helpful
It may sit better on writers but I don't think it's off topic here. It's a question about English usage, which is in our title. It may be a silly question given the OP has already been told quite clearly that there is no global standard, but it's not really off topic
Hi @Kit, @esperisto
Hi @Matt
@KitΘδς How are things on campus? Or are you still at home?
Just got to campus.
How's you?
Hungry! Looking forward to lunch :)
hello @MattEllen
@Waggers This is what I was thinking before simchona mentioned writers.se, but I couldn't put the words together to say it :)
@MattEllen oh lunch? I just finished my supper,
@KitΘδς Also: I wish Jasper hadn't quit.
@esperisto you must be east of me then! (by quite some distance)
@simchona I think this is not off topic.
Did he actually quit last night? I was there for part of it, but couldn't much focus on anything but babies and work.
I am a freshman here
7 hours ago, by Jasper Loy
And I have decided to delete my accounts. I have made up my mind.
@Kit Apparently. He was just talking to me about elections and suddenly he was like "yo man peace" and I was like "woah wait WHAT"
He got pretty upset about having his comments deleted.
@KitΘδς it seemed to really embarrass him
@esperisto here? as in EL&U chat?
fresh in SE
bbl lunch!
Yo @esperisto. What's up maaaaan? :D
shall i can respond with "fine"?
@esperisto Probably something like "Nada mucho, amigo" but it's hard to say for sure.
@esperisto Fine is by far the best response. :)
haha, you think that i am a spanish?
thank you
Q: Maximum vs Maximal

nickfWhat is the difference between maximum and maximal? When would you use one or the other? I suppose that "maximum" can be a noun or an adjective ("this is the maximum it can be set to" or "this is the maximum value"), whereas "maximal" is always an adjective. Is this correct? Is there more to it ...

but i am not a Spanish or can speak Spanish
Interesting question
But is it general reference
- any good dictionary would give them the answer they're looking for
@esperisto Um, no, that's not what I meant. More like surfer lingo. You know, dude? Kind of thing.
@Waggers I disagree, but the question is not worded well. Differences in usage are on-topic and it might not be apparent from a dictionary definition.
@Kit oh, i got it
for i am a former student of english and now a translator, i think the meaning of the synonyms we can easily look up in dictionary, but, the register of the word we cannot. so if we can ask here, that'll be great
eg. the question i asked several hours ago, the difference between dissoluble and soluble. none of my dictionaries says that the soluble is more scientific than dissoluble.
@Cerberus (re: cell phone plans) I pay one fixed price per month and get everything unlimited. But I admit it's rare, especially here in Canada

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