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I was forced to watch football, kind of.
How is your evening?
My evening is going quite well. I think it'll storm soon, I'm about to crack a book for the first time in quite a while, and I have an iced americano. Hbu?
An iced americano? Qu'est-ce que c'est, ça?
Sorry, I had to make smoked chicken with tomato and my aunt's horse-reddish sauce.
What book?
@Cerberus Espresso+water+ice.
@Cerberus Love in the Time of Cholera.
That is probably not fiction?
It's fiction. By Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
Ah, I know that name.
Sometimes, we are forced to read great works in translation, doesn't mean we can't still enjoy and appreciate them.
@Cerberus They only bring you out for the important games, eh?
@Mahnax "It was about girls, right?"
Was it important, hmm?
Just another lottery, just like the last match I saw.
@Cerberus Your home team is going, well, home.
Yeah, and I care...NAWT!
We were mostly chatting during the match.
Where is @terdon's line about how doing sports is fun but watching is not?
Watching it can be fun, if you're watching a sport that's watchable. Soccer mostly doesn't qualify. It is the artichoke-eating of sports, except without the butter.
Baseball is boring to watch.
Basketball can be exciting, as can American football.
But teams actually score in those games. It isn't like soccer, in which a 7-1 result is flabbergasting.
What makes basketball so good is that one man can actually, by his own skill, will and strength, score against all opposition. And a team of good players playing as a team can simply dominate. It's not like soccer, where most of the time a score looks like it happened by accident.
I watched the Ned-Arg game with my tablet, and sometimes turned the sound off because the breathless announcers were interfering with my reading. Their huffa-puffa commentary was out of all proportion to the action going on.
Of course.
Sports "journalists".
I don't find basketball or any of those other sports any more exciting.
Even sports I have played, like hockey, are only marginally less boring.
Tennis I have played, super boring to watch.
I mean, I see your point about the low number of points in football.
But it's too minor.
A friend and I were discussing how to make soccer fun.
We concluded that the field should be 1/4 the size and have no out-of-bounds, but instead be walled in, with the goals set in the end walls and the corners cut off to 45° angles.
Essentially, like foosball, minus the poles
Then players could do stuff like bank the ball off the wall, etc.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Or indoor hockey, minus the sticks.
But it is already by far the most popular sport in the world, especially spectating.
So apparently it is as "fun" as it gets.
@Cerberus Yeah, that's pretty sad.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Just like any other sport...
Or most things people watch on television.
@Mahnax Yum!
I got Foamy on those.
Is an iced americano supposed to be better than an iced coffee?
They're stronger, in theory.
Because espresso.
yeah but watered down
By the way, we won.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 That's exactly indoor soccer.
we did? yay! go team
We have an Argentine Queen.
@Mitch well there you go. It should be the norm.
@Cerberus I googled "Argentine Queen" and this was the first result
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 There you go.
You know what's extremely boring to watch? Fencing.
Always fabulously dressed.
@Mitch You know what's extremely boring to watch? Paint drying. And all sports.
two minutes of standing there looking nervous and then half a second of an explosion like two mountain boats butting heads, and you have no idea who got the point.
@Cerberus I've done that. It's not so bad.
Grass growing isn't so great. Over the course of a couple days maybe.
@Mitch did you ever play the Sierra On-Line games of the old days? like King's Quest, etc?
@Cerberus Golf. Fishing. Boring to watch boring to do, and you really hope that someone or something dies at the end.
There was one called "Gold Rush", which featured multiple quest paths, and on one path you literally had to watch for the grass to grow so your oxen wouldn't starve on the journey to California
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 real life is boring.
boring boring boring.
luckily it only takes a minute or two in the game
and repetitive.
> We blow those Argentines away! ^
> We know what it's like to screw Argentinians.
Naaien is literally to sew.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I hesitate to answer... because I didn't.
@Mitch You missed out
So many good games
well, if you like that genre
Hmm King's Quest...
There are modern remakes of King's Quest and King's Quest 2 and King's Quest 3, by fans
I've played the first two, they were pretty good.
I did play Sierra Online games! I remember the name so well because of the hundreds of hours I spent looking at the logo when a game wouldn't start.
I still have the hint books for several of the games
I don't think I ever played K's Q.
Ah, Quest for Glory V, I did play that.
There was a movie called "Quest" iirc
Argentine Queen / now we're sharing the same dream
don't cry for me?
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 I have been humming that for 21 minutes now
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I'm terribly sorry. :x
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 it's Cerb's fault, not yours
Oh, okay! Bad doggy!
I was merely pointing out that we're thinking alike, you and I
I'm sorry.
Nah, it's my fault. Bad skull bad skull :-)
But Outpost 2 was also by Sierra! I loved the included novel. And Caesar II! The Rise & Rule of Ancient Empires! Spacebucks! Betrayal at Antara! Return to Krondor!
Can you believe I actually put the novella from Outpost 2 on my reading list in high school?
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 You liked it? It was my brother's game, so I was barely allowed to play it...
@Cerberus I was more into their quest games
@Cerberus Never heard of it. I like the name, though.
I have played Quest for Glory. But honestly I found many of their other games better.
Quest for Fire () is a 1981 film adaptation of the 1911 Belgian novel by J.-H. Rosny. Directed by Jean-Jacques Annaud and adapted by Gérard Brach, the film stars Everett McGill, Ron Perlman, Nameer El-Kadi, and Rae Dawn Chong. It won the Academy Award for Makeup. Michael D. Moore was the associate producer in charge of action and animal scenes. It is set in Paleolithic Europe, 80,000 years ago, its plot surrounding the struggle for control of fire by early humans. The movie was filmed on location in Iceland, Cairngorms National Park in Scotland and Tsavo National Park and Lake Magadi in A...
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Ah OK!
I'm diggin' for fire / I'm diggin' for fire
I've played the first 6 king's quests, the first 4 police quests including the remake of pq1, gold rush, the first 6 space quests...
No Quest for Glory?
But also Red Baron, Rise of the Dragon, Thexder, Jones in the Fast Lane, Phantasmagoria, a-10 tank killer
No, I never played QfG
Oh, I guess technically the first gen half-life games were published by them
How come we have played exactly the opposite games??
opposite in what way?
what's the opposite of chess?
The opposite of a game is not the game.
Whichever game he played, I did not, and vice versa.
@Cerberus we are alike, yet unalike.
In many ways we are opposite.
Let's see who the bot likes better, you or me
!!king's quest or quest for glory?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 quest for glory
!!the hoi polloi or hoi polloi?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 the hoi polloi
What the hell does that mean?
!!boys or girls?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 boys
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 7
hm, it's a toss-up
Your style and pastime activities and sexual preferences are dictated by a robot?
That explains a lot.
No, I was wondering if the bot would favour your positions over mine.
The bot has it out for me.
!!do you have it out for me?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Of course not
What function are you using?
!!are you just saying that?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 All signs point to yes
The whole world has it out for you, right?
!!Cerb or Shiny?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Shiny
no, just the bot
Just the bot.
Do you use Firefox?
Firefox likes me
for my friends, Firefox is the worst shit ever, always crashing and slow
for me, it works flawlessly
She lets me keep 70 tabs open at the moment, she must hate me.
Oh, I'm a compulsive tab-closer
It works well for me too, when I'm not crushing it with too many extensions and stuff.
A new profile is blazingly fast.
You can't blame FF if you install a shitty extension.
Indeed not.
The only reason Chrome is faster and more stable for me is that I just can't install the right things on it, partly, and that I won't.
yeah, my friend who makes new profiles all the time can't seem to keep FF running. With almost no extensions it is still constantly locking up for him while Chrome works fine.
Very strange.
Since when is this happening?
I dunno. I can't keep track of his myriad tech problems
I have to say it began crashing on me under heavy load maybe a year ago.
It's usually a heavy Google site, Youtube or Google Maps.
But rarely some other site.
!!yes or no
@Mitch no
Q: Posts Linking ELU and Meta

dingo_danTL;DR If ELU posts linked on Meta (and vice versa) don't show up on the Linked panes, are there rules about when/how to use them? My interest is in Meta posts linked as comments on ELU. What rules govern this use and can they be improved? Intro I want to know when promotional (particularly sel...

I just don't get it.
At all.
I feel like links to posts are involved maybe the link is on ELU for a post on meta.elu. But I can't tell. Also, what is the problem?
@Mitch yeah my thoughts exactly.
@Mitch I can't parse your sentence...
@Cerberus read that meta post, it will become clear.
1 hour later…
2 hours later…
3 hours later…
4 hours later…
1 hour later…
@Robusto The 7-1 game was pretty boring. Started good but was over quick.
the quickest ever!
@Mitch nor do I.
It has been a while, and I want to say how impressive the retention rate is on ELU. I never thought I would see the same active user names from a year ago!
This community fell off my radar for a while, and I had completely forgotten how much fun and learning I get from geeking out here.
welcome back :-)
So how about all the young adult lit being written in the present tense?
the young live for the present
I teach middle schoolers and high schoolers who all read Gladiator Games and Subvergent series, so I read them too, but I can't get over the present tense.
when in Rome...
That is rather profound, but these books read like Bert and Ernie.
All roads lead to Rome, but no one seems to survive.
sophistication comes from experience
Product of our raising.
I feel like these narratives in the present tense are a reflection of situational comedies.
TV shows about nothing are never in the past tense, with How I Met Your Mother being a rare exception every once in a while.
Okay, change of subject since I just saw your mathiness. Do you know the Life of Fred textbooks?
should I?
It is a method of math story written by a master teacher who retired to create this way to stop kids from hating math.
No drill and kill kind of thing, but great mental math exercises and general interest woven in.
@livresque have you read The Mathematician's Lament"?
It starts with single digit addition facts, then the commutative properties, and then everything from the Greek alphabet to the Lorentz equation to calculus and economics.
No, do tell.
A Mathematician's Lament is a short book on the pedagogics and philosophy of mathematics by Paul Lockhart, originally a research mathematician but for many years a math teacher at a private school. Characterised as a strongly worded opinion piece arguing for an intuitive and heuristic approach to teaching and the importance of mathematics teaching reforms, the book frames learning mathematics as an artistic and imaginative pursuit which is not reflected at all in the way the subject is taught in the American educational system. Background The book was developed from a 25-page essay that...
Sounds like a cohort of Stan Schmidt, author of Fred. Excellent. Downloading it now.
You should look into Professor Schmidt's Life of Fred, seriously. Each bok has a beautiful preface about how this is not what the government schools are teaching.
My school's maths philosophy for early elementary is pretty much math games, manipulatives, story. It is fun.
Wow, thank you so much for the reference. This is beautiful.
I thought you might enjoy it...
I am drooling.
...savior every word.
(US savor)
thanks :(
Savour works when you can devour this kind of pedagogy.
What do you do?
I have heard that is quite a lucrative field.
Do you have to be logged in in your OpenID website to be able to log in into a website with your OpenID info?
logging in with an openID usually requires logging to the site where you got your openID from. Usually this is done via redirection. Whether there is another way to implement verification, I don't know.
Are you logged in here?
When you go to the page.
I don't use the stack exchange open id
Are you logged in there?
Did you get logged in into there by going there by yourself?
Or did you get logged in while logging in to SE?
If you remember...
I came to EL&U, clicked login, chose the google option, then was redirected to google to log in
then I entered my username and password and was redirected back to EL&U
But before doing that, you weren't logged into google?
I use SE OpenID but I'm not logged in.
if you allow SE to store cookies, it will probably remember that you've logged in and keep you logged in
like google does
and most other websites that use logins
I don't store cookies, so I have to log in
I think I do have cookies enabled.
But my account's all acting weird.
So might have something to do with that.
@Cerberus exactly
Stack Overflow Academy

Proposed Q&A site for programmers who want to learn how to ask good questions on Stack Overflow

Currently in definition.

I can't believe this is for real.
They might need a complementing Stack Overflow Academy Academy too.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Then put it on ice, with sticks and a puck, and poof! — hockey.
1 hour later…
A little bird keeps flying up to cling to my window screen.
probably doing reps.
or laps.
I saw a bear doing pull-ups.
Hey, skully is back.
You were gone?
Anything exciting happen? (that you can tell us about; if not make something up)
Don'tcha just love it when, in a requirements meeting, the product owner asks for a specific set of functionality, and you say, "OK, you can have A, but that means you can't have B [something that their request makes impossible]." And they agree, and you go on and create A, and after you're all done and everything works fine, they say, "Cool, but where is B?"
then you move on to F followed by U
"What is the obstacle here?"
"Well, just ignore that."
People are stupid. QED
"I'm an expert, I can do anything."
I can actually give them B, but it is an ass-ton of pain and it slows everything else down.
is your time worth it?
offer to run them down in your car, and while they recover from their asston of pain, your can implement B as penance
So my crisp, elegant, performant A is going to be not as shiny.
Which is the real issue. A is clean, elegant, and faster than fuck.
They want to pee on A.
Fucks can be pretty slow.
Hey! Don't P on my A!
they always say "faster, faster,..."
There used to be a supermarket in the US called the A&P.
Now it's called T & A?
No. It's gone, gone, gone.
!!wiki T & A
t.A.T.u. (, ) was a Russian music duo that consisted of Lena Katina and Yulia Volkova. The duo was managed by Russian television producer Ivan Shapovalov while in the group Neposedi. The duo were signed to their own production company T.A. Music, following the split with Universal Music Russia, and their sub-labels Interscope Records and Neformat. The duo established their success with their debut single "All the Things She Said", which gained acclaim from music journalists and critics, who deemed it one of the best singles in early 2000s. The video of the single, however generated co...
!!urban T&A
@KitFox T&A Tits and Ass, see [T and A]
Thank you.
We should elect a moderator named Naughtius Maximus.
mmmm. passive reps. goes down smooth
I suppose it is
Core Design were from Derby
@MattЭллен Whoa.
@MattЭллен Speaking of which, I need another 9 votes to break 90k. Them passive reps should get more active.
One of our existing mods could change their name.
I wonder if sim would notice if I changed her name for her.
Why would we want to change our names?
Naughtius Foximus?
Oh! for the NM joke
@MattЭллен Can you think of a better reason?
no :D I'd just forgotten what was going on
Come'on you're a blue blood now.
I've always been a blue blood, if by blue you mean prone to swearing
true fans^
just like us raider fans
we bleed the silver and black
Such variance.
Yay no one-box!!
depends on the context
What's up?
The opposite of down.
What's down?
My frown.
The fluffy stuff on young birds
@KitFox I'm afraid @Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 got the answer written on the card. So the points go to him
Young birds are nice.
sighs ruefully
@MattЭллен what about the opposite of up?
@skullpatrol ... circular reasoning works because ...
it works
Q: I was used to do vs I was used doing

NeylianGood day everyone, Looked around and found not the desired answer to my question. Would you please be so kind to give me a hand with the following: "I was used to do..." or "I was used to swim here" vs "I was used doing..." or "I was used swimming in here" Are they all co...

what is this about?
Guess: what do you think the top 22 of television broadcasts is in the Netherlands, by number of viewers?
is there some part of English people have kept hidden from me?
@Cerberus world cup. 21 reality tv shows
@MattЭллен Ding! The answer is: 22 football matches.
@Cerberus do you mean today or all time?
@Cerberus ha!
Last night's match is the number one with 9.6 million viewers. And that excludes people who watch the game in a pub, I think, as we did.
a close game
too close
A silly lottery, as often.
penalties are a sad way to leave the tournament
the refs need to pay their bills too
It's a sad tournament. Like all tournaments.
except for the victors. I bet they won't feel sad
Especially not their pubs!
Great for turnover.
That little bird is still at it.
perhaps it's a mechanical bird sent to spy on you
I am also having some serious bandwidth issues.
No image.
A bird attack.
Don't Google "home made bird attack costume".
With quotes or without?
Ah. IMDb should one-box, really.
@Alraxite I think it works either way.
Too late now.
But I must away.
@AndrewLeach Agreed.
@Cerberus You are so evanescent.

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