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That picture sure does have a peculiar caption.
Well well. Ger vs. Bra on Tue. No surprises there.
More fitting for a final, though.
Samba vs. BMW.
Al, Al Gerbra.
So Ger vs. Ned in the final, after all.
Cerberus will be happy.
Nothing to lose his head over.
I wonder if the drug addicted child prostitutes outside these multibillion dollar stadiums are happy? :-(
We'd have known by now if Brazil had got kicked out sooner.
Happier there than in the favelas.
Arg vs Bel is interesting
Belgium is on fire. They got this.
yeah I think so too, probably a fun game to watch
While Arg should be really happy they got this far.
But frankly, I am secretly rooting for Crc.
Arg was better than Sui
Everyone was better than Sui. Seen Fra?
@tchrist and that is where they will return when all of this is over...
And then seen Fra vs Ger?
yeah saw both today
Sui are #5 on the FIFA ranking I think
You saw Fra vs Sui today?
Probably the most entertaining game so far.
@685-252 Let him who is without sin among you be the first to host a public event.
did not see frasui
@tchrist why, Qatar of course.
@JohanLarsson dude. Duuude.
You doin this all wrong.
I bet you watched Rus vs Kor, too.
Probably the worst game so far.
A: Does 'twink' imply a specific sexuality?

Janus Bahs JacquetI think the best answer anyone can give here is: yes and no. First off, I would say that twink is more or less always used either by gay men or about gay men (or both). I have never, in my life, heard a (straight) girl refer to a straight guy as a twink (except perhaps if particularly discussing...

He’s giving away his age by his footnote. :)
gerpor can be the best game thus far
I have a better answer: yes and no and perhaps.
I am better than best. Just like that.
Alfred Bester.
@JohanLarsson nah. If you get the chance to catch a rerun of frasui, you'll eat your words. Much more fun.
@tchrist That would make he be who is with sin among you be the last to host a public event, and since it has been over 50 years since Brazil has hosted...
@685-252 “Make he be”?
Is that racist?
No, makehebe is Japanese for "first dream of the autumn".
brager is a hard one, I think bra
I feel like the Romans teaching the taggers how to write right.
@JohanLarsson Think again.
Ob la di.
Bra didn't even play today. They only defended. Inconceivable.
Bra goes off, life!
Not a single goal chance out from the gameplay.
Two standards.
Need to play with bigger sticks.
Or bigger hoops.
and walk softly?
When Colombia has more shots on target than Brazil, and not by a slim margin, that's saying something.
it is saying "shoot the ball" or get shot when you get back home
like they did to the guy who scored on his own net
The best opening goal of any WC ever.
And his facial expression, priceless.
Alas, it made me hope they'd go home after the group phase.
they win even if they don't play that good, that also says something
Yeah the old dilemma. Play good or get further.
Nice girls finish first.
Germany was spectacular eight years ago, and a fat lot of good did it get them.
wonder how hurt neymar is
Blame the referree. He should have found his breast pocket much earlier in the game.
Way too much shit got allowed.
yeah, got a bit brutal
The last Spaniard in the tournament.
@RegDwigнt I would be happy? What on earth for?
@Cerberus Ger vs. Ned. The dream of your dreams.
Seriously though. How cool would it be to see Ger vs Crc in the final.
The last match in 2014 = the first match in 2006.
Would be teh awesum.
how can your dream have a dream?
Mine cannot. But Cerberus is just cool.
Also, Inception.
Well thank you ABC for killing my browser.
I did get to cuya, a word I have not seen in a long time.
I had a dream and in that dream I was dreaming another dream?
I don't know, is that a question?
2 mins ago, by RegDwigнt
@Cerberus Ger vs. Ned. The dream of your dreams.
you said it^ not me
That's not an answer. That's a quote. From myself. So it's doubly not an answer.
!!wiki I have a dream
"I Have a Dream" is a public speech delivered by American civil rights activist Martin Luther King, Jr. on August 28, 1963, in which he calls for an end to racism in the United States. Delivered to over 250,000 civil rights supporters from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial during the March on Washington, the speech was a defining moment of the American Civil Rights Movement. Beginning with a reference to the Emancipation Proclamation, which freed millions of slaves in 1863, King observes that: "one hundred years later, the Negro still is not free". Toward the end of the speech, King de...
@685-252 yes, I said that. But we are discussing this now:
1 min ago, by 685-252
I had a dream and in that dream I was dreaming another dream?
Catch up.
@RegDwigнt And I care because...
@RegDwigнt Explain please, what "The dream of your dreams." means :-)
Gosh what a tough crowd tonight.
And what country is Crc?
I mean okay, par for the course for Cerberus.
@Cerberus Rich Coast.
costa rica
I didn't know they played football.
Yes, I got it.
Spanish is not hard.
Where my sister-in-law-in-spe is from, so I am sort of obliged to root for them.
So far they didn't disappoint, though.
Ciao Italia.
She hopes to marry your brother?
it is play soccer football or starve in the third world
It's football, sillie.
@Cerberus They'd have to invite 300 people so it takes time.
Oh, dear.
That kind of wedding.
Which is like half the country.
Can be fun.
Unless you're the master of ceremonies...
Or what do you call that in German?
We say ceremoniemeester in Dutch.
I feel you bro.
German just has to have one more letter, doesn't it?
meister means master?
Ja, meesteres.
@Cerberus come again? You're the one who has to put an eeeee in everything.
Only because you have an i!
I am not a cyclops.
!!wiki cyclops
A cyclops (; ; plural cyclopes ; ), in Greek mythology and later Roman mythology, was a member of a primordial race of giants, each with a single eye in the middle of his forehead. The name is widely thought to mean "round-eyed" or "circle-eyed". Hesiod described three one-eyed Cyclopes, Brontes, Steropes and Arges the sons of Uranus and Gaia, brothers of the Titans, builders and craftsmen, while the epic poet Homer described another group of mortal herdsmen Cyclopes. Other accounts were written by the playwright Euripides, poet Theocritus and Roman epic poet Virgil. In Hesiod's Theo...
!!wiki a bicyclops for two
@RegDwigнt The Gods of Wikipedia did not bless us
Oh come on.
"A Bicyclops Built for Two" is episode thirteen in season two of Futurama. It originally aired in North America on March 19, 2000. Plot The Professor opens the episode by bearing good news to the Planet Express crew: several years ago he had tried to log onto AOL, and it has finally connected. He sends the crew into the internet for fun. While playing Death Factory III, Leela meets the only other cyclops in the known universe, but Fry dispatches him before she can find out who he is and where he comes from. The crew is sent on a delivery mission to bring popcorn to Cineplex 14, so Leela c...
You wanna done it right, you gotta do it yourself.
@RegDwigнt What language is that?
@Cerberus Malayalam.
yep, as they say, it is better to beg for forgiveness...
I never beg for forgiveness. I just take it.
that is the second part silly
@Cerberus glas in Russian.
I bet you spell it glaas in your ananas language.
Hmm could be related to oculus...
Or, you know, glass.
But the -lus part is a suffix.
That's weird.
Everything in Russian is a suffix.
Your word for eye is from glass?
There's even a verb that is all suffixes and not a single root.
@Cerberus please google for wikipedia, then search for joke. I'll wait.
But the verb is for real.
With vy- the prefix, nu- the suffix, and t- the ending. No root.
I wonder if they have that in Latin.
> Происходит от др.-русск. глазкы стекляныи «стеклянные шарики» (Ипатьевск. летоп. под 6622 г.). Связано, очевидно, с польск. głaz «камень, скала», głaźny «гладкий, ловкий», niegłaźny «неловкий, ухабистый», макед. Глазна река, букв. «Каменка».
> Вероятнее первонач. знач. «шар» или «камень». Знач. «глаз, око» ср. с русск. диал. ша́ры мн., также «глаза», польск. gały «глаза» и др. Возм., слав. glazъ «шарик» связано с церк.-слав. глезнъ, глезно «лодыжка», др.-исл. klakkr «ком», шв. klakk (из *glog^no-). Затруднительно в морфологическом отношении возведение к *glad-zъ, ср. gladъkъ русск. гла́дкий.
Literary Latin is a very pure language.
So possibly related to Proto-Islandic klakkr.
Other than that, firmly Slavic.
I see that is about your word glas.
@Cerberus hence the need for French.
Really, Latin is so much more pure than any other language I know. Like Greek, French, Dutch...
German is somewhat pure as well.
Until you learn Malayalam.
Or Nahuatl, even.
Somehow I doubt their purity.
And of course Kabardino-Balkarian is a great contender.
I don't like their use of the articles.
Pragmatically very infelicitous.
News to me they have any.
They try to hide them.
No, that's Bulgarian.
It is also very unsuccessful at it.
They did successfully hide six out of nine cases, though.
Literally not a trace left.
Almost like the Swedes.
Or English, for that matter.
Dutch has traces.
But dative and accusatives fused too long ago.
No, I lie.
Yeah it also has traces of gender nöone cares about no more.
We have traces of all four Fälle.
Het this, het that.
Everyone cares about those.
You are not everyone. Sorry to break the news to you.
Moroccans don't care about de meisje.
Nov 9 '12 at 15:13, by Cerberus
@Robusto In Dutch, people forget gender all the time.
I forget about you all the time. Doesn't mean I don't care.
By the way, do Germans still really say das Mädchen hat mir seine Hand gegeben? Haha Reg fails! Again! But I have to keep correcting this line.
@Cerberus No, you forget that I never forget what you forget.
@Cerberus is there a chance you'll be done with the example by dawn?
The second one was right. Now you ruined it.
Now you fixed it again.
Which one was the second one?
Have I ever claimed sense?
Twice, at Heathrow.
But their baggage retrieval system is really worrying.
Not that you'll remember what I'm talking about.
No, that was incense.
That burns.
So das Mädchen hat mir seine Hand gegeben, is that what Germans still really say?
No. Mostly because that is not a sentence I have heard people produce in any language.
Other than that, yes.
Why not? "The girl gave me her hand"?
Yeah, keep producing it in other languages, set a record.
Who says that? Honestly?
Daniel Defoe.
In everyday language it's 50:50, I'd say.
Anything the tiniest bit up from that will be more like 99:1.
Between seine and ihre?
Higher register.
So what register was my example?
Normal German.
Inexceptionable in any circumstances.
I keep writing that word wrong.
I think it's inexceptional.
I'm confused.
@Cerberus yeah and perhaps that, too.
Unexceptionable is "impossible to find fault with".
I know.
I just keep writing it wrong.
Every single time.
Unexceptional is common, ordinary.
I mean, I have to use it like daily on the main site.
I can teach you basic English. It will be fun.
So every goddamn day I look that word up.
Everyone has words like that.
I can never remember whether words are written with ei or ij in Dutch.
Like stijger, I had to write that today.
Ijijij, verpoorten.
It means scaffolding.
The verb is stijgen, to rise.
No surprises there.
But maybe it's not related.
I know German has steigen.
What do you call the Steigbügel?
Unless I got the ij wrong.
So mundane.
Ipse dixisti.
I was hoping for more eeeees.
The end of a/the sea.
Russian has a word with three Es in a row.
It's like totally famous and shit.
Zee = sea, -e- is connecting vowel, eind = end.
In Dutch, nobody would notice.
Totally unremarkable.
Let's see if I can make a word with 5 e's.
@Cerberus okay help me outta here. Why the hell would you need a connecting E in there?
Well, otherwise, there wouldn't be enough e's, d'oh!
I'm actually not sure when we need e's.
Zee can be used without an extra e, as in zeeëgel.
Egel = hedgehog.
I know.
Come on.
Same in German?
So igel is hedgehog?
Nothing with connecting, though.
To connect you'd use an N anyway.
So it's just seaeagle.
How do you mean?
We sometimes use -e-, sometimes -en-, sometimes -(e)s-, sometimes <nothing>.
Well we discussed. How there's a connecting E and a connecting S and a connecting N.
In that particular word, the first two are not an option at all.
I remember we talked about it.
In other words, only S would seem natural.
Why no -s-? In Dutch, you only use -s- after words that end on -e and some foreign words, I think.
Which is sort of funny how that works.
Are there clear rules in German?
I wouldn't know.
But apparently there must be, otherwise you couldn't go ahead and say "even though there is no connecting letter in here, if there had to be one it could only be X and not Y".
In Dutch, -e- and -en- sound exactly the same (the n is not pronounced), so we have arbitrary and very complicated rules from the Taalunie that change every few years, about -e- versus -en-.
@RegDwigнt Right.
However, I'm afraid we have two different kinds of -e- that occur in different situations, one intimately connected with and an allomorph of -en-, and another one that mostly turns up before suffixes (that aren't nouns). But also in zeeëeind, I believe.
Gah, they actually reopened that troll question.
Who vs. whom.
Isn't that a duplicate of 1000 questions?
By the looks of it we will have to clean up after that user anyway pretty soon.
@Cerberus apparently to five people it is not.
Wow, Janus spent an awful lot of time on that answer.
Even though the answer is very simple:
> It is foreseeable [that] they are likely to be harmed by your conduct.
It is the subject of the subordinate clause dependent on elliptical that.
Which is why it's a dupe.
But I've moved on already.
I never fight a reopened question.
But so far every reopened question I didn't fight led to more trouble.
The first hunch is always right. Not really surprising, because there must be a reason for it.
I don't think I agree about this one: it is indeed about who v. whom, but it is about a very specific case.
That's not what I'm saying at all.
What I'm saying is users like Araucaria should be posting their own well-researched questions rather than defending rubbish questions for something they are not.
FumbleFingers used to do that, too, but was ultimately convinced otherwise.
The OP will all too gladly take help like that, pretending that of course that's what they always actually wanted to ask.
Except their question history clearly says otherwise.
So there's trouble impending, but it's not the eager reopeners who will have to handle it.
The mods get the blame, then everyone is remarkably silent once they have to deal with the fallout.
I don't know. I read the question (in its current form) and Jani answer with pleasure.
I'm happy, the OP's happy, everyone's happy.
@Cerberus the question in its current form is not the OP's.
And they are not happy. You will hear back from them very soon.
In fact now you'll hear back from them even sooner because they've seen that it works.
And I'm not happy either.
Because I will have to take the blame again, or give up on the site yet another bit.
Though there's of course this Freudian gem from Araucaria I did quite enjoy:
> ELU should close questions that are genuinely insightful, interesting or original
The first version of the question looks OK to me?
It's doubly funny because even the intended meaning does not apply. The question was not genuinely insightful. Aracauria's version of it was.
@Cerberus I am not arguing that point again. You can read my comments and you can read my giant meta post. I am exhausted. When I said I am not going to fight it, I didn't expect to go on to discuss it with you.
I said I moved on.
I've said my bit, und gut ist. That user is trouble and will cause trouble. Change of subject.
Actually I was thinking about watching a movie.
Still not too late to start.
But before I go I had to actually edit that damn question. Gah.
Really quite disappointing when people vote to reopen without so much as fixing the title.
@RegDwigнt You should have known better than to throw me a doggy treat with your finger in it!
Hm, I only just noticed not one but two comments by rhetorician that he signed off with Don.
Does he always do that?
I never noticed.
"Is there a word for this?" I don't know, but let me think on it. In the meantime, when you simply have too many good things (e.g., good health, wealth, contentment, lots of friends, nice things/stuff--however you define them), you say "I have an embarrassment of riches!" The thought is that your possessing all these seemingly positive things is, perhaps, something to be embarrassed about. In other words, you're waiting for the other shoe to drop (i.e., when it all comes crashing down as it did with Job in the Old Testament). Don — rhetorician Feb 12 at 0:48
I only remember him as rhetorician, the Christian.
OK. Gotcha. Good question. I have a feeling though, there may not be a pair of words describing the phenomenon you're describing as neatly as the antonym/synonym pair does. Furthermore, the phenomenon you describe is more difficult to describe than the much simpler "opposite of" and "same as." I'll play around with it, though. Don — rhetorician Feb 12 at 21:05
I'm about to purge the comments (and most of the answers) there, though.
A: "You owe a duty to persons whom it is foreseeable are likely to be harmed" — why "whom"?

CerberusPlease find below a very short answer that agrees with Janus on most points. You owe a duty to persons whom it is foreseeable are likely to be harmed by your conduct. If the only thing I do is replace the relative pronoun with a personal pronoun and adjust the sentences only just enough to ...

Just something to look for in the future.
@Cerberus see, but that no longer answers the edited question. You are too late to the party.
Your answer makes it a dupe, which you argued it is not.
@RegDwigнt Why not?

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