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@snailboat ouch! That hurt! Straight in the eye! Why you cruel?
Speaking of which, what's going on on the main site.
I just closed like every single question on the front page.
Normally that's reserved for weekends.
@RegDwigнt Well, it is Memorial Day weekend (Monday's a day off for US people).
Also, why are you guys getting spammed so much?
You guys don't?
I thought varikrishna made his rounds around the whole network.
Well, Earth Science has only been around for ~30 days, so the spammers haven't found it yet. :P
But now thanks to you more people know about it.
And as you know, I'm at most six degrees of separation away from the spammer, so now you're doomed. Doomed!
You can hide but you can't run.
checks to make sure Earth Science hasn't gotten any spam yet
Japanese.SE is getting around 6-7 questions/day. It's not the biggest target for SE spammers, I suppose
Don't worry, I'm going to post this on Spam Review so you guys can get more spam.
No! Stop! We could also get more reviews instead!
That's a risk I'm not taking.
I used my newfound review queue powers on ELU today
Pure spam or no spam at all. Wimps and posers, leave the hall.
I'm reputable!
@snailboat I would have expected you to have used snail review queue powers. I am disappoint.
"Why do some people get angry" sounds like a question for Cognitive Sciences.
That appears to be some sort of chordate.
@hichris123 I don't understand people who get angry. I'm angry all the time.
... so what would happen if I posted a link to ELU on a spammer forum? :P
There are spammer forums?
@hichris123 Nigeria would start speaking impeccable English.
@Alraxite Well, there's an app for everything... so I'd assume so.
I can spam you with apps. For three thousand dollars.
@RegDwigнt Well, wouldn't they need ELL first? Then they could graduate to ELU.
in Charcoal HQ, 54 secs ago, by ManishBot
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword detected: Any word for someone who is “Porn addicted”? on english.stackexchange.com
Q: What do you call to "girls stalkers"?

jahanvi KashyapOften people do stalk girl for their natural dose. What is the word for such a person who stalk girls?

Can I has downvote powars plz?
You should have seen the questions she's deleted.
I have downvote powers.
I gained them by becoming a reputable, respectable member of society.
I have about three thousand downvotes left.
She posts too much for you to use them.
If I downvote her one more time, all my votes are getting reversed.
Oh, well, I didn't downvote, I just voted to close :-)
There is a limit to downvotes? I had no idea!
@snailboat ... which means I have bed grammer and spelleng? Im offended!!!!
@Alraxite They cost precious, precious reputations.
@snailboat not on questions, no they do not.
@snailboat Only for answers, though.
Not for questions.
Well, in this case they wouldn't cost points.
But still.
@tchrist: OK, I've read Tolkien's Beowulf. It actually reminds me a lot of my own translation (wish I still had it), believe it or not, which was a more literal rendering than many you see. But I must say I do miss the rhythm of the four-beat lines divided by coesura. I find it passing strange that Tolkien, of all people, would opt for a prosaic rendering of a very strongly metrical poem. I need to read all the commentary now, but I've finished the poem proper.
I have about three thousand answer downvotes left.
@Alraxite Anyway, yes, to prevent malicious revenge downvoting, you can't go around downvoting many posts at once, especially not if they are all by the same person.
However, if they're all crappy...
The system does not know that.
Well not right away anyway.
I suppose if they are all sitting at -5 already it will take that into account.
But I don't know, and I'm not taking chances.
@RegDwigнt Deep in its heart it must know that. Just plotting answers against a normal curve would suggest that the bulk of them will be awful.
Plus they are not sitting at -5 anyway, mine'd be the first.
@RegDwigнt Yeah, it should take into account if it's not all at the same time, but who knows.
It seems like it takes a lot of downvotes before someone is prevented from participating further.
@Robusto oh come on dude, the system has a heart now? Enough with the crazy commie talk.
I mean that in the metaphorical, mechanical sense, of course.
@snailboat yeah tell me about it.
That's the problem with the pathetic fallacy, yeah?
@Robusto see. Not with the crazy commie talk again.
@Robusto Grand Phallosy Pathétique?
Number 8 I would hope.
The phrase Pathetic fallacy is a literary term for the attributing of human emotion and conduct to all aspects within nature. It is a kind of personification that is found in poetic writing when, for example, clouds seem sullen, when leaves dance, when dogs laugh, or when rocks seem indifferent. The British cultural critic, John Ruskin, coined the term in his book, Modern Painters (1843–60). History of the phrase John Ruskin at Glenfinlas, Scotland (1853–54), by [[John Everett Millais.]] Ruskin coined the term pathetic fallacy to attack the sentimentality that was common to the poetry o...
So that's a yes.
This is interesting.
Not to dinosaurs no it's not.
You must be holoceneating.
Just make sure not to drink it.
This is 67 million years after the last dinosaur went extinct.
@Robusto exactly my point.
@RegDwigнt There are some dinosaurs nesting in the gutters over this room, but as far as I can tell they aren't interested in any sort of graphs
Q: "I can tell you but I'll have to kill you" - What to reply now?

jahanvi KashyapI found myself dumbstruck when this punch line was spoken to me in soft sweet words by my friend. When I asked her about the guy she was flipping close her pic in cell. I am still thinking what is the best punch line I could come up with If someone says "I can tell you but I'll have to kill you".

@RegDwigнt I'll just assume you're making my points from now on then.
@Robusto you are three years too late. You will have to make it retroactive.
In perpetuity.
Well, my work here is done. Bai!
Seriously guys!
Not a single close vote on that one?
However, they're quite good at chirping. All day, all night . . .
After an hour?
I cannot be closing all her stuff single-handedly.
I voted to close one!
You really want me to look mean to newbies.
goes to answer some questions
Make it so.
I really want to downvote these questions.
@RegDwigнt I voted. See my purple thumb?
Tisk tisk tisk.
Bad grammar on an English site.
What are all these questions about teeth?
@Robusto That is so not you.
@hichris123 yeah now go check by whom.
You expect us to edit spam?
(Speaking in my capacity as someone who actually does that.)
@hichris123 That's not grammar.
@hichris123 I bet your little site already has more alots than we do.
I don't edit what I wouldn't eat.
@Alraxite Well, grammar/spelling.
> Your search returned no matches.
2 days ago, by Robusto
2 hours ago, by Robusto

Special Commemorative His Highness King FAISAL Large 24k Gold IGP Polish Wrist Watch
Nowadays you can just show the watch.
@hichris123 yeah just got that. After twenty seconds of loading! You are like Math.SE.
What is it that you need to load?
... I guess you don't have MathJax cached.
@hichris123 the stupid thing with caches is that they get wiped.
@hichris123 Also, Dude, as Altraxite says, "grammar" is not the preferred nomenclature. "Orthography", please.
@RegDwigнt Eeek! Fancy words!
@hichris123 there are no apostrophes at all in speech. You can't be saying all spoken English is ungrammatical. )))
Well, technically I guess you can.
A conundrum!
An amaranthine one at that.
in Charcoal HQ, Apr 7 at 15:37, by Undo
is it illegal to download ram? I am ok if I need to use a fishy site. — jOE 2 mins ago
I don apostrophe t think my name is Altraxite full stop
@Alraxite Don Corleone >> Don Apostrophe.
And when they introduced Apostrophia Coppola, it all went downhill.
Q: Is there any word for person who can read lines on forehead?

jahanvi KashyapIs the word same for person who can read lines on forehead? Because In India people can read forehead lines and claim to tell you your future.

^ Methinks it should be closed.
Metoposcopy is a form of divination in which the diviner predicts personality, character, and destiny, based on the pattern of lines on the subject's forehead. It was developed by the 16th century astrologer and physician Jerome Cardan. The 16th century astrologer Giovanni Antonio Magini also concerned himself with this subject. Metoposcopy is prominently featured in the Zohar. Criticism Metoposcopy is described as a form of divination, in which the expert obtains their information from other-worldly or supernatural sources. This alone makes it clear that the practice of Metoposcopy is n...
The answer is "con man"
You can make a reasonable guess whether the person being read is old.
And anxious.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 foreteller, duh.
@Alraxite or thinking really hard.
or frowning.
Or of his skin color.
or po.... no, I'll let Jasper suggest that one.
Apparently the Nile River froze over in 829 CE.
@Robusto where are you reading this?
Table at the bottom of the page.
> The period from 750 BC - 800 AD saw warming up to 150 BC. Temperatures ... did not get as warm as the Climatic Optimum. During the time of Roman Empire (150 BC - 300 AD) a cooling began that lasted until about 900 AD, although Global average temperature remained relatively warm until about 600 AD. From 600-900 AD, global average temperatures were significantly colder than today. At its height, the cooling caused the Nile River (829 AD) and the Black Sea (800-801 AD) to freeze.
I believe they mean height metaphorically.
> The irregular warming has been used by opponents of anthropogenic global warming (those who do not think the recent warming has much to do with human-added greenhouse gases) as evidence that natural climate fluctuations dominate over the effects caused by increased greenhouse gases. In particular, they point to two periods:
1. The rather large warming that occurred from 1910-1940. This warming is too rapid and too large to be fully explained by the rather small increases in greenhouse gas concentrations that occurred during this period.
2. The cooling trend that occurred from about 1940 to the late 1970s. This cooling occurred even though greenhouse gas concentrations continued to increase during this period.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I listened to this podcast and the ideas discussed caused me to go searching for solid information. I'm still searching.
> Proponents of global warming caused by greenhouse gas increases contend that even during the general warming trend expected as greenhouse gases increases, there will be fluctuations along the way. They also claim that the cooling period from 1940-1970s can be explained by high aerosol concentrations in the atmosphere during this period related to "dirty" coal burning.
Hello people
Sorry for barging in and asking a question out of the blue
Hello @Alraxite :)
I want to improve my knowledge ON/IN/OF an area/subject. Which preposition fits?
After Googling and seing a question of this forum it seems knowledge always likes to be followed by "of", but that gives me the impression of knowledge as "awareness that something happened", and not "understanding" as I'd like to say here
@Rojo It can be either.
@Robusto Thanks! Either of the 3?
Not absolutely. It depends on what you mean.
But in the main, "knowledge of" [a subject] is preferred.
Oh, thanks
@Rojo I'm too late to add anything of substance, so as an aside, it's seeing, with two S.
@RegDwigнt Hehe, thanks :)
I think I'll hang out around here more. I used to be better with English, but spending so much time chatting where people don't care about how you type is a bad habit
Do we have an expression/phrase in English that means exactly this:
@BiVOC "“There is hardly anything in the world that someone cannot make a little worse and sell a little cheaper, and the people who consider price alone are that person’s lawful prey." —John Ruskin
@Robusto Thanks. I was looking more for a phrase than a whole sentence :)
So you were looking for something cheaper?
Good luck to you.
At heart, it really only means that there is no such thing as free lunch.
And a merry Christmas to all!
@Alraxite I had a free lunch once. It was really a free brunch, where I sorta invited myself to a wedding reception. So I guess you're right.
Just watched The Shawshank Redemption again
even if i've already seen it 5 times that movie never fails to make me happy :-)
They all die at the end, don't they?
everyone dies
at the end of their life
but no, not in the movie. lol
so sad.
well the warden does, but he deserves it ;-)
That's a spoiler. Now I know not everyone dies.
That is a feel good movie.
nothing compares to the scene of Dufresne being free in the lightning storm
@Jez In the World According to Garp, everyone dies at the end of the book, but not in the movie.
movie's probably better than the book, for once
@Jez It's a feel good movie at the end.
@Mitch In The Sixth Sense, everyone dies at the beginning of the movie, but not the end of the book.
@Jez They (TWAG) were both good in their own way. Wasn't Shawshank Redemption a book?
By Stephen King, no less.
@RegDwigнt nice. It all gets better from there.
@Mitch yeah originally
@RegDwigнt 2001:Space Odyssey, the movie was better than the book.
i just think it's nice to have a feelgood movie that isn't some romcom
And the book was pretty good.
they don't really do it for me, i dont care about lovers getting together that much
@Jez OH yeah. good point. I can't think of any.
Apollo 13?
as i said, Shawshank is
@Jez Now thanks to you, I am downloading the movie :)
i always like to encourage piracy
Well, you succeeded today. I saw that movie 10 years ago, albeit only the beginning 30 minutes, and then I slept :)
i'd say you missed the best bit
it's all good, but the last 30 minutes finale is the best viewing i've ever seen
a combination of genius, inspiration, and happiness
I've always wanted to finish it, because it's constantly ranked among the best movies of all time. Plus, it is the most favorited movie on okCupid by most women :)
Anyone has seen The Zero Theorem ?
I can't find that movie
really? i'm a bit surprised about the most women liking it thing
i thought they liked romcoms more
i'd say it's more of a male feelgood film... there are hardly any women in it, lol
"how do you know this stuff?" "I read it. You know how to read, you ignorant fuck?" :-D
see Tim Robbins can even give insults and sound intelligent :-)
it's coz Andy Dufresne is usually so well-mannered, when he gets pissed, he has a very good reason to do so
Hello everyone.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 What did you mean by "po..."? What word are you thinking of?
@user153520 you'll have to ask Jasper
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 You are asking me to ask myself? LOL!
@user153520 The real Jasper would know what I meant.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Actually I am the real Jasper, but I see you don't think so, lol.
@user153520 you do imitate his speech patterns quite well.
But the real jasper would be volunteering the activity that a person with a scrunched-up forehead is doing.
Oh dear, this is the problem. Each time I delete and recreate account, nobody knows.
An activity that starts with po
Oh, I know, the word is "ponder", lol.
@user153520 gee, imagine that.
@user153520 That's a good one, but not what I was thinking you were thinking of.
Don't fall into the pond! I said that before!
Oh, poop!
I like to announce my shit times in this chat. See, I am real.
But I will give you some time to believe that.
you must be real. or else you have a preternatural knowledge of the real jasper.
Of course, in the past the user skullpatrol has created an account with my name to trick others.
Anyway, let me think of what username and picture I should put up this time.
guys, what should i ask a girl whose OKcupid profile is a bit scant on information?
i mean there's a bunch of text there but it's not really saying much
You can ask her what you want to know about.
ko i asked her about her job
I like my default avatar very much this time. It's blue.
@Jez OK, then just wait and see what she says and then continue the conversation
i find that tends to put them off though, but what the hell. it's impossible to get them to keep responding anyway. it's just a game at this point... will i get 3 responses? 4? 5?
at some point almost all of them just stop responding
@Jez Well, the one who does not respond is not meant for you, keep looking
yeah that means none of them are meant for me
which sucks :-)
You know why I left okcupid?
The girl I wanted to message the most deleted her account just before I could message her, lol
there're quite a few reasons..
you wanted to message the most? how long had you know about her then
How is okCupid different from social networking sites...?
@Jez I mean she stood out among the others a lot.
@Alraxite Totally free to message, no cost.
@Alraxite more of a focus on dating, and they are LGBT activists too (unfortunately)
@user153520 Isn't it free on facebook too?
@Alraxite Facebook is not for dating per se.
for my mum, Facebook is about playing Bejeweled
i think i guessed that
Oh, did someone flag me?
Yeah... no. Stay on topic & stay on appropriate topics. Thanks.
So, people, like, date seriously? Like in order to meet them IRL?
OK, thanks.
@user153520 nah, I just saw your messages. So stay appropriate please?
@hichris123 Yes, no problem.
@Alraxite Yes, indeed.
@user153520 Hmm. Okay.
@hichris123 this room is quite varied. user15352's messages weren't too bad
@Jez meh. When we start talking about that...
@Jez why is it unfortunate that OKC are lgbt activists?
@Jez Well, he is new to this room, let's cut him some slack, lol
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 because i totally hate their stunt against Brendan Eich.
Yeah, right now I'm dealing with a laggy computer because I'm using 95% of RAM. :P
@hichris123 What OS?
@Jez So Brendan Eich's standing, in your opinion, was not diminished when it was revealed that he campaigned against people's human rights?
@user153520 Win7. But it's because I'm importing the Stack Overflow comments XML into MySQL.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 firstly, i wouldn't call it "human rights" to have marriage redefined the way you want it. it's a debatable topic.
secondly, he has a right to his opinion.
@hichris123 Aha, I use Linux Mint. Version 17 should be out this week.
thirdly, he didn't let that interfere with his work at Mozilla, so his job shouldn't have been in jeopardy
I use Ubuntu sometimes...
I don't like Unity, I want MATE.
Oh guys, whoever wants to email me, it is pcwrjl at gmail dot com now.
@Jez Sure, I guess it's debatable, how you define words. But would you at least agree that the thing we currently call "marriage" was forbidden (in a useful sense) to gay people? I mean, marriage is more than just people shacking up. There are plenty of societal implications and legal implications.
Yeah, like couples get to buy a flat or something.
@Jez See, the way I see it, his contribution in support of prop 8 directly harmed all of his lgbt coworkers at mozilla.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 it was also forbidden in a useful sense to polygamists and animal "lovers"
and still is
@Jez well, firstly, animals can't consent. So no dice.
Secondly, polygamists are not sometimes allowed and sometimes not based on some other discriminatory criterion. polygamy is forbidden outright, to everyone.
Muslims can marry 4 wives
Thirdly, I think it should be allowed, with some appropriate changes in what the legal implications are.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 no, i wouldn't go as far as "harmed". i can't get that worked up about it. i get that they want to get married (this is somewhat academic now as they can) but they still had civil unions, and they just weren't being oppressed like slaves or anything
I am for gay marriage, but it probably won't happen here in the next thousand years
Fourthly, so what if polygamy is still discriminated against? Why should that affect lgbt monogamous marriage?
@Jez Um, I'm not sure they had civil unions that were the equivalent of marriage, in california.
Interesting that gays can marry in some countries but get executed in others. This world is sick.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 that's just you defining "polygamy" as a fundamentally different form of marriage to "single to single" marriage. it seems arbitrary to me. i could define gay marriage as fundamentally different to hetero marriage and say it was "forbidden to everyone"
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 not the equivalent of marriage? well they could've campaigned to get them legally the same, rather than redefine the term "marriage"
Geezis, another debate in this chat!
@Jez Look, I'm willing to stipulate that polygamy should be allowed and that current laws don't go far enough in ending discrimination, if that makes you stay on topic.
again, i'm not saying i'm taking a side on this, but i am saying that the persecution of Eich was majorly overdone and i can see both sides of the argument as reasonable
and okcupid's stupid popup for my using SeaMonkey was just embarrassing
Maybe it's time for me to join okcupid again, lol
one guy. one guy in an organiation of 1000s of contributors, and you think it's worth throwing the work of the latter away because of the former?
one guy who had been working there for years with nary an issue.
and who invented Javascript, which OKCupid uses in droves
I am going to bed, good night. I will see @Jez and @Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 in my dreams.
i hope not
@Jez They didn't advocate throwing away mozilla. They called for a boycott of the product until the corporation changed something they didn't like. Aren't they entitled to their opinion just as much as Eich is?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 they would've continued advocating it as long as he was there, which is pretty much throwing away mozilla as far as i'm concerned. and yeah they are, but i just think their opinion about how to conduct a public debate sucks. it's way too militant and makes me lose sympathy for them
Eich was a very good technical guy at Mozilla so his departure has somewhat hurt me personally, all because of their social crusade against something that, at the end of the day, was pretty minor; an attempted anonymous $1000 contribution
@Jez But nobody has to actually listen to them. I, for example, didn't approve of Eich but also didn't go around deleting copies of Firefox.
shrug it clearly led to a lot of pressure on him to resign.
i've stopped watching TYT because of their coverage on the issue
which was even more sickening
Sure, there was pressure on him to resign. But not pressure on Mozilla to close up shop.
i didn't want him to go.
it was unnecessary and unhelpful
i think it's a great shame
That's easy for you to say, as a non-discriminated-against hetero male.
i take issue to your "discriminated against" characterization
gays in Africa who face flogging and/or jail time for homosexuality are discriminated against, and persecuted
you disagree that the lgbt people are being discriminated against?
gays in California who have equal rights to employment and pretty much everything else aren't discriminated against
@Jez oh, the old "it's so much worse in africa, stop your bitching" argument.
it comes down to whether you consider a redefinition of marriage some kind ofhuman right or not
i would say not. i would say marriage is a societal construct, not some kind of fundamental thing. i could live without any marriage
@Jez Well, firstly, I do, and so do many others, including, for example, all the top courts in Canada.
@Jez It's not just that. It's also a legal thing.
i honestly don't understand why they couldn't campaign for civil unions to be legally identical to marriage. it seems to simply come down to terminology.
If the government got out of marriage altogether, then there would be nothing to discuss.
yeah. and they didn't campaign for that, either.
@Jez The old "separate but equal" schtick. It's been tried in the US, before, only with blacks.
@Jez of course not. Can you imagine if they were trying to abolish marriage? Even if only legally?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 except that with blacks, they clearly weren't equal.
@Jez Well, according to the law, they were.
with civil unions in California, i think they would've been accepted as equally valid as marriage
Whites had schools, so did blacks. etc.
@Jez But then you're still discriminating. You're saying that the gays can only have civil unions, but the straights get "marriage". If you think the word itself isn't important, then I don't know how I can explain this to you.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 well, i wouldnt give a shit about such an abolition. :-) let the religious or whatever have their marriage ceremonies
The other day you were all upset that a girl in a video showed two fingers to you, in a gesture you thought meant "fuck you".
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 i thought it could be interpreted that way on an instinctive level
Clearly that gesture was intrinsically important to you
ok fine the word is important to them
what were we arguing about again?
Don't you think the word "marriage" could also be "instinctively" interpreted in certain ways?
yeah i concede that
Anyway California didn't have civil unions that were fully equivalent to marriage, not that I can tell.
Well, I have to get going. good luck on okc.
Good evening!

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